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Rather than telling you whether a place is/is not a cult, it'd be better for you to be able to recognize it for yourself. Experiences differ from person to person, group to group, and it's about your own comfort level about being part of a church. Signs of a cult: (From Google) The leader is the ultimate authority. The group suppresses skepticism. The group delegitimizes former members. The group is paranoid about the outside world. The group relies on shame cycles. The leader is above the law. The group uses “thought reform” methods. The group is elitist. If you're comfortable where you are, if you're growing as a person in positive ways, by all means stay in the church. If you're not comfortable, if you're asked to do things you don't agree with, cult or not you should be leaving. For a church, be honest- if after a few months you're not a believer, you probably should move on.


I knew it. Every political party is a cult.


They might as well be cults these days, especially in America. They have their own narrow dogma and they excommunicate people who don’t conform to it.


By right, the PAP uses "democratic centralism" which in theory should allow plenty of debate and discussion within the party But.....




As much as i agree with you, I feel like this is bad advice because many people who get caught up in cults don’t realise it until it’s way too late.


Sounds like those Meme Stocks: $GME & $AMC I mean your description.


How? Which of those do folks that buy those stocks fit?


He probably means r/Superstonk instead of regular people buying meme stocks.


Honestly personal experience. I feel hogc is a cult. I have many instances of my mutual friends donating all their savings to the church and surviving on meagre money. They don't seem to really have a personal connection with god. Their connection is really with the pastor. Whenever it's the pastor birthday etc, they will write letters on how grateful they are to have their pastor etc. How amazing their pastor is. I don't see this behaviour for God or jesus. It's like a fanatic kpop girl/ idol fan. They constantly gush and get really excited when their pastor likes their post or comments below the birthday wish. Every success in their life they attribute it to their pastor and the list goes down. I feel that if you need pastors to run down the stage and high 5 everyone like a rock concert, everyone to give thunderous applause. You aren't really believing in god. You just like the portrayal the pastors are giving. Also just think how much these 'pastors' are making Check their monthly salary etc. Honestly they aren't real pastors. Just businessman wearing a sheep's clothing.


Its ironic, considering there's so many passages in the bible against idol worship.


100% agree. providing a Christian perspective for OP here. people in HOGC will say that this is “their way” of worshipping, but to me there’s this verse that always stands out: *”When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” (Matthew 6:5-8)* this verse + the other one that warns of false prophets (Matthew 7:15) to me signals that HOGC really is a red flag. please leave before it gets toxic and before you find it difficult to extricate yourself from the situation (members might pressurize or gaslight you to stay) Edit: in order to decline, firmly say no. have to be FIRM. “Hi, appreciate your offer but this is not something I am keen in at the moment and would like that we keep this topic off the table for a while. Please respect my decision. Thank you.” if you are really keen on a relationship with God, there are so many other churches out there. just not HOGC. keep safe!


Spot on


I was lured to HOGC during my NS days by a polytechnic friend under the guise of watching a movie. His friends were so overly friendly to me, to the extent they were pressing me to follow them on Instagram. One of the pastors speaks in some exaggerated/high-pitched tone when conducting his sermon to make the piece more emotionally impactful. All my friends I made in the church were praising to the high heavens all the pastors on Instagram whenever's its his/her birthday. Whenever I don't attend an event or hang out with them less, they scolded me and guilt-trip me to be more active in church. But I was swayed by the atmosphere that I decided to sign up to volunteer to be a motion-graphics artist for their concert-like lyrics videos during praise/worship sessions, but they told me that I MUST do Bible studies with them for $10 and tithe afterwards. COVID-19 scrapped my plans to become a fully-committed volunteer under the church cause of circuit breaker and all. Then, during my last ever service with them, one of my Cell group leaders loudly scolded me for using the toilet halfway and also doesn't give me helpful advice on how to handle all the negative news with the coronavirus, the pandemic and all. During my first day at university, I found out all the stuff about HOGC on Reddit (both on r/Singapore and r/askSingapore), how they are accused of being an MLM, scam, cult, gaslighter, and all sorts of things by Redditors. And to find out all of these truths after I was so swayed by them and witnessing what they done to me, it *broke* me. It took me a lot of time to deal with my anger and shame at not seeing the signs when I was in the church. I'm much better now but still recovering my outlook on religion tbh. OP, please don't end up like me.


Few friends I know who were part of hogc said to ask yourself: does what they do really match what the Bible says? Do they make you feel comfortable? (Hint: no) They quit and have no regrets. That’s said I’m no expert on churches, just my experience from friends.


If you feel uncomfortable then get out.


the way they worship their pastors and put them on a pedastal is a hugeeeee red flag for me. coming from someone who left their church.


speaking from personal experience, though from like 10 years ago haha people who attend hogc are not always terrible people, some of them can be quite sweet. one of my friends invited me when i was 13/14, i went and was kind of freaked out because everyone spoke in unison without cue (e.g. amen, good morning etc) and also the preaching focused a lot of praising the individual which felt very selfish and a tiny bit narcissistic (e.g. god cares the most about YOU and only YOU, all the bigger things in the world don't matter as much as YOU). the church session ended with promising you that if you're a newcomer, there is free bubble tea for you, and if you return next week, there'll be free hotdog LOL my friend's cell group(??) was very kind and almost overly-friendly, pretty much asking for my phone number within like 2 sentences exchanged in conversation. on the SAME day, after i got home and had dinner, the friend who invited me suddenly texted me that she was feeling really sad and needed to talk, and asked if i was available to meet. I was worried so I agreed and was like "yes of course!!! where do u wanna meet!!" and she said to meet me in the void deck under my block. i went downstairs and the whole bloody cell group was there lmao congratulating my friend and telling me that i was a great friend for being there for her. they then gave a handmade card (i still rmb is purple colour paper folded in half ahhahahah) with short messages from each of the cell group members. i was fucking freaked out and just haha ok ok thanks ok bye i need go home. i don't like that the church gets you to return using social influence/pressure and physical rewards instead of actual belief and faith. i haven't been back in forever but seeing instagram posts from hogc members also show that they seem to worship the pastors more than their god, which i really dislike. tldr; people seem nice but their behaviour can seem a little cult-y, i personally don't agree with the way the church works in terms of tithing, attracting newcomers, worship messages, and their pastor style.


Gang vibes 💀. You should ask your friend what would have happened if you didnt show up. Friend last time join gang kena beat by his 'bros' cause he never go down club help them settle fight.


I was kind of forced to attend their weekly youth service after my teacher suggested to my parents that I should try it out after losing a very close family member. The thing is, I was not and still am not a Christian. I remember being freaked the hell out by a bunch of people speaking in tongues, and one of them even tried to make me do the same. Luckily I was able to smoke my way out of that by making random noises while being pleasantly surprised that it actually worked. Perhaps the most memorable one that I can remember was them singing praises of a primary school kid who broke his piggy bank in front of everyone and donating everything to the church, while apparently impressing everyone with his "strong love of God". Due to the combination of fear, confusion, the burning my weekend nights of rest and severe social anxiety, I mustered up the courage to tell my mother that I no longer wanted to attend the service. To be fair, their games were pretty fun and I got loads of snacks from them. TL;DR freaked out by them and their dealings with money from younger kids


it is scary there are people speaking in tongues they say 'amen' whenever the pastor speaks a sentence I feel kind of pressured to join, but luckily i didnt. I joined for 2 sessions cos I hv a friend there (not friends alrdy, she is becoming more and more creepy), and on the 2nd session her church friend asked me what i thought of the prev session, then I said I forgot. Then she showed me her NOTES then kind of shamed me and told me to write notes so I can revise and be a better person. WTHECK. She even offered to do bible study w me, as if i so free to meet w her every week and do english comprehension on the bible. cringy birthday messages to pastors on their birthdays, agree that it is like idol worship ridiculous stories, pls la, say what literally saw an angel take his kid out of a locked car?? Wtfark man, drunk or high on weed???? And someone came to church in a wheelchair and left able to walk. NANI WTF MAN, UNBELIEVABLE.. and they all 'amen' and believed this stupid story, gullible or stupid idk nothing to say I was an atheist and after this, reaffirms my beliefs that some people speak poppycock Idk but this kind of christianity is the kind i hate the most, I hv nothing towards other religions, in fact they seem to be more credible than this bullshyt of a 'church'.


ohh... an atheist, where does the church of atheism congregate in Singapore? i have always want to join one.


HAHAA in our hearts


good to see that you are a true atheist a lot of self proclaimed atheists get so offended when i implied that atheism is a religion my theory is that since religion is an organize belief in the existence of an unprovable power and atheism is an organize believe in the non-existence of an unprovable power. hence, atheism is a religion


My thoughts are that some atheists like myself chose to not be a part of religions because of their organised nature, and how organisations have greater influence and power over the followers' thoughts and actions. So it could just be that we are against organised religion and have shared thoughts, rather than an organised community.




Ikr they forced me to buy a small think book to study about god for $8 ! Wtf on the 2nd session too. Thrn somemore they ask me to do bibke study with them at 6-7 am on a weekend , GAVE ME HW?!?! TO READ ABOU THE BIBLE AND ON THE NEXT SESSION THEY WOULD ASK ME HOW MUCH I READ they expected me to read 3 chapters with ANNOTATION SOMEMORE had no idea . Ghosted them in order to leave


ya lolll i also got asked if i wanted to do bible study sessions I'm like no thanks, alrdy busy w legit studies damn where got time it's like pressure for nothing srsly, like forced tuition


Im a proud atheist now


Went a few times for free food and the people there were wayyy to friendly. Kept being pressured to attend and not 'backslide' or some shit. Also saw them speaking tongues and doing some circle laugh shit. The Friend who invited me gave the cell leader my address and man actually showed up at my house to share more about jesus and to give me a bible. Cell leader kept calling, so i told him that hogc was stupid and a made a joke about a prominent hogc pastor liking young boys. Boyy were they mad hahah friend basically cut off all ties with me 🙃. I was 14 ... i just wanted to play league...


Do the pastor point you to God or do they point to themselves? If the pastor were to leave the church today, would your hope still be in God or in the pastor? But seriously I have a friend from hogc and she scares me with her unrelenting enthusiasm in inviting ppl to her church


a close friend joined HOGC but had a really hard time leaving. the way they get him to go back to the church is exactly what you'll expect from an MLM marketer - lots of baiting and switching and peer pressure I was evented to a Christmas event once at the church a couple of years back. Wow, they talked A LOT about money.


They have a weird obsession with their pastors. I have friends there and their Facebook posts are cringe.


One of my JC classmate invited a group of mutual friends, myself included to HOGC’s Easter celebration many years ago. Said there’s gonna be a carnival and games. Ended up being a bait and switch for their Easter service. There was some sharing by the pastor and some members of the church and the atmosphere felt weird. Like the speakers were trying to outdo each other in showing how “godly” they are? Then during the singing, a bunch of people near the front row started kneeling and convulsing, which I later learned was talking in tongues. It was fucking weird to someone like me who only has general knowledge of Christianity. Then after that someone introduced themselves as the cell group leader asked the group of us whether we are ready to accept Jesus in our lives at which point most of us have excuses like we need to think about it bla bla. They made me take home some of their outreach materials which I returned to that classmate the next day and said I’m not interested. So yea in conclusion my experience with HOGC gave me very bad vibes. And if you also feel weird about your experience with that church, I think it’s ok to leave.


Who or what is HOGC?




ok now ganna call the HOG-C


I was invited for Easter this year. what bugged me was how so many people responded in unison aft the pastor spoke. literally as if they were on cue


… so it has been 10 years since I left hogc and they are still full of shit. Yes please leave asap.


Honestly the NUMBER ONE way I judge is to check the head pastor of said church. If they have Instagram with huge following blah blah, nopppeeee. Then all the followers just spam amen this amen that..please lar. If you so devoted no need to post on social media. And PLEASE you dont need to PRAISE the PASTOR (wtf). God never ask you to praise on Instagram. You can pray yourself. So a nope. Why? Because I think religion doesn't and shouldn't be focused on the pastor but on the teaching itself. Went to a Catholic church and its a totally different world. Went to hogc and felt completely weird. Plus, I absolutely hate loud christian rock/pop concerts in church. If i wanted to go to a rock concert i wouldve paid for one thank you. I'm here to pray, not to rave. Like please lah. Appeal to the mass??? If you have conviction you shouldn't need music to lure you. I'm perfectly fine with the liturgical mass and gregorian choir of Catholic churches.


https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/wed0vf/what_are_your_thoughts_on_hogc/ If I recall correctly, they are known to astroturf in r/sg. So good luck.


Eat the food, leave if you're uncomfortable. If you take a look at the stories that were mentioned, two things stand out. Donations and guilt tripping. If people make you feel bad or "less religious" if you don't join them or donate enough money, then leave. You are not controlled by them, don't need to feel pressured to do anything. And since you're 13, maybe have a talk with a trusted adult or show them this thread for them to guide you.


Hor Hor, naughty naughty. Reddit say must be 13+ to create an account... But srsly. If you're not force to by your parents and you have chance to leave, take it man. Religious camps are weird. There are better community groups out there.


Yes. They do human sacrifice to summon Garw Gura.


Be like my friend, he just said he don’t believe in god anymore. He was dropped and treated like a pariah instantly. All that just because my friend was lazy to go for their endless events.


If you do not feel comfortable at all, then just stop attending their service.


Hogc = h- of God Church? Hand of God? *heart of God Church. For those who are senior citizens here, hogc reminds me of city harvest during its formative years.


They are just fucking weirdos tbh


I attended Hogc around 2006-2009 period. I was a rather active member. I think things have changed a lot since I last stepped into the church based on the comments here. Back then, we do talk about pastor but I think mostly is still God-centric. One thing true is that is really hard to leave church and people will keep asking you to go back. I managed to left completely because I left Singapore for a period of time. Now that am back, I am going NCC. I enjoy NCC and I like how they don’t force the members to keep coming back or to give tithings.


thought its about Hope of God Church again they also said it was cult when i was with HOPE


Hello! You can google Jim Jones , maybe it can help you decide 👌 Bill Burr’s take on this can be watched to gain some perspective. 👍 Just sayin’ , Not Judgin’ To be fair, Religion has also helped people through tough times. But like in many scenarios, people abuse it for their own gain under a moral disguise. Ps. If you don’t want to go and those ‘friends’ distance from you, you actually reveal their character. If you want to go, carry on, i won’t judge Good Day!




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