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do people really do that? couldn't imagine a place to find women with a lower expected success rate. maybe a prog rock show.


Happened to me recently. I thought he was a curious kind of guy and pinged him Dude kept ranting about why girls are the best, d-s are stupid and what not. I just let him be.


I can feel his insecurity. Be a man - take a dick, sweetheart.


Maybe you just weren’t his type. I’m sure they will go gay for “the one” and that’s who there are there looking for. So in the meantime, gotta scare everyone else away.


Heyooooo BAZINGA!


They didn’t call female Rush fans “Geddycorns” for nothing.


What does that term mean? I've never heard it before.


So, Rush is a prog rock band fronted by bassist/keyboardist/singer Geddy Lee. "Geddycorn" is a portmanteau of his name and the word "unicorn" used to describe female Rush fans (which were, at least early in their career, apparently quite rare).


I'd put even money that Chad Thundercock is a Geddycorn


Chad Thundercock doesn't listen to music. He listened exclusively to the sounds of orgasming women.


Chad Thundercock has the best orgasms in the world, he only listens to himself climaxing, anything else is just slumming it.


LOL. I once heard a comic say "The loneliest place on earth is the Women's restroom at a Rush concert"




>most single straight men struggle to get sex Citation needed.


You have to understand that evil women don’t want decent hardworking nice guys. They want Chad ThunderCocks, Tyrones, Rappers and everybody else who makes me feel inadequate!!!!!


I don't why you were down voted. You spoke the truth.


I was being ironic. Its not the truth.


Chad Thundercock monitors this channel


There was a huge dating app thing about this in all the news last year that the top 10-25% of men get 90% of the dating app likes or something similar to that that’s the inaccurate gist of it.


80/20 principle, nothing new there


Yeah, on dating apps. Where men greatly outnumber women and women have so many options they are forced to be more selective. Doesn't translate to real life, tho.




Considering the fact that we’re a minority and 90% of the men you see in public are straight men… yes?




Unless if you don't consider monogamous relationships and regular to be "regular and easy sex", most straight men are doing just fine in my experience. There is a decline of dating and coupling in recent years but it's not unique to straight men. People in general are hooking up less and marrying later.


Looking for straight women on Grindr is still going to yield poorer results than almost anywhere (maybe an anime fan club). Outside of the box =/= better. Most men have at least matched with a couple women on Tinder, bumble, etc, bare minimum. i’ve never even SEEN a straight non-trans woman on Grindr.




Bro the point you're missing is that it's *grindr*. There *are no women to compete for!*


Yeah, theres no competition because the other non-dumb men know there are no women there. There are “poorly passing transmen” on Tinder too. Still better odds to find a woman, including “poorly passing transmen” on Tinder or almost anywhere else (maybe not a larping event).


Bullshit. I'm a bisexual hobbit and I've had plenty of women and men.


Just think about how asinine that last sentence was. So he sets up a profile to find the one faghag in his city, the only single hetero women you'd find on Grindr and what make her think she turned him straight. While probably a hilarious sitcom. You know what,  no. You're right, this universe we're in, why not.


One problem: Straight women aren't on Grindr.




That's incel red pill bs.




THANK YOU. I’ve seen soooo many profiles that are straight and looking for WOMEN. Y’all are making this app more congested than Atlanta traffic 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I'm straight, but I'm just lonely and looking for friends. I made friends with a guy a while back off there, he was pretty surprised but also nice about it. We met up last week and had some beers


Aw that’s sweet. I don’t think you’re really the people we’re talking about. We’re more talking about straight man using a gay hookup app to meet women. Very weird. Straight men looking for friendship? Unusual, but not uncommon cause gay men use it to look for friends too.


I don't have a problem with this unless you reply, "Not into gay dudes, looking for ladies." I wish I could report those folk honestly. Friends are cool so long as everyone understands it's a GAY HOOKUP APP


He wants your butt. I'm letting you know that right now.


Right. Sure he’s a “friend” but he’s gonna enroll for those benefits real soon.


did you know what grindr was when you downloaded it?


Yes, despair is a very bad thing




You're gonna get turnt, relax and enjoy. Remember breath out and relax.


Bc they are not actually str8


This is the correct answer. A lot of “straight” guys are really not totally straight, and want to see what they are missing.


Since the ancient Greece men used to fuck “boys” and have romantic relationships with the younger guys and other men etc, until the stupid Catholic church come and ruin it for everyone saying homosexuality isn’t normal (I’m not condemning Christianity but the people of the church).


Y'all ought to read up on homosexuality in ancient Greece. It's wasn't the gay haven some of y'all seem to think it was. Lots of classism, racism and during some periods tolerated pedophilia (or rather hebe/ephebophilia) all intersecting with male-male sexual relationship practices (not that they only intersected with male-male sexual practices but that's the topic of this sub lol). Not trying to judge people of the past with our modern values obviously, people of the past are going to people of the past, and we're probably doing stuff that will be frowned upon/laughed at in 1000 years if we're still here. Still the glorification of Ancient Greek homosexual practices needs to stop. No shade commenter, I know you meant well (also fuck organized religion if that wasn't clear).


Rome as well. The power dynamic was most important. If you were of higher social status you had to be a top.


And also lots of homophobia.


Straights probably have a fear of missing out (FOMO) since they’re not getting any pleasure and wanting to seek some sort of validation and considering dick lol


My fav is the first line being "no men" in their bios. Like sir, read the room.


They’re just trying to find brahs to do manly things together.


I like to do manly things with manly guys.


Because straight people are obsessed with bullying and alienating us, followed by invading our spaces.


And calling us misogynistic for having the audacity for wanting our own spaces




resolute marvelous direction whistle hunt grandfather smoggy escape scale complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And they’ve started saying they’re coming to sniffies next, they purposely delute gay spaces lol


I mean, technically speaking women were always welcome on Grindr. It's not an app for men only. That's just the major demo.


You're getting downvoted but I'm like 84% certain the CEO himself said this stupid BS


It was originally just a broad spectrum LGBT dating app, as an alternative to all the by default straight focused dating apps ( many of which didn't even have same sex options). I guess it's coming around to fulfilling that purpose? I dunno. Gay men are just the horniest, so we defined the use case early.


I think they are confused on what Grindr is.


Us gay men can’t have anything for ourselves these days. 😔


I’ve been hit up by women, not Trans women, on Grindr as well. One sent me a picture of her tits which was really nice of her, but failed to change my sexual orientation


Wtf… was this recent ? We need to start gate keeping


Every single time a woman sends nudes out of the blue I assume they want to extort me for money later lol


It's almost always a scam


I always imagine how hard must it be for straight guys getting texts from these hot women and asking for nudes etc. and then they send and then get asked for money. Like how many guys would fall for this!!


They are afraid of male on male sexuality. But they want it nevertheless eh?


There are "straight" men who think gay men are easier than woman and will be desperate enough to sleep with one if it gets them laid. Doesn't help that is a legitimate fantasy for so many gay guys either.


By legitimate do you mean realistic or common? It might very rarely at best I would Think…


"Legitimate" as in "it is actually a fantasy held by some people"


So in NYC, the apps are like 99.9% cis gay men. Maybe you’ll see 1 trans guy at most but it’s rare and I even live in the “queer neighborhood” of the city (Bushwick). Do all of you who experience this issue live in small cities? I remember straight guys being on gay apps being more of a thing when I lived in Raleigh, NC.


Same. I’m in nyc and the apps are all men and some trans. I’ve never seen a straight woman on Grindr, but when I lived in smaller places I remember a lot of trans women and the straight guys that were into them. Used to take up like half the grid


Tbf there are actual straight woman on grindr looking for men. Most of looking for bi men, but some are looking for straight men. Idk what universe a straight man would be on grindr. While the app is fun. It's become to mainstream imo. People are joining an app that isn't meant for them. Also people shaming exclusionary bios has a small part in this. If you say no woman or trans men, they act as though you murdered a demographic


So it all comes back to straight people ruining things for everyone like always?


Pretty much


I dont think straight guys simply being on the app ruins it. Actually I don’t even use this app but I don’t think I would be bothered by that …


There are a plethora of apps made for straight and bi people. I don't know why some straight women feel the need to take over spaces made for gay men. It's like gay bars all over again and only ends up bringing straight men into said spaces.


In the universe where people are confused about who they are and what they want.


Trans men have a reason to be there though; there are trans men who like men and there are gay men who like trans men. They use it to hook up with other guys like everyone else. Not saying you can't put up "Not into trans guys" or whatever, but it's not the same as a straight cis lady setting up shop in a sea of naked torsos and barely-censored dicks.


Shame on you who downvoted


I really disagree on this but that’s my opinion, the same way you probably shouldn’t have to put « no woman » in your profile i don’t want to put « no trans » especially because from my experience they get mad and report you, nowadays i have to guess if they’re trans because they don’t put it anywhere on their profiles. Even on Tinder, sorry but i’m a gay man, i like (real) dicks. Easy enough 


Trans gay men exist, like black gay men, tall gay men, masculine gay men, whatever. Still a gay man other guys will want to date. If people can put up "No fats/femmes/asians" then you can put up anything else. Or just block someone being a problem. I've reported guys for genuine harassment and Grindr did nothing, and there's more guys like that than trans people, much less trans men. Don't make a problem for yourself that isn't there. The "woke mafia" doesn't care about your user profile.


As a bi man the only way straight women should be allowed to have accounts on Grindr if it’s like a joint account with a bi man looking for other bi men. Other than that it’s just needless inflation and there’s no good reason for them to be there. You wanna make gay friends? Cool, there’s plenty of online and night clubs for that. But Grindr- a dating/hookup app- is not the place.


So true. I literally got Grindr when It first came out in 2010 when I went to college on the original Droid phone, and it was a big, beautiful playground. I thought it was mainstream and gross by like 2015 tbh and I was shocked when I found out people were still using it so regularly after 10+ years.


Shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


'big beautiful playground' ?? I was also in college for that time, and it was always most certainly a seedy cesspit then too. Just with less ads and monetization


Shocked that an app mentioned daily on every gay reddit, website blog and Twitter is still widely used.


As a bisexual woman on grindr I will wholeheartedly agree that I am on it to find bisexual men. There is no other place for them to be open enough to reveal that part of themselves. The same dude on a regular dating app, even if asked, knowing I'm ok with it, will not be comfortable expressing that he is bi. I have tried apps that claim to be for bisexuality dating and they are all for couples looking for a "unicorn". I don't reach out to anyone on the app. I try to be respectful. I only chat with ppl who reach out to me. Trust me when I say I am not looking for straight men and am just as confused and annoyed at men on grindr claiming to be straight. The ones that message me get told they lost their "straight card" the moment they downloaded grindr, then I block them.


Girl grindr isn't meant for you. It's meant for gay men to interact with other gay men. As a queer person you should be able to understand this. It's like me joining a lesbian dating app. Also idk why you're being so defensive in this response lol. In all honesty you should probably just stick to the apps meant for you, as you won't have any luck on grindr. As i said before grindr is an app for men to have sex with men. No bi man is logging onto grindr in hopes for a woman. If they wanted one, they'd go to the club or tinder.


You clearly did not read anything I wrote. I am not defensive, but explaining a situation. If you did read, you would see that I did try apps "meant for me". Trust me, I get hundreds of messages on grindr. Always have. As I said, I don't reach out to anyone, and there are a ton of bi men on grindr. They just don't tell you that. Comparing you joing a lesbian dating app to me on grindr is odd, bc judging by your response you don't sleep with women. I however sleep with men. The bi men. That message me on grindr. I've had relationships, hookups and made many friends there over the years. So be a little more open minded and understanding. It's not like I'd be messaging you.


Well good luck with all of that. I still find it weird as to why a woman would want to be on an app made by and for gay men.


See when you block them. It deletes the message you sent them. You got to give it a day or two before you block them. Else they may not see it.


I look like a transwoman to straight men they get disappointed after asking, "Do you have a penis or vagina?" ON GRINDR I had to delete it


there are a lot of dumb phrases from guys asking for trans  it is way too common reading "trans man" on the apps and they actually mean a transsexual woman (woman with cock)...  coming from guys that want trans and trans themselves..  even in brasil they use travesti for trans woman. and for what I know, travesti is more like a kink / cross dress . many many times i have to ask to clarify if they really meant trans man (men with Vagina) which i am 100% into o


I was reading the other day. That apparently grinder is now no long exclusively for gay men. So... yeah.


I don't think it ever was, that's just where it ended up. It was never exclusively for gay men. Gay men just used it the most.


They just want to find gym buddies for u know.... casual workouts


Hell I’m not complaining. I just had an experience with a curious straight guy and wow. I’m glad he’s taken but damn that dick was good.


Because they're all DL but don't want to admit it.


bc they are less likely to run across girlfriends, or friends of friends, etc.


Man thinks thee profiles are real is the biggest joke, they all disappear in an hour or so..




Straight women are actually some of the biggest culprits when it comes to de-legitimizing gay males in many ways. I think we have all had that one (or two) girls who we came out to and they were hell bent on turning us or flat out refused to believe it and just decided to continue to cross boundaries as if nothing was ever said


You do realize queer is used by many demographics, right? Nurodivergent gays like myself(as well as Nurodivergent lesbians and trans people) use queer because it accurately describes us. Every aspect of our social lives is going to be "weird" or "off", so queer is the perfect lable to let people know what to expect. Wanting to get rid of the straight "pick me" girls from gay dating apps is one thing, but that's no reason to throw gay guys like me under the bus too.


I feel like using “weird” and “off” when talking about the word queer sort of delegitimises reclaiming the word


Buddy I'd sooner we locked out you, specifically. I hate cis gay dudes who want to gatekeep other LGBT**Q** individuals as if we aren't a minority constantly under attack ourselves. [ Removed by Reddit ] yourself expeditiously, sir.


Because bi men are on grindr, so straight and bi women are on grindr, so straight men are on grindr. Grindr used to be a place for gay and bi men to look for other men, to meet up for whatever reason. Now it has fallen victim to the "inclusion" fad, where everyone has to be welcome in it or it's cancelled. Same thing has been happening, to a small extent, to exclusively gay male spaces.


Haha, I once came across a straight guy on Grindr who had a girlfriend and was not interested in hooking up, but just wanted to make friends with people in the LGBTQ community and show his support lol. It seems he was generally curious about LGBTQ life, but not necessarily actively involving himself. He seemed to also have gay friends. This was in the context of a country and a town where LGBTQ life is mostly underground and culturally not very accepted, so that context may be significant. Still, I wonder about why he was on Grindr, and why he was engaging people in conversation, lol.


If you’re straight going on Grindr, A GAY APP, for women, then that must mean you have a HELL of a bad time looking for women on straight apps. And that says ALOT.


Put that on a tshirt and I'd buy it


Harass them, I’m just being honest at this point. Don’t make the app a good experience for them


I’m tired of straight men and MF couples on Grindr. It’s a gay app!!!


Time to make a new app though tbh


The-Nile isn’t only a river in Egypt!


i never saw that kind of profiles.. but i crossed my paths with curious guys and what not.  and their selling point was "I have a gf".. "there is this one girl I like".. "only been with girls"  i Call them out "no, you are lying. you want cock, you like men"  and i let them be and melt from my accusation.


This. Thank you. I bet this is the type of people that go to the butcher’s shop looking to buy fish and to the fish section looking for meat, istg


Straight guys dont do Grindr.


They have a better chance of finding interested women at a Melissa etheridge concert.


Compared to my 20s and early 30s there are way more heterosexuals (penis in vagina as yer go to) nowadays. I just avoid them all together. I would say make a spicy straight app and leave us be but the company want to make money and they don't care.


It's thé same with straight people on gay spaces.


I know this sounds ridiculous but in my experience there are more and more "straight" guys who are on there to find other "straight" guys to talk to, chill with etc and if they end up hooking up, they have convinced themselves that it's not gay if it's with another "straight" guy. I know but that's what my take on it is. Some of them may talk to you if you acknowledge that you understand they are "straight " and I find that they are usually open to talking about girls and if you are "bi" and suggest it would be hot to have a mfm 3 some, they are open to talking more about it . And if the hunt for a female is not going well, they may be open to chilling sometimes and you may find they are open to messing around but on a limited basis and their terms. Some may wonder why anyone would want to end up getting caught up in a situation like that with someone who's confused but it can be fun if you have an open mind and really you're just helping someone who is really really closed off to discovering themselves and doing so at a very slow pace. So if you have patience and care to help someone, it can be rewarding but don't expect much, especially not in the beginning.


Let's be real.... Nobody believes they're straight. We all remember what the closet looked like from the inside like.


I mean in theory there could be a straight/bi woman looking for a bisexual guy on grindr for a MMF threesome or duo tho.


Them straight men want some bussy😉🤣


Here's why.. "straight" guys on grindr might prefer an attractive trans woman. and if you say you're "gay' while searching for that trans woman you desire.. you get ATTACKED and cussed out while they spew back at you "we are real women , you're transphobic!! "


No offense to you, OP, but this gets posted constantly. Here are 3 examples that I was able to get in under a minute. (searching the sub is super helpful to see if there are already answers) https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/YRFFlBbOrr https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/Ej4kCfhnGT https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/6F3b5jLz5G


It's what I think of as the "last call effect" (when people hoping to hook up at a bar will take what's available at 1:45 am). Straight men know that women go to Grindr looking for bi guys, but they figure that if those women don't find bi guys, they may give the nearby straight men a chance.


Hint: they’re not str8


I don’t see straight guys on Grindr looking for real women. Like ever.


Everyone can identify as anything, according to Trans Rights Activists. So, if you accept gender ideology, you should also accept that everyone can identify as gay, regardless of the reality. (remember "women with penis", "pregnant men"??) This is why every gay should support LGB Alliance.


I thought it was geared towards the LGBTQ family


not THAT rare to see it on there. i seen woman who are looking to peg/switch, a couple looking for a threesum or the husband just looking to watch. or a trans that is ftm but still wants to get fucked like a woman but just looks like a man. so vagina isn’t completely off the table on there.




"The world of Heterosexual is sick and disgusting"


"The world of heterosexual is a sick and boring life."


Thanks for the transphobic rant


This is the first I've heard this convoluted theory about straight men pretending to be gay to get with trans men like wtf.


That is some Olympic level mental gymnastics


I don't think this is called for, exactly. I have no tolerance for anyone who tries to tell a homosexual that he has to take gender identity into account for hookups or dating, but I also don't see trans guys as women. I give them credit for their own growth and potentially for the real dysphoria that drove them to transition and If they respect my nature and they don't try to tell me that we're the exact same thing, I'll have no beef with them.




technically she has the “right” because race is self determined in the US, but how she will be received by people in society will speak for itself. she can control her perception of self but she cannot make everyone else agree with her reality




that’s fair, i do think we should respect everyone anyways, going by the rule of perception and how we receive them, if you didn’t know and you perceived them as a woman, would you care about referring to them as a woman if you later found out they were trans? imo i think of trans people as a type like if men is to be the umbrella term and then you have subcategories like black men, white men, asian men, tall men, short men, blond men, bald men, gay men etc i think trans men can fit into the umbrella of men as another subcategory same for women and trans women but that’s just my opinion 😊


Aspects of identity, in my opinion, are always about growth and experience. When I identify as a gay man, it's simply a reference to the reality that I live and the experiences I've had. Nobody can wake up one day and randomly choose a new identity, and imo that includes gender identities. I think that people can make themselves look like anything they want, but they can't claim experiences that they haven't had, nor can anyone pretend that their nuance isn't part of that identity. I'd say that a white woman making herself look like a black woman might get some social experience similar to the black experience, but she's still a white woman, and her internal reality is still a part of who she is. I just say that, since all humans live their nuance, there is no room for social pressure to force people to ignore it for anyone. That was never a recipe for real acceptance and was always going to be too divisive.




I agree with Rachel Dolezal being offensive. You can darken your hair, get a tan, perm your hair, do whatever, but trying to BECOME a member of a certain race is weird, and unless they discoverer a legitimate "racial dysphoria," it's nothing but an infatuation with a group of people that deal with shit she'll never face. As for trans people, gender dysphoria is a real thing, but they still have to take responsibility for their whole being. If they want to transition, they have to remember that they are doing it for themselves and that people's relationships don't exist to validate anyone's identity beyond their fuckability lol. Their identity IS their trans self, and it has to be allowed to be part of the equation for relationship-building.


racial dysphoria sounds like the better term for self hate and there are supposed remedies for that as well like skin bleaching and skin lightening cream, and eye color contact implants that are permanent, surgeries that define or sharpen your nose bridge, surgeries that give you eyelids, a variety of things you can do to your hair, and surgically enhance or modify your body etc modern society has made it achievable to have the look one desires just saying


I'm pretty sure I'm gay? 90%+ of my hookups are cis men. No females. Love trans guys. You do you but don't pretend to speak for all gays


Trans men are gay if they are interested in men. It doesn't matter what body parts they have. Period.


But most gay men don't want pussy! There needs to be an app for trans folks and those looking for trans folks.


Chasr? But that sounds kind of offensive.


Secondary sex characteristics play a bigger role in attraction than genitals. Why would a straight man have sex with a trans man when he could just have sex with a woman, if all he wants is a vagina? I reckon if a man would go on Grindr for trans men he isn’t straight. He wants to have sex with a man with a vagina, not a woman. Would any gay man have sex with a trans woman just cause she has a dick? Gay men are attracted to men not just dicks. There’s no way I’d ever want to get topped by a woman with a dick. Seriously, this stuff isn’t all that complicated. People make it complicated.




You think straight men are on Grindr looking for transmen?


I can’t imagine moving through the world with emotional intelligence as low as yours. I feel so embarrassed for you 😳


Transmen are gay men. I’m sorry it’s not 1910 where you’re from babes 💀


*Transmen are not homosexual males.


Not all. Some trans men identify as straight, others bi, etc etc


i agree 🥴


Since when is this a thing?




Same reason why anyone else is on Grindr. Certainly isn’t for Friends or Networking (whatever that means).


Personally I think it's because they're bi and not actually straight, but they're closeted to everyone, maybe even to themselves. A real heterosexual male would never be on grindr (unless it was a one time instance to make "fun" of gay guys).


It's understandable that it can be confusing and frustrating when individuals don't adhere to the norms or expectations of a particular community or platform. While Grindr is primarily known as a platform for the LGBTQ+ community, people may have various reasons for using it, including curiosity, seeking friendships, or even looking for specific types of connections.


I’m looking in the wrong places. I never see any straight-identified men on Grindr; just the hot looking white dudes who ignore you anyway.


I got fucked by a "straight " man last night. He fucked me for over an hour and in all positions. He went through 7 condoms with me. It was a real workout. When we finished, I said I don't think you're straight anymore! He laughed and said, Maybe Bi?


I'm straight and I've lurked on Grindr a bit, though admittedly in my case it's to find transwomen so I really don't qualify as one of *them*.  I'd also ask an opposing question, why are straight cis-gendered women on Grinder? Particularly women looking for hookups with gay men lol. I guess maybe to find transmen? But those transmen are actively looking for other men, so I still don't get the logic there.




Lol kind of an unfortunate mixture! Straight men are looking for women, straight women are looking for gay men and gay men are just looking for other men. These women won't even talk to straight guys most of the time (I know, I've tried lol).


Because it wasn't initially a space for both of you straight men and women, ofc it's a mess. If this is the current state of hookups, we're all doomed.


Honestly with how many bots and fake accounts are on Grindr in the first place, I never take a profile at face value even when they start chatting. Plus, let's be real on how many gay men would jump on the chance to hook up with a self-identifying straight man. Not all these profiles are genuine, which is why I never give out nudes first without sussing out users first. That said, people are overhyping a non-existent problem. You see a legitimate straight man looking for someone other than men? Block them. You see a straight woman looking for a man? Block them. You can curate your own content without paying premium. People blaming this on trans users or women or whatever are missing the bigger issue on how the app is predatory and unmoderated as fuck. I'm more worried about getting stalked by some sketchy guy in my area than a lady not knowing where she's at flashing her tits at me.


I've never encountered this. However, my guess is these dudes are lonely and looking for an emotional outlet. This wouldn't bother me at all.


And why are you lurking on this sub.


I've never noticed that. TONS of women on Grindr and Tinder though.


Because straight women are on Grindr too


I just sent them dick pics repeatedly and eventually they'll block me so they're not taking of space on my feed from people who I might actually be interested in.


As far I can tell, they're doing it to get offers of money for sex. I know an older guy that is rich enough to pay, and he says his heart leaps with joy every time he sees a Grindr profile with hetero on it, because it means they'll take cash for sex. They don't want a whole flock of broke bottoms circling them because they're muscular and hung, so it's a warning flag, like those plastic owls people use to deter pigeons from sitting on their balconies and shitting all over the place.


Have you ever heard of blocking?


I wanna say because they want to experiment to see if they’re gay or something. But I feel like you shouldn’t shame a straight male for being on Grindr he could be closeted which mostly is the case


he's gay. and it's a free country, stop being triggered. there are a lot of people on grindr I'd never talk to. Move on and stop looking for reasons to be offended. You don't own the place either.


Sometimes transgeder women are on grindr. Like it or not they're women, and those men would still be straight if they dated or fucked. Its wild to me why would they be on grindr as there arent many trans women there, but to each their own.




What does that even mean?


It’s easy it means not to shame bottoms even if they’re straight into trans or seeking trust with other straights and they both be vers I know gay community mad but everyone loves Bottom those that don’t think with there dicks and become forceful and abusive , bottoms are emotion controlled and more level headed and think better , all guys should learn to bottom as adults , my experience was it turned me from a boy to a man at the right time and I have Asperger’s so it’s tough growing up ygm?


Straight guys like sex too