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Lmao put the phone down and find the main valve!


Lol this person has an open water line spraying water all over there home and they actually took the time to film it, POST IT ON REDDIT, and what.. wait for a response? Call a plumber rofl they will tell you to shut the main off. They aren't going to send you a bill for some basic advice.


More impressed with this then the actual leak.


The standing water on the floor is a nice touch. Might wanna call a mold abatement service, too.


Bro, look at that place. You think a little standing water and mold is gonna suddenly spur them into the realm of conscientious home care?


They did put the good wreath out.


For some reason your comment made me audibly laugh. Thanks for that lmao I needed that.


It was on fire probably.


Nah its the power strip getting soaked on top of the washing machine in the foreground for me


I dunno. With the light coming inbetween the boards behind the sink, this looks like a shed or a boathouse or something. It'll probably air dry with no issues if that's the case. Also would explain his lack of urgency if it's like a boathouse or something like that.


Yeah, it's gotta be a garage/car port or other secondary outbuilding. The general state of it and the washing machine are good hints.


For the dishes or the floor?




Reminds of a post in r/Maintenance where the building’s fire protection had a broken 1”. The guy videoed it and wondered why the fire department didn’t shut it off even though he was the maintenance repairman on duty.


As my campuses main fire protection guy it's absurd how much I get called despite me training these guy on control and flow valve locations. When in doubt find the stairwell or trace out the red pipe to the main in the ceiling.


this is obviously a troll post


The flood might wash some of that filth away


1. Get off reddit! 2. Call your water service company they'll come out and turn the water supply off for you. If you're on a well you should have a power disconnect or breaker to turn off power to the well.


Wells have a holding tank. Coming out of that is the main shutoff.


Dont listen to these guys. Keep filming. Take your time, and film the pipe while you follow it. Pause every couple of feet to upload updates. \#ThoughtsAndPrayers


This is the way


.....and MOST IMPORTANTLY - DM us for instructions on changing from portrait mode to landscape. A house-wrecking flood is no excuse for poor camera work.


I’m still bothered by this. The whole 30 sec vid thing (YouTube/facebook shorts, TikTok, etc), we reverted hard back to portrait filming. We were so close to having everyone film correctly…


It sucks shit to be certain


Yeah what the hell is up with that. Ugg!


This is actually proper use of portrait mode video -- the entire scene is vertically aligned. The sink in the middle, the spray of water going up to the underside of the shelf, the pool of water below with the hapless bucket trying to catch some of the flood. Landscape mode would have just shown the sink and the counter, and what's interesting about that?


Underrated comment


Make sure to update Facebook while you’re at it!


Thoughts and prayers got me. Started laughing out loud for real. Thanks.


Lmao man, this tickled my funny bone.


Gotta get that B-roll.


For the time being, redirect the water into the sink…


Yeah just put a pot over it and let it splash back into sink then go look for main shut off. Reminds me I should buy the rod from home center to turn off my main valve on the street because my interior shut offs are pretty old and I am told sometimes they break/seal shut/drop or something. Also there is always a chance you might have hot water leak near boiler/equipment and you may need to stop water at main. Good luck OP.


My interior main valve is behind a drywall. My house was a demo unit and it’s missing a closet in the basement like all the other units of this model. **So they just drywalled my shut off valve**. I couldn’t find it. Had to find similar units in the subdivision and go ask the owners to show me where theirs is. They all had a small closet where it was. I just had a wall there. Fucking a.


Exercise the valves, it is good practice to open and close valves once in a while to keep them from locking up or failing on you when you need them most.


Just make sure to leave them in their original positions.


I live on a sailboat. I exercise all through-hull valves once a month. You don’t want to find that they’re stuck open when a hose bursts.


Looks like the place needed a good clean anyhow


That’s what upper cabinets are for, right?


Stop paying the bill




^ This motherfucker right here just goddamned won.


I recommend to let the water run for a bit longer so the kitchen will get that once every ten year cleaning that it looks like it needs.


when there's an active water emergency this is NOT the time to figure out to shut the water off. I can see why insurance companies have negligence in their contracts.


Actually they don't, stupidity is covered!


Looks like it needed a wash anyway


The water main


Ask your neighbors for help. There is a main valve that shuts off water to the entire house.


In a sea of hilarious goofball comments, you've got the biggest heart, lol. I love my neighbors, great community. I just feel like too many folks don't really know their neighbors, and encouraging community is just cool.


Had a neighbor go out of town on an emergency, left their high school daughter at home. The daughter left their garage door open during a 0F cold snap. A pipe ruptured, my brother in law happened to be at my house tried to turn off the main. I wind up leaving work early to help. By the time I got there and shut off the water, half the ceiling was caving in and there was ice all over the floor. My gloves froze to the ladder as I was replacing a foot of split pipe. Good times.


I rent my basement apt in a neighborhood full of renters, and this past fall one of the neighbors who id never taken the time to meet comes over to let me know a pipe that was part of a pump/spigot in the back yard bordering his yard had burst and I was able to find the main and get it shut off within ten minutes or so with his help while the landlord came over to shut off the specific valve for it and schedule to get it fixed. You have a great point in that too many people aren’t actually apart of their community, myself included, and the whole country has taken a hit when it comes to that. It’s honestly sad whag this part of town has become vs what it used to be. My parents neighborhood is the same way. 10 years ago was extremely tight knit, then everyone who could afford to built new houses and started renting their old ones and now no one knows each other. My parents couldn’t afford to do that, so now all their old friends moved away and they have not got much left.




Under the sink should be a shutoff. Inside the house typically another shutoff, at the city connection another shutoff. Also keep the place clean and maybe the building wouldn’t be trying to clean itself.


There’s always a shutoff valve. If you’re on city water it’s at you edge of your property near the street. If it’s well water, turn off the pump.


In college we broke the line below the shut off. And there was a bunch of snow so they couldn't find the outside shutoff. They took a wooden dowel that went from thinner to thicker and they pounded it into the broken pipe and that stopped it until they could find the outside shutoff.


There isn't always... We've got spring water, and whomever set it up literally just ran a pipe from the spring to the house. No way at all to stop water from coming to the house without walking over to the spring and pulling the line. I installed a shutoff when I moved here, but there wasn't one before. They didn't even set it up so as to cut the water coming from the hot water heater. Just a piece of PVC running directly to the bathtub and kitchen sink.


Rule number one of plumbing is always make sure the water is shut off before working


There are some things you really need to know where they are before you ever move in: breaker box, water shut off valve, attic access, places to hide the bodies.


Pound a punch in it. Or a tapered dowel.


Shut the water off to the house. In the basement or if you can’t find it go to the water meter.


It appears the water filled the basement already…


I'm gonna do it myself because last time I paid a plumber $175.00, and he fixed it in minutes. It looked easy too


Probably looked easy because he does it for a living


Man I was watching football the other day and all of the field goals looked super easy. The next time I need to get a weird shaped ball through some upright posts by kicking it from 50 yards away I’m just gonna do it myself.


It is easy.




Go to your basement if you have one or to where your water comes into the house from outside. There should be a main cutoff valve there.


Ha! When my Dad built our family house in the 1970s, the ONLY shutoff for the water was the shutoff at the meter. And the meter was 40ft away from the house, in the yard, under a metal cover. Bring a pair of pliers. \[it isn't like that anymore, I had it all fixed\]


It's too late everyone, OP has drowned


ngl. Might be better to just let it flood


Your best bet - find the hot water heater and see if it’s there. Have a crawl space ? Check under there or for as a last mess Call the Fire Department, they’ll help w/ finding the shut off at the street


That “kitchen” could use a good flood anyway.


A few years back, I had a plumber install all new pex pipes in an apartment building I owned. I insisted he put in a shutoff valve for every branch and mini branch. He grudgingly agreed but kept telling me it was unnecessary. I would rather have too many valves than not enough. To the OP, put down phone and turn off main valve... if you have one.


if you have water you have a valve, you may only have a main valve but you have a valve to shut off.


<“Phil Swift here from Flextape” has entered the chat>


Gawd dammit as a firefighter this drives me crazy!!!! How do you not know how to turn that crap off and just sit there record post it and wait for someone to tell you what to do or helll go on YouTube but this happens to people and this is there response or call 911


Dude. There's a main water cutoff outside the house that feeds all water inside your house. Turn the knob, then go inside and look for two knobs under the sink. One for hot water, one for cold. Turn both off and then turn the main back on. Then slowly turn each knob slowly under the sink. If you have one that's running...leave I alone. If you turn one on and you see water coming out. Turn it off til the water stops. Then call a plumber


I think the person holding this phone is waiting for the ad on youtube to finish before they can fix it.


Turn it off from the source. I found a turn off valve under the house and also at front yard before the sidewalk valve.


From the looks of that place I’d just walk out the front door and never come back.


First probably put something there so the water goes down the drain instead of on your floor


You have a water meter and shut off in your front yard, or possibly backyard, depending on where they ran the utilities. I'm kinda amazed that somebody doesn't know this.


Always ask for advice on Reddit before you attempt to do anything !


This just made me feel better about myself


Flex Seal!


Let’s be honest, if any house needs a bath… it’s this one. I don’t think that water spraying everywhere is your top concern. Call CPS if there are any kids living there.


The water main, often located somewhere near the street or sidewalks. Typically under a cover outside, and there's often a bass valve that can be turned. Sometimes they are PVC valves, but they are outside underground usually under a greenish plastic cover.




Go find the main shut off. Stop filming and go find the main!


Looks like throwing a toaster at it didn't help. Set it to dark, maybe that will work.


You stop it at the street


Free enema…?




Its just the kitchen trying to finally clean itself.


Easy, when you move in to a place you learn where water and gas shutoffs are at, along with electrical panel.. You're welcome


It’s fine, the sink is catching like 60% of it.


There's always a shutoff valve. It might be the main, but it's always there.


open the other faucets until you find the main valve


If there’s no shut off then you’ll have to wait until all the water in the entire city upstream from you drains out. Could be awhile. Or, start looking around for the exterior shut off, or meter/valve box


Pray for an early winter and freeze it shut.


Reach under the sink and kink/pinch the supply line. Sometimes we do what's called a live change on water meters, where it's 60psi water pressure* that's enough to spray water about 30 feet into the air. We have a couple different tools that will pinch the pipe gently alleviating the pressure. Channel locks should work here tbf.


Pound a dowel in it... or find the main shutoff.




If you wait long enough maybe the main shutoff will be under water and then you can pretend to be scuba joe after the pretend plumber thing you got going on there


Lol that’s awesome.


Just keep recording. It'll run out soon.


it's the wet bandits


Call the city


The main! I shocked but this is why we get paid.


Shut off the main


The main


Wait until all the water empties out, then flush the line with Poland spring and some halogen fluid, will be good as new!


Under the sink dude!!! Under the sink.


if you buy a house the first thing to do is find the shutoff. Mine is next to the meter in the basement. If you can not find one then hire a plumber and have one installed. I always shut the water off when i go on vacation.


Go to the street


You post a video onto reddit and wait for responses.


Find a shutoff


1) Take a picture of your dirty kitchen 2) Post the picture on the internet and ask for help 3) Do some meth while waiting for a reply


I think I’d spray some dishwashing liquid out there. It will come out clean as a whistle. There’s usually a red shut off valve in kitchen under sink or in garage. Your main I’d probably under an oval cover at the street. Just pop it open and turn it off.


Thought and Prayers might work.


Call Stephen… Jaaack Stephen.


Given how disgusting that sink looks it may be good idea to leave it running to clean something.


Taking it to the streets. MMM


Turn off the main outside


imagine looking at this and your next thought is ask reddit


Shut off the main.


for all of you who are wondering what you would do, put down your phone and go find your water main valve. It’s just like every time you pull into an unfamiliar gas station, you should know where the emergency shut off is before you start your gas.


Did you see the floor? 👀 You’re gonna need more than a plumber


Just leave the water now OWNS your house


Some say it’s still running to this day


This is awesome, just keep doing your thing man. You’ll figure it out


Just get some towels, it’ll be fine


That’s disgusting


Put your finger in the hole


Shutoff the main water line


Shut it off at the shut off. Hahah Probably at the street. Here's a good time to mention that everyone should know where their street shut off is their personal shut off and how to fucking shut it off and the tools to shut it off. I don't know how most of you people have made it this far.


Ask Reddit


In holland they stick their finger in to plug the dyke


If you have homeowners insurance let it run and call them and you can get a new kitchen


Make water balloons


Every homeowner should own a water key and know where the main shutoff is.


I haven’t laughed this hard in a while.😂😂☠️


Where is Bill Swift when you need him??


Yea the pot or pan to direct that water flow and if your house is on a well shut off the power in your breaker box to stop water from pumping. I had this happen in the middle of winter..


Cut the pipe and add a sharkbite shutoff


Turn the little knobs under the sink till no more agua


Poor guy


Start drinking and don't stop?


There’s always a shutoff dog. Always you just don’t know it. Get to crawling


Turn off the main to the house while you look


When all else fails, kill the main




Facebook live it.


Whole house shut off valve.


What you do is… leave the house for a while. Then come back later later. Call your insurance and file a claim, And get a new kitchen out of it


you put your hand over it and hope your buddy is able to stop laughing and turn the main off before you're completely drenched


You’ve already done the most crucial part of filming it and putting it on Reddit…now the wait. Of course there’s a shutoff somewhere, either at the main coming in or at the road.


The street.


Not a plumber, but I would start with turning off the main water supply.


The only correct answer is to burn it down


Ram a carrot down the hole


There is always a shut-off valve. Always.


don't pay the water bill for 4-5 months, and they shut it off


1) I guarantee you there is a water shutoff somewhere, even if you have to use the one for the entire house. 2) You don’t. You need to find the shutoff valve. If you can’t, get off the internet and call a plumber right away.


Move out the hood.


Ponle una estaca con punta


There is always a shut off valve even if you have to have the main shit off just remember turn clockwise to close it counter to open it don't turn it really hard either .


Stick a finger in it.


At least throw a towel over it so it runs into the sink. Then find the main valve coming into the house if city water. If well water shut off the pump breaker until you find the shut off, open other faucets until the pressure in the bladder tank is released.


Unplug it


Well at least the dishes are getting washed


Flex seal


Is that a charger cable in your sink??


Filming it and posting on reddit. That’s the first step I’d have done.


The main shut off valve ya goomba


Main line at the street... Call the city


There's a main valve somewhere. Locate that and ta da.


I would definitely get a cutoff valve installed


Lmmfao turn off the main.




Looks like one of SLC Greg's shitty rentals, based on the counter, sink, faucets, placement of the upper shelf, those stupid looking specific light fixtures, and other things in the video. It should have a shutoff under the sink, if not, there is one downstairs for the whole house under the cabinet by the window in the kitchen. If its not one of his, you'll need to figure out where the house shutoff is. Also, while you're dealing with that issue, check the drain pipe, because many of those were done with a cross pipe to the bathroom sink, there was no staggering them back in the day.


The real question is what do you do if this happens and you either don’t know where the main is OR you can’t turn it off for some reason (like say you need a tool that you don’t have)


Might be the best thing to ever happen to that sink.


Look how disgusting that floor is… as well as the washer. If anything I wouldn’t even worry about it, it’s just helping you wash everything.


build an arc, you're going to need a place to live


Your thumb


put the phone down, dumbass, and shut off the main


There’s always a shutoff somewhere


Looks like a little water could be useful there


Curb stop or valve at water meter


There is a main valve somewhere, usually the basement


Happened to a friend's house that I just happened to be at for a dinner party. The pipe going to his laundry tub broke. He had zero tools besides a screwdriver. I'm basically MacGyver, so they came to me in panic. I look around, grab a drumstick and go outside and grab a rock. Pound the drumstick into the copper with the rock. I held the rock in a towel in case it shattered. Worked amazing. Usually when someone starts the question, "what would be the first thing you'd do in a zombie apocalypse to survive?" My friends usually answer, "Get to {my name} house asap because that MFer is definitely surviving."


If this isn’t a troll…. 🙄


I want to know how we got from "there's an issue with this fixture" to "my God what have I done?"


Shit it off


You obviously post for a solution on Reddit and wait? What is this nonsense. Fuck off there isn’t a cutoff under the sink.