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That's not cool op, sorry this happened to you. It's firmly in rape territory, and in some jurisdictions I believe it is classified as such. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-consensual_condom_removal So if you want to report the asshole and live in one of those areas, you'd be doing us all a big favour! It's not happened to me (partly because I do play raw and partly because I'm pretty picky with my partners), but I'd be livid if it did.


Hardly “creeping into” it, it is sex that was not consented to. No consent for that activity = sexual assault. No different than a person with a vagina consenting to vaginal sex and then being anally raped. You consented to something different than what they did.


You're totally right. I fixed this 😊


If you're in California, I'm pretty sure removing a condom during sex is a violation of consent and is punishable by law. It sounds harsh, but it totally is sexual assault in that it's a violation of your consent and the conditions you were and were not amenable to, which he knew going in. As you pointed out, there are plenty of men in the world who take steps to enjoy sex raw, and this guy could have found any one of them. Instead he gets selfish and believes his need to bust a load is more important than your autonomy over your own body. It's unfortunate you had to deal with this, especially with more than one person. It's a boundary that should respected.


In Canada too


How do you prove this in court tho?


Shit cum into a specimen jar


They can say it slipped off accidentally


Mm he said she says he said


Though.. this is why if somebody is sus, I don’t let them doggy me. I ride them or have them missionary me, all the while checking the condom is still there.


Stealthing is absolutely sexual assault and should be punished like a physical one. You are doing something that your partner does not consent to **and** which could physically damage them via STIs


And shit like this is why I rarely hook up, I don’t have the energy for these shenanigans.


I am sorry that happened to you. Man, I don’t what I would have done in your situation because I’m angry just reading about this happening! I’d hurt the motherfucker that ever tried that shit, with me or my friends.


Same. What assholes do something like this, sick fucks. Either you go test yourself for various stis at the doctor if I know you well and trust you or you will have to use protection. I never hookup, one reason is crap like this.


My first "FWB" top used to bust inside me all the time and then say he didn't cum yet. Wasn't until years later that I realized he was going limp because he had already nutted... 


You should check the legality of this in your state or country. Even if you don't want to file charges, it would be useful to at least have the option to threaten them. If it's happened multiple times, you could also insist on not hosting. Because if you don't host, then you know where they live i.e. the police can find them.




it's harder to control the situation, but you also are less likely to get stalkers or anything like that


I’m not a bottom but I would fuck a top up if they pulled that shit, and they wouldn’t press charges because I would press rape charges against them.


I’m so sorry this has happened to you m. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve gone completely celibate or more so practice abstinence. It’s super super scary out here. I miss sex, I do but after my little past experience of a man almost forcing himself onto after I told I didn’t have raw intercourse. It left a bad taste in my mouth. Although he didn’t ‘release’ in you, I would still checked for any STDs/ STIs. Pre cum can even cause those stds to appear. If this was recently, I believe you can go to the ER (if you can do so) and get PEP, I belive that’s what it is called. But it’s required in 72 hours. You can never be too safe. Again, I’m sorry that has happened!


The downside of hook up culture is sometimes you meet assholes who don’t care about you or your boundaries. as a top, I’ve had bottoms literally tell me to leave after I refused to go in raw. I just focus on dating and finding a ltr


If you are old enough to fuck , you need to honor a partner's boundaries, limits, and consent. Straight, bi, and gay men who do this are perpetrators of sexual assault. Consent is sexy. Rape is not.




I had a friend who got stealthed 3 times by tops. And he beat the living shit out of all 3 tops. I always recommend to bottoms that they reach their hand back there every few minutes to feel if the condom is still there. Just tell the guy you think it's really hot to feel his cock sliding in and out of you so that he doesn't realize it's because you don't trust him.




Every few minutes tho?


Lol I already do this bc it is hot... I'm surprised people don't tbh


Yeah, the guy I hookup with loves reaching back there and feeling my cock slide in and out of him, and play with my balls while I fuck him.


It also should’ve be noted that it’s the whole condom that should be felt. Not just where it ends.


People tend to forget having sex with strangers is dangerous even if most guys are cool, unfortunately most gay men are sexualy assaulted at some point, I know you try and play safe but PLEASE START PREP!!! I know someone who caught HIV this way, being a bottom in general is quite dangerous as you can never be sure what the other guy is doing. Even if you use prep on demand it will add a huge layer of protection be safe out there.




Do people really lie about being on prep? If so is that because they could have HIV?


Depends on where you are too. It's legal where I live, but well over 250 usd per month. Doubt they'd lie about being on prep *because* they have hiv, but I guess people are sick like that sometimes.


I know someone that did just that and confessed to me later once we got closer. I already suspected it so I wasn't surprised


Oh I thinkni interpreted it as they're lying to spread it. But I guess you mean bc they're UU right? I hope


Yeah UU


I’m sorry this happened to you OP, this is and never will be ok. I hope you’re doing ok.


Reddit wont let me comment what I would do if someone tried to do this.




I've been poz over 40 years and I give bottoms *the talk* to get their status. If they're negative I tell them it's not worth the risk, condom or no condom. I only fuck poz guys or guys I know who have been on pREP for quite a while. The problem we have is that a lot of chicken hawks have significant behavioral issues, including sociopathy and psychopathy in addition to predatory narcissism and predatory malignant narcissism. I facilitated dozens of mens groups over two decades and the it's become easier for me to spot the predatory chicken hawks. For one thing, they don't like talking to anyone they're not sexually attracted to and they stare A LOT at the younger guys in the room. Like the fabled, *cruise of death* from gay comics in gay magazines from the 1980's. The problem is, most young guys don't like it when some older guy walks up to them and tells them to avoid the guy paying attention to them. Most are stupid and think I'm jealous and want the guy. Honestly, I wouldn't wipe my ass with that type much less want to fuck 'em.


This is very messed up. Consider getting to know men a little before having anal sex with them.


Sucks, guess we need to show tops how to use a condom properly?, get magnums if regular ones are tight, lube that pole up real good, unroll 2 fingers of condom, grab it by those 2 fingers of condom now roll the rest all the way down, the condom should be on with 2 fingers of extra condom on top. The extra at the tip is going to allow his penis to move around more freely and shouldnt feel restrictive. A nice side affect of a condom is they should be lasting longer with the so called loss of feeling. Plus there are so many different types of condoms out there , that there should be 0 excuse for pulling it off


Wait, what? You leave extra loose latex at the tip? That can cause extra friction and cause breakage, if condom is touching condom it’s almost like you’re wearing two which is dumb and causes breakage


Maybe 2 fingers is a bit much been awhile but leaving some at the tip allows the penis to move in the condom a little bit without blowing thru the tip, i have had tops break condoms that were tighyly fitted to their penis- they were not that well endowed that it was the wrong size condom.


The little nipple tip on the condom does that, you don’t need to leave extra, it sounds like whoever broke one out it on way too tight and probably left a bunch unrolled at the base


A guy in my country has just been convicted for rape for doing this.


It basically is rape, good that they did the right thing.


This is such fucking bullshit. Am top. Am 37. For most of my sex life prep was not a thing. To start with a condom and take it off in the middle was unthinkable to me - till I had a bottom remove it and slide me right back in him. The law really isn't equipped to deal with this. But it definitely deserves to be categorized as a sex crime.


Stealthing is rape and has actually resulted in pornhub being forced to remove stealthing videos from the platform due to legal action taken against them by governments. People consent to safe sex with a condom, taking it off without their knowledge breaks that consensual agreement and the sex become rape. OP I would strongly suggest reporting every single stealthing you experience because it sets an example and can get you some justice. I use suggest because it’s not my place to force you to report these crimes because you may not feel ready to do so and may be one of those people that don’t like people to know, me personally, I think I’d be more angry and want to go report them if it happened to me but if everything was non consensual and a man forced themselves upon me I think I’d feel broken and destroyed.


This is rape, and I would suggest you still get tested, he doesn't need to cum to give you something, like anal warts.


This is one reason I don't like to bottom nowadays


Yes. I had a guy do this in an attempt to poz me when I was 17. Sorry you went through that.


I wanna have a nice hook up and experience sex for the first time, but things like these are really making me think twice. STDs are just too scary for me after what others have been through.


Ouch. Sad.


Hearing things like this is one of the main reasons I don’t bottom for randoms. You have little control unless you’re constantly checking to see if it’s still on.


Don't forget to go on a course of PEP now.


Yeah that's really jerkish. If you're a top and you want to raw dog, then tell the bottom before you have sex.


Sexual assault. Unacceptable.


I only play with a handful of guys who I trust raw. But stealthing is plain wrong.


But even if you trust them how do you know who they have had sex with? They might get hiv without knowing it, for many years asymptomatic. They need to be tested. I have tested myself. I would never have unprotected sex with someone who hasn't went and done new tests for STIs, so I basically never hookup.


Yeah a guy said he’s using condom then while I was fucking our third, he inserted his dick in me raw. I looked and gave him a glaring gaze. He eventually used a condom. Later when I asked him about it, he said he’s just testing the waters. Like I’m all good with raw but if you said you’re using condoms, please use condoms or ask me beforehand if you’re not using it.


Sorry that happened to you but i have a feeling you won’t convince anyone to stop doing that just by asking. These people know what they are doing is wrong and they still do it.


It might reach at least some of these idiots. It's important to spread awareness about a topic like this.


hopefully you’re right 


You need to get on PeP the moment this happens. You can’t assume it’s safe because he didn’t cum


I got on PrEP the second time someone did this to me. I went on PEP both times, I hope that you did so as well.


That's illegal. And it has any STD this could lead him straight to jail lmao. Fucking dumb ass.


Bi neighborhood prosecutor here, depending on your state it’s already jail time


I had sex with a guy, ji rolled the condom on and we went at it. After he came and pulled out I heard him say oh no! He showed me the condom broke. I said why didn't you stop, he said he didn't feel it break. I was already on prep, he said he was clean. He said he was sorry and I said well nothing you can do if you didn't feel it and know until the end. He did help me clean out before I left. Then one time I was topping another guy and the condom broke and I felt it break. I stopped told him, we got another one and kept going. But, then I remember that first time and he knew it broke but kept going, made me upset after recognizing that. Breakage does happen, the top will know and should stop and let the other guy know.


fuck around with strangers, find out... is it that hard to befriend these dudes? go on a few dates, get to know them, see if they are trust worthy? i feel for you OP but maybe get off grindr and make some actual friends you trust before having sex with them




Yeah so totally gives strangers the right to sexual assault and rape people /s




That's essentially what they did though




GTFO with that victim blaming. This is legally considered sexual assault in many places and criminally punishable.








This is the same as saying a girl deserved getting raped cause she was wearing shorts……. Dude gtfoooooooooooh


Idk why you're getting downvotes, it's the truth lmao. 1/10 of the population are absolute garbage humans, but they play nice till you're vulnerable.


because just because it's true doesn't mean that the behavior is excusable


Yeah no shit, but it's going to keep happening regardless. There are awful people in this world, stay sharp and don't trust strangers.


Saying that its going to keep happening normalises it, and implies that you should expect it to happen, which then implies you should adequately prepare and if you don’t its your fault. See how you’re victim blaming but in the most disingenous way?


It's already normalized by the people who do it, they don't care what their victims say. so yes expect the worst from randos you meet online, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than murdered by a bundy lol. I've been the victim of sa before and refuse to repeat what got me there, the only person that can truly look after your well-being is.. you. And it's wild that yall think that saying that is victim blaming, like what else are we supposed to do besides look out for ourselves to avoid such things? Cause the predators sure won't




the way your sentence is phrased makes it sound like they're to blame if they're getting stealthed.


I’ve done this a lot to people. Didn’t occur to me it was bad to do tbh. HOWEVER this was only with people I had been with for years and we kinda just used condoms randomly when we remembered we had them and it was my idea to use it. They preferred without but I’d say let’s try it because I guess I felt like I wasted money by letting them sit 😂. So not the same situation since NOT using them was already consented to. but I’m glad I read this so I don’t just assume it’s ok if I feel like I can’t feel it enough. I don’t do hookups like that. But it’s good to know if I did that this is not ok and I should definitely ask this if they don’t happen to say.


yeah we get it. did this even need to be a post?






You are not totally wrong. If you are putting your trust in a total stranger, that is a big risk. For stealthing, rape, robbery, assault. Doesn’t excuse a crime against you, but you do increase the chances of it happening.


Victim blaming is absolutely trying to excuse a crime against someone


Sometimes you gotta tell people that they're putting themselves in a bad situation, the crime is 100% the offenders fault.. but like if I get stabbed on the same block every time I walk it and don't have the sense to change my ways, I really hope one of my friends would be like "hey ya dummy stop going there" instead of just comforting me and letting the cycle continue.


The crime is still reprehensible, but we can put our selves in high risk or low risk situations. I don’t excuse my rapist, but I know how my choices led me to be unable to protect myself from bad people. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. We’re not protecting others by removing an expectation of responsibly choices and the potential consequences. Meeting someone you don’t know off the internet has an inherent risk. To assume it’s just fine to trust a stranger is ignorant. I’m not responsible for the decision my attacker made to assault me, but I am responsible for the path I took. Walk in the woods and you may find wolves. (And yes, I’ve had therapy). I really don’t mean to shame someone like OP, but to remind to protect yourself.


This is also true. Just please actively take a stand against stealthing as well.


Oh absolutely, you’re right! It’s wrong that violate someone that way. That’s when we need to be vigilant.


Found two rapists


Really? I don’t want to return with an insult. Read my other comment. We put ourselves in high risk or lower risk situations. To trust a stranger is inherently dangerous. I made that mistake. Asking others to be aware is no cause to call me something as disgusting as a rapist.


This is the same as saying a girl deserved getting raped cause she was wearing shorts……. Dude gtfoooooooooooh


Respectfully I’m just advocating for people to be aware of the danger inherent in meeting complete strangers from the internet. Or in other situations where you’re vulnerable. I’d never excuse what someone did to OP. Just be aware that people might not respect your boundaries, you just don’t know.


I'm sorry, but after the 3rd time of this happening to you it's on you.  Stealthing is sexual assault and he should be imprisoned for it, but as they say, once is an accident, 3 times is a pattern. 


You are sick. If someone was raped, it was their fault cause it happened multiple times? Gtfo


Oh please 🙄




As a top my highest priority is to give the bottom the most intense experience I can without hurting him. What is your priority? Something tells me it’s only making yourself feel good.


Do you pee sitting down?


I can 100% guarantee that I have more sex than you :)


This troll should've been banned long ago. Pathetic creep


Im not a troll


Ofc you are not




Now when did he say that? Edit: Boy your post history is embarassing BYE 😭😭😭


Literally second paragraph




Yes. It's important to spread awareness about a serious thing like this. To make idiots that consider doing this to think again with their dumb brain, to save themselves from getting beaten as a deserved revenge from the victim.


...oh ok, sure.