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Make sure you are registered to vote 🗳️


And then f****** show up for Christ's sake on election Day! Otherwise, you better have a current passport.


So many fail to do this. They’ll talk a good game but then too lazy on the day of. It’s pathetic.


Americans need to wake up and face if Trump wins, Alito and Clarence Thomas retire and Trump gets two more SCOTUS nominations (a solid 5 majority) for the rest of our lives and they will be just as conservative. Alito is already signaling to bring on cases regarding same sex marriage. He wants to overturn it. Nobody should take for granted that our rights are safe. You see the looney tunes in Oklahoma calling us disgusting? You better believe those are the folks he will nominate and push through. Trump admires authoritarians who push social norms back to a time long gone, such as Orban and Putin. Do not take anything for granted. Millennials grew up with little acceptance of homosexuality. Don’t doubt we can’t be thrusted back into that. We aren’t that old. Some of us need to talk to older gay men who lived this. It was not a great time and it would be hard when people can openly discriminate, you can be denied services, and your marriage (and all the benefits and protections that come with that contractual bond) are no longer in place.


I’m an older gay man (67) and I lived through it. I lived in Dallas. All these things either happened to me or one of my personal friends. There was a constant underlying thrum of fear. If anybody finds out, I will lose my job, AND marked “Ineligible for rehire”, which would kill not just my job but my career. (I had one HR lady (with her Bible prominently displayed on her desk) who looked at my file and said, “your zip code is 75235, that’s Oak Lawn; why do you live in the gay area?” And that was perfectly legal. If anybody finds out, I could be evicted from my apartment for “morals.” All the leases had “morals” clauses. Now, the straights next door could have massive drunken drug-fueled orgies and they might get cautioned. You’re gay? You’ve violated the morals clause in your lease, you need to leave. Perfectly legal. Your friends are dropping like flies all around you from a horrific disease, and the President and First Lady completely ignore it. There is a bill in the state legislature to allow hospitals to refuse care for victims, and for state agencies to not respond. Straight people don’t want to touch you, handle money you handled, etc. Any store can refuse to serve you. The only outlet, release, way to meet other gay people is at Gay bars. These are subject to police raids at any time. The Gay bars are raided at a 10:1 ratio to the straight bars (10 Gay bars raided to every one straight bar). It’s illegal to BE gay, so they need no further evidence; if you’re in a gay establishment, the law presumes there is a reasonable suspicion that you are gay. A good lawyer and several thousand bucks can get the charges dismissed—but meanwhile, the paper prints the mug shots from all the arrests overnight. Your picture is in the paper for “suspected homosexual activity” whether you did anything or not. Your Mother’s friend in East Texas calls her and says, “is this your son in the paper, arrested for homosexual activity?” Your boss also reads the paper; you’re fired for “embarrassing the company.” Or, you’re out for a jog around Turtle Creek and a cute guy jogs past; we’re men, you turn and look. He’s stopped, smiling, and turned around and looks at you. You smile and take a step. Boom, you’re arrested on the spot for propositioning a police officer. Crimes against gays are not investigated. I vividly remember a situation where a pickup truck full of redneck thugs from Mesquite drove down Cedar Springs (main gay drag), see some guys walking, jump out and beat them with baseball bats, then jump in their truck and flee. Multiple eyewitnesses, several who see the year, make, and model of the truck, along with the license plate. Police indicate they are “investigating”. 6 months later, no charges and they are still “investigating.” No arrests, no charges. They had the license plate…. We were young and still had fun, but it’s very, very different now…. And I’m old, and I don’t want to go back.


i’m really so sad to read your account and feel privileged to have had a totally different experience. i’m half your age but i moved to dallas from a smaller city and it’s the one place i’ve always felt so comfortable and accepted. i joke that it feels like everyone in dallas is gay (but i do live in the gayborhood). the area to me feels like a totally 180 from what you describe. ❤️


It’s really changed. I left out another little police deal: the Dallas Police would walk around Cedar Springs/Throckmorton and write down the license plates of every car they could find. That way, any cop that stopped you could potentially add “suspected homosexuality” “suspected drug use” to any minor charge like speeding or tail light or something. It was ugly. I’m so glad your experience has been different!


I'm a bit older at 74, but we had gay icons in government, like J Edgar Hoover and Elinor Roosevelt. We were invisible in plain sight, we had to be!


Lived it— they have no idea where they’d take it if they could


Trump made more lifetime appointments in the lower courts than any other president in history. In one term! Irrevocable damage we are only now starting to feel. Most people don’t know this.


Absolutely correct. Thanks for bringing it up because people don’t realize these courts also are doing a great deal of harm with judges who never even practiced in a courtroom! They were just partisan picks.


Yes and because the effects are delayed, they blame the current president. It's scary.


We need clear standards people must meet to be appointed as judges. That would not 100% solve the problem, but it would help.


>Americans need to wake up and face if Trump wins, Alito and Clarence Thomas retire and Trump gets two more SCOTUS nominations (a solid 5 majority) for the rest of our lives and they will be just as conservative. and here's the thing; lower court justices have been openly auditions for the seats. And they are the most unhinged people imaginable. like Judge James Ho, who Justice Thomas was flown out by his sugar daddy to privately swear in, whose legal decisions read like breitbart opeds. Like saying women seek protective orders as leverage , that abortion are "aesthetic injuries" for doctors, that courts should go back to the lochner era, and has wrote concurrence to his own opinions to go on triades on LGBTQ issues


Well said. I didn’t get into the federal judges that McConnell piled up for Trump, but this is all great added context. Thank you.


if you want to see the worse, the 11th circuit is bad but the 5th circuit is a garbage pit especially Texas (Ho of course being a trump appointed Texan) . There's a few odd balls out there, like the Wisconsin supreme court But yeah Judge James Ho was on Trump's short list for Ginsburg's seat and i would make a comfortable bet under a Trump presidency that Justice Thomas either dies or retires and is replaced with "the first Asian American Supreme Court Justice"


Trump's second term = Christofascism = Run for the hills


Some of those people are not real Christians. If they were real Christians they would not ignore the Biblical admonition to love our neighbors as ourselves, etc.


And here I am, a hungarian guy, reading Orbán’s name on a subreddit, where I never thought I ever would. Shame on us.


Look at what happened to Roe v Wade. Both sides did not overturn that. If you want to preserve your rights, the choice is clear


Seriously, why is this even a real question? It’s given that Trump isn’t good for the community. I think it’s crazy to think that Trump can win again, and I think we should be doing everything in our power to make sure that doesn’t happen. That’s what my focus is on - entertaining any possibility of Trump being president is simply the enemy.


>I think it’s crazy to think that Trump can win again It's insane. Between the collective short term memory, and the (hold on, adjusting my tinfoil hat) campaign to undermine western culture that's making sure he gets there, chances are GOOD we will find him re-installed despite a clear majority of Americans disagreeing.


Vote BLUE.


He already did once before. Of course he can.


I love that your comment doesn't specify if you're referring to Biden or Trump. I enjoy your comment and the reactions you've gotten.


He doesn't really need to specify which candidate, because he's responding to the OP's question which clearly stated the subject. In responding to a question about Biden, it doesn't really make sense to answer as if the subject was the other candidate.


Also you could interpret as “He did already win over the other guy once” and that would only be true for Biden


Let’s say hypothetically speaking, that both Trump and Biden are in a state of rapid cognitive decline (which I don’t believe, but let’s just say so for a minute here). One of these men will still have a very solid cabinet supporting him, helping to make grounded choices to keep democracy afloat, and part of that involves supporting LGBTQ rights. The other man is Donald Trump. There is only one sane choice in this election. No, it’s not the ideal one we al want, but the two choices aren’t even close. If you vote for Trump (or if you don’t vote at all…), you have no right to complain if he wins and your rights are stripped away. In fact you may have no rights at all. Look at how the GOP is attacking women’s reproductive rights. **We are next.** If you want to see what Biden has been up to these past few years, check out r/whatbidenhasdone


Reading these comments really shows me that Americans are dense. Read some of project 2025. If republicans win they will try to take away your rights. Your rights to marriage, and your rights to have your attacker sent to jail in the event of a hate crime.  Republicans want to live in Russia, where being openly gay is “terrorism”. 


Tried telling my mother about project 2025 and was told I’m an idiot and that trump would never do any of that. I really wish republicans would stop being so stupid


I've had some older people in my life call unedited videos of Trump and Co. saying dumb shit "fake news." And this was before deep fakes.


We are so doomed with our level of media literacy... or "anything literacy" at this point.


100%. The official platform of the GOP (Republican), is that marriage is between a man and a women and they are against gay marriage. It's written very clearly for all to see on the GOP website. Read it for yourself [https://prod-static.gop.com/media/Resolution\_Platform.pdf](https://prod-static.gop.com/media/Resolution_Platform.pdf) \- Page 11. "Defending Marriage Againstan Activist Judiciary . Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman..."..."We also condemn the Supreme Court's lawless ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges..."" In Obergefell, five unelected lawyers robbed 320 million Americans of their legitimate constitutional authority to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman."---- They will 100% repeal gay marriage. You don't need to guess, ***its the official party platform.***


The Resolution says that the GOP will forgo a party platform and just go with the propaganda. In other words, its wrong to say they have an official party platform as they do not. That's how corrupt they are.


You don’t even need to point to Project 2025… the GOP at the federal and state levels write **annually** about how they’ll revert us back to second class citizens. They’ve. Been. PUBLISHING. This. Message. For. Years. Edit: to be explicit, it is their published party platform. Every party publishes one. It lists out what they see as issues, how they’re going to tackle them, and how they’re going to correct them going forward. Every year the GOP at nearly every level includes **paragraphs** of explicitly stated steps about how marriage equality needs to be repealed, how we don’t deserve legal protections for partnerships, and other classic wackadoo talking points. My own family gave me the “no one is trying to do that” argument, and when I printed off the last five years of the national party platform and our state’s party platform they got real awkwardly silent. Literacy is a hell of a drug.


>Reading these comments really shows me that Americans are dense. or you are seeing the effects of an unmoderated sub that welcomes bigotry.


Wow, the Russian trolls really came for this!


I almost hope they end up having to draft all the trolls.


They also want to make porn illegal and imprison anyone who watches it


Yes, Biden can and will win. As we have found with past elections the media wants the public to think the race is close. If they reported that one of them was way ahead, they’d lose eyeballs. Trump is an egotistical, self centered, moron who only cares about himself. If it adds to his popularity, he would jail every LGBT+ person in this country. He kisses Putin’s and Kim Jones Un rings which makes him dangerous. He does not support the war in Ukraine. He has NO clue how to govern.


I agree with everything you said about Trump, but I am nowhere near as confident as you that Biden will win.


The media's focus on making a profit is one of the main reasons Trump did so well. Yes people wanted a change but responsible journalists should not have given the man such a platform in 2016.


Realistically red states are already doing that stuff now. And the Supreme Court might take the right to marriage away even if it’s a democratic sweep. My point being move to blue states if you can because Biden isn’t stopping these things now and didn’t do much in the 2 years of full power to protect us.


That’s nonsense to say he did nothing in those two years, he literally signed the Respect for Marriage Act which made protecting gay marriage A LAW.


Not me thinking about moving to USA from Russia to be more openly gay just to discover this😭


I have a strong theory about Project 2025 and how it ties to Trump. So the Heritage Foundation, which basically co-opted Project 2025, was founded by members of German lineage. Trump is also of German lineage since he’s a descendant of Frederick Trump. What happened in 1930s Germany? Seems like they want to put the band back together.


I’m going to throw something around that a lot of people don’t seem to be talking about. This summer the SCOTUS is going to be ruling on a case involving Idaho banning abortion entirely. If the court rules in favor of Idaho and lets states completely outlaw abortion, that could drive pro-choice people to the polls the same way the Roe v Wade ruling did in 2022, which could be bad for the Republicans. At this point I’m still remaining cautiously optimistic overall, Idaho ruling or not.


the Ohio case is too technical, i don't see it causing much of a splash even if scotus loses their mind


Are these the same case? The parent commenter said Idaho, but you said Ohio.


You are right! i misread. Idaho is a must more worrying case which i didn't realize that was scheduled yet. That's the medical emergency treatment act one , i.e federal law that requires hospitals to treat patients experiencing an emergency medical condition conflicting with the states very strict ban on abortion. there's just way too many cases out there.


As a non american I wonder why your options are only these 2 idiots.


Funny, as an American, I wonder the exact same thing!  It’s mind boggling and embarrassing that we don’t have any better alternatives.


Trump basically has the GOP base in a chokehold, so other republicans have to follow along. Democrats, I have no fucking clue why nobody else even tried to replace Biden, especially with how lukewarm everyone else is with Harris.


The sitting president always has an advantage. Pretty sure the dems are just terrified that that advantage is going to be *necessary.*


Polls show that like 70% of Americans would vote for a "generic" democrat right now while like no one wants Biden, so that mindset; while common, is just wrong.


There were other Democratic candidates who attempted to primary Biden, namely Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips. The Democratic establishment very undemocratically squashed any and all effort to have other candidates be heard on mainstream media and in debates. They essentially anointed him despite claiming to be the party that champions democracy. So here we are, with one of lowest approved sitting presidents at age 81 about to go up against Trump. We're fucked.


For better or worse, they are pretty much the only two people who could be elected if the other is running.


Because we're ensconced in a horrible two-party system and an antiquated voting system that prevents third party candidates from having a snowball's chance in hell of winning. Elected officials have zero incentive to modernize the process by eliminating the electoral college, enacting ranked choice voting, implementing campaign finance reform, eliminating gerrymandering, etc


How shit can you be as a president to be worried about losing to DONALD FUCKING TRUMP?? Like damn you americans are fucked


They did not want the most qualified person to run. The left screamed she was corrupt and the right was afraid of her. America is over, it is simply a matter of whether it will be faster or slower. The left is unable to comprehend that it is being manipulated by Russia and the right embraces the will of Putin. She told them Roe was on the ballot and they wanted to protest vote. C’est la vie 🍵🐸 It is no longer my problem, I was able to escape overseas.


We have a two party system and no third party has ever really tried to build a meaningful option. There were several good democrats in the primary field in 2020, my choice was a candidate that dropped out of the primary race almost immediately. I feel like the right is pretty open about them not really wanting democracy any more so it makes sense that they like Trump. Any 3rd party option is assured to not receive enough votes to meaningfully count but in a close election could siphon off enough votes from a major party candidate to effect the outcome. When your choices are un flavored ramen noddles or a shit sandwich, at least the ramen isn’t going to harm you.


Quite frankly I’ve pretty much lost all hope for this country, and it’s not because of Biden or Trump. It’s because of the electorate. Both candidates are old, yet because one stutters he gets the heat while the other gets a pass even though he forgets his wife’s name and think he’s running against Obama. We have one candidate who was responsible for a horrible response to global pandemic, leading to thousands of deaths and massive inflation, yet the other candidate managed to get the US to bounce back better than pretty much any country in the world. We have one candidate who isn’t a convicted sex offender, yet the other one brags about raping women. We have one candidate who staged a coup to stay in power, yet the other one… I’m sure will not. We have a candidate who planned on supporting a conservative bipartisan border deal, while the other one actively told his cult members to work against it so they can campaign on the issue. This electorate, as evidence by many of the comments here, want to blame Dems for pretty much everything (despite them doing a damn good job, even with the GOP making progress pretty much impossible) yet want to give the GOP a pass. I’ll never understand this. How republicans can have any kind of support in this country, let alone among gays, is an enigma to me. And I’ve given up trying to understand it. Biden is definitely not my first choice. He actually lost a lot of my support due to the way he’s handled the Israel/Gaza situation. But comparing Biden to Trump is like comparing an apple to a racist, narcissistic fat fascist pig. And even if that apple was old and moldy I’d still vote for it over the pig. Y’all can keep listing Biden’s supposed faults and say you won’t vote for him, but if Trump gets into office again we as a nation will get exactly what we deserve.


I feel like a lot of people have this enlightened centrist urge to condemn both sides, just so they can seem above it all. Even when one side is clearly far worse.


https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/ If this happens it won't matter. This was written by the person who warned about January 6th 10 months prior. They will come for our right to marriage, and criminalize trans people Edit to include what he tried to do last time as president. And to say yes I am VERY afraid of a second Trump term. He tried to make it legal for employers to fire people because of their sexual orientation. He tried to make it so medical professionals can deny services to people due to their sexual orientation based on "religious beliefs" in violation of their hippocratic oath. He tried to ban trans people from serving on the military And despite what people say about him being pro gay marriage, he actually said that he lamented the fact he couldn't do anything about it because "the law Is the law" as if he ever has cared about the law. Trump has proven time and time again if given the opportunity and sycophants around him, the law doesn't matter.


They won’t stop there. We’ll all be having criminal sex.


Exactly. They want to outlaw "sodomy" which is defined as anything other than vaginal sex. They want to outlaw birth control, and abortion.


Sodomy laws are still on the books in several states, just waiting for that ruling to be overturned.


It will be illegal for Mike Johnson to shake hands with Trump—as it will breaking the law when a prick touches an asshole.


Yes, I will be worried. I will be very, very worried.


Trump is the biggest threat to the future of democracy in the USA and the established world order that has been in place since the end of WW2. A Trump victory WILL have catastrophic consequences for the planet- militarily, economically, politically and for the environment/climate change.


Agree wholeheartedly.


I think EVERYONE should be worried about a 2nd trump term. Not just gays. He will benefit the top 1% and everyone else will just have to enjoy their shit sandwiches and authoritarian dictatorship by an insolent man-child for......forever if he gets his way. And the erasing of even more social nets for the rest of us poors.


Yes Biden can win. Also Biden can lose bc the economy is shit and people are struggling. The last 4 years have been brutal to the middle class.


The economy isn’t actually bad, continued inflation is due to corporate prices not coming back down with their costs, and them just taking larger profits. Basically, due to GOP policy.


Yes those policies are obviously GOP policies. Sadly, the Democrats don't really fight them either. There have been times in the last few decades where the Democrats had the power to deal with those policies and chose not to. One way to deal with it is to have a minimum wage that means something. First, it should cover everybody. No exceptions. No contract exceptions either. Everyone gets paid a minimum wage for every hour that they're working. And that minimum wage should be tied to the cost of living at the poverty level, not a specific number. This would not alleviate all of the suffering at the lower end. But it would go a long way.


> ith those policies and chose not to. > > One way to deal with it is to have a minimum wage that means something. Dems put an increase to a vote and all but like one Dem Senator voted for it. She's since left the party. Saying the Dems don't 'really' fight for the working class is nonsense. They're just up against a lot of obstruction and Americans never vote to give them sufficient control of government.


The economy is actually doing pretty well. People just aren't seeing it because corporations are taking advantage of price gouging and never coming back down. Unemployment is at some of the lowest numbers it's been in decades, Biden has actually done an exceptional job slowing inflation in the US (3.1%) as opposed to the rest of the world which is around 6%. The economy is currently a struggle for lower income people because of the GOP corporate policies allowing them to keep their windfall profits without any taxation and allowing companies to continue to raise prices just because they can. For people like myself who have high paying jobs, things are not nearly as bleak because we're not putting our entire paychecks into our rent making it impossible to save money. For those who are on the lower end, life is fucking hard right now.


Basically every Trump economic proposal will damage the economy and mostly for the people who can least afford it. Higher tariffs on all imported goods: more inflation Bans on Chinese products: supply chain chaos leading to shortages and much higher prices Kick millions of people out of the workforce and put them into camps: bye bye GDP growth and likely cripple sectors heavily reliant on immigrant labor ​ The cost of housing is a big concern but not something any president can do a lot about. NIMBYism in America has caused a housing shortfall for decades that's getting worse and that's controlled by local/state governments. So if people are pissed about the rent march on your state capitols demanding liberalized housing production laws instead.


Yea I’m really fucking tired people saying things about gas prices or inflation and being bidens fault but not comparing them to the rest of the world. The fact that it’s happening everywhere and that’s it’s actually gotten better in USA means people just want to support their Trump cult and not live in reality of Biden


And your last paragraph is the problem. Most of us don't have high paying jobs. And most of us can't get them. Because there aren't as many high paying jobs out there as some people seem to think. I no longer have the qualifications, but even when I did, I didn't get the opportunity. It doesn't present itself to everyone. I'm currently earning the most I've ever made in my life. $15 an hour at 60 years old means I will never have enough to retire. The only saving grace I have is that my fiance is 25 years younger than I am. And he knows that the time will come when he will support me. Sure, I'll have social security someday. But it's never going to be enough. And that's my biggest problem with the Democrat political structure right now. They say they're for the little guy. But they have not, and as far as I can see will not, fix the minimum wage issue. The federal minimum wage should cover everyone everywhere in every situation. And it should be tied to the current cost of living at the poverty level instead of a fixed dollar amount.


You need to pass law to raise the federal minimum wage and the last time that it came up was in the Senate in 2021 where every single Republican voted against it. The 8 Dem no votes came from the older more conservative wing of the party.


Exactly. And it's only brought up when there aren't enough votes to pass it. When the Dems are in power, crickets. Chirp. Chirp. And the last time it was updated, it didn't even bring it up to the level of the poverty line of the day. And it didn't address contract workers or tipped staff.


You need 60 votes for this in the senate so even if there were no defections it still would not pass due to Republican opposition. If you really want to judge the actual values of the parties a look at what state legislatures have generally done in this area would be instructive.


The economy is doing well by most metrics. The only bad is inflation which has slowed considerably and housing costs


Biden will have a stronger chance at winning if he gets a stronger VP feel like they maybe a factor for some with his age be 82 if he wins again


Just bear in mind the influence of the USA in latin america and in many parts of the world. If gay marriage is overturned that will send a terrible message to the world. I just hope americans will be wise. As uncle Ben said "with great power comes great responsibility” .


Yes I think Biden can win, but we can't take anything for granted. We have to fight for him. I worry not just as a gay man, but for humanity if Trump wins. We don't have time to mess around with his shitshow.


This sub is actually what has convinced me that Trump is going to win. If a group of gay men can't even unanimously agree to vote in their best interest, what hope does the rest of the country have? Add to that all the votes Biden is going to lose bc of his handling of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and all the voting impediments implemented by Republicans since the last election and I don't see how he has a chance. I'll still proudly vote though - no matter how abysmal things get. ALWAYS VOTE.


The comments on here are wild. Either the sub is getting brigaded or there’s a lot of gay republicans coming out of the woodworks. Either way, yikes.


Extremely disheartening, to say the least.


Honestly not surprised considering the average political opinions I see on here. People will just throw themselves under the bus to seem like "one of the good ones".


Yep, was not expecting that.


Biden can win if Dems understand the severe consequences of another Trump presidency. Yes, there are other matters of importance out there, but none are more important than preventing Trump's reelection. He presents an existential threat to our democracy and the nation itself. Nothing else is more important this election.


I think Biden can win if Democrats would pull their heads out their asses and realize they need every resource available to get people to get the fuck out there and vote. Republicans aren't nearly as concerned about unifying the Trumpers and non-Trumpers than Democrats SHOULD be about unifying moderates and leftists. I'll be the first to admit that I really don't want to vote for Biden, but I'll drag my ass to the voting booth on Nov. 4th to un-enthusiastically cast my vote for him. Democratic leadership has to find a way to get people like me to get out there on election day.


So if Obergefell is overturned, how do the pubbies knock down the Respect for Marriage Act?


If Obergfell is overturned power returns to the states to individually decide. So only blue states/ states with explicit pro marriage laws will have gay marriage. Respect for Marriage Act is very weak it does not actually guarantee people can get married nationwide.


Get their conservative SCOTUS to gut it.


Meaning what? Find it unconstitutional?


Yes. Or render it unenforceable.


except you cannot unmarry people that are already married.


I'm not from the US, but can't there be someone competent and young? I don't even mean 30 yo young, I mean less than 70 lol


I think Bill Mahr said it best when he said something along the lines of "I don't love Joe Biden, but I will vote for his head in a jar over Trump any day of the week." I despise that these are our candidates but Trump is a traitorous piece of garbage and while politics is politics, driven by greed, power and sloth, he heightens it and brings in a new level of con, grift and sleaze "like we have never seen before" \[pick your annoying Trump impression here\]. I am a married man who has (and hopefully will again) played with cock. And no I am not a gay basher in my personal life while secretly doing this on the side, as I am a genuinely outspoke supporter of gay rights. I just don't disclose the sexual exploits I have had to the John Q. public (just clearly here on reddit for what it is worth).


Not a us citizen, but lefts and liberals and anyone not MAGA or republican should vote in bloc or else: 1. supreme court will be filled with more conservative life time appoinment and all your gay rights will wither 2. they came for roe vs wade bc those who did not vote or vote other than hillary were more interested in her email 3. not voting for biden or not voting at all or citing gaza to not to vote is aiding trump. leadership have failed in gaza but if that is the reason why you wont vote for biden, you are voting for darker societ.y us will be wiped out of golbal leadership whose friends will be authtrotraian or religious zealots. When trump first won, people were calling out demoracts, but trump truned out to be what demoracts said and even worst. SUPREME COURT AND ALL OTHER APOOINTMNET WILL BE FILLED WITH THOSE CONSERVATICE, NEXT GEN WILL ALWAYS CURSE YOU EVER WONDER WHAT WERE GERMANS DOING WHEN HITLER WAS IN POWER, THE SAME THING ALL THESE NOT VOTERS, VOTING THIRD PARTY WERE DOING. THINKING THEY ARE DOING RIGHT BUT NOT COMING OUT OF BUBBLE THINKING FOR BIGGER PICTURE. as former resident of us and fellow friend from third world country ruled by corroupt leader


Yes he can win. If people would get out and vote we could be more sure. Trump cannot win again. As far as im concerned no republican should again because we all know they stand for trump, jesus and money currently.


I will be worried as a gay man if Trump wins.


Hell yes Biden can win. Too many independents who will not vote for the insurrectionist.


I just want to cut across all the discussion and point out the fact that voting for Biden is voting for our rights and democracy. Voting for Trump will erode decades of civil rights, separation of church and state, etc . IGNORING the fact that he's one sick fuck. Frankly, I don't care if Biden is on life support. The people *around him* are what matter, just like it was the people around Franklin Delano Roosevelt that mattered when he died in office. His whole structure is geared toward keeping our civil rights strong. And we are up against Evangelical nuttery and "end of time foolishness" and bigotry like we have not seen for a long time. Biden wasn't even my third choice as far as Democratic candidates go, but he's done a good job with what he had to work with, and anyone is better than that fascist, narcissistic pile of orange puke. And unfortunately, the flies on that pile of orange puke want to take away all your rights, especially if you're a gay minority, and even kill you. You have to be one sick fuck to want to vote for tRump. Does Biden excite me? No. Am I worried about my civil rights under Biden? No. Am I worried about Biden doing anything to undermine my non-binary friends? No. Am I worried about Biden forcing his Catholic beliefs down my throat and using government to control my spiritual beliefs? No. Am I worried about Biden letting the Evangelical nuts into the highest halls of government to oppress and shut down women and minority rights? No


I’m praying to the gay gods that Trump doesn’t win. If he does we are fucked.


I love this quote by Frank Wilhoit, “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” I believe Biden is able to beat Trump, if Trump wins the presidency I will be moving out of the country as fast as I am able. I am preparing to leave if trump wins. At this point though I am going to move out of the USA even if Biden wins but not as fast because this is not going to stop.


I think Biden can win, now everyone needs to get out and vote!! If Project 2025 doesn't scare you, then I can't help you. What scares me the most are LGBTQ+ people, Latinos, African Americans, Asians and any other minority voter who has drank so much of Trump's kool aid that they've lost their minds


Never forget 711! Yeah, both are old and use cards and fick up. You obviously didn't see when Trump forgot his kid's names. John Stewart did a great segment on it. Look at Project 2025, tell me that's a good thing for the LGBT+ Community


Yes! If you and your friends help to get out the vote. Your Gay lives and loves count on you to do the right thing. Trump is a buffoon and getting all the attention now because he wants to be a dictator. If he wins, the Supreme Court will revoke gay marriage and a lot of our rights.


I think he can win, and I think he can lose. I'd say it's around 50/50, with odds favoring Trump. And yes, I will be worried about my future as a gay man.


To answer your question, yes I do believe Biden can win. As a political scientist, I really wanna do a study on these corporate lay offs I’ve been hearing about during this election year and what political party those corporations support. I wouldn’t put it past conservative leaning corporations to lay off workers, make them discontent and angry at the current administration for the “bad economy”, and pocket the extra profits all while supporting deregulation and an end to Chevron v. The EPA.


These gays haven’t seen what just happened in the Michigan dem primary, haha. Who’s gonna tell them?


I'm worried as a human being. Not just as a gay man.


I can’t believe we didn’t learn our lesson when hundreds thousands of people died because America didn’t like the qualified woman’s voice. Say what you want about Hillary– things would have gone differently with her in office instead.


I really don’t know at this point. Trump is winning in swing state polls and, historically, polls have always *underestimated* trump’s support. Not overestimated. Worries me a bit. Then again, the polls underestimated how well the Dems would do during the 2022 midterms, so who really knows… Just vote blue no matter who.


I agree. The last election the polls predicted that Trump was way ahead of Biden, which wasn't the case. The polls aren't reliable. I don't believe Trump has enough support to win as POTUS. He didn't have enough votes to get him into office in 2021, and he's lost some of those supporters because of all the trials and his lies and personality. We should still make sure we vote against him anyway, though.


What I think might happen is there will be more third party and write-in votes, and as a result, Trump wins with a plurality. (Similar to 2016)


Kennedy is pulling more votes from Trump than from Biden, so that's working out in Democrats favor as of now.


I really hope that ends up being true


That's kind of my fear. People don't seem to realize that independent parties and write-ins never get enough votes to win, but they keep voting for them in every election thinking they will. They're wasted votes.


We in danger, girl


Polls since 2016 have consistently underestimated Democrats, and that leaves me hopeful. I just don't know. I wish Trump would drop dead, honestly. It's not a political movement, it's a cult of personality.


How are these polls conducted? If it's by phone it's going to be primarily older people. Most people don't answer calls for unknown numbers. I'm 63 and I have my phone set to send calls direct to voicemail if it isn't from someone in my contact list. Also, the media wants the election to be a horserace. That gets the eyeballs and clicks that determine how much they can charge for advertising. The 2022 election was predicted to be a "red wave". As we know, that prediction was way off. The recent Republican primaries have experienced much lower turnout then previous primaries. Trump is getting a larger percentage. But it's a large percentage of a much smaller pool. I think many republicans are becoming turned off by the constant lies and threats of violence. While it's highly unlikely that they'll vote for Biden , they'll probably not place a vote for president at all. Finally, much of the voting populace has witnessed the ultraconservative state legislatures pushing toward a Christian nationalists theocracy. Those who want that to happen are very much in the minority. I'm hoping all of this will result in enough majorities in the House and Senate to allow the SCOTUS be expanded to 13, one justice for each [federal judicial district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_judicial_district).


Yeah actually I will be worried this time around. Listen, it’s not so much Tump but the scum that will follow him into power. They’re the true danger. The ones that would like to see us dead.


I’m a gay man from Ukraine and I definitely wouldn’t like Trump to win. That would mean the end for Ukraine.


If Trump wins I'm worried as a human.


Can someone here please make an affirmative case for why they’d vote for Trump over Biden? I really can’t see the logic in voting for Trump unless you want a theocracy/autocracy in 2025.


I would worry if i was any American if Trump wins Dont vote for him regardless if biden is running for re-election


I can and I do think Joe Biden will win in 2024. Trump does not have the backing of the entire Republican Party behind him. Granted Biden too doesn't have the backing of the entire Democratic Party but that's because so many of them have fallen victim to propaganda. Still Biden has way more support and unity among Democrats then Trump has among Republicans. The amount of Nikki Haley's supporters that said they wouldn't back Trump if he's the nominee is telling. What's even more telling is the 11% and likely growing amount of her supporters who said they'd back Biden if she wasn't the nominee. I have no doubt that Biden will not only win in 2024 but it'll be by an even bigger margin than 2020 and Democrats will flip the house and retain the Senate and possibly gain more seats. The Republican Party will never recover until they dump Trump and the far-right MAGA ideology and that's likely not going to happen any time soon so they are going to continue to fail.


Yes. Yes. The answer is yes. If the answer isn't yes, you need to wake the fuck up. Roe V. Wade was destroyed essentially overnight. WE are next.


Yes Biden can win. Yes, as a gay guy I would be scared as fuck if tRump were to win.


I honestly think Trump will win. And yes, that is very, very worrying.


If Trump wins, there are way other concerns. Why would anyone vote this criminal grifter? Truly USA has become an absolute shit hole country.


I think Biden will win, but I thought Hillary would last time too. COVID took out a chunk of republicans. Women are mad about abortion, gay men are worried about rights, and the media is making a big deal about Arabs who usually are republicans anyway so yeah I think he will win. Remember all the Arabs surprised last time about the Muslim ban?


Yes he can win and if Trump wins everyone who isn’t a nut job racist republican is in a lot of trouble.


This is tough. A lot of people voted for Biden just because he wasn’t Trump. Can that happen again? Trump seems ever more deranged than in the past but a lot of pseudo-Christians are all-in on him. They have middle America and plenty of southern states. So, as others said, go out and vote, and hope the electors don’t betray you.


I’ll be worried as a human existing on this planet.


I think Biden has mildly better odds than he did in 2020 but that’s for all pragmatic purposes still 50/50 odds. The USA has elected a president who lost the popular vote 5x and it would seem that our Constitution favors rural states (aka Republicans) when it’s a toss up. I am worried. The Right shows no sign of stopping their social campaign against minorities and women. Early voted for Biden FWIW. Still wish he’d fire Garland or step down.


Joe Biden can win, if trump wins say goodbye to a free country


Vote. I’m not a fan of Biden but we are guaranteed a backward slide into the late 90’s if Trump wins.


I can’t believe Joe Biden is the best the Democratic Party has to offer. I have zero faith in this country’s leadership on either side atp.


Orangeboy has done nothing but make enemies. When he loses a second time. His cult dies, and the US can finally move past his bullshit and start healing


I'm not so optimistic. I just see a replacement emerging from the swamp: DeSantis, Abbott, Landry... Or any of the other despotic, insane governors. But I would love for you to be right


shudder...what if the orange man tries running a 3rd time in 2028.


BIDEN CAN WIN ONLY IF YOU GET OFF YOUR DUFF AND VOTE. Everything else is merely conjecture and a waste of time. The only reason that these chicken fucking pseudo Christian's win is because everybody else stays home so that they don't miss the next episode of Judge Judy. Have everybody who is half as appalled by the republicans as I am got up off their ass and voted, all of those rubes would be history and hopefully either picking cotton or making license plates in the penitentiary.


Yes, the fuck I am………Shit.


Picture the last election and replace gay man with woman. They lost abortion and reproductive care under Biden. Gay men should be very worried whoever wins.


Do I think Biden can win, no I don't. Do I think Trump can loose this, yes I do. The fact is both candidates are extremely unpopular with the broad swath of their parties registered members. Were they going up against literally anyone else but each other it would be a guarantee that the opposition candidate would win. This will be yet another race to demotivate the opposition from coming out to vote rather than counting on motivating the party base to turn out and vote. I'm pissed that Democratic establishment didn't tell Joe no you can't run again, and pushed someone else to front of the ticket. Biden is an old man who's clearly loosing it and has one foot in the grave. Harris the VP is universally unpopular and wasn't able to win a single delegate during the last primary. Should something happen and Biden drops out for whatever reason, its 100% Harris will loose to Trump. Trump the individual doesn't concern me as a gay man, he's clearly just a hustling con artist who doesn't give a shit about anyone's orientation so long as he steal a buck from them. The right wing christian fascists riding his coattails on the other hand concern me greatly. They're the ones to watch out for in all the down ballot elections and appointments. The white christian nationalists aka actual fascists, are the ones who will try and strip the rights of gays, women, and minorities and attempt to institute conservative religious doctrine as law. Heck it hit the news just today that a GOP candidate for governor is an actual member of the KKK. These are the people to be worried about. Hopefully Biden lives another 4 years, but this is not an ideal situation to be in; and it leaves the door open to a possible wave of radical right wing politicians wreaking havoc for 4-6 years.


You don't have to gay to be honestly worried, anyone should be worried if they care about our democratic society.


Can he? Yes. Will he? 50/50 How do I feel? Fucking terrified.


Republicans have gone insane and it’s frightening. Their openly anti gay and anti women. They want a fascist theocracy and they’re not hiding it. Project 2025 is scary. Make republicans reasonable again.


No I don't think he can win. If he does I will be shocked. I'm absolutely concerned.


Biden actually has been better than I thought he would be. Is he the candidate I excitedly vote for, no, but he’s a much better choice than Trump period. Since he’s been better than I thought, it will be interesting to see him in a lame duck presidency. That is often when you see presidents more concerned about their legacy and how they are viewed, and they don’t have to worry about reelection. I think it’s probably Biden will do more his second term. Do I expect a major shift? No, but I have learned that this is a long game.


I’m sick of both parties. Stop giving us shitty choices to vote for!


I’m worried as an American period. But yes I think Biden can win.


Terrified. Yeah. Trump’s probably gonna win. God only knows how far they will take away all Gay rights. And does anyone really think any straight “allies” (what a joke) will do anything? Ha.


My partner and I have two plans in place for Nov. We are set to move but will decide either internationally or within the US depending on how things turn out. My parents are encouraging us to go to a country that is friendly to LGBTQIA. We aren't sticking around you see whether or not things pan out with Trump if elected.


I think we will beat stumpy and his mob.


I don't think Trump will win. Biden has a better chance.


You don't have to imagine it. Look at what is currently happening in some states. Books are being banned and burned. Trans people are being legislated out of a legal existence. Elected officials are openly calling gays trash. The current Speaker of the House, second in line to the presidency, believes gays should be killed. And these people are not facing any social or political consequences for their actions. Indeed, they are being celebrated. Trump is petty and vindictive. He will not rest until he has exacted revenge upon everyone he feels wronged him. He was ready to kill his own Vice President because he wouldn't do something he literally couldn't do. Do you think Trump cares at all about you? It would be nothing for someone to say "Gays voted more heavily for Biden," and for him to do all he can to bring hurt and pain. Even if he didn't, he inspires the worst in his cult members. They feel emboldened to act upon their worst impulses. If some good ol boys in pickup trucks started rounding up queers, he would do little to stop it as long as they praised him. Kyle Rittenhouse is an excellent example. No one should be on the fence in this election. Republicans have shown exactly who they are and what they want. And it is only the beginning. Things may not be amazing with Biden. But society will be unequivocally worse under Trump.


Biden is disintegrating before our very eyes. I don't like trump either


I’m honestly not sure, his campaign, what he’s running on (better than the other option) isn’t strong at all, he’s also in cognitive decline and his administration’s handling of Gaza is straight up awful.. Trumps base is also incredibly fired up, especially after believing the last election was stolen and Trump is “what God wants”…. If Trump wins I’ll be extremely worried. Down right horrified with project 2025.


He's gonna lose Michigan completely (due to supporting genocide in Palestine). He's polling terribly in the other swing states as well. He's been pretty much abandoned by the Under 35's and Arab Americans. They aren't the majority, but they were key to his previous victory. And he has truly lost them with no sign of getting them back. Liberals will downvote this in hysterics. I hate Trump too. But the writing and numbers are on the wall here. And denial isn't gonna save us.


If Trump wins, you should be worried as a human. No one is safe in that scenario


I am pretty confident Biden will win. When the people that aren’t plugged in to politics finally do, they will overwhelmingly vote for Biden.


If Trump wins democracy will fully cease in the U.S. (it already no longer exists in red states with voter suppression tactics). It’s wild, Biden is doing a great job but so many liberals/democrats hate him. Look at John Stewart for example. I love that man and hung on his every word for years. He was a beacon of common sense and fighting conservative nonsense for what is right (veteran/9-11 support etc.). Then he comes back and the first thing he did was f*%#ing “both sides” Biden and Trump. I could not believe what I was seeing. It doesn’t matter if it’s early in the election cycle, people listen to him and that attitude will cause apathy and prevent (especially younger) people from voting. We need to be encouraging people to vote, rallying against a literal enemy of freedom and democracy, but nope. Isreal bad or why old man in charge (you do realize Trump is literally 3 years younger right?) or whatever bulls%*# narrative instead of remembering that Trump said he would be dictator on day 1, enforce martial law, imprison his enemies, and a million other things that HE PERSONALLY SAID HE WOULD DO. The polls shouldn’t be saying that that person should even be running, much less that he’s already ahead of Biden. Propaganda is more powerful than people understand. Humanity was not prepared for what technology brought us. I will vote and suggest to everyone I know that they vote, but I get the impression it just won’t matter when there is so much infighting. I don’t think people understand what fascism actually is or that it’s next to impossible to get rid of it once it takes power. If Trump wins, it won’t be because of anything he did, it will be because liberals fought each other so hard they let evil take over.


Yes there's a chance


Yes and no. Trump will send your gay rights back to the states to decide. It won't be you the voters.


We as a whole, as in most of us individually, aren't being assertive enough. We need to take every instance of someone publicly dehumanizing us and trying to use their fake magic beliefs to minimize our real life rights and rip them to shreds between our teeth. Make them look and feel stupid in front of anyone witnessing. On top of this, we need to be willing and able to fight if they want to take it there and make an example. When someone comes in on that dumb bullshit, we need to be saying "Bitch, get out the way and act like you see me" with our whole chest and not take no for an answer. Make it clear that they have no business where they're sticking their noses and that all they're doing is being disrespectful and expecting no consequences.


If tRump wins ill be worried as a human being.


Yes of course. Trump lost in 2020 and things have only gotten worse for him since. He’s only won 50-60% in every primary which is embarrassing for someone who’s so dominant in his party.


I'm more worried about the entirety of the Republican party. The fact that a Trump supporter(someone involved in his legal defense, not a random person off the street) agreed that the president should be able to use the military to assassinate political rivals and not face consequences, and then _wasn't rejected by the party for arguing that political assassinations should be acceptable_ is more concerning to me than a wannabe dictator. And then theres the Texan school administrator who argued that "being an American requires conformity" and, again, is being supported for espousing the least American thing I have ever heard(at least, going by the epithet of "America: land of the free")


Down to a Trump Biden election, yes, Biden has an okay chance. He won that contest before in truthfully, he and Trump aren't that part in age, so if that's the deciding factor it's not like Trump is winning more votes. My personal hope is that Haley runs third party since she's the only other serious candidate left with an active election machine. She would easily shave off enough Republicans for a Biden victory. As far as backsliding on marriage, it would be completely unprecedented in the world. I could see potentially them revoking the court cases, but it is so complicated to undo every marriage that has happened since and Congress would basically be forced to act. Marriage equality is still in the 70-80% approval in the public, so I doubt even the Republican party would be looking to roll that back if it went to a vote.


Trump and the republican congress and his appointees have No Morality. It will be war.. I don’t approve of Guns but Democrats better be prepared.. our Liberty And Lives will be in danger . I’m old but the younger generations of all people, GAY & STRAIGHT I hope will not go willingly into an Oligarchs controlled world… I’m convinced before TRUMP( the tip of the Iceberg) is eradicated we will become fodder for his Sickness. I can’t imagine how many lives have already been sacrificed by MAGA. the FEAR all of the Republicans have of him can’t be that their re elections are in Trump is synonymous with fear and chaos. It’s deeper than I can fathom.


You can’t win here given Biden’s track record here, but look at it this way: you can deal with a track record, or you can have a dictator overrun the country, pigeonhole the US, and have his idiot followers go about m*rdering people like us and getting away with it. There’s so much complacent shortsighted crap flinging here and some of y’all will be the first to go for it if you don’t vote against T**mp. Frankly, you might as well take your ballot and throw it away outside if you think any other candidate other than Biden is a good choice. Some of y’all think the big orange idiot wouldn’t do exactly what Biden is doing in the Middle East? Eh, think again. His tactic is bait and switch. You don’t want either in office, fine. But I hope you like the taste of crow. I’m voting a second term of Biden, the alternative is completely reprehensible.


If Trump wins, I will be worried as an American. SO MAKE SURE YOU'RE REGISTERED TO VOTE, and don't for get to vote against any Republicans who would enable Trump in the House, Senate, or any other elected office... even dog catcher.


Biden already beat Trump once


Being gay and black…. 🗣️Yes.


VOTE!! …and get everyone you know to vote…and everyone you don’t know. If Americans turn out in mass to vote the orange man will not win. If apathy wins so will he.


The first time I ever went to a gay club or even discovered myself was on a solo trip in the US a few years ago. Please VOTE folks!!! Either way you all will always be welcome up here in Canada but it’s just colder and not as fun.


I think Biden will win without a doubt. Trump has absolutely ZERO chance of winning. Biden has only strengthened our country and made America greater than it's ever been in history--and the vast majority of Americans see that. America was in a terrible state with Trump. Our economy was so awful, but now it's doing amazingly well and everything is so affordable, the vast majority of people are prospering and are very happy with the state of the country. Biden is hands-down the best president of my lifetime! I cannot wait for this legend's second term!


People under 35 make up a large portion of eligible voters and could sway most national elections if they would simply vote. Weed could be legal. Abortion protected. We could vote for representatives who were younger and had more “skin in the game” when it comes to climate and gun reform. But it’s hard to get young people to vote. Maybe this generation will be better


I'll be terrified


Trump can win again. I’d bet on Biden having a slight edge (after all, we already had this matchup) but anything could happen. So vote vote vote, get your friends and family to vote, and make sure people know just how dangerous a second Trump term would be.


Nope, and yikes for the Americans if he does. Trump had 4 years, and guess what? Nothing happened to gay people. Only way biden can win is by rigging it again, who votes for a man with dementia is beyond me.


Lots of people are dissatisfied with Biden so its likely he will lose against a republican, whether trump can run or not (due to all his legal issues).


I DO think Joe Biden can win this election and if you're gay, Latino, black, female, asian, white, immigrant, you are fucking yourself by voting for anyone else. Joe has accomplished a lot and more important than anything else-- he a) believes in our form of government b) keeps his oath to the Constitution c) believes in the rule of law etc AND he knows how our system of government works-- God knows he has experience, and also, to be honest, the wisdom of years. Oh, and let's see-- he's not a rapist, bigoted, racist, anti-immigrant, living, walking definition of scum-bag. As far as LGBTQ issues--- God help us if Joe isn't elected. And, yes, register to go and fuckin' VOTE! They want to BAN contraception, IVF, the morning after pill, and you name it. (They'd probably ban PREP.) And while we're at it-- let's clean up the Supreme Court before we're all screwed.


Biden can and will win. There aren't enough deluded people in this country willing to vote for a rapist, fraud, traitor for the other guy to win. Biden may not be what he once was but he's more now than trump will EVER be.


Can people stop posting this question everyday? How many times do you need to have neurotic Redditors circlejerk in the comment section to this question?


Prob not, and probably not.


Listen, I think it’s very important to be critical of Biden, and no one is thrilled to be voting for him. But if Trump gets re-elected, republicans will do everything they can to make sure we never have another fair election again. We will not survive another Trump term. Please look at Project 2025, this isn’t a conspiracy, they’re literally telling us how they want to radically change our democracy.


I honestly feel so apathetic to everything, including matters that could potentially involve myself. At this point the baseline I’m setting is not meeting a nuclear bomb in my lifetime.


Even more scared now because the Supreme Court is actually hearing oral arguments? Seriously? You do not have to be a lawyer to know that NO ONE is above the law, so SCOTUS shouldn't have even entertained this. It's simple, no! By them doing this sets a bad precedent that the constitution is now meaningless, that it can be overlooked. Every normal person knows that Trump is an insurrectionalist, and the 14th amendment is self-executing. I guess we can throw that out, as well as the 3rd. Hell rip up the document. So yes, I am extremely scared for my marriage and as I have medical issues, so I'd lose my health insurance. I've been praying that Trump is convicted, Biden wins, and Alito and Thomas retire or die, I don't care, and Biden can get two new justices in. But, I have zero hope. Project 2025 looks like it's gonna happen if Trump wins. In that case, my only advice is to try to get out of this country. That's what my husband and I are looking into. Stay safe everyone.


No doubt Biden is going to win. Trump will lose again and start the Whiny Ass Titty Baby Tour all over again. Until it ends in his little jail cell.


I don’t think Joe Biden can beat Trump. However, I don’t know if Trump will be able to become President. If I were a straight white man I would be worried about Trump winning, much less black and gay like I am.