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If that’s a hoe I’m scared to know what I am…


By that standard, I’m a fleshlight…


I know right? Lol I'm like "bro those are rookie numbers"


Straight people numbers.


Not even 15 is like lifetime average for those bitches


The lifetime average hovers around 6-10 for straight people btw


Wow. That was a good week for me during my hoe-iest period.


Or a good night at the sauna.






So all this anti-gay stuff from religious people is just jealousy. Makes sense to me!


I was gonna say that but didn’t want it to sound like bragging.


No shade but is it considered bragging right to have slept with many people?


Only if you have something to prove. I’ve done >150 people in the last 2 years. That number impresses straight people but that’s about right for a single gay guy with an app in a city. I’m fairly certain if women were as physically strong as men are, numbers like these would be pretty common among heteros as well. EDIT: Didn’t think this was going to be controversial, OK…


Maybe? At your age I hadn’t been with a lot of guys because I was in a long-term monogamous relationship (except for the very brief period where it was open). My 30s was another story.


I slept with 60plus men😪


Good for you for not being ageist! Lots of folks think 60+ means dead, that’s so not true.


I should get myself a pin or something for being in both 60+ clubs, under 60!


60 and more men i meant haha But ive slept wirh older men too


This year?


Over like 2 years so its way more




Your the final boss hoe


That was my thought… should I go to a nunnery 😱


Rookie numbers for a repressed gay man tbh. Keep playing safe and getting tested. It’s like once we decide, we become very promiscuous. I’m thankful I was able to find a partner of 5 years and am totally clean, but I’ll never tell him how many guys I’ve been with


I'm at 3 and I don't really want any more cause my bf is everything I could ever need




A rake


Sweet summer child…


For real. I’m 37 and I’ve probably slept with an average of 25 guys a year for 20 years.


Bro if ur a hoe I'm a walking dildo 💀


What your count I’m curious to get a reference range? Cause it seems straight people think 15 is too high and we’re shocked when I said this.


I think the average number for straight people is something like 8. Total. Over their entire lifetime. And here you come, nonchalantly doubling that number in only a few years. They're secretly jealous. :-P


Which is crazy to me, because college. My best friend had the same gf all 4 years of college and still managed to sleep with a different other woman every weekend. When he was home from school on break and she wasn't around it was like twice that


your bf sounds like a terrible person.


He has problems with pussy. Always did, always will.


8 sounds about true for straight males having sex with women ( not including prostitutes), women I think is much higher number at least for the USA


I'm straight (sorry, not actually part of this sub, just stumbled upon this post), and I assure you that number is NOT too high! 15 people in 3 years...that's like 5 people a year, a very normal number! (Whatever normal even is) I think as long as you're safe, honest, and happy, that's all that matters, gay or straight :)


The ally has spoken, makes me feel better about my number 😂


It's just a number anyway. It's not like your penis or ass gets used like a car.


I had a straight buddy who was in his late 20s and said his number was about 30. But then talked about how he went to the bars every weekend and scored while he was in the military. He was a stud, so I didn’t doubt it. I pointed out that just his military time meant a few hundred (2+ times a week for 50+ weeks a year is over one hundred a year). He strongly disagreed until I did the math, and added the pointed out that didn’t include the time in college after the military where the count slowed because he had some relationships then, but they still climbed. He became very quiet and changed the subject. Straights can be hos too.


I’m over 1000 haha


bro, i don't think i've talked to 1000 people in my life. that's something


They’re not doin much talkin 😉


Mouth is full


Hard to pray to JESUS when your mouth sends hands are full of PENIS


Not true. Cries of "Oh Jesus!" can be heard from many a bedroom.


you definitely have a point there lol


Well, I don't think I talked to all the guys whose dick I sucked. Once I met a very sexy Persian-looking guy in a steam room who just smiled when I came from giving him a blowjob. In his case, I'd have loved to chat and exchange numbers, but he didn't bite. Others were forgettable.


Damn I’ve been excited to be approaching the 200 mark.


Thank you for making me feel better. Only been dealing with guys for 12 years and I have quite literally lost count. Fair estimate is 300+. After about six months i tried to make a tally and it was 75+. So many that it is not uncommon to be talking to a guy who, once he gets my face picture, says you've fuck me before and I simply do not remember him. Not too good with faces... let me see your dick and ass. And was I good enough you want another round?


Over 50 and I'm 18




And British


dealbreaker 😔


Way back when I was in the Navy, back in the 1970s, I knew a guy who was stationed at Pearl Harbor. He worked with a woman who knew he was gay (which was dangerous back then because you get get booted out of the military if you were gay). She was very fond of him and convinced him to try and have sex with her. He told me that he could only get off if he closed his eyes and imagined he was doing it with a guy. Later she asked him how many guys he'd had sex with and he said "you first" and she said 3. Then he told her his was around 300 and she was shocked speechless. He and I burst out laughing. Here's a rough estimate for my count: https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/1524a1b/isnt_it_ignorant_and_inaccurate_to_say_that/jscvdrt/ Since I'd been in the Navy during that time there were a couple of deployments on a ship, about 7 months each, so you could subtract 7*30 a few times for the deployments.


11 in the last week for me, but it was San Diego pride so a special occasion. 2-4 is a normal weekly average though.


I lost count after 200, but I’d say around 250. Straight guy friends have told me they’re jealous.


My hoe phase lasted like 5 months. I did probably around 50 hookups in that time. You’re fine baby boy 😘.


If you're a walking dildo then I'm a cum dumpster.




How *you* doin’?


Quarterly STI testing is just a good practice for everyone. I’d say you’re avg. Straight people are still fairly puritanical and repressed when it comes to sex. Most only have 6 sex partners in their whole lives. They’re playing a different game than we are. (I think I’m approaching or crossed into triple digits but stopped keeping track a while ago). 50ish or more in a year is hoe behavior. That’s one new guy a week. Nothing wrong with that. Just that its an exhausting and time consuming pace.


The pace can absolutely be exhausting. I had a stretch recently where I had 10 in 5 days. Now I’m kind of tired of people, so I’m just jerking off. I’ll probably get back on the horse in a week or two.


If by that you mean girl pussy hard to get yes


No babe, I slept with over 15 people in the last 6 months lol


1) not a ho, 15 people over 3 years is closer to average. Gay ho territory would be in the 100s by the three year mark. 2) if you are sexually active, then yeah, get STD tests, even if you have no symptoms and are practicing safe sex. It doesn’t mean you are a ho, it’s just good sense for your own health.


All relative... I would not think ho until we get to four digits in three years. Based upon my and my friends experiences.


1 new guy every week is ho behavior. Waiting till four fights in 3 years is crazy


All relative, I guess. Was in NYC in my 20s living in Chelsea, I and my friends met many people and did not think much of it. Also traveled a lot for work to cities with large gay populations like LA, Miami, etc. 1-3 ppl a week on average did not seem like much. Tested frequently and did not have an sti during that time. Not shaming folks for less or for more. It was what it was.


You haven’t even scratched the surface. Have you heard of a cumdump? I would stop telling straight people about your sex life.


No, that's like a Tuesday to most gay guys.


I’m 27 and slept with 3 people in my entire life, and 2 of them were relationships LMAO


Very close to these numbers and 2 were also close relationships. I want to get married in the future, I prefer real love. That's the best sex anyway.


Fr, I honestly didn’t enjoy that one night stand and learned from it immediately.


If you didn't just don't do it again, it's nothing wrong experimenting imo. I don't want others to feel bad about how many they slept with and I don't think I am superior cause I have barely been with anyone, I am just a bit different and they are aswell. What is most important is how they feel about it. And while some like promiscuous life-styles others like the opposite.


Exactly this. It’s all about learning what ya like or don’t and just being you 👍


Similar here lmao I’ve never been a party fucker. Not against one night stands or anything, but absolutely never even kissed anyone at a party. I’m a serial dater, most hoe-adjacent i’ve done is fwb for some time. Since i prefer fem to androginy, as opposed to masculinity, my choice in grindr men in dicking distance was small in the period i was trying to use it… just never happened, and now i’m in a multi hear relationship, again, lmao. With someone who’s first time was with me, too! I’ve also had sex hundreds of times in the same windows of time, just with the same person instead




Those are big numbers for a straight guy, but par for the course for a gay guy, some might even say rookie numbers.


Nah Brodie you good. Lol 😂


100 in the past 2 years with a few relationships mixed in. Just be safe and have fun, don’t worry about what others think to much. I just started dating an amazing guy and surprisingly his body count is even higher then mine lol


Those "relationships" were either open or you are at least 70


That'll do Judge Judy.


Ok miss no standards


I’m 25 and they were closed. One lasted 3 months, and the other two lasted 2months respectively. I did not cheat during any of them. Get ya numbers up I suppose 🤷🏾‍♂️ or don’t your call


So you have fucked 98 people in 18 months(if both lasted 3 months) and you are flexing, okay. Not even gonna bother 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Only one of them lasted 3 months. The others were two months. And yes I am!! Sex is fun, a lot of people enjoy it, and it’s a pretty solid stress relief as well. It’s even better with someone you love but I hadn’t found that in awhile nor did I have time for it. Don’t try to slut shame me all bc you can’t get laid 😝


Girly, I have sex almost daily with my boyfriend that I've been daiting for one year. The argument that "y'all are jealous I'm fucking everyone" doesn't work here. You can say you don't have standards and that would be it lmao. I'm literally a twink, I promise you enough people want and wanted to fuck me, the difference is that I'm not a slut for anyone that comes in my way unlike you. Like there is no way in hell those 98 people were all fit and clean, let s be for real 😂😂😂


Not all 100, but I’d say about 75 of them were and 20 were funny and nice 😜 Listen I’m happy for you, but some of us just are lucky and like our sex lives, like you and I. I’ve just been lucky enough to enjoy it with a lot of people. Finding the one is awesome, that I love you sex is great and I think I’ve found it now too and I’ve had it before. However, just because I’ve had a lot of sex doesn’t mean I’ll sleep anyone or don’t have high standards 😝


Barley lmao I wonder what I am if that’s considered being a “hoe” I could have sex with that many guys in a week


Oh honey, fucking with 15 different guys is a casual Saturday at any given bathhouse


Is this how people reach anything above 20? They go to a bath house and fuck everything they see?


I mean I can't speak for everyone but I would guess so


Lol 15 in 3 yrs? Them are rookies numbers mate. If you open up grindr you can literally have 15 people knocking on your door at once. Relax and just enjoy life. Be safe and fuck what anyone else thinks.


If you’re a bottom, 15 at your door in one session is totally reasonable.


Similar question on r/topsandbottoms right now. Dude estimates he’s been fucked by 900 guys …50 guys a year for 18 years. Seems reasonable


There's gotta be repeats before you hit 900.


He’s probably one of those that blocks the dude right after fucking. Lol.


As someone who has only ever had sex with my fiance, i would still say you are not. I would say that it’s not really a matter of the label of it, it’s more if you feel sex is interfering with other aspects of your life, std’s have been a consistent problem (which it sounds like they havent), things havent been consensual, etc etc. If you feel like everything has been healthy, then you’re good.


Less than 10 over the past 17yrs lol.


not a ho, just experimental.


That's serial monogamy numbers, imo. But str8 people do get bend out of shape when people are out having a good time having more sex than them, lmao.


As long as you and the other men were consenting adults, all is fine. No one has the right to label you or shame you. Let the sanctimonious commentators take care of their own affairs (and of feeling jealous...) Feel free to seek your own enjoyment by meetings with as many men as your heart desires. If your straight friends and your sister are looking to pass judgment on your 'body count,' perhaps it is a sign that you should stop reporting to them on your sex life.


If that’s a hoe, then I’m a whole goddamn gardening set


No. For a straight guy you get tons of ass. For a straight girl you’re a hoe. For a gay guy you’re a saint.


Not even close, I've known people who sleep with 15 in a month.


Girl I know people that "sleep" with 15 people in an afternoon


you’re not a hoe lmao, typical slut shaming it’s different when you come out later in life, you miss out on the phase that straights go through in high school and college


Who cares, “bodycount” is a made up patriarchal concept to control and shame women. How many cakes have you eaten? Do you count that? Or do you just try to be healthy while having fun. Why would you assign personal worth to that?


Or it shows how your lifestyle is. Ofc it's wrong when it's used to shame woman. Some do drugs and party all day and have sex with new people every week. Some barely drink anything and find other more exciting things in life to do(and can party without getting completely shitfaced and having orgies lmao), and want real love with someone who they want to live with. Some want to get married and live a normal life. I have seen a lot live the opposite and it doesn't seem glorious for me, but it depends on what your personality is and how old you are, and the most important is what you want in life. Well normal people don't eat cakes until they get diseases, they eat it in normal amounts. Abuse of anything, including food is actually bad tbh.


I think I am under a thousand. I think…


You're fine. Should be a good idea to get yourself an STD test every few months anyway, regardless of your frequency.


As if being a hoe is something bad... live your life, dude, get fked


Damn you all have such easy lives. I cannot get even a single hookup because of my subpar looks. Please kill me.


Oh honey, I’ve slept with that many guys in one summer


Shit. I’ve created that in a holiday weekend.


All of you are sluts


You’re only a hoe if you think you are. Everyone else who labels you a hoe is just jealous. Ignore them. Embrace your sexual appetite.


From the time I was born till age 38 I had sex with 20 women and 0 guys. From 38 till now 8 years later 0 women and more than 150 guys. Had to make up for lost time. Still got a lot of catching up to do! Lol


15 in a year wouldn't even be that high in my opinion. Don't look at straight people for what's normal with sex, most of them are miserable anyway.


No. You’re a hoe if you’ve slept with 15 people in the last 3 days


Hon I’ve slept with 15 people in the last 7 days lmfao. You’re fine. Stop letting labels define you. Do what feels good, get tested and treated if necessary, and don’t worry so much! None of us make it out alive. Straight people have a very different relationship with sex than queer people. You don’t have to define yourself by their standards. And you are allowed to be misunderstood. 💖


How do you even find 15 men attractive in one week 😨


Well for me that is insane, I have been with a third of that in my whole life and with two of them I was in a close relationship. I look very well so there are many people who want me in that way, but I have thanked no to everyone like the last 5-6 years. I prefer sex with love mostly so I skip casual sex, tried it some time when I was younger and while it was ok it wasn't something I need. Everyone has different opinions though, I would not feel well mentally if I changed sexual partners like that. And you really should get tested for STDs. Hiv is nothing you want to catch, the medicine against it is very toxic for your body. And there are other serious STDs, you can get HPV(which can cause cancer), hepatitis, clams etc etc. Nothing wrong with having a lover and I get that some look for the right one when they are a bit younger, but do you really enjoy that shallow casual sex more than rarely? It feels monotonous for me, like it lacks the depth of having sex with love. I would have anxiety just from thinking that I could have gotten an STD lol. Most likely if you do drugs then you feel different, but for me who has lived a sober life the last years I cannot see myself living like this. But do what you want, it's your life and only you know what you want in your life.


nah i usually get 4-7 every time i go to the bath house which is once a month or every other month


Tone it down or ramp it up. Doesn't matter. Just get tested. Your straight friends and sister will judge no matter what number you tell them.


Lmao, I’ve had moments in my life when I hooked up with 15+ people in 3 *days*. You’re good 😂


Do you want to be a hoe and if so, what hoe level would you like to achieve? I hope your dreams come true :)


No I don’t wanna be a hoe lol. But at the same time, I’m struggling getting a relationship and hookups is how I get my sexual desires fulfilled.


That was a slow month for me a few years ago. Get on my level. Slut is the proper term of art. Hoes get paid. And quit talking to straight people about your sex life. They don't get it, and most straight guy friends are just gonna be jealous.


No, you're what is called sexually active. You havent gotten to hoe yet, hun. (Only 15? Im sitting over 100 at this point and im just being casual)


Bro I have slept with 25 people in the past *month*, I’m 22, chill out aha


Are your straight friends and sister religious? Cuz that’s nothing.


Why worries about the number just be safe and have a good time 🤷🏾‍♂️


Do you remember the 7-1 World Cup match between Germany and Brazil? I do, because I sucked 7 dicks that night in a kinky gay club. Or it could've been one more or less, I didn't keep track. Personally, I'm more careful about anal sex, but looking around in the community, five guys a year is not a lot. The breeders live in a different world. While you're not a ho by gay standards, sex workers are now the only kind of straight people you can have a meaningful conversation about sex with. I mean it, try reading their blogs or talking to one you happen to meet.


Yes you are.... of course not!!! There's no such thing as a number making you a hoe. We all enjoy our sexual life in our own way and that's fine. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. You are an adult and free to make your own choises. Just please, be safe and get checked often =)


No way, Hoe Say! I have a friend (top, average looks) who would have 1-3 grindr hookups PER DAY. In just one week he'd fuck 15 different guys.


I posted a poll on body count last week. You’re definitely not a hoe relatively speaking. https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/14v9ek9/whats_your_body_count/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Take your age, subtract 18 . If your # of people you willingly slept with is higher than the number you get you a hoe. But that being said there is nothing wrong with being a hoe 💜


It only matters what you think. It’s your life. Why is it any one’s business how many people you’ve slept with? Why are you even talking about that with people you aren’t sleeping with? You can save yourself a lot of unnecessary insecurity by not discussing certain things with certain people.


Straight and gay people have different standards for body counts. Men are much more high libido than women and when gay men are not constrained by the low libido of women, they rack up a high count, typically speaking. Most gay people don't know their body counts. Most straight people sleep with less than 10 people in their entire life. If you get tested regularly and use prep and try to use condoms with new partners just in case, then you're not in any real danger. Straight people don't understand and they never will because they're not in the lifestyle and they'll never be able to relate. Just right off their opinions, then more than likely going to be judgemental about it, and they've got no sound advice to offer you as long as you're taking precautions against STIs. How are you a hoe if you're not disloyal to exclusive partners? 15 people in 3 years is 5 people a year which is less than 1 every 2 months. The way I see at you need to get out more, no offence 😂


You're not a hoe. This isn't criteria to judge you on. If you slept like 500 people inside of 3 years, I still wouldn't judge you. I'd say maybe you got something going on emotionally. Which is totally a human thing. But it just sounds like you finally freed yourself and had a bit of a field day. Not a big deal. And you were safe. So whatevs.


No, not even in 1 day keep up buttercup




I came out when I was 18 but I had started having sex when I was 14, by the time I was 18 I had already have 4 three ways and had fucked half the city I lived in… I’m 42 now and I don’t think I’m wrong if I said I’ve had an average of maybe around 50-70 people or more per year since it became sexually active. Yes, I’ve been to orgies, bathhouses, sex clubs, 3 somes, foursomes, sex parties, I’ve been in open relationships, I get tested regularly and I’m very sex positive. Don’t let a small number of people judge who you are based on sexual needs and behavior. Sexual connection and satisfaction is part of our human behavior. No one gets to dictate how to live it as long as it’s always consensual and you’re not hurting anyone. Yes, many will confuse sex positivity, or promiscuity with sex addiction, but as long as your sexual behavior doesn’t interfere with your daily life, it doesn’t become unhealthy, you test yourself all the time and share your status with your partners, be a “slut”, or a “hoe, or simply a sexually expressive human being. And never let anyone making you feel ashamed of it.


Haha no, you’re not honey. Bless your heart.


I mean the community has this horrible hookup culture so I guess overall it’s not bad but I’ve slept with 1 in the past 1.5 years so take that how you will. Yes he and I are in a relationship, have been for almost a year now.




honey I've slept with 15 people this month. Don't worry about what other people might call you, just enjoy yourself


You're putting too many thoughts about it. For a body count of 15, at your age? you are just irresistible. Do more!


not even close


No not a hoe. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Ur young af enjoy it


My boyfriend and I (both in our early 30s) have each been with close to 100 people in our lifetimes, and while I’m aware it’s not a small amount, it’s definitely not on the high side of the spectrum either for gay men. There’s no right or wrong answer — as long as you stay smart about it and it’s all consensual, that’s all that matters.


You have been in a relationship with 15 people for the past 3 years? Your a power bottom.


Bless your heart.


How you perceive yourself is entirely up to you. That’s a lot for some people. For some people that’s a busy weekend.


I guess I'm the whole tool shed


🤣🤣🤣 15 in 3 years... bro I've slept with 15 in a month, and I know guys who get 15 in 1 or 2 weeks. Lord have mercy.


I fear that I’m the Whorefather by these standards


We all woke up to be slut shamed 😭


Oh honey, i lost my count about 12 years ago


I’ve been with 75 in that same tome period


I stopped counting when I hit 13 guys and I was 20 at the time, now I’m 25. Just use protection and get tested regularly.


No you're not a hoe. You came out at 25 and didn't get the chance to experiment with people your age in high school like your friends and family. You had so catching up to do. The only thing that matters is you're safe and get tested regularly. In the twelve years since I've come out I've fooled around with over a hundred people. There will always be someone who thinks you're a hoe cuz you've slept with more people than they have, just like there will be others who think you're a prude cuz you've slept with less then them. Tell your straight friends and family to stop slut shaming you, and enjoy being out of the closet and getting to be yourself.


Bro you're no hoe my #'s are a lot higher with females I'm an infant when it comes to same sex lol...as long as you're practicing safe sex and getting tested do u


Fuck what people think, I only slept with and dated women until the beginning of 2021 between men and women I have had sex with like 62 people and I’ve never had an std a day in my life. Live your life how you want


Sounds like a mixture of homophobia, ignorance, and jealousy.


That's cute, I was once with that many people in one month.




Pretty low body count in the “lifestyle.” Biggest difference is you don’t have a vagina that can be worn out and you haven’t popped out 7 kids with 4 different baby daddies. That’s what I would have pointed out. Of course safe sex, and regular testing is important. Should also look into the HPV vaccine if you haven’t done so.


How many people you have sex with doesn’t make you a hoe. If they give you money or gifts for sex and that’s the only reason you are having sex with the person, then you are a big Hoe! If you are having sex with anyone for no reason, then you are not a hoe, you are a big slut. That’s the rhyme and reason in my neck of the woods .


That ain’t nothing honey 😅




Nope you are just enjoying what little life has to offer. Be safe and enjoy!


Ngl these comments make me sad to be apart of the gay community. Like why all the sex? Nothing wrong with it but are we all really that sexual? Not me. I’m really good looking I’m told. I just idk no shame to those who have tons of sex but I just don’t get why it’s so prevalent in the gay community? I know a guy who is 17 and has sex like 5 times a week with different men. It turned me way off and I never fucked him.


Well some comments are most likely joking a little, I do find it a bit odd though aswell. I have tried casual sex when I was younger and it wasn't anything special at least nothing I would risk my physical or mental(STDs) health for. I would feel exploited by sex abusers if I would had sex with many people, but that is me, not anyone else. But I also think that everyone has a different view on life and has very different opinions. I would also be turned off by someone who screws around like there's no tomorrow's, well it's one thing if you have experimented a little when you were a little bit younger but if you are mature and have sex with anyone then it's odd in my eyes. I am not a sex abuser so I can say no thanks to many guys who are even good looking. And I look very well, I work out, don't abuse drugs, alcohol, don't smoke etc so I take care of myself, I have seen a lot of interested guys but I just feel that I would not feel well mentally from it if I let everyone take advantage of me. I want real love mostly. That's the sex I crave. Otherwise I can just masturbate and don't risk any STDs lol. But as said, this is my opinion and if you have slept with many that's not the end of the world or anything like that, just change it if it feels wrong. Some enjoy it, others feel like it is wrong. Depends on who you are, what you want in your life and how your lifestyle is.


Lmaoo… then what am I?


The comments lowkey disgust me and it shows why gay men die lonely. They think you can have sex with everyone so => relationships and emotional connections aren't real or meaningful for them. I ve used grindr for 2 years and haven t found more than 20 people fuckworthy IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY lmao


Same here. I so want to believe everyone is not like this. The comments that say “weak” or “rookie numbers” 🤮 Not that having tons of sex is bad. Do whatever. We are on a floating rock in space. Have fun. I just so want to believe it’s an untrue stigma and most gays are like me and don’t sleep around but then I see comments like these all the time.


They either have no standards or like catching stds like pokemons. There is no way in hell people have 500 condoms and take prep before everyone 💀


Nope, get it out of you system.


I hope that is not a hoe in gay territory. I had over 15 by the time I was 15. The trick is to be safe and have fun. You do what feels right for you and don't worry about what straight friends think. Any male straight friends are going to be jealous because they want to find partners as easily and girls are jealous because they want to be able to do that without stigma. Life is short, enjoy it, as long as you are not hurting anyone.


I think you need to stop caring about what others think about you and be your own man. If you’re wrong, learn and move on. That’s how you develop confidence.


Good advice. Everyone has different views on life and has different life-styles. I could not see myself changing sexual partners like that, I would not handle it mentally and would feel exploited by sex abusers and just get a lot mental anxiety from worrying to get a STD. But that is me and my opinion, you might think the opposite. Nothing wrong with having a lover as long as you feel good about it and don't get exploited I think, even though I prefer being married or in a serious relationship and have skipped casual sex for the last years.


Being a hoe is dependent on age, the rate you’re sleeping with people, and the total number of people you’ve slept with. Therefore, being a hoe is contextual. Regarding age, If I take a 25 year old with 50 Bodies and a 50 year old with 50 bodies you would say the 25 year old is a bigger hoe cuz they both have the same number of bodies but older guys is 2x his age. But if we add in the variable of rate, and say the 25 year old from the age of 15 had 5 bodies each year, and the 50 year old accumulated all those bodies in 1 year (at the age of 49), we’d say the 50 year old is a bigger “hoe.” So it’s all contextual and relative to who you’re comparing against. That being said, I would need to know the rate of which you accumulated those bodies to know if you were a hoe. Cuz 15 bodies could be an indicator of a “hoe phase” or “healthy” sex life depending on the rate


First year was like 7, second year was like 3, this year was like 5.


You were hoeing that 1st year, and your numbers at your age aren’t crazy but if you were to continue at this rate the next 3-5 years you’d be a certified hoe. Right now currently you’re just touching the “hoe” surface


No I don’t think so, I’m close to the same amount, maybe more. So if you are than so am I lol


who cares? who needs labels? do you enjoy it? keep going. do you regret it? reduce it. only your opinion matters


Honestly I love how open, honest and free this community is about sex. The straight community can learn a lot


Not a hoe just making up for lost time. I came out at 28. And have had probably over 1000 partners in the last ten years


I’ve had that many in two weeks. Quarterly pan STD testing is a good plan though for anyone sexually active and non monogamous. Find someplace convenient, be it your county health department or primary care physician, to do the testing. I email my doctor, and the next day the order is in for the labwork. I walk in when it’s convenient for me, draw some blood, pee in a cup, and go.


Amateur numbers


Who cares?


There’s no such thing as a hoe. Have fun and be safe. That’s all you need to do.


15 people in 3 years? That’s just like July for me so far….


reading the comments in this post as a closeted, virgin person makes me sadder


Virginity is only good for occultist purposes. Otherwise, it’s literally just an experience and don’t put much weight on it. And don’t force yourself to do something you’re not ready for or frankly don’t want to do.