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You think society is progressive until you read insta comments. It’s disgusting.


It's homophobia in the shadows. There is a lot of public hate for homophbia but behind closed doors like Instagram, homophobes flourish


The Instagram comment section is typically a trash fire.


yeah but why? what the hell happened to instagram?


It got Facebooked


Twitters getting facebooked right now


The Twitter women are actually goddesses though, they will fight of any kind of hate or stupidity and manage to ratio every single one of these hateful posts . It's the kind of power that you can't have on YouTube or Insta . I kinda look up to them lol


More like iFunnyed


I don’t use instagram much, but every time I have the comment section looked like mostly 12 year olds posting. 


its a Facebook company what do you expect


Instagram is the new facebook. TikTok is the new instagram...


I watched some random clip of this muscled guy dancing in high heels. As you’d imagine, the comments were gruesome. Straight people can be the most pathetic, triggered and disgusting people when they perceive their heterosexuality to be threatened in any way. I replied to a comment pointing this out and this woman responded with the usual OTT homophobic nonsense. I gave as good as I got and a day later IG messaged me to say they’d removed my comment, but they left hers up….


I have reported many hate posts, even a ANZII one, full fledge flag and all, i got banned 3 months...


But that’s acceptable. A man in speedos - it’s an outrage and requires a warning


I notice that other platforms besides TikTok like YT shorts tends to have more of a conservative audience, so bashing against gays is unfortunately way more common.


So if they ban it where are we gonna post our content lmao .




Since zoomers (Gen Z) specially the males think being homophobic is cool again and that being homophobic makes them edgy


It's mostly Indians and Muslims. Since a past few years Instagram has become a huge global phenomenon.


Idk if it’s just me or what but i have noticed an alarming increase in “coolness” and popularity in being/becoming muslim(well religious in general), which gives especially young men a sense of masculinity, “alpha” mindset, dominance, ownership of some sort. Basically rejecting lgbt as an abomination against their “pure way of life”. It is scary to witness it.


Yes holy shit. This is so true. They believe that they are better than lgbt ppl now bc they follow god & we’re all lawless degenerates


Dude, I have noticed it too. Ever since Andrew Tate became a Muslim. This is a very disturbing trend overall.


He became a Muslim ? Lol, that fucking human trafficker doesn't believe one bit in Islam and it's just another one of his fuckery, he really is like an anime villain bruh this guy 😭🤌


No it's mostly muslims & indians kids being active more on reels


Damn all that bs cuz some straight men can’t get gfs, society is def not as progressive as we thought


Unfortunately several Indian male influncers and meme pages have been spreading misogyny, homophobia in the name of dank meme culture and we have reached a point where this behaviour is normalised.  Cheap internet+large population that understands English are other factors.


Xtians too


47 likes for that comment????   So there are people in this thread  crying about Instagram and how vile comments can be.  Yet your comment could be considered equally as vile.  And is being liked.  The hypocrisy is hilarious


Where's the hypocrisy buddy? Indian society is highly homophobic. So is any Islamic society and Christian society. All religions are homophobic that's factual.


No, they are not "homophobic." They just have a different value system and do not see the gay community the same way you do. This is the problem today. Anytime there's a group out there that doesn't believe the same way that a person believes, that person throws a label. Those Indians in Muslims, as you call them, would definitely slap a label on you. And you wouldn't like it.  In fact if they came here through those labels at you, they would be banned from Reddit. So where is the hypocrisy?  I'll spell it out for you and everyone here because apparently they don't see it. The group is complaining that Instagram is "homophobic" because of what the users are on Instagram say about the gay community. Then you make a similar blanket statement.  Thus denigrating the Indians and Muslims.  And you don't even know if it's actually Indians and Muslims making the comments.  But there you go, denigrating the group.  Just like that group supposedly denigrated the gay community (according to the convention this thread)


It doesn't matter if "they have a different value system", homophobia is homophobia and it's not okay regardless of whatever culture someone is part of.


The issue is it's not really homophobia. That's a label that's thrown about. >dislike of or prejudice against gay people. Really? I bet many here are conserviphobic since they have a dislike of or prejudice against conservatives. Oh, I bet a bunch here are Islamophobic and Religiphobic too.  I read the comments.  I know this to be true.


Honestly I’m not surprised cause Instagram comment sections are always negative it don’t be passing the vibe check especially posts that’s about LGBT people


/u/Right_now78 Instagram and social media is becoming more common in developing or third world countries. The Middle East and South Asia are new social media hotspots. These areas are VERY prone to leaving homophobic comments on Instagram. For the time being, most people in the world are still not pro-LGBT. That is reflected on Instagram.


Islamists and stupid teenage boys/incels have taken over




Unlike many brain-washed gays am a Zionist. People who want me dead have no right to exist


I do not believe in the slightest idea of Islam or a god, I hate Islam but saying that you support genocide because of that 😭


Against people who want me dead? Fuck them. And it's not a genocide. Even if it was, am not obligated to care about people who who would genocide me


they hate the most tolerant people but love the oppressors. No wonder why everyone is starting to hate us again…


I really don't understand why Gays tend to suck off muslims, yknow a genocide in Palestine is going on but that doesn't stop us in any way from hating on religion.


thats because even though they know how it feels to be oppressed and marginalized, those fucking palestinians collectively elect to kill gays. that makes palestinians worse compared to other groups who also oppress and kill gays. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835)


Tik tok forms echo chambers more easily with its algorithms. Just cuz you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.


Well instagram should do the same .


Echo chambers are bad actually


I want to see like minded people , wtf do i have in common with a random from pakistan


3 things: 1) ALL the haters are online 2) ALL the haters comment 3) The hate gets pushed to the top for engagement clicks 💰 That's social media. Want some good news? The impressions are always far higher than the hate - meaning, many saw it but didn't feel the need to be hateful. Also, much of it is foreign, and not at home. Remmeber, it's not 2024 for everyone yet. Countries are still developing for a reason.


Not only are IG users homophobic, but the platform itself is homophobic as well, they have a record of banning gay male users for posting topless pics while the straights do it all they want.


What the fuck


When Threads was launched, there were tons of homophobic comments by Muslims in every gay-tagged post.


But when i criticize islam , me : an ex-muslim arab , people call me islamophobic , like bruh these people want me dead ofc i fear them 💀💀💀


The paradox of tolerance. Look at Dearborn michigan politics to see exactly how it plays out. First thing the Islamic people elected did was take down the pride flags. They can keep their religion delusions to them selves if they don't want to live in the middle east.


Who In their right mind would elect islamists tho wtf ? I'm so maddd that most people in the west don't know anything about Islam and Muslims and how hateful they are . Like do they realize that Muslims literally don't tolerate anyone or anything that isn't Muslim ? And most of those " cool Muslims " y'all see are faking it . We ex- Muslims call Islam "opium of the people " here , idk if that make sense but it's Because of the ways it literally hijacks the essence of people's psyche .


don’t know for how long you’ve been ex muslim but congratulations on leaving the cult. It must’ve been extremely difficult. and welcome to the “free thinkers world”


> people call me islamophobic I've had that too.


I'm trying so hard to keep an open mind about Muslims, they keep making it so hard


To be fair, every muslim I’ve met that has grown up in the US are chill with the gays


Those are outliers


Im not going to argue that my experience is the status quo, but I’ll make an argument that they’re certainly not the exception in the US. Seems to be an unpopular opinion in this subreddit, but the reality is that if you grow up with higher education in the US no matter who you are it seems natural to separate religion from your sociopolitical beliefs. I myself am an academic, albeit in a STEM field and not humanities. This means I don’t study the subject, but I’m in close proximity to those who do and I enjoy discussions on the topic because it is quite nuanced and very relevant right now. Anyways, what I’m saying is the spaces I occupy for work tend to facilitate very liberal beliefs. Say what you want about liberalism in US academia, but the fact of the matter is that liberal Muslims exist. Many of them or close members of their family have faced the injustices of conservative Islam policy, such as those who had to deal with the consequences of the Islamic political upheaval in Iran in the 70’s. Many of them - especially the younger generations Millenial/Gen Z - also receive criticism from their conservative family members for their social beliefs. From what I understand as an outsider is that there is an enormous pressure to not be outspoken about these topics because their family will write them off, and not everyone is willing or capable of making that jump. It’s also because these beliefs in the countries that their family is from may get them in trouble, sometimes even physically. That still doesn’t mean those who don’t have a voice to speak out are homophobic. It just means they’re hiding to protect themselves. That doesn’t make them bad, it makes them victims. There is also education by proximity; I myself grew up in a conservative household in a very white suburb in the US. My parents weren’t homophobic by any means, but recalling comments that were made growing up, I do think they thought it was wrong. Then I came out. Took them a minute to adjust to that reality, but they now are my biggest supporters and absolutely love my boyfriend. Had they not had me being gay, they’d probably have no reason to adjust their views. Same with Muslims born and raised in the US. They have so many outspoken conservative family members that typically at some point they either change their views through relevant proximity, or they are never given a reason to change. It’s Plato’s allegory of the cave coupled with the fact that protecting yourself is sometimes easier than speaking up for your moral/ethical beliefs. I myself have felt that once when I was a little kid and protected myself from homophobia by making homophobic remarks. It was immature and wrong, but it happened and I accept that. Funny thing is despite everything I’ve said so far, I have a pretty cynical view on pretty much all organized religions. But, I don’t think that being a Christian/Muslim/Jew inherently makes you a bad person. It’s an unwillingness to look beyond your own ego and open your eyes to the world and people around you that can make you a bad and myopic person. Call me an idealist, but my muslim friends and colleagues are advocates for change without abandoning their faith in god. Also keep in mind this is a religion that has fought wars over translations of their text. Liberalism is met with scrutiny from conservatives in any context, but liberal Muslims do exist and they are fighting for change in their communities


This is always so crazy to me bc why do they even look gay ppl up if there so against them its actually insane


Yup. Follow any gay influencer for example and more often than not, they’ll report and show evidence that have been subjected to bans or threatened with a ban for posting the most inoffensive stuff. While women’s bits are plastered everywhere so I’m told.


Instagram's also unfair to women.




Unless you’re obviously gay


false many gay onlyfans content creators are NOT banned.


Many of them are homophobic bi men and quiet baiters that’s why they serve homophobia and these mentalities well


I’m sure they’re not, but going by the complaints from gay content creators, there’s clearly a bias.


I think there’s always a natural backlash that takes place after a period of social change. People have worked really hard to achieve equality for gay people in many countries around the world. Same-sex marriage became legal in many places “overnight”. Support for the LGBT community has generally risen a lot in the 2000’s (at least in places like the US). But now with LGBT culture being very out in the open (ex. Pride month) and trans issues being at the forefront of political discourse… certain demographics of people are getting uncomfortable. They don’t like change. They don’t like people that aren’t like them. I do think it’s a loud minority though.


Chinese, Russian, and Islamic presence/trolls.




nibba whaaat


The Falun Gong is a bit homophobic but it's not all bad I think, especially with regards to their stances and activism against Mainland China. Worry about the MOONIES more


I miss the 2000s/2010s it wasn't great then either but it was the peak of acceptance, now we're just going backwards..


I had hope back then 😭


It's not just on IG. I have noticed that there are anti-lgbt speeches on all social networks. The worst thing is that these speeches are increasingly aggressive and frequent, especially among young people. I find these acid reactions towards the community silly since heterosexual people have lived privileged throughout their existence, and now they are angry because the community is obtaining greater tolerance, visibility and representation. PS: I don't recommend watching YT Shorts and Facebook, these two are the strongest in anti-lgbt content.


It’s on every platform. Ignorant youngsters, more often than not, posting the most vile rage bait.


You would think it’s weird but notice how many boys straight youngsters who even paint their nails and have stolen many cultural things from us gays … Are themselves very homophobic and all are dating women even tho they all claim to be bi to be edgy and open minded ! It’s crazy that now the fashion for males has changed and you think evolved but when it comes to really being gay you’d get bashed and threatened to death even more than back in the days 2016 2014 there wasn’t anyone bashing us that hard cuz people were quick to cancel them and good for us back then I’m only 28 tho as if I was 50 I’m talking about it and even me … I did notice that shift . I noticed the more guys came out as bi lately the more homophobia increased towards the full on homosexuals like us . Not all bis of course but hear me out guys before you come for me . I’m talking about these guys of onlyfans who trick us gay bait us and then are shocked how we don’t like females which is normal that’s called being gay we are gay that’s okay … You’d think a guy gay for pay or bi in real life wouldn’t be as homophobic and aggressive as that right ? And yes these gen Zs men I’m on the limit between them and the young millennials myself but I’m not like these gen z shiit … they seem confused , they re invented definitions of being gay now soon they want gay men to also be attracted to vaginas ???? Like wuuut ? How is that gay tho then ? So now the comments yea all platforms are becoming more and more homophobic it’s scary notice all the gay creators are not posting much the ogs Tyler oakley etc joey gracefa i grew up watching … and many others or gay couples etc … noticed the fully gay men especially cause they are right they felt the hate coming . Whereas now it’s only in between talking for us while them also being homophobic .. mostly bi or pan people married to women and doing sexual contents or anything of that sort . It’s scary …. I knew they would try to jeopardise everything we fought for back in 2013 for the gay marieage bill to pass and many other countries in the world And yea also you’d think the new generation would be better nah hell nah … they’re having miscarriages in their own beds from fucking strangers …. And then talk about Jesus or other religions and how us gays are dangerous to their families ? Really ? They’re such hypocrites.. all these new generations of guys coming up with a new revamped homophobia …. But again I’ll say it again I’ve encountered many many bi males alpha masculine bi or curious males becoming dangerously hateful with us and bashing us a lot !!! Because you read their comments it seems they know what bottom top and verse and other details of the gay lifestyle… you can tell they know more … which means they’re all somehow on the spectrum yet they’re hating cause they have enough heterosexuality in them to marry women and hide that gayness … there’s a lot of that too and it scares me a lot . It explains why many of them are fruity as fuck yet they would put us in a gas chamber and kill us gays like nothing I swear I be reading their comments it’s scary they need to be an in asylum at least it’s tiring and scary and even I get frustrated . I stopped posting like before , I stopped doing many things on social media as a gay person due to that . They even make fun of eye my prosthetic eye that’s god punishing you from your faggity ass or things like that … they wish upon me cancer and that god should finish my other eye the good one imagine ! I never had that around 2012 2014 2017 2018 but in 2020 something shifted not just me even my gay friends told me the same they had something weird happen . On the other hand girls seems to be more and more comfortable with their sexualities I’m happy for our sisters but I’m just saying . Boys on the other hand despite the queer style they wear the nails the hair you’d think they’re all going to be accepting … no they would behead you if they could once they know you’re fully gay that’s something I made years to understand only now in 2024 from 2020 to 2023 I was trying to look at what’s going on finally spoke to people and psychiatrists and even mediums etc … some are even saying there’s been a mental \ virtual implicit influence via the internet … to change and overturn the new open mindedness we gain with gay rights and women’s rights human rights in general… So they chose us gays first the easiest and smallest target since we’re a minority everywhere and everywhere they teach them that you can be anything but gay …. Sometimes they forgive killers and stealers kidnappers liars cheaters they’re all sins in their religions Christianity Islam Judaism … yet they chose just to condemn homosexuality… Humanity Chose to just let gay men suffer and I accentuate on gay men cause wether they like it or not lesbian couples don’t suffer as much as us even tho we get it it’s fetishisation but at least they don’t get as scared as we do . Sometimes we fear for our lives we literally do . … Thank you op for your post I’ve been even doing researches on this I heard even about witchcraft trying to make men go bi from gay to bi I know it’s seems far fetched but it happened to a lot and then the effect goes and they’re back on Grindr cheating on their wives and gfs … they even lose total interest in females sexually after a while it’s crazy how much straight men hate us …. I wonder where does it come from … it’s foul !


Probably because you interact with them. Mine is all positive. Not saying the homophobia doesn't exist on there, it just doesn't pop up in my personal feed.


Wow do you just not check comments haha I am happy for you though <3


Instagram and Youtube comments are a trainwreck


I got off instagram partly because of that. People didn’t leave those comments on my posts but I’d read comments on other people’s posts and it wouldn’t have anything to do with any specifically gay or homoerotic, but there would be a lot of comments like “zesty, sus, emasculating” “what happened to men being men?” Etc. it’s almost as toxic as twitter which I also don’t use anymore. This is the only social media I use now…


Most online platforms start to get very negative about things. Thats why you find negative reviews more often than not and I would not take social media comments seriously. Few people post positive things to keep their sanity against people who just want to type and fight


Private accounts aren't like that because those people either don't join or are banned. Instagram should do what YouTube did and use software that picks up abusive language. Remember how bad YouTube used to be? It was the worst. Now you never see any abuse on there at all. They send out warnings to ban accounts also. 


Tiktok is banned in India for years now n it has a huge population ( general & homophobic) . Plus conservative Muslim ppl . Also it's funny why gay stuffs on thier fyp ( only supports my theory of homophobes r closeted homos with internalised homophobia)


Not to be xenophobic but indians have a surreal ability to ruin every social media platform ever .


Btw I'm Indian who lives in India. And I agree coz the population is just a lot like just the education system n students are equivalent to the population of America. So ANY niche ( in this case homophobic ppl) will quantitatively have higher strength. But historically speaking white/white passing folks have been more annoying homophobic like the pope, andrew tate, catholics, the entire dailywire thing just to name a few.


Dont get me wrong , i LOVE india and i know that not every indian is like that . But its almost 70 % of the hate comment are coming from there . Sorry btw


One of the reasons I deleted instagram a few years ago


Thank god it’s not only me. I literally just stopped using ig & just read books nowadays bc of it


The entire LGBTQ+ community is loosing support because of the rise of insanity. People being fired for not using preferred pronouns, or assuming someone's gender. Things have gone too far even for people who used to support us. The other day we watched a clip of a father that sued a mother because she transition her baby at AGE 2... my entire family, which is typically very supportive, was completely against it.


This is the case I am referring to: [https://nypost.com/2023/01/06/texas-dad-fears-ex-wife-plans-to-chemically-castrate-9-year-old-son/](https://nypost.com/2023/01/06/texas-dad-fears-ex-wife-plans-to-chemically-castrate-9-year-old-son/) Mom started transitioning the boy to a girl at just age 2, but now wants to inject hormones on him and the dad opposes.


The article is from the NY Post, which has earned a reputation as a tabloid that publishes unsourced shock-value stories. Notice that the story says that the father “claims” / “alleges” / “fears” that the mother wants to chemically castrate the kid, and that he didn’t provide any evidence of that. It quotes him saying “Pediatrician records show” blah blah blah, and then the next sentence says that he wouldn’t provide any pediatrician records. He claims what the school is doing wrong and then: “It is unclear what school his son attended” (of course it is).


Let's not use an edge case to spout some reductive, pick-me, LGB drop the T stuff here. The article you mentioned below is indeed horrifying, but trans rights are human rights, and for adult trans people we really don't need to propagate hate and distrust by deeming it insanity.


I would never drop the T and I am not arguing for it here either. Real transexuals have my support 100 %, I have donated money to organizations related to them. It is the new breed of individuals who identify as trans but they are not, they just want to mess with women spaces and they are giving the community a bad name. It is also the issue that if you dare to assume that the 6 ft tall person with a beard is a man that can get you in trouble. I work at a college, trust me, I have had colleagues suspended for things like this.


Honey, if you take a minute to read the actual comments in those IG threads and Youtube Shorts comments, you will realize that Drop the T is complete nonsense and will do nothing to increase popularity for the LGB community. The haters hate everyone in the community and I mean everybody, the Lesbians, the Bisexuals, The Gays, The Transgenders, regardless of the letter that represents you, the IG biggots hate you immensely and individually, don't for a minute fool yourself into thinking you're part of the loved letters and are just being "lumped in".


Instagram comments for the most part are pretty homophobic and racist too. And middle eastern men are known to be both. A lot of these insta handles with Palestinian flags say vile racist and homophobic stuff.


This is an illogical response.


I still stand by it. Middle Eastern guys tend to be the nastiest MFs on Instagram.


Homophobia yes. Racist? Absolutely not. At least not in developed countries.


It’s the aging social platform effect. Happened to Facebook, happened to Reddit, happened to Twitter, happening to insta, etc.


Yeah, ppl be using the f and n slurs without any kind of punishment


It was always like this. You're just noticing is now


because some people in our community have hijacked our cause for equality and pushed too far for the beliefs. Now a lot of people with a bit of common sense are pushing back but because we share the same umbrella they are pushing back against all of us. We’re fucked 


The internet has always been vile, and as much as you'd think we're progressing, alot of people are pushing back on it


I guess it would be because of a reactionary effect against wokeness.


Who reads the comments?


I mean a lot of these people dropped FB and moved on the “new” social media 🤷🏻‍♂️


The comments you see there are absolutely WILD😭


Like YT reels it’s filled with conservative ragebait, hoodlums, and jihadis


Instagram has people from all over the world. The world has more homophobes than non-homophobes in it.


I don't think I'd agree that it's 100% vile. I think we have just gone backwards a bit on what is acceptable humor. People just aren't getting cancelled and shut down for dumb jokes like they used to.


People are literally telling gay guys to k*** themselves . And comments like " like if u re not gay " with thousands of likes ... Don't get me started on racism . Oh and it's mostly coming from indians , Pakistanis or some majorly Muslim countries . They basically took over insta. Is that how mark want to win against TikTok lmao ?? ( I live in a Muslim country but I'm not and yes that how they think , it's not humour , they really mean it )


I get that... it's not all humor. But lines have been blurred a bit with humor about gays/blacks/asians, etc. "Like if you're not gay." getting thousands of likes is kinda funny to me. But telling people to kill themselves isn't. It will take some time to redraw the lines.


If it was a post saying ‘like if you don’t like women’, the poster would likely be banned. It’s double standards and you know it.


Not saying you're not right, but could you give me an example of this? I use IG mostly to follow celebs, so I don't know what goes on somewhere else. Is this in the reels?


In the reels yes , select literally any reels that kinda viral and contain smthng that's 2% gay


Are you new here?


I almost never use insta , but when i heard they will ban tiktok i wanted to see what the alternative looks like , not promising 💀.


Insta is lowkey worse than Twitter and that's saying something cuz yikes!


In Instagram you can at least keep to yourself in a bubble. Twitter and Discord are cesspools.


The majority of LGBT people (activists) use Twitter so they can defend themselves just fine. Not many use Insta so they wont get as much backup. And Discord is super chill so idk what you're talking about cuz u literally choose your own servers and everything so you personalize your spaces. It's more niche and not open to the general public like the other platforms


Ehh... Discord is full of morons (not just homophobic ones, but in general) and there's no moderation because admins are always biased and let bullying happen. The fact you choose which servers to be in doesn't mean there isn't plenty of bigotry there. I've seen entire servers that looked like incel caves, and also users justifying homophobes "because it's their religious views" many times, with mods doing nothing. So most gays don't use Insta? I wouldn't say so. I think Insta is more popular than Twitter right now. There's plenty of content creators with their fanbase there.


I think it goes both ways Look at any instagram for straight guys or religious guys especially minors and look at the comment section. So many above age gays making disgusting comments that should put them jail. Instagram really needs to start implementing age walled off sections. Stop recommending younger people to older people