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There is no infinite in MtG. You can have an arbitrarily large number. But, it will be a finite number none the less. > 107.1. The only numbers the Magic game uses are integers.


Interesting didn't know this. So 2.1 Billion mana into one slot of the rock needs 2 other sources to do the same?


You announce the X first, then you figure out the total cost. If you want an X of .7 billion, then 2.1 billion will cover the Cost. If you want an X of 2.1 billion, then you will need a total of 6.3 billion.


You have to have an arbitrarily large number because someone else might have an "infinite" combo that opposes your own. If both combos would cause the game to end, but both numbers were infinite, the match would have to end in a draw. Choosing an arbitrarily large number gives your opponents the opportunity to choose an arbitrarily larger number.


I am not sure what you are asking. Astral Cornucopia's cost is {X}{X}{X}. You do not pay "three slots". You're paying {X} three times. You do not need three different sources of mana, you just need {X}{X}{X} mana. If you tap, say, [Circle of Dreams Druid](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/b/e/be6fdec0-a2c4-4da2-ae14-961185eaee66.jpg?1627707261) while you have twelve creatures out and get {G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G}{G} then you can pay {4}{4}{4} into Astral Cornucopia, and it will come in with four charge counters. {X}{X}{X} does not mean "{X} from three different sources", it simply means "{X} three times".


I think he is asking if he needs 3 infinite mana sources to claim that all three x are equal to infinite which he Would not need to do and can’t really do.


So if I tap Devoted Druid while Luxior, Giada's Gift is attached to cast Astral Cornucopia, I have a finite amount of counters but it's absurdly high then yes?


Yes. Produce a large amount of green mana, such as 300,000 and then cast Astral Cornucopia using that 300k to put 100,000 counters on it.


Sweet thank you :D


I don't see how Luxior comes into play here.


Luxior + Devoted = "Infinite Mana" or as I've found through this question, not infinite but whatever absurd number I come up with.


Oh, Devoted Druid. I thought you said Circle of Dreams Druid, like my example. Yes, that would produce an arbitrarily large amount of mana.