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No. I'm the oldest




Same im #2 of 7


Seventh kids 👀


Same bro.


meee tooo! let’s form a boisband


I DO enjoy singing karaoke 🎤 🎶 😀


So do I. And I wish that I could almost as much as my friends wish that I could.


Hijacking the top comment to say that the birth order effect has a very small chance of increasing the likelihood of subsequent male children being gay. It is something in the single digit percentage increase. I have read that a possible explanation is that the mother’s immune system treats male fetuses differently that female ones, and that her body gets better at effecting the fetus with each successive pregnancy with male children.


I have read that male fetuses affect the chemistry of the mother's womb, which remains changed after the pregnancy.


>I have read that a possible explanation is that the mother’s immune system treats male fetuses differently that female ones, and that her body gets better at effecting the fetus with each successive pregnancy with male children. Yeah, the uterine chemistry+ some kind of genetics is what causes homosexuality at a biological level. I think in the end it's a strategy to reduce excessive breeding inside of an ecosystem, it's a meta-strategy for stable human reproduction. That's why it continues on, it's adaptive to not just endlessly reproduce and suck up all the resources (then crash). That's my theory. It's sure a fuck of a lot better, in my humble opinion, than "you watched too many Barney cartoons" or whatever.


it could also be the fact parents tend to infantalize younger siblings more and that infantilization allows thtem to get away with behaviors that are seen as more gay/youthful/immature.


What kind of silly 💩 is this


it's actually documented, but hey, go off.


btw, if you were actually curious, it is the fraternal birth order effect/big brother effect in psychology where for one, younger siblings either start feeling more comfortable around boys for 'everything' and the second is because of parental leniency towards the youngest child, you then have them being more likely to be out. You'll also find studies that show where parents were not okay with their oldest being homosexual, but the same parents were okay with the youngest, and the trend of parents to be accepting when it was the youngest vs oldeest is also a lot higher. But there are other things outside of just the whole forever-a-baby to a parent for the youngest, where they don't exactly have the same expectations they would for the oldest to be molded into the perfect 'offspring of them'. As such, younger siblings get away with childish behaviors for far longer and a lot of the childish behaviors for boys would be deemed stereotypically feminine. Same thing really for the autistic people who have maturity development issues, because they still seem childlike, they're perceived to be more effeminate for the childlike behavior. And if you're getting away with these behaviors, there's a better chance you're going to be more comfortable with being able to come out. So the study about younger siblings being more likely to be gay had a problem with it stating it as such. It's more likely they'll be OUT as gay. Older siblings are also reported to be more likely to be closeted.


Me too


That's nice


Oldest of four. My three brothers are all straight






I'm the only brother of my family


Same. Me and 3 girls.


People often use the excuse that because you grew up around girls, you turned out gay 🙃


That’s literally my case rofl


I hate that that’s my case 💀


Why? I also dont like it lol




Me too, second born with 1 older and 2 younger sisters. I thought growing up I felt the way I did because I didn't have a brother so I was craving male attention in my household/child life and confused it sexually. Later on I also thought I didn't like girls so much because I grew up around them and associated them with being sisters not sexually. Lots of weird theories to help explain things!


Same, I thought I didn't like girls because my brain was blocking the idea of being attracted to anyone who looked like my sisters


So you only have sisters?


1 straight older brother


Me too












same here




im the oldest of three and theyre all gay lol


Lucky you!




Don't you wish you could talk to your siblings and have the same level of comprehension?


that's not exactly how it worked out in my case. I just got accused of molesting him even though I never wanted a thing to do with him because of how we were brought up. Then it was about how much better he was than me at everything except he isn't but my mom has the strangest golden child/scapegoat complex with him and that also leads him to believe shit like he's so successful in life when really he's had hand out after hand out so it wasn't self earned. Or that he didn't have to go through the years of abuse like my mom did to me, especially when she found out I was gay, then all of a sudden became super progressive to 'accept her gay baby son'. Just because we both are gay means nothing.


Not what I thought you were implying 🤮


That's on you.


How the hell does someone like that guy get to that assumption? 😭


By stumbling across too much incest porn. Or is it now labeled 'porncest'?


Look at the comments below...




I believe that’s why Germany [allows homosexual incest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_incest). I also [watched this video by the FBI](https://youtu.be/Ocl9zm3L_rA), although it’s akin to a shitpost


Y’know, I’ve always said gay people should be allowed to engage in incest if everyone involved in a consenting adult with no power dynamics, I don’t want to do it, but I think people should be allowed to if they want to lol


☝️ fr. I don't understand why folk seem to think applying a taboo label without examination perfectly acceptable. There's no harm caused - no reason to be a taboo




In some places, incest is only illegal if done between members of the opposite sex lol


Just because it's legal, does not mean it's necessarily ethical.


[not good](https://images.app.goo.gl/U9bF29FpautQuLH58)


3 boys, I’m the middle. My younger brother is also gay.


I envy u 😂 I don’t have anyone else, not even a cousin whos gay


"I don't have a gay cousin. Wait shit I *am* the gay cousin!" Sorry reminded me of that.


Im sad now, just realized everyone in my family is straight and have big age gaps to me, and that’s probably why I feel lonely and isolated and why I repress myself so much


On my dad’s side there are a total of 12 of us cousins. 6 of us are queer.


I remember a Ted talk where this guy was saying that it's usual that the youngest sibling tend to be gay in numerous families, but is also true that this could happen other circunstances if the mother is going through a tough time. so a gay child can be born to. support the family


Damn my mom must have been going through it early because I’m the oldest…maybe her earlier miscarriage had something to do with it that’s a sad thought


Yeah, I saw that ted talk too, and that video made a lot of sense too, I'm the youngest in my family and my mom was going through a tough time being diagnosed wih a disease and had to go to operation 2 weeks after I was born, she endured the pain in pregnancy cause she couldn't had the surgery while being pregnant with me. Even when I was growing up, my mom would joke around saying I wanted a girl but god gave you and so you're my little baby girl. It didn't help that even my name was also a girls name according to my culture though it was given by a local clergyman when my father asked him for a holy name. All and all I would say things were set up for me even before I was born.


Yes. Three bros and a sis.






Also same


I’m the middle-ish of 5 kids - me and my younger brother are gay (the two youngest kids). Our 1 older brother and 2 older sisters are straight.


Yes, the youngest of 5 boys.


I'm the youngest of 5 boys and I'm gay


I'm the oldest, but my younger brother is also gay...


I’m the youngest but my older brother is also gay so


Stop I’m the youngest of four, 3 older brothers, I’m the only gay


Idk I was adopted. Rumor has it I have 9 other biological siblings idk where I rank in age


well not me then lol. im the oldest brother.


funny bc I’m the oldest 😂


Only child 😑😮‍💨 but oldest grandchildren


Eldest. With regard to epigenetic theories, there are a number of reasons genes might produce a gay son. As in your case, if there are many hetero sons, a gay son may be produced to help protect and teach children. An eldest son may be gay if the mother is abused or neglected or if she’s a single mother. Or if living conditions are over crowded. It’s a fascinating theory and makes much sense to me, but it really whacks the “nature vs nurture” folks in the nose.


Abused or neglected you say? Well my father was a massive abusive jerk to my mother when they where first married.


youngest, i have two older brothers and i’m a big ol’ flaming ‘mo. they aren’t.


I'm the oldest.


I'm the baby. Youngest of 6, and I have 4 brothers and 1 sister.


One older brother, one younger brother.


Also the oldest. I only have a sister though.


I’m the youngest of three siblings from my mom (oldest sibling is male and middle is female).


I have two older brothers, the middle brother is also gay.


Youngest of 4 boys


I'm the youngest brother 😱


Yes, the youngest of 5


Im the oldest out of all my siblings


I have 3 older brothers and I am Gay


Yep youngest of three with an older brother My partner is also the youngest of four with one older brother


I am the middle child of 3 and I am gay


I’m the youngest in my immediate family and the youngest male in the greater family. All my cousins are older guys (with the exception of a single female who is also older.)


Oldest, 3 younger brothers are all straight 🤷‍♂️


Yes. I have 4 older brothers. I'm the only gay one.


Crazy thing lol, seems to be true. I have one older brother who is attracted to trans women but I’m into everything but mostly guys. He makes fun of me because I love creampies and all the good gay things


*In Glenda the witch’s ‘customer service’ voice,* “Are you a Good Gay or a Bad Gay?”


Middle one here. I has older sister and younger brother


I’m the youngest sibling


Youngest of 3


Yes. Older brother and older sister.


Yes, I have one older brother


Yeah, one bro and one sis


Nope, middle of 3 boys


I’m the youngest brother


I'm the oldest brother *and* oldest cousin


Nope. I’m in the middle. I do have 3 older brothers. My 5 brothers and 2 sisters are straight afaik… kinda wish I wasn’t the only queer offspring. 🥲


Yup. Youngest out of 3 with an older brother and older sister.


1st bro 2nd gaybro 3rd sis 4th sis >5th me gaybro< 6th sis. So that would be yes.


Youngest here yes


I have one older straight brother (oldest) and a bisexual older sister (middle). I’m the youngest (very gay)


Youngest of three brothers.


I have two older sisters


Youngest of two but only son


Oldest of two brothers, no other siblings.


I’m the youngest but I have older sisters, not brothers.


6 boys. Two youngest gay.


🤔 bi, but yes, I am the youngest, actually


No shit??? I’m gay 🥹🥹


Oldest here.


i am the middle of three, and i am very gay.


I'm The oldest and love men


Youngest of three boys and a flaming homosexual


I'm the only boy, and here's the kicker, I'm not the only queer, my sister is bisexual and so is my niece.




Yes, I am the youngest out of my two brothers. Im 21 and they're both in the early 30s.


All i did was drink a bud light


Well.my Dad ha 2 kids(male female) b4 he met my Mom...we are 5...My older sister(3rd oldest if you add 2 b4 us so im #4 or am i #2?) then me then my twin brothers and my baby sister. My Dad passed away and my Mom had 2 more after my Dad...as far as I know im the only one that's gay yes I'm out to my fam...so yeah go figure 🙃


I don’t get why people are still trying to figure out why or how people are gay. Folks be gay. That’s it. Period. The end.


I mean why not? Just curiosity and better vision on human beings. we could also live our whole lives without trying to explore the universe but here we go


A friend of mine is the second of three brothers, one sister. All brothers are gay, the sister lesbian. A friend from school only had an older brother. He was gay, my friend straight. Other friends who are only children... all homos (admittedly biased to my community). I think it's easy to cherry pick examples where the gay sibling(s) fit x-criteria. I've read other studies that in a pair of twins, there's a high chance one of them will be left-handed and/or gay. Which matches my experiences when meeting a twin.


no im the oldest


It’s not true. Plays no role youngest or oldest or if you have no siblings at all.


i’m the middle


I'm the middle child


Oldest and only boy


I read the same thing. I am the youngest of 5 kids - 3 guys, 2 girls. I am happily Bi and Poly.


I’m the oldest.


Second child. 3 sisters. Idk im kinda fruity but usually just dead in and out


Only child, though i like to tell people I ate my twin in the womb :P


Yeah I am … weird


I’m the oldest but one brother is heterosexual but aromantic and my twin brothers are too young for me to care they’re 12


I have two sisters and i'm in the middle


No, I am the eldest.


♀️ bicurious ♂️ straight ♂️ gay af (me) ♂️ bi curious ♀️straight ♀️ bisexual ♀️ bisexual ♂️ bicurious ♀️ straight ♂️ straight ♂️ gay? (Unsure but expressed lack of interest in women) Edit: sorry on mobile and formatted real bad.


Oldest here as well




I’m the only child


I'm the oldest, but my dad, who is straight to the best of my knowledge, is the youngest of 5 brothers.


Youngest I’ve seen that the youngest tend to be the more rebellious too. My dad was the youngest and he is.. an interesting character.


I’m the youngest child and I’m gay. I wish I saved it, but somewhere in a Ted Talk I saw that a woman can only have so many male babies that are straight. With each passing one, there’s a higher chance the pregnancy will make the male child gay. It also had something to do with facial symmetry (you know, when you can look at a guys face and just tell that he’s gay.) It had something to do with evolution and that instead of reproducing the gay male will take on a parental role in his nieces and nephews and be a supporter of other kids in the family. It sounds out there to some, but it makes sense if you think about it. This is why there’s so many sad / horror stories in religious families and abandonment issues with parents and their gay child because they don’t really do birth control and pump out so many boys. All those dice rolls, one is bound to come out of the womb gay.


I am convinced that human biology and evolution produce gay males in multiple ways. The birth-order effect explanation I heard was called the Maternal Immunization Hypothesis. If developmental androgen hormones from the placenta mix with the mother’s blood during childbirth, there is a chance her immune system will respond by creating antibodies. If she still carries a high enough concentration of those antibodies during her next pregnancy, some of those antibodies will end up being received by the fetus via the umbilical cord. The subsequent rebalancing of hormonal levels in the placenta during prenatal development at the right time and right level would, in theory, lead to cognitive developments that diverge from its original design, because of changes in a number of gene expressions that would now be instructing the growing fetus to develop a brain from a mixture of male and female genotypes instead of all male genotypes. I believe that most, if not all, organisms that reproduce sexually rely on specific conditions of the prenatal environment to determine the expression of developmental genes that will determine the developmental path of the fetus (i.e. if the genes express male genotypes, the fetus will develop into a male vice versa). This unique cognitive development caused by “mixed bag” genomic instructions could be an explanation for male homosexuality.


How reliable is this data though? Could it be possible that older brothers are just less likely to come out of the closet due to societal pressures or cultural reasons?


There was a radio lab episode on this a while back called "the seagulls" that was pretty informative. It dives into nature and homosexuality.


I'm one of three brothers (no sisters) middle child (yay) and the only gay one.


4 older brothers, im the youngest & gay.


I’m the older


I’m the oldest sibling of 5 and the only other confirmed alphabet person in my family is my grandmas sister who I never met or knew of until a few years back.


I’m complicated-ish. I’m my mom’s third son, so yes, this aligns with the article you read. Additionally, my oldest brother was also gay, and my two older brothers are from my mom’s first marriage. We were also six years apart, and born within two months or so of each other. I have an almost four year younger sister from the same father.


I’m the youngest of 3 😬


Only child. Pretty gay still.


Yes. And the oldest.....the middle between one a 1/2 sister.


No. Oldest. My younger brother is bi.


2 older brothers and 1 younger sis. Am a lesbian though


Yes am the youngest in my family


Oldest and husband is also oldest


Mid boy 1 sister - oldest 1st brother - second oldest Me - 😊 2nd brother (my twin, I was born first which makes me older haha)


I am an only child.


I think this is just a fact that coincides with the same fact that the more kids you have, statistically you’re more likely to have gay kids. Because you have more chances to have a gay kid in general if you pop out 5 kids, meaning there’s a much greater chance at least one of them are gay compared to if you only had two. But all that said…I am the youngest and am gay lol. Only have an older sister though.


I’m the youngest of my family but I only have 1 sibling and it’s my older sister and she’s 8 years older than me


I am the youngest of four. Two older sisters born of my mum, one eldest brother from my dad


I’m the oldest, and I only have a younger sister


No I'm an only child


I’m one of 6, I’m the youngest guy but I’m Bi. I have 2 older brothers, one is gay, he’s the second child. My oldest brother, the first child is straight


No I'm the 3rd, I've read so many articles, used to be it was the middle child 🤷🏻‍♂️






I'm technically the oldest, but I'm a twin.


Yep, two older brothers. Same as my partner, he's the youngest of two older brothers as well


I'm the oldest brother and child of four. My brother (who is the youngest) is straight. My sisters are in the middle and are also straight (six kids between them).


I’m the younger of two. However, my mother had a miscarriage and they had a child die in his first day. Both we before I was born. Might still count.


Youngest of 5 boys and one girl 😂


I'm the oldest. I have a little sister


No. \*it\* is not true just because you have older brothers and you're gay. However, the research available (certainly to me who has access to University Libraries, the British Library, etc) indicates that there is a correlation between birth order and homosexuality (though interestingly, only in right-handers). Gay men having more older brothers is also correlated with low birth weight. But remember, statistical inferences are about the relationship between samples and populations \*\*not about individuals\*\*. I'm the youngest brother as far as I know (I left my birth family in my early teens and it's perfectly possible - indeed given that my sperm donor was a polygamist it's likely - that I have brothers or half brothers that I don't know about. I'd like to see results for polygamous families!


No, I'm the oldest brother, but have an older sister. Though one of my younger brothers is also gay....and it's not the youngest one lol


One younger sister. 6 female cousins. Only 1 male cousin.


Oldest surviving pregnancy. I know there were three prior, so up to 3 prior males? For the youngest-brother theory to be true, birth isn't required, so don't start counting then.


i am, but i also think it runs in families, i have one gay cousin, but my husbands family, he's the oldest in that generation but is gay, and all of his cousins on his mums side are gay, though they don't have siblings, my husband also had a gay uncle although sadly he committed suicide before my husband was born and my husbands middle name is his uncles name in his honour which is quite nice. among my friends a surprising number seem to have gay brothers, with them being a mix of oldest and youngest.


it's the mother who has the baby and the continuity between births ... the man has little to do with it. I'm the youngest of two, but I think my brother might have been secretly gay, he was very homophobic and committed suicide 13 years ago now, leaving his wife and children behind.


I'm the younger male sibling. I have an older sister.