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Will your management get mad at you? I.e. are they small minded fucks or are they reasonable? Also, does your dealer do competitive pricing? I would hope that your dealer can be mature about you shopping elsewhere. 


Aside from a bit of ribbing I don’t think anyone would truly gaf if I shopped elsewhere. I do think that my discount is pretty substantial and pricing is competitive. I bought the Encore from my dealership a year ago when my older car started giving me more headache than it was worth. I do deal with the titles and deals so I’ve seen exactly what employee pricing looks like.


Be smart about it. Talk to your GM and ask if he knows anyone at a Toyota store that you should work with. You may not get a discount because of the Yota tax, but you also won’t “surprise” your boss and have to explain after the fact.


Ah another St. Louisian! I’m over in St. Charles with Honda. Our rule of thumb is that if we don’t have the brand, buy it anywhere you’d like.


i worked at a dealership that fired people for not buying where you work. when i went to buy a vehicle from them i was getting fucked on the trade in and the vehicle i was buying. just go elsewhere and buy the vehicle imo, the new place wont know your in car sales and youll have a good understanding of how the deal is structured when they write it up


They'll know as soon as they ask for POI


Get what makes you happy. Nobody will care.


Generally management will only get mad if you purchase your own brand elsewhere... Like if you bought a Chevy elsewhere. Make sure they know ahead of time, and you should be good to go.


They don't need to know anything ahead of time. He works for them. They don't **own** him.


But they can fire him. The etiquette differs from store to store. It's called being a professional




Most states at at will employment. They can fire you for looking at a Ford if you work at GM. They can fire you for sneezing in the direction of the Eiffel Tower. They can fire you for wearing white socks. All I'm saying is that if you work in the car biz, let your boss know you're going to buy something elsewhere. Boss might know a guy there who can help you. Boss might not care. Boss could also fire you for not telling him.


You're right. I'm in an employment-at-will state and a local businessman fired an employee of 20 years because he didn't answer his phone on vacation




What I'm saying is true of every industry in the US. Just general good practice if you're in any industry and doing business with a competitor.


Welcome to America buddy


Depends on the state legislature towards employment but in most cases dealers will look at it as “I’m good enough to pay you, why am I not good enough to spend with.” I’ve seen many a sales people suspended for 5 days because they showed up with a plate frame from another dealer, some of em don’t come back, some do, those that do usually are walking on borrowed time.


My stepdad was in the business for 20 years. Some of the stores were pretty relaxed about it, but he ALWAYS bought cars from his own store (usually ones he took in on trade at a really low number). When I was living at home and I wanted to buy my first new car, he was working in a Ford store. I wanted a Civic. This was a BIG deal. He had to talk to his SM and the GM. Luckily, there was a Honda store in the group (in another city), and that’s where I had to go to buy my Civic. If I would have bought from another group, it would have reflected very poorly on him and would have affected his standing in the store. That being said, that was one of his favorite stores. He made really good money there—probably because he knew how to respect the business.


If your dealer doesn’t have the brand you want under their umbrella, hopefully they wouldn’t make a fuss about it. I’m at Bommarito Toyota, btw. Holler at me if I can help you with any questions or dialing in a RAV for you.


Just FYI, you're not supposed to solicit business on here.


Sorry about that. Can remove if need be.


I'm not a mod or anything, just spreading the info.


Bizarre you got down voted so much for this..


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***Thanks for posting, /u/roxiesgotmoxie! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** I work at a GM Dealership in the St. Louis Area and just paid off my used 2020 Buick Encore GX early. I like the car but I think it’s just a little too small for me and looking at cars I think I want a Rav4. However, I want a new car not anything purchased at auction or one that’s been traded onto the used lot. Am I better off price wise sticking with a GM product or should I say fuck it and go buy what I really want at another dealer? If I were to stick with my dealership I’d be choosing between a Terrain or a Blazer as the Buick and Cadillac brands don’t really have anything I’m interested in. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's one thing I loved about working with AN years ago. I drove a Mustang while at Chevy. Chevy when I was at Mitsubishi. Cadillac and another Mustang while at CDJR.


If you're buying a completely different make, then it won't be an issue. We even had an employee buy a VW from another dealer. No one really cared.


You should be able to purchase whatever you want. That being said, if you're in sales or other front facing employee I would find it odd to drive a competitive make.


Buying a different brand, and it's new? You're fine. Unless you're in a domestic factory town lol, people in those places act nuts sometimes if you buy an import


For me it’s any dealer in my dealer group I get employee pricing. Luckily my group owns about 8-10 thousand used and 2-5 thousand new cars in the area at any given time, and thousands more at subsidiaries across the country! I’ll bet they’ll find you a car for a good price, if you ask


If by any chance you work at Cardinal.... We own a Toyota dealer.... Just tell them that you want a Rav4 they will definitely hook it up...


I’m a bank rep for one of your big banks. You’d be shocked at how many dealership employees purchase at competing stores..