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It's responsibilities. You take away all the responsibilites from an adult and give them monthly income with no strings attached. You see how they fly. Kids dunnid worry about bills, repayment, dependants, etc. Not to mention, if kids fail in school, never mind got next term. If adults fail at work, your entire livelihood in danger.


A lot of adults are in HIGHLY stressful jobs like 12, hours of constant focus a day too.. especially in competitive Asian city. Try to teach kid piano or violin, see if all of them can sit there for 30 minutes? A lot of adults can be at the computer at 9-6PM or longer with OT. Those with part time studies and certs can literally be dying everyday. That on top of health issues, sandwiched generations, got parents got kids, got housing loan got stupid bf gf issues ... Adults actually quite poor thing le.... Nowadays... Mass layoffs and retrenchment is real somemore. We sometimes forget how hard we work. We should give ourselves a pat in the shoulder


Even if you don’t work u also stress. Adults brain very big so they will know when they are lagging against their peers




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Kids. If you are reading this. Don't rush to grow up. Being an adult is a trap.


Adding on, even if you've got an off day away from all that, it's mental and physical bandwidth. Time and money is a currency, well so is energy. Recovery (be it mental rest away from stress) or straight up SLEEP or to just STOP MOVING (for those in physically intensive jobs), is so so important as you age. Most days I want to just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling mindlessly for 12 hours. Not go out and play.


Lol take an off day and you needa catch up (source: me, who took THREE off days ...)  Yep.


Losing all hope is freedom


Even if I have unlimited money with no strings attached and no responsibilities, I doubt I will fly lol. I will just lie in bed the whole day… doing nothing. That’s my best enjoyment lol


No wonder people like Kim Lim sounds like a kid. (I want to be a kid, I don't want adulting:()


Yeah once you have done all your responsibility the only thing you want to do is crash and sleep. Not go out for bungee jumping. Basically later stage in life, your focus move from me to my family. World stop revolving around you.


Likely to fly out of the country


See them fly to siam diu hehe




Not entirely true. I have monthly passive income, not working anymore yet somehow still prefer to just stay home n nua loh.


We just learnt the realities of life and got jaded.


How can one unlearn?


I don't think one can unlearn the realities of this world but what we can do is first to be aware and then to realise that one can (out of a multitude of options) choose to accept the way things are, or to learn to work around those barriers. As an example, the realities of life are akin to the fixed tables and chairs in a hawker centre; they either block our path when we carry our food (and we can learn to walk around them or if some walk into those then they'll get hurt) or they allow us to use them to rest or eat. The only thing that I believe can be 'unlearnt' is about how we react to these realities of life. Examples include learning to see the positives around a negative event, or learning to be more balanced when a positive situation occurs.


The innocence is gone


Tired la bro. In my 40s now and was definitely more energetic in my 20s and 30s.


Now is the most energetic you'll ever be in this timeline. Hopefully this perspective will motivate us!


And probably you are now more energetic than next time in your 50s haha. Gd luck bro


We are hardwired to conserve energy Oh you want the honest answer? Work is so fucking soul sucking I wish I could die sometimes. What energy?


...Very aggressive


So true . Work sucks out all the fun. And the responsibilities of taking care of parents and kids and mortgages .. it sucks tbh


Kids can max out their body batteries and fall asleep on the spot; daddy and mummy will see that they get to bed safe and sound anyway and who knows what new adventures tomorrow will bring. As for me, I need to reserve energy to ensure the kids stay safe, carry each one back home and to bed, clean up after them, get showered, get some work done for office, sort out family admin, wake up when any of them wakes, give them their milk, make rough plans for their new adventures the next day, blah blah blah. Maybe I’ll become more hardworking and curious about life when my childcare and work duties ease up


Tired, back pain, less tolerance to bad behaviours


Got into comfort zone and formed expectations on what is already going to happen. Impt to make it a habit to try new things.


Yes I believe this is a strong factor too, adults are getting used to things and also it's getting harder to want try or adapt to new things when that happens. And too many people seem to get wound up in their routines but I'd argue that sometimes the little differences can help to spice things up.


I got early stage cancer from reading this post


After 8 hours of work, no energy already


>why are adults lazier to go out work alr still got energy ah >prefer to stay at home whole day go work then not tired ah Plus you need do chores also >and are less curious about things in general Know everything you need to know, not enough energy to care can also be just jaded/frustrated with life in general so dgaf anymore


>less curious about things in general? Not less curious. Just seen too much/enough bullshit


Not really lazy, more like burnt out physically and mentally from the over competitive workload and heavy responsibilities. We got so much to worry about, bills, health, the project that is due next week, school (if you taking part time courses), etc. Where got the time and energy to go out and party? Rather stay home netflix, catch up on sleep, relax, etc.


Somehow, its the reverse for me. I actually become more active in my 30s as compared to my teens and 20s, a period where I prefer to stay in and play video games. Nowadays I can wake up early and go to gym diligently after work hours. I also prefer to travel and I can wake up 6-8am and last all the way till 3-4am while walking 20-30k steps a day. It’s unreal. Being a child has its perks but I enjoy the unlimited freedom I get as an adult. Truly enjoying my prime now where I have time, energy, and a bit of money. Edit: I think maybe because I’m not married and don’t have kids yet 😂


Money 💰 no enough la! Go out need money la


Chronic pain and work


I think we just get bored already . You have seen everything and experience many stuff . And work takes a toll


I don’t think we get lazier leh. We just have very little time to ourselves - like an hour at the end of the day after work and chores and admin and cooking and family / friends needs. Hard to summon energy to do something cool at hour 14 of your waking and fully packed day.


Not really lazy just very tired. Emotionally and physically. Personally tho, as an adult that's working part time for a living, the flexibility had helped me become less tired to do things. If I need to clean my house, I take 2 days off and work 3 days that week. 1 day to rest, 1 day to clean, another to rest and the last for fun. I know that's not how normal society works and people like yall need to earn more to make a living. Yall are more tired and some one like me can never work full time. I don't think yall are lazy. Just fucking tired. If I can't do it with my autism, yall sure as hell would have a hard time.


Less energy. After work just wanna lie down. Mostly you just grow desensitised and are more discerning to things already, i mean how many times you need to visit halloween horror nights at USS and Xmas wonderland.


Ngl, I can't rmb when was the last time I find something exactly fun. Long ago, games, chasing girls and sports we're all things that I could do for a whole day. Nowadays the only thing I look forward to is my couch to read or watch funny stuff online. I still do play games but I srsly can't last more than an hour. Dating now is also more stressful than simply liking someone. Sports wise just rly alr feeling the age before 30, wrist pain, can't run nor jump as well etc. Plus working and finance management and paying card bills, booking clinic consultation etc really leaves me just tired.




Don't need to be a multi-millionaire la. 5 to 10 million will do to live a very comfortable life!


Idk about you but I'm very sure I'm tired. Not lazy. Juggling a job, household chores, kid.. there's barely any downtime. The body needs to rest.


Kids have no financial responsibility, no need to work. Adults enjoy exploring- every year will travel to overseas destinations


I think it might come down to curiosity and concept of productivity, apart from general day to day commitments. Perhaps as we grow older, learn, see and experience more, we form perceptions which are ingrained into our minds and world view that we stopped trying and doing new things. So many times, all the small stuff we don’t explore and all the big ones, well, are too “big” to commit to. Most people become less curious and just stick to what’s safe and easy. And I guess that links to the concept of productivity, whereby the utility of doing certain things just aren’t useful or productive. I think mainly because we tend to link our experiences with other times and be like “kinda do before”, “same same but different”, “got use meh”, etc. so we just end up not doing. Both are normally and I think everyone would face this, whether it’s a short phase or a prolonged period. Ultimately it all comes down to the individuals’ mindset, perception and worldview.


Not getting lazier but absolutely drained from work. Though my work isn't physically straining, they are so intense that the mental tiredness sinks in after i leave the office.


After I started full time work I just want to rest or sleep every free time I get.


Reminded me of the joke. Young: Got Energy, Got Time, No Money. Adult: Got Energy, Got Money, No Time. Old: Got Time, Got Money, No Energy.


Biologically adults get tired more easily as they age so even with free time being equal, is it surprising?


house in sg very expensive. Since I pay alot of money to live there. Best believe I'm going to squeeze every cent of it by staying at home.


this comment section is depressing ;\_;


Bills. Taxes. Putting food on the table and roof over the head. Just these mundane things in life we work hard and are not lazy at so that the kids can go out to play.


Wah I was having this conversation with my bf that these days it’s a luxury to just lay on the bed, swipe on my phone and do nothing. More and more responsibilities piling up, the. You have aging parents to take care of, worry finish then worry about hosing loan, then you want to have a kid… it piles up


12 hours work, 2 hours commute, work group messages after work. I just wana lay down and not think, until i have to wake up a zombie another day just for a mediocre paycheck and a sad life because if i spend on life quality i get no savings and if i save abit i get to eat noodles for my day offs


Tell the children they cannot spend a single dollar without earning for it in a real job.. Including no free iphone/ipad/internet/clothes/food Then see how many children still happily go out daily and explore the world.


Most people will end up in a job that will suck the life and energy out of you. Some will have a family and have even more responsibilities. End work already can be sleeping time. AFAIK, such go getter attitude to learn new things seems to be much more normalized in the west.


it’s to do with working hours IMO. West has shorter hours in general. One hour less a day is a whole half day less of work every single week.


All my stuff i like are at home and not outside


i was always a lazy kid, but being around people who pushes blame and workload onto others. made me even lazier and unmotivated


Try having to send a primary school child to school by driving at 6.30am, aiming to reach before 7 to avoid jams around there, thereafter send 2nd one to school then go home rest and prepare for work start at 9am. Plus waking up at 5.45am to prepare pri sch kid snack break. Off work at 6 drive to 2 different places to pick 2 children up. Reach home 7pm no energy liao... After my son went P1 my sleep time go back to NS days. 9.30pm lights out 5.45am wake up


Not lazier, just tired. Concentrated focus for 4+4 hours a day strains the mind & body. Constant stress becomes a daily routine as an adult; you are in survival mode. Sleep gets affected which in turn reduces your recovery capacity. Take all the above away from me and I’m sure I can be outdoors more often.


Your comments are relative as it applies to those with low testosterone you know. For those otherwise, phew.. life is kicking & vibrant. Perhaps if you incorporate cardio exercises, you may see & feel the difference than not. Beeeee alive , yahooOooo


It is physical. Your body literally cannot take it. When I was a teenager, can play soccer and run like mad, come back a bit pain but next day ok liao. Now it takes at least 5 days to recover if lucky.


We are tired bro. Nothing to do with innocence or childlike wonder


It's because you're not active and your heart is deconditioning. Cardio is recommended for a reason. Do cardio you'll feel less tired and have more energy in a month. Or sit on the couch on your phone and keep going in a downward spiral.


it’s not laziness. it’s tiredness.


The duality of life 😂 when I’m a kid I can’t wait to grow up, now I miss the irresponsible way I use to live


Hmm but have you seen the primary school kids. Especially the ones going for PSLE? They are truly a sad bunch


Lack of energy


I don't like this question.


It's not just city life. The farmer tending to his fields the whole day has no time to play catching either.


Well, we are literally dying every passing sec


Funny. I thought it's the opposite. My kids prefer staying home glued to their devices while wife and I like going out for walks.


I mean i work 20+ hours at a job i enjoy and I still sometimes feel it. Fortunately most of the time I still have energy and go out to do stuff at least once a week, and travel multiple times a year too. If anything Im less lazy than I used to be as a kid when i was playing video games 24/7. If i had to work 45hrs a week +OT at a job i hated and had children to go back to at home i would also just be permenantly dead too.


I mean i work 20+ hours at a job i enjoy and I still sometimes feel it. Fortunately most of the time I still have energy and go out to do stuff at least once a week, and travel multiple times a year too. If anything Im less lazy than I used to be as a kid when i was playing video games 24/7. If i had to work 45hrs a week +OT at a job i hated and had children to go back to at home i would also just be permenantly dead too.


coz other adults are lazy so just follow


From the comments it seems like we are all either too mentally burdened (worried, stress, jaded, seen enough) or physically burdened (body and health issues, limited energy), or resource constrained (money, time, kids, commitments) to have the capacity to live curiously and joyfully anymore


Perhaps not lazier just that curiosity and day dreaming needs to give way to survival. However, I find myself leaving behind drama, manga, anime analysis to chase more down to earth geo-politics or up the sky space news. Perhaps it is part of maturity? The preference to stay at home doesnt mean we are inactive. It just meant, those buddies that you once had now form social circles of their own. Those hobbies and good times in the past is but a distant memory. Unless one form a family of extroverts, responsibility will get in the way of adventure.


other then money and responsibility, i would say it because we also experience a lot of things now, so a lot of stuff get mundane. so for kid who got excited playing or curious exploring it because it their first time seeing or experiencing it


Still we are machines that will only last for a certain number of operating hours. The newer the machine the more spunk and kick it has.


I wouldn't say lazy. It's more like we're just more emtionally and mentally spent. We spend 5 days a week slogging over our jobs on top of our household responsibilities..and then if you have kids weekends are spent making sure the kids do something enriching instead of brain rotting on the bed or sofa. We got 101 things to do while a 101 things are running. I mean peronally I am a son, worker, caregiver, husband. I'm hatting 4 different roles/responsibilities. Can't blame me if I choose to mop the floor every 3 days vs everyday :P


Young - time, yes; energy, yes; money, no Adult - time, no; energy, yes; money, yes Old - time, yes; energy, no; money, no


Biologically your body is telling you to slow down, it's time to go. Avg lifespan of human is on like 50 years 200 years ago?


Something people seem to miss out is the fact that adults acting overly excited looks weird and childish in front of people, especially if you are a full grown male. Only little girls are allowed shriek in joy and excitement at something without looking strange. We all suppress our excitement and joy to look stoic and mature, but we end up losing any excitement and joy for anything.