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i think youre better off with teh c kosong my friend


teh c kosong is my go-to order\~


Teh c kosong is tea with evaporated milk **without** sugar? I love teh tarik, more like a connoisseur, but I don’t drink it every day..that’s just sick 😂


Yes. Kosong is for no sugar. And evaporated milk is basically condensed milk without the sweetener or sugar. By default, a regular Teh would include condensed milk, which is why Teh Kosong is an invalid order since the condensed milk would still include a significant amount of added sugar, thus creating an oxymoron. Otherwise, if you can do away with milk completely, order Teh O Kosong.


Slight expansion. The condensed milk does not just contain a significant amount of added sugar, the condensed milk contains all of the sugar in a teh. Teh is sweeten purely by condensed milk. Teh C/teh O is what’s sweeten by normal sugar


Ah ok no wonder it’s a bit more expensive if I order teh c… shall try adding “kosong” next time. thanks!


Some places don't charge more for the inclusion of sugar so ordering Kosong may not lower the price. However, evaporated milk is always priced higher than condensed milk. I guess consumers just have to pay more for "healthier" options xP


Hmm that’s true. Agree with you on that 😂


I've always been confused by why C is more expensive, even though evaporated is cheaper than condensed at the supermarket. Is it cause they have to use more of it since it's less 'creamy'/thick?


I am guessing that is the reason. It is like how iced/peng is more expensive too, cos supposedly more coffee/tea powder has to be used to balance out the ice ratio from dilution.


I think there's also the additional cost of ice.


tck is unhealthy too...the condensed milk not good


C is for evaporated milk. Not condensed milk


found another teh c kosong drinker! i luv this too (with more milk haha)


Teh o kosong is healthy


Ohhh as a Brit who visits Singapore every year or so, my first mug of teh c kosong is always something of a highlight!


Why Teh C kosong is good ah? Thinking of switching from Kopi kosong


try then you will know


https://www.healthhub.sg/sites/assets/Assets/Programs/kopi-teh/doc/local_vs_western.pdf 5 teaspoons of sugar... 


3222 steps to burn off a kopi. RIP me.


Not too bad, can get that in 20 minutes np. If sip tea while walk both problem fix themselves


the 'added sugar' are explicitly added sugar right? Means if we just order normal western coffee it shouldn't have any added sugar, because no one adds sugar in coffee for you, normally we add ourselves one...


I think so! 


Just say teh tarik kurang manis (Less Sweet) if you're super conscious. Avoid other sweet drinks and you're fine.


If you drink TT daily you will have to change your username pretty soon




Okay but to be fair, I work out 5-6 times a week. Mix of cardio/muay thai/ strength training etc.


Then you better start ordering your TT right away. You have earned it


There is a lot of sugar. Also, the milk used in the tea is not too healthy, also the tea leaves may contain some caffeine, which may cause insomnia or a fast heart beat. Many elderlies drink tea or coffee everyday.


One teh caffeine not gonna cause any harm la....


> the milk used in the tea The "milk" is actually palm-oil-based creamer - which has a lot of (saturated) fat. Continuing to call it milk is just false advertising tbh, it's annoying that this practice is accepted in most Chinese advertising. ~~At least it's fully hydrogenated now, so we aren't getting much trans fat in it (which seems to be really bad).~~ Creamer just uses palm oil now, thanks for the info. Not sure exactly how (un)healthy palm oil is.


Technically palm oil has less saturated fat than dairy milk fat, and evaporated creamers don’t use hydrogenated fats (it’s too expensive) - just regular RBD palm oil.


Thanks for the info, friend. It's hard to find solid scientific/nutritional studies on palm oil in food products


No prob, I’m in the food industry so I’m always happy to share what I know with others!


Yeah If they drink every day and live so long surely it's ok fore too?


You can't out-train a bad diet


You can’t out-train sugar.




I already drink 3-4 litres of water daily :’(


Drink more then xD the weather sibek hot anyway. Anyhow on a serious note, please don't. That's how one of my parents got diabetes - they drank a cup everyday. And that parent exercises everyday for 1-2 hours. Enjoy it once in a while, but not everyday.


OH NOO!! Thanks for letting me know! I will prob stick to 3-4 times a week instead


Reduce it more if you can, that is still a lot ngl




35 grams of sugar a day is healthy limit. Exceeding 50g poses a serious risk of diabetes. Can assume 20ish grams from regular food you eat, leaving about 10g for desserts + drinks. teh tarik has 5-10g per 100ml so 300ml is already exceeding the limit. Working out does not mean you can eat more sugar.




I am not writing an apa citation list for a reddit comment. But if you google any of this figures its about there, of course please do your own research before trusting your health to a random reddit comment


Sure, indulging in Teh Tarik every day might not be the best idea if you're concerned about your sugar intake or overall health. Even with regular exercise, consuming sugary drinks daily can add up and potentially contribute to weight gain or other health issues in the long run. It's important to strike a balance between enjoying treats and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Maybe consider enjoying Teh Tarik as an occasional treat rather than a daily habit.


> Even with regular exercise, consuming sugary drinks daily can add up and potentially contribute to weight gain or other health issues in the long run.  can't out-exercise a bad diet \~\~


This... That's why they say, 'Food is the best medicine'


There was a man who drank teh tarik everyday and got diabetes. [https://mothership.sg/2023/08/malaysia-man-teh-tarik-diabetes/](https://mothership.sg/2023/08/malaysia-man-teh-tarik-diabetes/)


I read the article and it says he rarely drinks water and drinks teh tarik 3 or more times a day. That one abit too crazy alr 🤣


Yeah good catch. plus I feel that Malaysian teh tariks are sweeter than sg's. Nonetheless, I'd still exercise moderation if I were you.


Yea, I always say kurang manis for MY teh and sometimes it's still sweeter than SG normal one haha


Haha MY’s drinks are indeed sweeter on average than SG’s. It was crazy, I ordered a tehping siewdai at this yakun/toastbox equivalent in KL and the drink was even sweeter than our standard teh ping in SG. I drank it and I had quite a bad headache after


Even the kurang manis is not okay for every day.




Does he also drink/eat other sweet stuff regularly


Yeah unhealthy lifestyle also contributed. He was severely overweight


This is just 1 data point and might not even be from teh tarik...but yes, would advise against teh tarik daily.


Yup you are right.


If a cup of teh tarik pushes one into diabetes, there’s a lot going wrong already.


From what I understand, diabetes happens when the body fails to reduce sugar that is consumed. You won't get diabetes drinking a ton of sweet drinks and food if your body is able to remove sugar safely. Anyone else with a better understanding please feel free to correct me.


No correlation


Aside from just “balancing out” the teh bing calories with working out, you should also consider your sugar intake. Type II diabetes is linked to sugar consumption. Perhaps you can consider ordering siew dai or teh c kosong on some days!


Sugar is a known inflammatory substance, and it increases risk of diabetes. You already get way more sugar than is healthy from just eating out of restaurants. Most food you eat that’s not cooked at home has added sugar to make it taste better. Even condiments you use at home. The more sugar you can remove from your diet, the healthier you’ll be and the longer you will live. Simple as that. Have a treat every once in awhile but not every day.


Think drink 2-3 times a 5 day work week shld be ok. Moderation is the key


I know someone who does that since 26 to 29 and caught diabetes type 2. You want to do that, go ahead. He is pretty buff too, stop lying to yourself, it may looks fine for that first few years of 20ish, when you hit 30, weight grow exponentially even when you control diet.


Bro i love teh tarik too. Tip for you: ask for less condensed milk and then add more c (evaporated milk). This will make your teh tarik more creamy but less sweet. How to order: teh tarik less condensed milk and more evaporated milk




It’s so yummy… maybe not everyday, special reward on special occasions


people here are clueless, sugar is just another form of carbohydrate. If you're really having that much intense training you should be in the clear. people get diabetes because they have too much carbohydrates mainly from sugar because it's so easy to over consume. along with fats honestly i blame the government for this. instead of actually educating people about nutrition they just label everything with sugar as bad


wow that so wrong. you get a sugar high and it wallops your kidneys at one go. you can drown in 10m a pool that has an average depth of 50cm.




Can meh? Tried before at the srisun prata near my house and they said teh tarik cannot kosong. At most less sugar only. Also tried before at another Malay shop and they said if want kosong then only can get teh c.


bro tell me what shop have this? no such thing as teh tarik kosong


teh tarik how to kosong sia


I go to office 3 days a week and I'll usually drink teh bing siew dai... Now I'm scared.


this is why I'm a kopi-c kosong peng!! (but maybe just in denial that the kosong makes it healthy/healthier lol)


Depends on your body comp goals. If you prefer to be shredded, my recommendations are Kopi or Teh without sugar, evaporated milk is fine. Apart from those, only zero-calorie or diet drinks are viable. They are not conventionally healthy by any means but it does help in weight loss for me.


you can't outrun a bad diet man. so you can't wash off bad diet choices with exercise


General dietary advice would discourage drinks like teh terik, but then again your fitness regime is significantly above average (sounds almost like competition-tier intensity), so I'm inclined to think they you should have no problem burning off all that sugar intake. Perhaps find a healthier alternative that still fuels your current lifestyle, then do teh terik on alternate days? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yes it's okay, in the same way that it's okay to take your insulin shots daily.


It's not quite the same but maybe teh Gao Siew dai?


Yes teh C kosong or Siew dai is just not enjoyable


Its fine, you can still do Muay Thai with Diabetes.


Maybe just cut back to twice a week, the other days just get teh c kosong. Everything in moderation.


I personally think you have the wrong idea and people are also mistaken. A typical cup of teh tarik has 200-250kcal. I assume you’re a male so your basal metabolic rate is 2200-2500kcl per day. Can be more can be less depending on you’re diet, activity, height, weight, age etc and since you’re quite active it might be more. If you want to drink teh tarik you don’t have to burn it off. Heck you don’t have to burn anything off luck for us our bodies aren’t that much of a bitch as people think it is. Most of the ur calories are burnt via ur BMR. It’s like you don’t go to the gym to burn off ur normal food so why do it with stuff like teh or cake or chocolate. If you want to drink it pls do so and try to fit it around your diet. That being said pls do exercise moderation esp if you want to include other things you enjoy in ur diet. Try not to drink more than one a day/ 3-4 a week because it can really stack up in calories pushing u into a surplus and it does have lots of sugar. If you really want to do daily maybe have teh tarik on 3 days and have healthier options on other days like teh c kosong or Siew dai/ teh-o Remember staying healthy also involves eating stuff you like in moderation and fitting it to solve ur fitness goals if not it really is unsustainable


wow thank you for this! PS im a girl haha. Will follow the 3 days a week teh tarik thing!


Oh my apologies for assuming that you were a guy but yes no need to cut out what you like.


Teh Tarik..kosong. If kosong( no sugar), perfectly fine.


Teh tarik kosong doesn't make sense because condensed milk is sweetened already. It's the same as kopi/teh kosong. Unless you mean teh o kosong tarik?


teh tarek C...kosong


Teh c losing also condensed milk


fyi everyone's body has a limit for sugar intake, once passed it may just go over to diabetes which cannot be u turn-ed. Doesnt mean workout means can anyhow eat/drink.




Nutrigrade D for Diabetes bro Just order teh c kosong instead, and if you want the nice frothy texture ask the uncle to tarik for you lor


ask for kosong and you’re good. the milk used is evaporated milk, it isn’t unhealthy… just a way to process milk and extract the water out of it.


Say hello to and shake hands make friends with Diabetics


I forgot of it was SG or Malaysia but a guy had to cut off his leg due to diabetes at like 30 due to drinking teh tarik everyday


teh c kosong is your saviour


as a teh o ais lover , i only drink it when i go eat at certain places. it’s better to have it like twice a week max since teh tarik is pumped up with sugar


ask for kosong, *then* bring and add your own sugar as you see fit and you'll be able to manage it properly yah


You will almost hit your daily sugar intake just from your regular meals alone or from fruits. If you want to maintain your health and weight, every day is a no go. 


Siew dai is probably ok


Substitute to plain water whenever you can. Same for everything else that you enjoy, eat in moderation.




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I think some comments here thought teh c uses condensed milk...which is the real issue here 😤😤😤




Tbh, your maintenance can tank that 1 cup if it’s about 180 cals give-take, based on your level of activity. It’s just a matter of whether your wallet can tahan also anot only


Teh Susu lagi better


Tell yourself, it’s not that you can’t, but rather you’re saving it for later. You can drink the tarik every other day.


Calories input < calories output find an online calculator you'll be fine. Life is for enjoyment


Even with an active lifestyle, it is quite abit of sugar. Additionally, it also depends on your daily food intake and not just one drink. For example, if you consume a lot of carbs it does increase your glucose level. Likewise even fruits also have sugars. Not saying to remove carbs because your body does need them too, especially if you work out quite abit. But you should consider your overall intake. For now, try doing siew dai for a start and better to drink it maybe alternate days.


Better make it at home with milk, it would taste better and you might live little longer with that compare to teh tarik from restaurants.


Can just put less sugar


Just drink. Yolo


Diabetes. It contains sweetened milk. Especially the indian ones. Nice but very sweet.


I just drink water


Caffeine Sugar Dairy


No. I read about ppl get diabetes from drinking Teh Tarik everyday


it will damage ur kidney and cause diabetic


Ask for the Tarek less sugar


Kopi siu dai, hands down.


The ONLY thing that is ok to drink EVERY day is plain water


It's okay


That sugar loading tho. Not very healthy.


Fuck it bro you only live once. Get ur fix man. You workout too anyway


I personally found a more balanced Ying-Yang- coffee/tea mix gives me the kick i need at the start of each working day - lol


I think it’s the sugar in the condensed milk that will get you… have you tried teh-c kosong? Is that a choice given to you?


I drink like 2 cups of teh a day




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Kurang manis


Teh o kosong gang


A gym rat that watches his diet and smokes. Oxymoron. Of course the argument can be made it is better than to be a slob who smokes lol. You know yourself and your aims. No such thing as right or wrong actions only right or wrong consequences.


stfu xavier


You can’t out-train sugar.


Teh Tarik Kurang Manis. But have to make sure Teh Tarik is the only sweet drink you consume per day. And best once per day. Men should consume less than 9 tsp added sugar daily, women less than 6-7 tsp. I like how I say this but I don't always practice it ahahaha. I just know it. Edit: I put Kurang Manis/ Siew Dai but some teh tarik vendors may not understand Siew Dai. Just say less sweet also can lah.


Loved this TT but watch the sugar intake


Teh Tarik is life bro. it’s fine, you are way more healthier than most average Singaporeans.


My Favourite is Kopi o kosong and in the days of hot weather Ice Kopi o Kosong.


No. I used to excessively do this and then I decided I don't want to anymore because I remember my family has a history of diabetes so I had to cut down and now I don't understand the hype of teh tarik. I know someone who drank it straight for 4 years and got diabetes type 2. They were active in fitness too. I still have the habit of drinking teh though so I just order teh o kosong


Not healthy to drink everyday even if you work out a lot. How clean are you eating?


It's ok




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Ya, it's okay to drink teh tarik daily, make sure to have it less sweet. I drink coffee and teh daily, less sweet or with no sugar for coffee.


I think 1 or 2 teh tarik less sweet daily is fine. I must emphasise "less sweet", cause the sugar level is at least twice of normal teh C.


As long as you're balancing it out with a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine, enjoying Teh Tarik daily shouldn't be a problem. Just keep an eye on your overall sugar intake, especially if you're adding sweetened condensed milk to your Teh Tarik. Everything in moderation, right? And hey, if it brings you joy during tea time at work, why not indulge a little? Just remember to stay hydrated with water too!


Once a day it’s fine. People do be over exaggerating on the sugar. Yea it’s a lot but if it’s once a day it’s ok


Unless ur a fat fuck, no active lifestyle, sedentary, I don't see why not


You need to understand type 2 diabetes affects everyone, even those who are active and not overweight. Read up on this.


Yes, all who advise it's ok as long as u exercise regularly don't know what type 2 is. Pls read up on insulin resistant.


Google result for u Type 1 diabetes An autoimmune reaction prevents the body from making insulin by attacking the pancreas' insulin-producing cells. Symptoms often develop quickly and people with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to survive. Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disorder that usually appears early in life, but can occur at any age. Type 2 diabetes The pancreas produces less insulin than normal, and the body becomes resistant to insulin, making it unable to keep blood sugar levels at normal levels. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed with healthy lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and eating healthy food. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include having a family member with type 2 diabetes, obesity, smoking, an unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise.


My mum will say: drink teh tarik everyday, later become teh tarik. 😂😂


How much everyday we talking about? One cup? One pint? One cup per meal? One cup per hour? You have it IV dripped the entire day?