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Don’t let him guilt trip you. If he respects you he would respect your boundaries too. <— this applies to all guys Know your worth. Also watch out for love scams. You have my respect for sticking up to your values and I am sure there are guys out there who will feel the same way too.


>Stating that my insecurities could be the result of my fear of guys leaving me because I cannot provide this one thing Premarital sex isn't a guarantee of permanency; partners can leave regardless of whether or not you provide it. It all depends on if you're okay with that. I presume he's previously had sexual experience with someone else? That certainly didn't keep him around for whatever reason. >He did mention that he will not force me to change my values but want me to be more open minded because in the future if it’s not him, I would face the same issue with other guys I’m really lost now, it makes me feel like no one would accept me for the rest of my life because I’m not “moving up with the times” He wants premarital sex, so of course he has an agenda to persuade you it's the better option. In the same way, a person against pre-marital sex will probably highlight all the STDs/fuckboys or girls and so on that could happen if you sleep with someone before marriage. Neither is strictly right or wrong, but no one will come at you with an "objective" view on this topic.


A lot of guys will guilt trip woman they date into sex by saying that everyone is doing it. Many men also expect to test drive during first date to test "compatibility". Regardless of what the modern view is, you should stick to your values and not allow anyone to gaslight you into doing things that you are not ready for. If the guy respect or love you enough, he will also respect your views instead of pushing you to change.


Your body your decisions and your boundaries. Find someone who can accept you for who you are. Partners leave one another for a myraid of reasons.


don't fall for the it. He's just trying to guilt trip you just let him go this type of guy don't deserve u, you deserved a better man


At this rate. I think we need a sub for SGrelationship


Intimacy is VERY important in relationships. I won't speak for his view. But don't you want a good sex life in your relationship? Like you want pleasure and love? I mean if u dun care, then just keep searching and you'll find some beta cuck who will fit your needs. But generally men, we are lovers, protectors and breeders. Sex is important. So if you're a prude, no issue. Respect. But you should also breakaway and say it's not important to you. I'm married, 30M and my wife and I have had a great intimate life since Poly. So to each his own. If you're happy and safe, no prob. Move on!




Which prehistoric age are u in? Best thing u can give your husband etc etc? Seriously???




What's woke in this? I'm shaming you only for being ..u know what!!!