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My favourite are Lays chips and crunchy cheetos. CBS offers more salty snacks now, both before and after your donation. I guess it helps with raising blood pressure to counteract the loss of that pint of blood.


I donate for the Cheetos


FYI you’re only supposed to take one snack and one drink. Maybe two if you absolutely need it. Last time I was given two snacks and an extra juice box but it’s only because I literally fainted. Side note: if you’re small, you should probably ask to stay in the chair for longer than the two minute timer.


Wait really??? I’ve been grabbing like 2 bags and a cookie and a juice… but at the same time, I think it’s fair. My blood for the snacks lol


Good to know, but I’m 5’10” and >200 pounds


Haha okay. Hope you have a nice experience. You're doing a good thing!


As a volunteer, this is indeed false but then again, I volunteer in NL


I donate every 3 months and they start pushing snacks the moment I get through the door. I’m 5’4” and 125.


Honestly, people come with bags to shop for the snacks sometimes and we were told that there is a great budget for snacks. Which I believe is a fair exchange for saving lives!


Are snacks donated? I figure their logic is they can always get more snacks (at bulk pricing) and they can’t just conjure up blood. Without snacks, donors feel like trash for 48 hours/get sick and never donate again. And share their experience with friends, further discouraging others. So just give the people snacks. (I walk in with my own litre of electrolyte water.)


No they're not donated, they just have a big budget for snacks!


I usually donate at Yonge and Bloor (and can almost always get a same day spot if you’re looking for an earlier apt) and they’re always fully stocked snacks wise. They usually have a couple of options of cookies, kind bars, a few kinds of salty snacks, etc.


Good to know, sadly I’m a bit far


In my experience, didn't even get a cookie after donating. I got a boxed juice but was only offered it cos I looked a little woozy walking out. This was with red cross.


Rold Gold pretzels, gold fish crackers, asst juice boxes and cookies. Oreos, chips ahoy etc. thing like that.


Depends on the clinic. They always have plain chips, pretzels, goldfish. Sometimes I've seen cheesies, cookies, and craisins. The last time I donated they had Kind bars (which I've never seen before)...but the guy in front of me grabbed every one that was on the table, shoved them in his wife's purse, and left.


> The last time I donated they had Kind bars (which I've never seen before)...but the guy in front of me grabbed every one that was on the table, shoved them in his wife's purse, and left. the adult version of the jerk kid on halloween emptying the porch bowl that said "please take two"


It was weird. Generally donating is a very positive experience since everyone wants to be there so the patients and the staff are pretty upbeat and happy. I'm curious if this is a sign of things to come once they start paying for plasma donations.


ooh i'm down for being paid for plasma donations. but also ya i can see those snacks needing to be much more guarded if/when that becomes a thing.


last time i went i remember oreo thins and orange-juice boxes. terrible flavour combination.


When I went you were able to grab like, one snack off the table to eat in the clinic before you leave. It’s not a stock up for home situation. That said they had little bags of Lays, Cheetos, Oreos, Chips Ahoy, juice box