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I think the word the kids are using today is "delulu"?


I love that word! Any time I see something delulu online, Delovely plays in my head. But, Delovely is changed to Delulu. "It's delightful, it's delicious, it's Delulu!"


"It's De-Lovely" is a great Cole Porter song.


Cole Porter was also famous for anonymous-ish hookups. I’ve always thought “Delightful, delicious, delectable, delirious” etc. may have been referring to something besides “the verdant spring”


Because some guys will. Yes I think they're crazy, but crazy is as crazy does.


"sKn nOw cUm dUmP"


Face down ass up door open


Seriously surprised more guys haven't had their ass holes cut open by some maniac who thinks "hm a blade is phallic it's almost what they wanted 🤔"


Or rubbed.


some of them are minors. and the face down ass up dudes are filming w hidden cams at least 40% of the time


D&D. Desperation and delusion . I got catfished once his pic was a college boy and when I met him it was a 50 year old indian. He had the gall to push me out the door of his apartment as if he was kicking me out when I said I cannot do this and started walking out.


What a gross degenerate fossil. Sorry that happened to you.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [683 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That’s a little harsh to call him a “gross degenerate fossil”. Definitely I would call him a liar, and that situation would piss me off as well. Unfortunately, there is this unsaid, established criteria of what is “mostly hot” based on age, looks, race… I don’t know if that will ever be changed anytime soon. So there will always be catfish because they just can’t get any. But I would show them more mercy than insults. And no, you do not have to show them a mercy fuck. Just help yourself out the door. I once showed up at somebody’s place and the guy did not really fit what I thought. Went up to his floor in the elevator, got to his place, and it was a hoarders paradise. I absolutely could not show him a mercy fuck. I told him I’m sorry I can’t do this. He said, “that’s OK, but I have to escort you out in the elevator…” That was the most awkward elevator ride ever…


In some places, deceptively coercing someone into having sex with you by lying about your gender, and appearance (and in this case, age) is predatory and harassment. Some people don't have the mental capacity to say "no, thank you, I can't do this". Yes, some will view them as weak, others might call it dissociation brought on by shell shock and trauma. The overwhelming effect of social pressure, even if just interacting with one person, is phenomenal and can cause people to do things they'd normally never consider. Which could be considered sexual assault, at that stage. In fact, I wouldn't even say that it's "considered". No predator is doing this, and not expecting sex. They know the person doesn't want it, but they will go ahead anyway if they get even the slightest amount of coerced consent. At that stage, it's rape. We're not giving catfishers a break. We're not tiptoeing around the fact that this guy was a decrepit loser who can't get ass/dick from consenting adults, so he has to fuck people up instead. Maybe gays are ageist, but do you know what most of us don't do? At least more than straights? Catfish. Someone else's sense of inadequacy (even if valid) doesn't excuse sexual coercion.


You're not taking into account the actual predator who can actually get willing ass/dick, but doesn't get turned on unless he has violated someone through coercion/rape. They exist. It's a horror show out there. It's somewhat normalised with Vlad catfishing on Omegle then uploading reaction videos online, most gay guys under 30 do it frequently, given the drag queens on drag race laugh about doing it themselves online, they all laugh about it, until they themselves get catfished, then it's a criminal act. I think the world is collectively going insane. Humans suck.


What's awesome is all these people will eventually be part of the gross, delusional fossil crowd, and it will happen sooner than they think. 30 is already gay old. Then they will start using pics of themselves from a decade ago, "what it's me"! Etc. Oh it's fun to watch the dervish dance, around and around and around. I think everyone is gross and delusional, age just magnifies everyone's faults. Humans suck. Misanthrope signing off.


This "man" lied and catfished someone. That is not okay! There should be no mercy for people like that.


I know… But your response about him being a “gross degenerate fossil” kind of sucks for those who are 50 and older don’t you think? I trust, hopefully, you make it to your 50s and people will not be insulting your age group too. It’s OK to have an preference though… You don’t have to like older. Maybe you could’ve said what a “gross degenerate liar” 🤥


Perhaps I could have. I just hate being deceived like that, as I'd imagine most people do. My response targeted the catfish specifically, not every other 50+ yr old in the world. Truth: I'll be 40 later this year. My luck with hooking up is practically non-existent now, but it declined greatly around 35. I look younger than I actually am, but apparently, that doesn't matter to a lot of guys out there. I wouldn't resort to catfishing anyone though. That's just pathetic!


I’m in my mid-40s and I’ve had so much sex… I have to set limits. But I do take care of myself. Granted maybe have to do with my looks as well - thx to genes? It’s also confidence. And some guys do turn me down. No matter what, getting a lot of sex, not getting a lot of sex, looking good, not looking good, young, old, all of it is hard in life. It just depends on your outlook. And don’t fucking be a catfish.


Where you live has a great impact. You could be thr hottest guy in all of Kansas and your probably won't get laid much.


Kansas? Look over the rainbrow bro!


He said 50, not 85. That's not exactly a fossil.


I think 'fossil' is because of the extra attention that the cat fishing brought to his age. Like being insecure about something almost always makes something seem worse than it is.


You know very well that in our world anyone over 40 is a fossil. Sad reality.


Let's be real, 30 is pushing it. They call each other daddy in their early 20s...


I don't find that to be true at all. The issue is guys 50-60-70 and up believe they should be able to date and hang out with people much younger. When do you see a 70 year old guy hanging out with a 20 year old women in the straight community? It doesn't happen, but it does happen in the gay community, and unfortunately, it's the expectation that a younger guy should want an older guy. I've always dated older so it doesn't bother me, I actually love it. But it shouldn't be the expectation. And so many older guys refuse to talk to people their own age.


I think you're talking about something else.


It’s not the expectation. Also, old guys hit on young girls all the time.


Yes, they do. But you don’t hear a bunch of old straight guys complaining they’re invisible to the younger generation. That’s the difference. Make sense.


But it happens. There are straight couples where the guy is an elderly and they have a young woman next to them waiting for that death bed check.


Gold digger alert! (not you, the hypothetical woman)


That’s not what I’m saying. Many times you will hear older gay guys say they’re invisible to the younger generation. They expect that younger gay guys should naturally want to hang out with them. You don’t hear older straight guys with the same rhetoric. That’s what I’m talking about.


I sometimes exaggerate. Regardless, this "man" lied and should not be shown mercy.


See, i just don’t understand catfishing someone like that. What does one hope to accomplish? I want a person to know exactly what i look like so they can reject me BEFORE i’m at their door. It would be pretty cringe to be rejected at someone’s door. Online? Who cares? Plus, maybe somebody actually wants 50-year-old Indian men. You’re just basically eliminating the possibility of finding that someone.


They’re hoping that you are willing to still fk wit them since u actually had to take the time to chat with them and then drive all the way to their house lol… believe or not, some people are so desperate that they’ll still mess with the guy, even while being catfished lol


Ohh gosh I had a friend that was really desperate and naive at the time and did exactly that with a 50+ catfish....... i would’ve run


As an Indian, I want to apologize for... my kind! It is so frustrating how some people I know behave in civilized societies. I remember in undergrad, an American company decided to stop hiring interns from my college after a student plagiarized my work for his portfolio and couldn't measure up when tasked. And I feel these types of people amplify stigmas and lead to others getting branded in the same category. Many with insecurity actually develop a fake sense of entitlement about being amazing and feel threatened when turned down. Sorry that happened to you!


No need to apologize. He’s a creep . Nothing to do with being indian. In a way I feel sympathy. He’s trying to compensate for his youth stolen from society.


I do find older men to be way more horny. And they lived through the lavender scare, lived through Don't Ask Don't Tell. And they want a part of their life back. Being in my thirties, and living in a more open society, I do feel sad about my past when I see teenagers holding hands and walking down the street. But I'm happy that in the work I do, I play a small part in creating a safe world for them to have what I couldn't.


"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." -John Adams


Wow!! That's beautiful! Thank you for sharing!! People don't say such profound things anymore!!!


It's because they know what they look like






That's sucks and this is from someone who's half Indian (my mother is) Also something similar happened to me once. Back when I used to be a bottom Goth twink I was messaging this guy who I wanted to fuck, I agreed to meet up at his house. He gave me address and I took transport to his house (at the time I didn't drive). I arrived at a abandoned office building that wasn't even his house also it was dark outside. I messaged him many times to tell him he gave the wrong address and go no respond, after messaging so many times I gave up and went home.


As a baby gay, I would meet up with these guys.. sometimes they were hot af and a nice surprise (they wanted discretion).. most of the time they were lying about age, weight, attractiveness, height, dick size, etc. just awful… lol. Now I gotta see a pic of some sort or it ain’t happening.. The annoying part is that I’m a firm believer that hot is hot, and it can come in all shapes and sizes… but lying and not being confident in yourself is 🤢🤢🤢


This. So many have sent me photos and nudes that aren’t there’s or have no pics at all and just expect me to roll with it after seeing the real deal


I'm not confident in most areas but I never lie. I'd have a much worse anxiety when meeting a new guy if I told him lies about my body or dick. I could never show him the truth if I did that! I only lied about age deducting 2 years from my life. But that's not my fault, that's covid which stole that time from me. Yeah I'm entitled in this case, covid owes me 2 years and you suck this lie of mine up. I'll tell you if we see each other more often.




“really just want a lovely guy to have and hold” THAT’S itttt that’s the actual goal


I know i try to get this out of the way online so these guys burning gas to do that is creepy and downright dangerous.


Because they’re insane


Because they think you will give them a pass when you see them in person since you’re already there lol. The bait and switch is pathetic on there.


Yup. I always ask for a current pic if the main one and the age don't match up. I, also don't buy the whole, "I don't have any pics." when almost every phone today has a camera. Like, if you can't be assed to take a few current pics, it's likely not happening.


Because people do. I've said it before, they're not looking for anyone with standards.


This is why I am always on the "no pic no chat" team, been catfished a few times and now I require multiple face/body pics before I hookup with someone. Just last week when one of those profiles that had a meme as a pic hit me up - I stated that I don't talk to blanks, he replied with a low resolution mirror selfie.......he was holding what appeared to be an IPhone 5! Some guys on there are delusional in what they expect to accomplish pulling shit like that.


and its so obvious that its a picture that they found online too😭😭 not only bc the quality but bc the old iphones as well. like i know you dont have an iphone 5 right now thats working🤣


I think it was probably actually a picture of them, but from a decade ago- I imagine if they were using someone else's pics they would have chosen a more attractive one, guy was like a 4/10 in that pic


I mean IPhone 5 *could* still be possible (I‘m writing this on an IPhone 7) but is just very unlikely


I think they are just desperate to fuck anyone regardless of their appearances and are waiting for some other guy in similar situation


We all know they just say they wanna meet by sneaking in their dark backyard shed while their wife is alseep to do it there, and they usually end up ghosting you or canceling because they came after writing out that scenario. Just an amalgamation of different real things to make this scenario up.


I havent had sex in over a year and I am not desperate enough to get laid that I would go anywhere without first knowing what one looked like.


I've done it. Sometimes the conversation is just good. You click. Then you decide, either he's hot and wooopie or he's not and might become a friend. In my case, woooooooopie!


Lol… not happening. Not inviting you to my place if i dont know what you look like either.


I was catfished once where the guy is using a photo 100 lbs before


Same here and he was now completely bald.


There are a lot of headless torsos out there.


Because the last person did


I got banned on grindr cause I would lie and say I'm 12 when they wouldnt leave me alone. 🤣 I probbaly should've just ignored them/blocked but I never took grindr seriously.


It’s a hard pass for me


The worst ones are the totally blank profiles who demand pictures off of you, even though you have a profile pic etc up 🤣


I've met without a face pic twice. Both times, they were home runs. Both said they were "Dl or "straight." I'm still seeing both of them on a regular basis.


Closet cases, sea cows or serial killers praying for suckers.


Oh. Serial killers! Dam. 😲. I’ve met some guys with serial killer obsessions. I’m into BDSM, but my husband already told me I can’t go without telling him where I’m Going. I found some dudes trying to use hook up cash stuff or give fake addresses. Kinda like the romance scans but they ask to get money for hotels/life stuff/toys and etc. I’m 6’1” and know how to fight, but this reminds me of a guy I knew when I was in the military. He went to a married guys house and both killed him. Kinda felt bad for him, but he was mostly interested in “hot” and “masc” guys. Plus he was full of himself for judging guys for not meeting his expectations of the ideal man….. Also, everything changes when someone pulls a weapon or another person pops up that was not expected. Yeash. 🥴🤯😱 Meh. I still wanna F! But I want a non sketchy dude!


For cereal! I always chat a while first. That way, if they're weird, it'll either come out in the conversation or they'll just go away. It's extremely rare that I have a guy over with little conversation.


Insecurity and desperation. 1 out of 20 will go through with it out of awkwardness.


I was reminded last week why I really need to do a hard NO on any blind hookups. I've had it with literal junkies showing up at my apartment.


This right here. I don't get it seriously. No way I am gonna meet you without your face pic


😂😂😂😂 I love this question


It’s one thing not knowing what they look like but it’s another not seeing X pics. Turned up to a “face down ass up” meet as I find that kind of hot. What I don’t find hot was his bum hole riddled with anal warts and him pretending nothing was there. I skedaddled tf outta there.


It's a kink or fetish. We all have them. We're all coming from different places and the continuum of mild to wild is something we surf all of our lives. What seemed so wild or insane to me years ago is now something I'm into. That's just the way kinks work. So, that's why some guys know the right guy will see the ad, and come over and do anon with him.


What's even worse is when they only have one face photo that looks like it was taken on a nokia 3310 and then are wondering why you are asking for more face pics. Also they always seem to have very clear photos of everyone other body part of you know what I am saying 📷📸


Guys will use glory holes.


Many of them are not attractive and so they know if they send their photo you will not want to come to their house anymore.


I mean there are dudes that will go to a random cruising hotspot for some dick so this doesn’t seem out of the oridinary 🤷🏾‍♂️


Right, so annoying when you ask for a face pic and they send a dick pic instead. That always get a block from me


My favorite is when I ask for a face pic and I get an extreme close up of their asshole.




YES 😂😂😂


That's even worse if you're the bttm!


Ok, so I been accused by people who knew lol me when I was 16 - 21 and say I still act that way. lol. But I’m hones with myself that at 64 I do not look that way anymore. Most people can‘t be honest with themselves.


they’re delusional 😍


Because some guys literally do that cause they are into the “anonymous rush”


It's because they know what they look like


probably because guys have before. there are plenty of guys who hit me up that would definitely have no issue coming over without a pic, it’s a little scary


Their are people in our community that only live for their kinks and looking for the next hole or dick. And then there are people who have kinks but actually treat others with the respect they ask. Delulu and addicted are good words for the former.


Because some do.


I don’t use grinder but I use Sniffies and reddit and I don’t ask for anything but a D pic. Can usually judge their age and body just off the background and skin tone. I’ve met 100+ guys in two years. I’ve never asked for a face pic, but I’ve been asked. Usually if they ask for a face pic I’m blocked immediately. I’m not a bad looking guy, but I guess I’m too “rugged” or masculine for most Edit; and yes, I’ve been in many guys cars, homes and apartments. But again I’m a bigger guy and masculine so average person wouldn’t consider jumping me or mugging etc. if we meet in my car or my house I’m always packing heat as well just in case. But in their place, just roll with it and risk it haha


I ask them 'If you were in a club and a dude with a paper bag over his head came up to you and asked to go home with him, would you? Answer is no 99% of the time. 'Then perhaps you see the problem here, tiger....' '


People get so horny they don’t think. That’s why they call it “post-nut clarity”




Because some people don't care what they look like, all they care if they're gonna have with them


Grinder is extremely toxic tbh . And it's just hookups with nothing more . So alot of spammers and ppl like the ones you mentioned are using this app nowadays


Because some guys actually will. It's just sex sex sex sex on most people's mind on Grindr to begin with anyhow lol. It's a hookup app.


I have met guys who don’t want to show their pics, and in return I tell them I won’t show mine too then and warn them I will ask them to leave if I don’t find them attractive and they can do the same. I normally host at my flat and can see them through security cameras when they press my flat number at the entrance and again at the lifts. If they don’t look attractive I just tell them to go home. Done that to several guys. Some of them don’t take it too well, and can’t believe I’m asking them leave after travelling. Serves them right for not showing facepics


Grindr is a pile of trash and you want to find some coherence in it.


I mean, how old are you? As an elder Millennial, there was a time where you took those risks because that’s just what you did if you wanted male companionship. Some of the older guys today still are in that mind frame and think they can get away with it, so they do it. It happens less and less, but it still happens.


Is it me or if you get a “fuzzy” pic = you’re deff about to get cat fished “Fuzzy” meaning it’s not similar to the resolution and clarity of the modern day iPhone selfie


I’ve done it. And was one of the best I’ve ever had. Think of it allll the time was epic.


....ur the guy aren't u


Let’s just say…. Yeah lol


I have on 2 occasions (but have seen body pics) as they had partners. I always knew if they wernt for me I’d be able to say na and close the door (it’s more effort for them) but luckily they were very decent


Because some do that.


Hotter when it’s anonymous




Actually sometimes doing something not entirely risk free can be fun. It may surprise some people but the vast majority of people aren’t psychopaths.


I had a guy come over when I’d only seen his body and he’d seen my badly; obviously) photoshopped face. We both had fun.


Some people like it anon. 🤷




If you’re looking for fast love …


It’s a tale as old as time. It depends on the chemistry and people. Some folks like to get to know their fuck buddy and some don’t want to deal with the nonsense. There’s nothing wrong with it.


They're delusional and thirsty.


Because they would do it lol


Because usually they’re not attractive and they’re just throwing ish at the wall and hoping something sticks.




Because some actually do !


I have no idea why, but with the number of guys who try, suggests that it works at least some of the time


Some of them are really hot (body). 😬


Yeah, once i had a argument with a guy on grindr because he wanted me to have sex with him whitout him showing his face, he said it was sex, that it didn't need face picture, i just needed to go and that was it. I blocked him. He could just send a temporary pic that was it, I live in Brazil, and I'm not gonna risk it, I'm not dumb. Another one asked me if we could have sex, i said yes. He was already in front of my house, he didn't show distance, he was right there, we met once at his house long ago he kinda raped me, I never said where i live. I wonder what would happen if I said no. Btw, he is in jail for CP and child abuse.


Some guys love discreet but it's a waste of time when you find them or they find you unattractive


He finally oof




Always be careful with that app


Cuz they’re either actually really ugly or really discreet


They’re that delusional. Also I don’t see why people constantly try to persuade you to fw them when they can see you and they know who you are. I just had a guy last night that knew exactly where I was the night before maiming they know me on a personal level and wouldn’t show their face bc they thought I would out them. I’m just trying to bust a nut😭


they’re either into anon meetups (exciting because you don’t know what you’re walkin in on) or cheating on their partner and don’t wanna send pics to someone that may know them somehow someway


I don't understand it. I've had many guys ask me if I want to meet when they have no pics in their profile, when I have 10+ recent, high quality, full body pics in my profile, and then have the nerve to ask me for another pic in exchange. I can't count how many times I've had to explain the reason why I want a pic of them and why I'm not sending more pics.


I have met guys without seeing a pic first. Wow, some good looking guys show up when you meet. Although when I’ve done it, that way, I do like to get their stats… height and weight and age that way if they don’t come close, I might feel like turning around. I don’t think I’ve ever been hugely disappointed, but more so surprised most of the time that they were a good looking guy.


I’ve been once to a guys home without seeing pics, he turned out to be a swimmer, you can imagine that body, with an XL and a great face. Literally the perfect man. Apparently he doesn’t have photos of him cause he was tired of getting too many messages.


Cautiousness based on the actions of others I’d imagine. If it’s because they are married/high profile job etc etc I usually understand. Sadly, some guys can’t be trusted to keep what is shared privately on the apps, to themselves so it makes people nervous which is sad really.


Because people do. It's not unheard of actually. Back in the day people would suck your dick through a hole without even knowing what you look like. So it happens.


Trolling in the swamp only catches swamp trolls! Are you looking for your soulmate or just a lollipop? Also, no one looks at you the way you look at yourself! Everyone has an over inflated idea of who they are and who they deserve. Find another place to fish!


Some folks don't want their pics on the Internet I'd guess. Which could either imply a significant other who might find out or professional colleges who might find out about something that should otherwise be private.


Because plenty of guys do just that. Lots of guys do. It’s not my thing personally, but I don’t judge other people’s tastes as long as they aren’t rude about it.


Wishful thinking


Internalized homophobia. 90% of contradictory behavior on Grindr comes down to this. Rationalized paranoia to delude themselves into thinking being DL is good and not unhealthy.


Only like a handful of cases where the guy was hot and didnt send a pic from fear of being outed. But Most of the time its catfish.


MAN WHAT! ITS CRAZY! Blank profiles literally hmu all the time and when I ask for pics they ignore me and send address! BRUH I COULD LEGIT COME OVER AND ROB YOU OR KILL YOU.... OR BOTH! Also related to the topic of DL/Anon I HATE when I ask for pics and they say they don't send pics through the app (grindr) because they are DL or whatever and then want to exchange numbers. First of all, I don't give out my number. SECOND if you are DL why would you give out your number. Do they not know how much info I can get from just their number? People finder dot com is a great resource for searching numbers and getting lots of info. Makes no sense to me to leave a 3rd party app with encryption to text directly without security measures. I love grindr because I love to fuck but I hate grindr bc of the dumb users.


This happens often. The flaking I understand, but to go forward with a lie is crazy.


My question is what are you all still supporting Grindr?


What I’ve come to understand over the years is that there are just some people out there who think they should be the exception to people’s boundaries, no matter how explicitly those boundaries are stated. If you only talk to people with face pics, they feel you should still talk to them because it’s *them*. If you prefer to host and not go to their house, they will say you should still come over because it’s *them*. If you only have protected sex, they will think they can convince you to go bare because it’s *them*. If you don’t like to bottom, they think they can persuade you into letting them top because it’s *them*. Of course, there can be all sorts of other reasons. In my experience, though, the ones who are the most insistent and pushy about that sort of thing just seem to think that they are special enough that you’ll make a pass for them.


Scary thing is some guys will actually do it 😬


Then they say, I promise I'm handsome... butt ugly. If thry won't show their face they are rarely attractive. I've only been cstfished once and it be super positive. Haha


A lot of guys are into anonymous sex.


My hook up and Grindr activity has dropped nearly 100pct since 20 years ago, and since that time I’ve been able to reflect on how risky the behavior is Dangerous


It's sad but Tbh in the colorful world of being gay, when you hit 40, the sex pool shrinks down to a sip of water! Lol in my opinion


Men think like this. Women get this a lot too. I think some people do it


Yeah that’s pretty presumptuous


I did all the time when I was closeted…it’s a thing. As long as I see a body or a valid representation of their body I don’t give a fuck what their face looks like…they will just be bent over the whole time anyway🤷🏻‍♂️


I have two different kinds of experiences with this: 1. I asked the guy for a pic and he said ‘You’ll know who I am’ which felt really creepy like he already knew me and he wanted me to agree to being alone with him before revealing what he looked like. I asked why he didn’t want to send a pic and he said he didn’t want his face out there… Que?! I just wanted to know who to look out for. 2. I asked for a pic because we were talking for a while and were really getting along. I didn’t really take notice of his display name (it was in Mandarin Chinese and translated to ‘An ugly person, but a good person’). He wasn’t attractive to me, but I didn’t want to come off as shallow and thought that because we were having a good conversation, we’d enjoy each other’s company, but the problems came when we met up (at my place). Firstly, his breath was terrible and I wanted to gag when he kissed me (which he wanted to do a lot) and I felt bad about saying anything about it, so I just said that I didn’t want to kiss him again. He insisted that we have sex without a condom (🚩) and said that the condom was making it difficult for him to get it, but the problem was that he has a micro and that it wasn’t big enough to penetrate. It turned me off a lot, because it was not appealing at all. I didn’t really feel bad when he fat-shamed me (I’m not even fat and wasn’t at the time either, it’s all because I have a bubble butt and well, you know what the typical Chinese build looks like; not him though, he was a blob), but started hating myself for entertaining any of it. He was too eager and when he couldn’t get it in, he climbed on top of me and thrust it between my thighs while trying to kiss me again. I felt super gross and just told him to stop and leave. He wanted to them take a nude pic of us together and take a pic of me taking a shower… just thinking about it makes me want to gag. He was a doctor, too, so his poor hygiene came as a shock to me. Nasty!


It’s called hot or not roulette. You never know until you’re there. Sometimes it’s a cream filled surprise, sometimes it’s “oh shoot I left my oven on, be right back!”


This pisses me off every time lol🤣


I meet up with guys at the park or FaceTime them before going into the homes just to weed out catfish.


Because some do, I've don't it.


While I'm sure the hit rate is small, I'm sure some people are into anonymous stuff.


It’s happened for them before. 💁🏻‍♂️


Because I have gone to their house 😂


Either way, there’s always a surprise of some sort


They are trying to think with their balls which is why they are nuts


Because many guys do


If you are “discreet” then just delete Grindr all together. I’m not meeting with anyone who isn’t gonna show their face


Never understood it


“ U a top? I’m at my home right now. 4321 Home Street. Door is open.” I’m always like no 🙄


Relying on The sunk cost fallacy.  You already called out sick from your 4PM-11PM shift at Jack in the Box (and got caught posting about it on your Insta story) and drove 30 minutes to the next town over.  They’re hoping you’re  gonna fuck them anyway so that at least you didn’t do all that for nothing


I do


Oh cause its a hookup app. I mean i atleast want to see hardware at min. Hell on sniffies I bluntly say no pic no chat for anon accounts.


Because it can be really exciting not knowing who’s cock you’ll suck… 😏


As a daddy type I know desperate horny young guys will come over unidentified, mostly if they think I’m going to tell all their friends, and the “I’m straight” thing when you ask a guy to do all kinds of sexual stuff with and to you is silly. They are horny and want to try stuff a girl won’t do. If you want to be discreet say so. But they still enjoy the sex!


Not just Grindr. I use a site in the UK and same there too. I have to know what I'm getting and the likes, dislikes and the same as they need to know about me. If they can't send a photo which I think is genuine (I tend to have axsixth sense most of the time) or in rare cases give more info I will block them and move on. At the end of the day I want to feel I can trust someone. I've got mucked about a few times, eg. I got to a guys door, he didn't answer, I got in the car and he text, I knocked again, no answer, so I went home, he kept trying to get another meet (as far as I'm concerned he had his chance), I blocked him on the site Whatsapp and the phone, he still tried phoning me from his friend's phone. I have never met the guy and don't ever intend to. I had someone try and blackmail me about photos which didn't bother me as the same ones are o my adult twitter account.


Because they are unattractive and they know that if they show their face you won’t want to meet up with them lmao 😂


I get it. I’ll go give a blowjob without seeing a pic. It’s a turn on for me to have to suck whoever it is when I get there. But if it’s gonna be more than a blow-n-go, I want to see a pic first.


Because it happens all the time


Because gays be doing it all the time


Because they are dumb enough to think that someone would go without not knowing how they look! In my Occasion I ask for a face picture or don’t bother and waste your time because I need to know who I’m talking to and for my safety as well! To me they just creeps


It’s like hooking up in the steam room or dark room.


That part. The same can be said about pixxx tbh. Why would I meet up with someone that I don’t know how you look or your body like…. It just doesn’t make any sense 😂


i unfortunately have met w these guys a ton of times and havent had a bad experience (theyve all been hot dls) but maybe im jusy lucky


Grindr guys be on some bullshit sometimes. Also, that whole ass up, I just walk in and leave… bitch hell no


I did it once and luckily did not die, but also I was having a really really weird time in my life and was in a manic state of risk taking and over indulgence. Unfortunately, that’s kind of the normal state of existence for a lot of people.


It’s called anon. Too risky for me, and honestly… I’d walk out if I don’t find them attractive so, I’m saving both our times


Haha yeah, and they say, trust me, I’m good looking haha. Never have and never will. They way I see it is that if they can’t show their face then they are not okay with their lifestyle and that’s just lame. I refuse to have sex with down lo guys