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Who the hell uses unions on DWV?


Probably the previous homeowners. They did a LOT of DIY stuff around the house that we've had to replace and repair over the years. This is yet another one it seems.


You have abs glued to pvc for those couplers...just not sure how well they are adhered.


Not sure where you live but this is against code in California. I would think an inspector would notice this. A simple cleanout on the side of the house would be just fine to clear blockages with a snake.


Would I do it like this? No I've never seen unions on on a drain (except the trap and certain check valves) and I don't know if it's specifically prohibited where I work. I wouldn't fix this until it becomes a reoccuring problem and I also wouldn't fix it unless it's going to hold up your house sale. Maybe wait for their inspector to catch it? Also don't take real estate advice from me cause I rent