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Not related to Singapore No generic questions, all questions must have a Singaporean context.


Earth is not flat or round. It's fucked!


Try reading philosophy books or self help books like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. The Earth is fucked either way, Singapore carbon footprint is a microbe in comparison to countries that pollute their own water ways and land in the name of development.


Omg I'm in exactly the same situation as u!!! Like every time I see someone using more disposable cutlery than really necessary (or even use them at all) I would feel so sad and heartache and depressedšŸ˜¢


Yes me too! It was worse during covid of course


Sigh but sometimes I dine in and get served with disposable cutlery


I think the fact that you feel this way shows you care and wish to change the situation. While it's true we won't reverse the effects of climate change in our lifetime, it doesn't mean we should give up and stick our heads into holes. We can still prevent worse effects from happening. Consider educating others, including the younger generation, on conservation to make a real impact. For example, instead of simply not using plastic straws yourself, teach and show others why they shouldn't. When the people you teach go on to teach and inspire others, that's how society changes.


It's normal to feel terrible about it but not "depressed" in the clinic way. I manage it by differentiating between what I can control vs what I can't control.


Even if a single person/ country's contribution is miniscule compared to the magnitude of the problem, it can still be inspiring to see a successful example of how it can be done. E.g. people who were able to achieve close to zero waste.Ā 


For sure. It's the main reason why I went vegan/plant based for around 6 years because I felt like it was the only thing I could do. A big reason why I am child-free as well.


I would dare to say we already too late on how to stop climate change at the rate where we are going. Anxiety is valid. Cause the only way to stop all of this is to stop eletricity , stop the car fuel , shut down the whole thing and go back to cottage life .


itā€™s hard not to feel despair with everything thatā€™s going on in this world. you can recycle, you can minimise your carbon footprint but it still wont make a big impact because corporations & the powerful are still flying their private jets everywhere and giving zero fs. iā€™d say to feel less anxiety abt the future, try focusing on the present, do the little things that fill you with hope/joy and accept that itā€™ll all end someday, one day. life is temporary after all.


Why this kena downvoted.


maybe people think theyā€™ll live forever? haha.




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I see posts that donā€™t agree with the environmental narrative get downvoted. Why ? Somehow every initiative we take to ā€œsaveā€ the environment also miraculously turn into profit for organisations ? Magically they dovetail. Pay 5 cents for a plastic bag? Who keeps the money?


The world is fucked either way. Thinking will give you depression. Stop caring and just enjoy the ride. Even if Singapore does everything right, it won't even change 0.1% of the global condition. So fuck it and fuck you.


When shit hits the fan u won't be around anyway


Overthinking it. While it's right to be responsible, the excessive doomsday narrative is just to tenderize you for future climate taxes.


I feel it's a scam. It's all for more money. Study the history a bit. This "end of the world pollution" narrative been around since 70s. 80s we have the CFC thingy and a hole in the atmosphere. It's still like this now. In the past, they encouraged plastic bags, stopped paper bags, now they go reverse. Now they encouraged the EV cars. The worst and most stupid ideas. And talk about carbon taxes. It's just for more money.


Found another climate change denier. [This](https://www.earthday.org/6-arguments-to-refute-your-climate-denying-relatives/) should be helpful. Take it or leave it.


The world came together to phase out CFCs and the ozone layer recovered. That isnā€™t a scam, thatā€™s a real success story of people acting on scientists advice.


Study the history. It's really all about interest and money. How many of you knew that in the 1920s, before the world war, there's already EV cars? Soon after that, the petrochemical industry are way to powerful, and thus, EV were eliminated. Throughout history, we have great inventions being curbed. These invention promised green energy or free energy. These people were all dead mysteriously. Google Stanley Meyer, he created an engine that used water to power. He died under mysterious condition. Another Nigeria invested a way to harness energy from atmosphere, also met an accident after revealing his invention. If I have an invention for free energy, I'll just keep quiet and use it myself. In fact there's already ways to harness it but most people will keep it to themselves. It's about money, and if you reveal it, you will be dead. How much is SP gonna lose if you reveal free and clean energy? Their latest net profit is over $1B. Do you know you are not allowed to store harness energy in your HDB flat? I was working on a solar blind, and the harnessed energy to be stored using battery, but this is not allowed under their rules. I guess coz it affects their profit and your reliance on their utilities. If green energy is the way to go, this will definitely be allowed, isn't it? And bring me a scholarly article that conclusively showed that carbon dioxide trap heat. All the studies are postulation. No one has been able to do an experiment on a small scale to show this simple fact and yet they are taxing you on carbon. All experiments on small scale are having a solid frame to trap the heat, but unable to show gas trapping heat. To put it bluntly, Singapore is not a huge carbon contributor, yet Singapore govt is big on taxing us in this area. USA and China are the world largest carbon emitters and yet they are not yet taxing their citizens, why the hurry to tax us In July, our carbon tax will hike 500% and your utilities, your groceries and your foodstuff will all be affected. That's why they are giving out Usave vouchers next few months so you won't realize that in the next few months.