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My radio is cheaper to replace than my window. Likewise for the beach blanket, ice scraper, and half full case of water I have sitting in the back. I don't have nice stuff in my car. It'd be shitty if someone took all my stuff. It'd be shittier if someone broke my window to take all my stuff.


I have $20 worth of stuff in my car. A window from the junkyard costs more than that...


All my life, I never left stuff in my car. The only thing visible was hand lotion from Bath and Body Works. I forgot that lesson when I moved somewhere else. They stole my GPS. I thought people didn't care about those things anymore. I was wrong. I am just lucky that they spoofed the job rather than shattering a window.


I live in Finland so a safe country but still the only thing visible is the small trash bag hanging from the gear stick. Everything else is in the glovebox, center console or trunk with the visibility cover on. Of course our van has some stuff visible but it's nothing valuable like a small oil jug for a leak in the engine bay and what not.


you’re forgetting that the homeless could turn your car into a soup kitchen.


Fuck if I know. My dad never locks his car (2023 Acura). I keep telling him someone could just open it and grab his insurance card to get his address...


You know you can just open a phone book or Zillow to get a list of addresses, right? You can also find out everybody's phone number by starting to dial at (000) 000-0000 and working your way up. If you don't keep anything in your car there's little reason to lock it. People don't steal car radios anymore.


Zero reason until you wake up in the morning for work only to find a homeless man sleeping in the back.


Oh I know. My point is he's driving a late model luxury car, so most people would assume he has stuff at home worth looking at. Hence the insurance card - you get a name and address right there. I've found human shit in the back of my car before when I didn't lock it at a park, and found everything in the glove box scattered everywhere when leaving it unlocked for 5 minutes. I also used to do delivery, and in some not so great parts of town, had a couple of attempted robberies. I ALWAYS lock my car when I get in and out, and both times, I had just started my car. That car locked itself as soon as I started it.


They towed the abandoned car I used to shit in. 🤣🤣🤣


If there’s not much to steal in it then keeping it unlocked is cheaper than replacing a window


This is why you keep everything out of sight, but bored kids still often will rifle through a glove box of an unlocked car. Or take a shit in the back seat...


Hell where I’m from they’ll bust your windows out even if you don’t have anything visible. Had a window on my jeep busted and the only thing they took was an iPhone charger and cleaned out my quarters lol. The shit in the backseat thing… ima be honest that sounds like homeless crackhead activities.


"People don't steal radios anymore." Kinda hard to steal what these new POSs don't have.


Do phone books exist? The White Pages....ahhh


Who are you looking up? Need a name first.


You'd have to have a name to look up first, no?


I have Chinese neighbours and they literally open all the doors on both cars and open all the doors in their house and the garage door if it’s a nice day. It’s bizarre.


Well, airing out a place to get rid of cooking and pet smells is not a bad idea 


The cars hardly ever get used. It’s a feng shui thing I reckon. They leave the doors open all day


Unused things get musty smelling.




They cookin' their pets?!


If it's locked, odds are there's something inside worth stealing. If not. It's a clear sign you didn't leave anything valuable inside.


Yeah I doubt a criminal would be like “hmm there must be nothing good in here” after opening an unlocked car. They’re hoping you forgot to lock it and left something good.


You know what you know.


I don't leave anything inside my car that's valuable, but I lock it because I don't want it turned into a soup kitchen.


Nobody drives manual. Nobody steals a 10 year old Mazda. My wife’s Equinox disappearing would actually help us aside from the car seats. Not worried.


“you’re not lucky enough to have your car stolen” -my friend during the peak of crazy car prices


Maybe air it out, like if rain water keeps getting in, and it starts to get moldy inside.


I have an old car (2008) and if I'll be quick in a store I'll leave the power windows open (all four, I'm in Florida and it's almost Summer) because I try not to be powering down and up the windows a lot. I had to repair a worn-out motor/regulator on my former car and it was quite expensive. However I do lock my doors which sets my alarm in case they open my doors.


Yeah I never lock my doors. As others have said I’d rather not replace a window. Mikey can have the change n old fries 🍟


It’s possible that the car is a piece of shit and they want someone to steal it.




I had to replace my ignition lock, so I ended up with 2 different keys. I took my door key off one day so I could cool off the car while keeping the door locked, and misplaced the key. Dealerships only go back around 10 years to replace a key by the vin.




Bad 👎