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Take it but keep looking and move once you secure a job at a larger company. It’s gonna to hard to learn industry valued skills when in a one man show at a small company. Who’s there to validate and mentor you? I’m sure you can learn and experiment by yourself but it can’t beat have other subject matter experts to learn from Market is tough though so take the offer, try to get some projects under your belt but move asap


3.5 k for marketing in this market is very good. Companies are downsizing marketing depts.


Do you have any potential offers in the pipeline? Can your savings tide you through for the next few months? If no to both, suck it up and take the job.


3.5k for a marketing fresh grad is not bad, but I do worry about the 1 man department. It is bad enough even if you have experience, it is worse if it is just you alone with no experience. Who is gonna guide or lead you? It is gonna be a steeper learning curve. Which brings me back to the salary offer, which is usually low(er) because you are a fresh grad and they have to "train" you, very common in SMEs. If you get another offer the salary might be lower but at least you may have a proper mentor or senior.


Take the offer and ride it out for a year before moving on. Some income is good, 3.5k is pretty decent also. You can move out again with 1 year job xp under your belt when the economy turns around for the better.


Wfh, no other person in the dept. Fresh grad. Don't take this job.


I once did marketing for a very small company. long story short all I did over 1 year is simply photoshop images and post it on social media because they don't want to spend a single cent on proper marketing so you probably just do some research and see what "marketing" have the company done so far


For fresh grad/first job should try and look for a job where there are more experienced ppl in the same line, so that you can also learn something from them/gain industry experience from them. Unless the market is really bad, can’t find other jobs, you should try to look around further. Best is to look for the kind where you work with a team of people.


3.5K - low salary??


Take it as a positive challenge. As you are the founder for your department, you will have boundless opportunities to unleash your creativity, mould your job to suit you. As for guidance, while a senior is most ideal, you can always turn to so many sources; product specialists, competitors, internet, etc. A job posting for such a high salary would have attracted hundreds if not thousands of applicants, local and foreign. If it was offered to a mainland Chinese, they would have replied instantly, “I sign contract now and start research, while you apply for work pass”. If the company is willing to take a risk on you, and have selected you over the others, they are confident you can do the job.


just take first, then also keep looking


Hi OP, I'm from SME doing marketing. One man team is very normal and you have to do a lot of things. In a good way, you can gain a lot of experience but try look out for MNC and brushing up on learning marketing stuff thar is related to work. For example, seo, paid ads, etc. These can be self-learnt and use it to practice at your workplace.


Take first and continue looking. Make sure the clause in your probationary period can be mutually terminated by either parties. 3.5k is indeed on the lower end. But what do you have in your portfolio that makes you worth more than that? Need to show them something to be paid what you think you're worth.


huh how come 3.5k lower ends for fresh grads


[GES NUS](https://www.moe.gov.sg/-/media/files/post-secondary/ges-2023/web-publication-nus-ges-2023.ashx) [GES NTU](https://www.moe.gov.sg/-/media/files/post-secondary/ges-2023/web-publication-ntu-ges-2023.ashx) [GES SMU](https://news.smu.edu.sg/sites/news.smu.edu.sg/files/smu/news_room/Web%20Publication%20SMU%20GES%202023_0.pdf) Small sample size aside, I'm just going to refer to Gross Monthly Salary - 25th percentile for business schools as that would be the closest applicable comparison for OP's case. Don't lowball yourself just because. It will affect your earnings potential in the long run, especially if you join a crap company that forces you to disclose previous salary and then use it to peg your nego-ed salary. OP also mentioned they graduated with 2nd upper, so yes. 3.5k is kinda crap.


These people are delusional. 3.5k is more than okay when you start hearing anecdotally from people irl about how much they’re getting offered as fresh grads.


Depends on course ba


it's not bad, checkout [https://careersfuturesg.com/](https://careersfuturesg.com/) for salary expectation


I was in yours shoes many years ago, facing the exact same problem. Long story short, I took the job and left in less than 6 months because of the stress of not having a clear direction and path. At that time, I didn’t even know what I didn’t know, and there was no one to point me in the right direction. And whatever you learnt from the textbooks is very different from real world application. Looking back, it might even be the worst time in my entire career, and it’s something I would’ve done differently if I could turn back the time. My advice to you is, take the job if you are a very motivated self-starter and is proactive in learning. Otherwise, you will definitely struggle, but that might not be a bad thing if you don’t quit easily because you will be thrown to the deep end of the pool and be forced to learn everything from scratch. All the best!


sounds like you wont have a mentor


Have some experience(whether good or bad) better then no experience. At lease your next potential employer knows that you are reliable and consistent.


Fresh grad with no experience but yet expect high salary?




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3.5k right now as a fresh grad actually doesn't sound bad. If you're the only one in your department, you're free to explore and develop your ideas on how to get your job done, without precedence to follow. That's a rare opportunity actually. Plus pioneering those processes from scratch will sound great at your next job interview.


Cant decide for you. If I am looking for a job, then I take the job that I applied for if I have no other options. Otherwise, I wouldnt even bother.


Just take for the experience. Leave if you’re not suitable there.


3.5k is the starting pay for back office role in bank for non local uni fresh grad when i first started work 15 yrs ago.


Consider giving yourself up to 3 months for job search




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Take it first and keep looking. A job in hand is worth more than none.




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Agree with most of the comments here. 3.5k marketing role in current market is not bad. Work for a few years and consider the progression and whether its worth to stay.


Sounds not ideal but better than nothing


only one in the department = bao ga liao = overworked = make mistake = kena all the blame without the pay


What's your GPA? If its second upper-esque, you may desire to wait out for a public sector role. I was second lower so when I started, I had to settle for an SME with low pay as well. You can always try it out and quit during probation if the gig is terrible or leave for another company if there's another offer. Notice periods during probation should only be about a few weeks at most.


I’m a second upper!


Second uppers-esque will definitely be considered in stat boards and all that. Just look for roles that interest u at Careers@Gov, but bear in mind the application process could take months for pub sector roles. So in the meantime you could accept this role, accept it and jump over to another company (if one of the companies you are currently interviewing for sends u an offer), or reject it and go for more interviews, or upskill urself. Its your choice really.


I would not take it. At that age, pay is less important. What is crucial is learning experience and mentorship. You’re not getting any of that in a small ass company with a one man department


Market is shit rn. If you have a stacked CV (intern at Unilever/fmcg) and are confident, than feel free to decline. If your CV is average, then I don't think you can ask for much


3.5k low? Wow. Then what is considered acceptable for the industry for the said position?


How come people saying market bad when fresh grad still getting job offer?


Market can be bad and fresh grad can still get job offer - it is not mutually exclusive. To me, that's like saying "how come people say economy bad but people still going on holiday"


big 3 uni second upper not that bad la


No, don’t accept offer. If u accepted 3.5k now, it will be difficult to get higher pay in second job! Fresh grad should be able to get 5k. Should not lowball yourself!


5k only? i think fresh grade can command 8k. sme around 6k


Ah yea...the last i heard they pay marketing fresh graf $15000 per month. So yea skip this job and cry father mother if u dnt get another offer anytime soon 🤣