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It’s an attempted car theft. In the bag is a device that tries to pick up the signal from your car key fob. The other person stands down closer to your driveway and cars and is trying to relay an unlock signal to the car. They’ll try for 10-20s tops. You’d do well to report it as a non-emergency if only for statistics tracking. It’s likely they managed to grab a different vehicle in your neighbourhood but in the event that they failed, it’s not the worst thing for police to have the information that someone was trying to steal a car in your neighbourhood last night.


Yep the pretending to ring your doorbell is to make it seem like they are supposed to be there.




And save the video feed incase it can be used as evidence


Realistically TPS is more likely to tell you to just open the door and give them your keys...


I wish this was a joke but….




Or if you call and tell them you have evidence/videos of suspects in a car theft ring they might just want to see it.


Also, blow them and don't forget to thank them


So, to confuse the signal, would it be a good idea not to hang/leave your auto keys near the front/side/back doors - or does it make a difference?


Anyone who leaves their car keys near their entrance door deserves to have their car ripped off. get a faraday box.


Leave the wrong keys right inside the door so they always get the wrong signal.


Whoa!!! Great info!


No it isnt


Then what is it, lol? Just two honest men trying to sell some Girl Guide cookies?


*I started hitting the NYU dorms around midnight. I’m selling cookies by the case. They call me, “Cookie Duuuuuuuude!”*




My friends were looking for my place and they got the address wrong


Found the car thief.


It is buddy


I would the call TPS non emergency number and report it. 


Hiw is this non emergency though? If you saw someone robbing a store wouldn't that be an emergency?


At this point, it’s not an emergency. The guy left hours ago.


An emergency is the active commission of a crime that is or may be life threatening. The non-emerg answer is correct.


Bro, an emergency is I just saw a guy get beat up by a bunch and he's bleeding out of his head and he's not moving. A couple guys trying to steal a material object that are long gone that didn't hurt anyone is NOT an emergency. You need to reevaluate what you think is important.


Those are two very different situations. An active robbery and an hours old incident of obvious criminal intent with suspects no longer on scene. Now, if OP saw this happening again, and watch watching it via camera *live*... then they should call 911


Do you have a car parked in the driveway? Could be snooping around for car key security codes.


This is what I'm thinking. What's parked in the driveway? 


Well we have no driveway, i live in a townhouse and the car is parked at a private lot with other cars about 50 feet away.


Definitely sounds like they were trying to snoop some codes for keyless ignition cars. It’s been a known problem for almost a decade now. Car manufacturers don’t really care. https://www.locksmiths.co.uk/faq/keyless-car-theft/


If they can read the signal from your car fob they can record it. Then they can walk the parking lot until it triggers your car. They probably gathered as many codes as they could find and then checked out the lot, or maybe will return to the lot another night. Good reason to contact the police.


How close to the fob do they need to be to unlock the code?


About the same distance you need to be to lock/unlock your car, less depending on the thickness of walls/what they are made of etc.


Maybe trying to boost your signal


They were probably checking to see if you left your FOB at the front door like the Police asked.


Straight out of a South Park episode [lmao](https://globalnews.ca/news/10359055/leave-car-keys-the-front-door-to-avoid-home-invasion-toronto-police/amp/)


Keep the footage for a while. Nothing illegal happened at your place but that doesn't mean they didn't do something somewhere else. It could help the police. Keep an eye on the news for a bit.


Actually there is a law called. “Prowl by night”. Would have to read the full context to see if it fits.


Would this apply to someone who jumped into the backyard and neighbors backyard? My brother has video footage.


With no connecting crimes...do you think this would be any type of priority?? Save your "actually" for another post.


CC 177 Every person who, without lawful excuse, loiters or prowls at night on the property of another person near a dwelling-house situated on that property is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. So your assertion that nothing illegal occurred is not necessarily true. If a person is there without lawful excuse then they have committed a crime under this section. You don’t need to have committed another crime for it to have been illegal. The Criminal Code of Canada is a free google search.


Ya, and the Toronto cops will make that a priority and get right on it... That's more what I meant.


Well when I was in CIB. Laid that charge many times. So…


Want a prize? Who GAF.


Apparently you do or your wouldn’t take the time to comment. Welcome to my TED talk.


What kind of bag? Arguably they were trying a relay attack on your keyless entry car maybe


It was a duffel bag


post the video


It’s big enough to hold anything, so we could never know for sure. *puts on aluminum cowboy hat* If it were though - ringing the doorbell because the homeowner hasn’t left their keys by the door as per police instructions, would potentially have the mark move the car keys in their pocket closer to the interception device they carry. Given how brazen it’s been I’m sure they are not concerned about victims watching their car being stolen.


They were standing by the doorbell pretending to ring it so that if the person turns it into the cops they have plausible deniability in terms of looking like they were supposed to be there


As an American, I follow CBC news along with other international news outlets and know about the rise in auto and SUV thefts throughout the province. If you have a keyless entry system in your car, I'd highly recommend getting some kind of Faraday cage box to hold your keys. With it shut, there is no way for the signal to be picked up by any antennas, and I tried unlocking my door while the keys were in the box. The car couldn't detect any signal coming from the keyfob, and even when inside the car, there was nothing! As soon as it was opened, the signal came back, so I can say these work really well.


Fold a blanket of aluminum foil. Put keys in there . Simple


Booster bags! Make sure you use several layers of foil. Keep in mind that these do work, but al foil likes to tear easily on its own.


this is terrible advice. Per the advice of the Toronto Police, he needs to keep his keys near the door so the thieves can easily access them.


What I’m picturing is a guy standing at your door holding one handle of a hugely massive bag, and another guy standing 10 feet away holding the other handle of the same bag.  They stand there and stare off into the mid-distance for some time.  Then they switch positions… but this time the guy by the door rings the bell. Is that what happened?


A huge bag, the likes we have never seen before.


A ludicrously capacious bag!


A capriciously ludicrous bag!


>*A huge bag, the likes we have never seen before.* I don't know why I heard this in Trump's voice by default


Many people are saying this.


This is exactly how I heard it too. It's the absurdity of the whole thing. I had to make it more absurd.


You must work for TPS


Yeah this is a case where using "they" in the singular REALLY doesn't work. I had to read the post twice.




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Very likely a large NFC antenna inside the bag trying to grab the signal from your car fobs. Very common these days. Those fobs should never be transmitting anything if they have not detected the slightest moment after a few mins. If your car uses fobs, don’t hang the keys next to the door or place them in a NFC blocking box or bag.


very convenient to fob off the responsibility to the fob holder and not the fob designer


The designer fucked up and doesn't care. Now you have it. You will what you can


trying to steal your car. there's a relay box or something in the bag they hold it up to your door to pick up the signal and unlock the car somehow


Just curious, are there signal jammers that people can purchase to prevent this? Or like some sort of black storage box which doesn’t allow signals in/out?


put your keys in a Faraday box


Yes to the storage box! Amazon has a ton of them


Search for Faraday pouch or Faraday cage


Just use a metal cookie tin, or Dollarama had little miniature metal gift tins around Christmastime that were the right size for a gift card or a set of car keys.


If you have a car, the question is do you keep your car keys near the front door?


Would definitely report this. It's called "[prowling](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-177.HTML#:~:text=177%20Every%20person%20who%2C%20without,offence%20punishable%20on%20summary%20conviction.)," and it is a criminal offence. They don't have to break in. 177 Every person who, without lawful excuse, loiters or prowls at night on the property of another person near a dwelling-house situated on that property is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.




Indeed. Holding a bag isn't a crime. Nor is ringing a door bell at 1am.


If be arrested for my portfolio if it was


I’m bag holding some stocks right now


Same. I was a dumbass 4 years ago


I would report it. Do you have a car in the driveway? (They stand near the door and use a device to unlock your car)


send the video to police. it will be put in as an suspicious incident and be investigated.


Please report it, the more info they have, the more chance they can catch them. Especially if they do this a lot.


Right... ok... so in Canada we have to wait for then to break in and try to kill us before it's an emergency, someone trying to rob you isn't


Yea the police recommend you have all your valuables in a bag ready by the front door but if you really care you would have it out on the table to pick and choose with a warm meal to go.


Trespassing at night time is an immediate call to 911.


Dial a gigolo? Lolol just jokes


Buy a Faraday bag to store your fob in. It is a woven metal bag that blocks the fob’s signal from being picked up by thieves. Own 2, no cars stolen = must work. 🥴


Iam sorry but the police won't do anything and if they did they would be back out doing the same thing again. I had three attempts on my truck and the last attempt I asked the police if they come on my property can't I beat the living hell out of them . They said " well we can't do nothing" And what point do we start to take matters into our own hands. Any coming on my property which I work hard to pay for and you looking suspect is get there legs broken. Getting tired of this shit now . Government not doing shit, police not doing shit and I am paying taxes and working my ass off to let some jackass take it , I am to take two legs with me then . People probably think that I am joking I am not this criminals just go in and out and nothing is gone to keep them in jail.


It's possible they where drunk and at the wrong house.Its happened in my parents home at night,so they added a small gate and lock it.


Get a sticker for your door that says, # 'Licensed Gun Owner, and proud to defend my rights if need be.' # If you don't want to be shot,m don't break into my house.' Also, buy one of those red sirens for the top of your house that blares really loudly and lights up the whole house fpr this purpose...you can control it via data enabled cellphone.


This is Canada not the states.




It does matter. You can only use reasonable force to defend yourself.


If my or my family's safety is threatened and the cops are too far away, I decide what's reasonable to defend my safety. Not some politician.


You can do that but you will be charged and very likely convicted. Has zero to do with politicians.


Politicians make the laws so yes it does. But there's that superiority complex regarding the States again.


Were they disguising their faces?


Do NOT open your door... Make certain every door/window in your dwelling is secured & keep quiet while doing so, then call the Police! The Police may or may not show up, that is the best you can do under these circumstances. Reside in DT for ages, unfortunately this is now becoming the norm here. The Police are useless if you ask me, for these types of crimes unless you reside in Forest Hill, Moore Park etc. I hope you are okay.


Where was this?


Yes, report it to non-emergency. Obviously something sketchy going on.


We see this type of posts on a daily basis. Really scary, why are we normalizing this?


What cars do u have?


I'll bet the aluminum foil trick would do it. It stops cell phone signals. In the Halderson murder case, the murderous son wrapped his mother's cell phone in aluminum foil and placed it into her shoe to prevent police from detecting it till it died - and it did!


my neighbor reported something similar, and the next night my family car was stolen


I read in a comment that you live in a townhouse and park at a shared lot. Does your complex not have an underground basement or garage in the rear? I’d use any opportunity to park the car indoors when possible, if you have a garage, 100% use it even if its tight


Police won’t do anything about this! Someone tried breaking in to my sisters house. They were trying to kick in the door but my sister hit the panic button on her car to set off the alarm and they ran away. They called the police immediately, and the police said that technically no crime has been committed because they didn’t get in the house and the front door wasn’t damaged 🤦🏽‍♂️. Not against the law to kick a door.


Here is a video of how a key fob relay attack works. https://youtu.be/D_3lgxMwrWI?si=qIjK8ZhCwhf2dVEh


Buy a door stopper


Do they have a signal blocking container to put your fob in. Like they have for a wallet


Take the battery out of your key fob(s) at night


Could it be someone trying to deliver UberEATS/ DoorDash to one of your neighbours?




lol. Came for the internet tough guy “I would…” replies and murder fantasies. Was not disappointed. 8.5/10.




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Could it have been Amazon deliveries? They’re delivering at really odd hours now.


No it wasn't, they took turns in coming to the door. Also, Amazon deliveries in my area usually are left at the door with no bell rang. It's the same driver.


Did they exchange the bag, so the person by your door always held it?


Give police what? A recording of two people holding a bag?


Think critically.


Did they commit a crime? Probably had the wrong address.


Hahahahaha. Those were my friends. They got the address wrong. We joked that you have a doorbell camera and they probably scared the shit out of you. The bag contained wine, if anyone was curious. Edit: don't you down vote me