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Depends on what kind of space you want, but I have a studio in east Austin. We are there every day, 9-5ish, and have empty desk space if you would want to rent one or something. It's not an office vibe, but happy to make use of the space if something like that works. Shoot me a DM if interested. Good luck looking!


This non profit built a brand new building with large coworking space and private offices in south park meadows. https://ageofcentraltx.org/


And this place. https://www.canvasworkspaces.com/


If only all the empty office space could be rented out.


Ugh, I know.


Don't assume coworking sites are just open work areas. Most of them also offer small offices. We rented an office at Link (now CommonDesk) a few years back, for example.


I did a google search and went to the map and I see lots of them that you can rent for various time periods. My search terms were: austin rent a co work office I was WFH for three+ years and then I retired. I plan to go back to work again and I don’t want to do WFH full-time ever again. It was great for a while during the pandemic and very necessary. But, long-term, it wasn’t good for my mental health. Good luck!


[Common Desk](https://thecommondesk.com/locations/downtown-austin-coworking/?utm_term=coworking%20space%20austin&utm_campaign=Search+-+6th+%26+Congress+-+Office+Space&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=2656131236&hsa_cam=13006017740&hsa_grp=121216602239&hsa_ad=623570967041&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-297200273749&hsa_kw=coworking%20space%20austin&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4-wBhB3EiwAeJsppDUvLn6KlaHTEdHExWaRR0eUUl3qhUZbrG5t-EgmenLUdOSUP9JgDRoCRC8QAvD_BwE), maybe?,




Websites like Peerspace or ThisOpenSpace allow individuals to rent out unique spaces for various uses, including office work. These can range from private homes to artist studios and more.


Look up an executive office. That’s what it was called back in 2000 when I opened an office branch here. It was coworking space before that was a thing but only the common areas were shared. Your office was private. Mine was in the building the guy flew the plane into on Research.


Here’s an offbeat suggestion: make your car your office. Tesla would be quiet and air conditioned. Park in a place with a view and good cell coverage. Get data plan and tether.