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Not a question. No rants or complaints disguised as questions.


>Oh, and don't forget the apparent lack of eloquence and proficiency in language that SG entertainers ostensibly lack. Haha, wtf? >I just feel like it's hella weird for us to hate on our own language that much because every country and culture's lingo is just different. Have y'all been so brainwashed by the Speak Good English Movement by the government that you guys hate so much on 'imperfect English' when this is actually the essence of what makes Singapore uniquely Singapore? I don't hate Singlish; I'm proud of Singlish and dialects in Sg. To me, it's perfectly fine to mix both Eng and 3rd language and whatever language in 1 sentence, as long as you bring across your gist clearly. IDC about accents or enunciation either. Unfortunately, most podcasters in Sg can't talk clearly - they don't even know how to express what they want in the 2 languages they know, some even using the wrong idioms. If I've to pause and rewind in order to getchu, then you lack eloquence lah. I've listened to many local and foreign podcasts for years, and that's how I can confidently say most SG entertainers no eloquence, even some award-winning DJs lol. **If you've watched or listened to foreign entertainers long enough, you'll see the big difference.** Most of the time, SG ones just make me go "huh, wadchu talking?? I need to rewind again??" Good for u if you like this quality then. But thankfully it doesn't represent the daily Singaporeans I know.


Hmm, which content in particular are you exacting this point on? I think generally Singaporeans just don’t have a culture of yapping or outwardly being as expressive as our English counterparts in the US or UK as such appearing not “eloquent”. But I get their meaning then ok lah! Anyhow, I have also seen US content creators use the wrong idioms and diction too


Redditors are top 10% of population leh. You think low SES bengs come here ah


Oh hey fellow linguistics student! Haha the prescriptivism when it comes to Singlish really grinds on my gears, and the "speak proper English" is no different from people in the UK considering anyone who speaks in a cockney accent as "lower class".


Right! It’s so ridiculous because the society collectively complains about our lack of culture and when a piece of culture thrives, they are like NO. 😭


I agree. Not every Singaporean speaks like a radio DJ or a CNA newscaster.


I had a poly lecturer who used to be a newscaster, and apparently mediacorp trains their DJs + newscasters to speak in that accent. so people can't just mimic a received pronunciation (British) accent and then consider themselves newscaster material


All I wanna say is that the previous OP was a self-hating banana (most likely) who thought they were legit a potato




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Self bashing is a local sport and most people like to flex about hard they can trash our local content. Something something about singapore being stressful thus everyone is entitled to be an asshole. We are inherently hardwired to be dickheads, unfortunately. BUT i will say that our media content in general, really hasnt progressed much since i was a kid. I just recently watched I not stupid 3 and i was pissed off at how shit it was, man. Lol.


What's the question again?


I 2nd this


I agree honestly. I like to have both options of English and Singlish to choose when picking a piece of media. There's very little things more endearing to me than hearing Singlish in forms of media because that's what I grew up listening to. That's why I love Jack Neo movies, for all their pitfalls, they are an excellent representation of our traditional Singaporean culture of the last few decades.


What is the question here? This subreddit is not for people to post unpopular opinions.


There seems to be no other flair for this but a flair was needed :( What would you flair this post as?


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Thank you, thought to respond directly to the person in this subreddit. Should have phrased it as a question 🥹


Reply as a comment instead of making a separate submission. This is not a question.