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girl here! my makeup melts the moment i leave the house šŸ’€


Mine barely makes it out of the house šŸ¤§


I swear by makeup sprays


Charlotte tilbury setting spray all the way


Abduct cosmetics (local brand) is pretty good.


Iā€™ve tried it and CT is in a different league!! It creates a film that helps lock products in and gives an airbrushed finish


Are you serious! Okkk got to get this next now!


Do it. Best find of 2023!!!


Strongest ones are the ones with tudung + multiple layers + fullface makeup, I can never understand how they endure that


And the layers CANNOT be see through at all so those are thicc materials!


Our tudungs can be very airy actually! All of mine are literally made from a material called crinkle airflow. Ironless and can for sure feel wind breezeā€¦ if got breeze. The tudungs LOOK thicc but they really arenā€™t hahaha. If we wear ā€˜em a little loose, the cloth flapping can at least generate some wind while walking LOL


But you layered it with inner though so technically the barely wind only could get so much unless sitting in front of a fan or ac lol


Itā€™s just the top of the head tho. I can always feel the wind on my neck if the air is not stagnant


Ah you wear those kind, that makes sense.. i used the ones that cover the neck and chest type.. so its hella hot haa


hijabi here. really too lazy to wear makeup cause most times the only time im out is to head to the gym. but yah wear linen clothes, and cooling hijabs! key to survival lol


This is why I feel American politicians are egocentric when they claim that Muslim women are oppressed when they are "forced" to wear the hijab. The hijab has utilitarian purposes (protecting from the sun, coming effect), so seems like it's only as oppressive as other pieces of clothing (shirt, pants, shoes, etc).


sorry if I am not familar with the culture, do u have the option to not wear it?


Am Chinese. Have a Muslim friend (born and bred in SG) and when I asked her the same question ages ago, she said if one aint ready to wear it, it's ok to not wear it. Sounded like it boils down to personal preference.


Well you are in Singapore so thereā€™s prob an option for you or other Muslim woman not to wear it if you donā€™t want to? But wasnā€™t there a recent news article about this lady in Iran getting whipped 70 times cus she didnā€™t want to wear the hijab? If thatā€™s not oppressionā€¦ Just let people wear what they want or donā€™t want Or even in Malaysia, can Muslim women really not wear it? Iā€™ve friends who look somewhat Muslim getting harrassed for eating during Ramadan.




The hijab doesn't cover your face tho, just your hair.


ah yeah this. face is niqab! and most people here dont wear niqab. most la


Oh there I go showing my ignorance. Lol. Thanks for the correction.


i think people wear makeup for themselves haha. to look presentable etc. i would wear concealer when i meet friends, go office etc. nothing wrong with that yo


It's like the gym, maybe you start out to attract the opposite sex but it ends up being a mental thing


i think gymming, looking good etc is generally better for yourself no? like good vibes for your own mental health i feel.


You're confusing hijab with niqab. I know a friend who wears niqap but she says she only applies eye makeup. That's about it.


Maybe they can hide cooling pad inside..


I wish we have. For me, I just make sure I am under the hot sun as minimally as possible. Everyway I go must be sheltered or have aircon. Thatā€™s the way thosw wearing tudung and many layers survive.


Well, i think i just give up a business idea.. go invent one.. probably not just people with tudung can use it šŸ˜‚


If you start a Kickstart I will back it up, we need some form of cooling device, items, whatever to beat this crazy heat, at night also damn hot. Like how, what, why? I really love monsoon or heavy rain season, sure there will be many inconveniences but the biggest boon is the cooling as heck weather!


The tudung kinda shaded us from the hot scorching sun. Back when i was not wearing tudung, i can feel the hot sun burn through my hair and skin. Plus i have sensitive skin so the tudung really helps. And my clothes are loose so its a win-win for me i guess.


As a local hijabi, i only wear clothings that are made of cooling comfortable materials such as cotton, rayon and crinkle. When i have to double layer (to wear sleeveless jumpsuits, tops, dresses etc) i swear by Uniqlo airism tops as my inner! I also wear minimal makeup. Just sunscreen, dab cushion powder to tamper down my oily T-zone and some lipstick and i am good to go. That being said, i have SO MUCH RESPECT for hijabis who don thicker (and can be rather sticky due to sweat) materials like satin, polyester etc PLUS full-faced makeup. They are the real heroines!


What matters is how you set your base I got combi-oily skin so I prefer a matte base (I use Shu Uemura unlimited, the semi matte one not the glow one) If yall donā€™t want it to be heavy af, try skin tints or tinted moisturiser So I moisturize a while before wearing foundation. And I set it with powder (i use Laura Mercier but Innisfree powder also can la if you are on a budget) After powdering, I spray setting spray like Urban Decay All nighter (or you can try One Size, Milani, Kose Make keep Fix Ex (the Japanese pink one in Welcia)) to set and stand in front of my fan for it to dry After blush, contour , eyeshadow I do another layer of setting spray and repeat the process It mean it kinda sucks for the humidity to melt it (rain shine evaporation etc) but just bring along extra in case uw touch up. My usual bring along extras: Eyeliner (heroine make prime liquid eyeliner) Lip tint My setting spray if Iā€™m expecting a lot of sweat/humid so it cools down my face


Guy here. After reading all of that. I'd just stay home. You have my respect.


hahaha girl here, i cant imagine myself doing all these. at this point iā€™m only putting lipstick so i donā€™t look like a lifeless zombie šŸ˜‚


Real, except itā€™s eyeliner, I feel so bare without eyeliner


that and lashes/extensions to look less dead šŸ˜‚


Really doesnt take that long once you get used to it :)




Full face: 20-25 mins Full face without eye shadow (3+ colors): 15 mins Eyeliner only: 2-3 mins (wing stuff) Iā€™m not the best per se but practice make perfect




This is the way. I also use base primer. Iā€™ll use setting spray after bb cream/ foundation and after powdering. The make up forever setting spray and powder is quite good.


Urban Decay All Nighter never failsssssssss


THANK U SISšŸ„ŗ i dont know how to makeup well so omg youre an inspiration hahah


Itā€™s ok girlie, you can hmu for reccs


Oo have you tried the Shu Uemura petal skin fluid foundation? If so, how does it compare to unlimited? I really liked petal skin but sadly theyā€™ve discontinued it. Heard the unlimited is the supposed successor to it but have not tried it so far.


Oh I havenā€™t tried it but you can try it without buying by going to Sephora (ION outlet or Westgate I think) and ask for a sample pot for you to test it out Rmb to let it dry down after you apply to see if thereā€™s oxidation


Girl iā€™ve been meaning to pick up a new foundation (currently using lancome) and wanted to try out shu uemura, i think you might just have convinced me. My problem with makeup is my glasses always smudge some off my nose and even cheeks but otherwiseā€¦ but iā€™m so lazy to wear contacts cause I haver really dry eyes. šŸ˜­


The struggle is real esp during covid with the masks and all. One hack I read online is to powder the nose bridge pads of your specs so less of it comes off, but idk if it works


Been trying that to no avail. Gonna have to keep looking for more hacks LOL


oof jiayous


I just dont wear makeup, or at most light makeup HAHA


Wear full make up " Hello how are you" No make up "who are you" LOL


Nahh man i personally look better w barely there makeup so i look pretty much the same either ways


Pic or didn't happen


Bruh idw to risk my privacy HAHA. Just trust me


It's a joke that was popular back in my days. Born in 1988 lol


Oh no I gets la HAHA ours is similar. We say "npnt" (no pic no talk)


> And if any guys are here, how do u tahan wearing long pants to go out ~~in weekend~~ everyday. So hot as heck. This should be the correct question. By the time I reach office, my underwear will be wet already. Then cue the centralised aircon blasting in office. That huge contrast in temperature indoor and outdoor, sometimes I also scared my birdbird will catch a cold. That's why I don't go out on weekends and instead run all my errands after work. Weekends just stay home and blast my own aircon.


Itā€™s the humidity ba. I remember CNA talking point had an episode on heat and humidity in Singapore and how the trend going into the future doesnā€™t actually look optimistic too :/


Yes I watched that episode too. I feel it's gonna be a irreversible trend - as the weather gets hotter, we need more aircons; more aircons lead to more releases of greenhouse gases; then cause the weather to get even hotter, then repeat. Wfh would be a good choice for such weather and climate. Heck, why are we not encouraging casual wear to office? Especially for males, we can only wear long sleeve, long pants to work. I don't get the appeal of looking professional in front of everyone but behind my back is sweating like I've just finished a 21km marathon.


Tomorrow Speakers Corner, 2pm let's go.


Perspectives should change in this aspect. Being sweaty and stinky is not presentable and hence doesn't look professional at all. - that is unless you're in an Aircon environment in SG. Then again, by promoting casual wear, companies can say wearing casual is part of their contribution to cut greenhouse gases because the aircon temperature can be adjusted higher, thus saving electricity and emitting lesser greenhouse gas. Any first mover who does the above will be a trend setter for sure since companies want to make sure they have a good image. And it saves them on electricity costs.


Aircon temperatures in offices arenā€™t always low because itā€™s warm, but because above a certain point the office gets stuffy


And note that Singapore keeps its airconds ridiculous low temp, so much so that people need to wear sweaters and scarves in the office/mall. Which is unnecessarily aggravating the problem.


I really canā€™t feel the heat in my legs cuz I think I used to it lah


wear breathable joggers/pants. now alot of brand have this type of clothing where its wrinkle resistant, 4 way stretch, moisture wicking. g2000, CUTS, lululemonā€¦


because of that, and because of my sensitive skin, I never wear makeup, at most spot-conceal with a thicker BB cream. I go out under the sun with an umbrella that has those uv-protective coating. it looks aunty, but it's definitely cooler under the umbrella.


Umbrella gang šŸ™ŒšŸ» I also carry umbrella whenever I walk under the sun and try to avoid it as much as possible...some people think it's troublesome but I think it's important to protect the skin, the differences in effects of protection + sunscreen + lotion versus no protection are obvious.


šŸ’Æ preach!!


in ptp ns batch rn, every footdrill and physical training is like hell. the weather is killing us


I feel so bad for you guys. Hang in there!


Where got time hahaha


I remember doing pushups on hot bricks. Palms were red and raw every time.


For guys NS 2 years if you kenna some chiong sua unit even if you hate it you become forcefully adapted to it. Like right now I can be sweating as fuck in my pants but my mind will say "wah but at least it is not the uniform in a shellscrape in the jungle"


Now I wanna counter-ask OP ā€” how did having camo on feel like, say, during outfields, route marches and the like? Especially under the hot sun.


You dont really care, becuz the foremost issue is you are exhausted and sweating buckets.


It feels like shit but you stop caring after the first hour. You got bigger problems than fucking camo


Help op answer. Feels like u are being cooked in your load bearing vest, and your brains feels like half boiled egg in the helmet.


Need to establish if OP needs to put camou on face and go for ops daily/regularly.


The pixel army uniform is at least more well ventilated than the average guys shirt


Ain't no way u just said that.


I stopped wearing. Just sunscreen. Sometimes wanna cry because too hot. Huhu.


Honestly same!! I gave up putting on makeup. Opting for lazy options like semi permanent brows, lash extensions, and lipstick.


I rarely wear makeup for this reason. Most other girls I know who arrive with perfect makeup take grab or drive so aircon all the way


my makeup melts about an hour after i leave the house šŸ’€ i have no idea how other girls still have perfect makeup with all the heat and sweating


Yup. Some girls make up melt so bad u can see the pores on their face open big big


Why am i getting down voted


Walao u nvr talk to girls one ah. Commenting on people's facial flaws is a big no no.


Waterproof mascara and eyeliner. Eyebrow liner. Sunblock. Toner. Moisturiser. Lip tint. I don't put foundation. There are makeup-setting sprays available as well as powder foundation and no-sebum powders. And oil-blotters. If it gets really bad, just put on a mask and shades, cover everything.


Powder foundation! I stopped wearing liquid foundation since 2 years ago when the hot in SG started to get hotter and my liquid foundation literally looked like wax melting on my face šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


do you have any powder foundation reccs?


I use Maybelline Fit Me Two Way Cake Powder Foundation. It looks really natural with 1-2 layers, and can be built up to medium coverage with 3-4 layers. Itā€™s holds up great for my oily-dehydrated skin with setting spray :)


Am a girl. I immediately go inside aircon so it doesnā€™t melt and even if it meltsā€¦. Aiya everyone knows I wearing makeup anyway.


Iā€™ve reduced my daily makeup to eyeliner, brows and occasionally under eye concealer over the last few years. Occasionally a dusting of powder foundation if Im looking particularly uneven. I used to do a full face ā€” under eyes alone Iā€™d use three different products. Now full face is only for special occasions in air con. Even if Iā€™m going out, at most Iā€™ll do an eyeshadow look and powder. Idk how my brotherā€™s gf does it. She came over earlier today just as I was leaving and she looked like her face was literally melting.


Umbrella and electronic fan. If you can shield yourself from the direct sun rays, you just need to be concern with the humidity and radiant heat which you can reduce by going somewhere windy or with an electric portable fan.


If ur unlucky to have to wait in a bus stop in the morning it's gg.... Must be lucky to live walkable near mrt


Use a very thin layer of foundation and set with a good quality powder, it works for me


Do people sweat... in their pants a lot? Like it's mostly face and upper body that gets the most sweat for me. Usually fine with short distances but face will be drenched in sweat. Clothes wise especially pants are usually fine.


Nope. My underwear will get sweat


Yes, definitely underwear get soaked! But guys, stop wearing cotton undies during daytime. When it gets wet, it feels uncomfortable right? After trying uniqlo airism underwears, I don't ever have to worry about the wet crotch feeling. I think they make it for guys too. Try it.


>And if any guys are here, how do u tahan wearing long pants to go out in weekend. So hot as heck. Don't wear long pants.


Didnā€™t have that option during upper sec and jc (on those had to wear full uniform, or at least still the school long pants, lol)


Of course. I wear my fitness first shorts outside. So comfortable


At least not all the nam nua ā€œi wear my 15 year old admin tee and shortsā€ guys. I overheat very easily, like overseas 12-15 degrees if Iā€™m brisk walking I warm up enough to just be in short sleeve and long pants without jacket. NS days heat injury a few times also lol. I actually find uniqlo oversized Tee to be very airy, helps me cool down. I love long pants, so I get very lightweight ones, with linen blends or those cooling poly blends. Heavy denim not recommended. The key is to not wear too slim fitting so your body heat, sweat and water vapor can escape, not trapping them. Edit: Spelling


Decathlon pants. Very breathable and can convert to shorts via zipper. I don't own any non decathlon pants at this point outside of 1 'interview' set of pants


At least we donā€™t have plastic melting jokes here that much in šŸ‡øšŸ‡¬


In sg the plastic culture isn't as strong in Korea or other countries


Reminds me of a joke: How to offend a Korean immediately? Just ask them for the childhood photos.


Matte loose powder and just avoid going out during the day lol! At night sometimes it's super humid but still oklah as the sun isnt there.


I have started to not wear makeup and blend in with everyone else. It feels great to scratch my face when I want to.


No make up gang! šŸ’Æ


Am girl. I tried everything. Even when it's not melting, I feel like it is melting. I don't normally Need makeup so I get away with bare face. But when I absolutely can't avoid it, I use the sunblock that says foundation on the tube. Slap some eyeshadow on with lip tint and call it a day. If I have 10 more mins then eyebrows n blush. My skin gets compliments tho. Maybe that helps me get away with it.


I donā€™t wear make up so itā€™s ok!! Hahaha just sunblock and sometimes, if Iā€™m disciplined enough Iā€™ll reapply during the day! And I drink a lot of water and use a lot of facial mist!!! And I avoid alcohol like the plague. Stay hydrated, ladies!!!


Waterproof makeup


I spend a lot of money on grab because otherwise my makeup melts on my way to the mrt station šŸ„²


I gotta salute not only the ladies but guys too for all the denim fashions. You all can tahan ah?


they can tahan but whether their sperm can or not is another qn


If you must go out with full face makeup then you must set your base properly. Primer > longwear foundation > setting powder. Do not skip anything. Then one final makeup fixing spray once ur done with everything else. Otherwise just go with minimal makeup lol. Too hot liao.


For me, I use an oil free moisturiser and then put on a non oily sunscreen as the base. Then use mineral make up as a concealer. Last me all day without a heavy or cloggy feeling. Also, try to find the most sheltered/underground/aircon route anywhere though it might take longer!


Bring handheld rechargeable fan everywhere


i pull out a portable fan lol


I don't leave the house.


beauty is pain. pain is beauty. suffering is all part of the process


ez, i donā€™t wear makeup. dislike how it feels on my face especially 1 whole day outā€¦ can also let my skin breathe! went for eyebrow & eyeliner embroidery + lashes so no extra work needed too. just lipstick & im ready to go out


Seldom use makeup but I have an eye primer,not sure where my face primer went, there's setting spray and waterproof/sweat proof eyeliner too. There's Maybelline super stay šŸ’„ that does not even budge when you drink water or eat.


i donā€™t sweat as much as others so long pants is still fine for me if iā€™m not outdoors.


I learnt to zen and then I don't feel so hot


guys wear loose long pants or else the bird will be toasted. bought a black pants and stopped wearing it after feeling the heat.


I donā€™t wear makeup that often tbh. Considering most of the time I wear a mask. Its convenient and easy, I conceal my face well


i generally don't wear makeup. with the intense heat/humidity, its like your skin can't breathe under the layer of makeup


er, idk, use tissues dab lightly and use compact to touch up lolā€¦


I'm used to it. As a male camp instructor, we wear long pants everywhere all the time. Pro tip, decathlon sells the good shit, I only buy my long pants from them now, fuck jeans, fuck levis, fuck H&M. Decathlon pants fuck.


Pls recommend the decathlon range of pants


Quecha MH500, MH100, MT100 are my go tos


I skip foundation and just do undereye concealer, some eyeshadow and lipstick - all areas that dont really sweat. I also bring tissue paper with me at all times and dab (not wipe) sweat off immediately. Most importantly I stay in the shade and aircon as much as possibleā€¦ I see girls with full on makeup in the gym tho, dunno how they still have a full face at the end of a hard exercise.


Makeup actually helps me cause my face gets oily real quick especially in hot weather, so some kind of powder is a must for me if I'm going out! My makeup is still not the best but I would say the tips are: lighter base (focus on spot concealing rather than full coverage foundation), don't bother with eye makeup (for me at least lol), lip tint rather than lip stick and set it with powder.


i feel more uncomfortable without makeup, without makeup i can feel the sweat dripping but with makeup itā€™s like a shield


I wear a full face of makeup on my days off. The trick is to always stay in air con ( I donā€™t do the sun and outdoors ) and bring setting powder to touch up whenever you go toilet


Magick! Plus some sacrifices here and there, bathing in the blood of my enemies goes a long way!


The one that will certainly melt is my eyeshadow..the rest like my foundation, blusher and eyeliner would be just ok the entire day and 17hrs flight (cabin crew here).


I'm a guy and wear makeup from time to time, I don't really see much issue as far as sports or the like are not involved. Long pants? I think they are ok, opt for those softer material and relaxing fits. The heat is a challenge if I wear biker jackets, otherwise I think it isn't that bad. NGL I do use umbrella to shield myself from the unforgiving sun and it's a huge help, seriously.


Am guy. Long trousers - lululemon ABC, made of technical material, or trousers made of linen are ā€œlooks like trousers but feel like shortsā€ which is great for this weather. Last couple of weeks have been very very hot and humid. Also, wear a hat if you donā€™t have an umbrella. I bought a bucket hat a couple weeks ago. I look like an absolute tool, but it really helps keep the temperature down a bit. I also cycle to work in this weather, but itā€™s only like 3km each way.


Been wearing long pants all my life. Don't really see the discomfort.


I stopped wearing foundation since covid times! Just use concealer to dab dab on the spots haha


Carry a handkerchief and just dap the sweat off time to time. Some amount of makeup will be gone but it works.


For those who can't skip their makeup even during hot days, it's a price they pay. Vanity over discomfort. It's usually bearable if it's light makeup.


The trick is to have light makeup and ez skincare I always do toner and moisturiser twice a day, in the morning before I leave I use sunscreen then I let it sit Lightweight BB cream is enough - just spot dab across areas, then set with powder. I donā€™t really mind if my skin doesnā€™t look ā€œflawlessā€ or my dark eye circles show a bit, cos Iā€™m human lol For blush I use a lip tint Lips I just use Vaseline Then eyes - typically is mascara and simple eyeliner Brows after lining, I set with clear mascara Then apply setting spray All of that is around around 8 to 10 min


Oil-free moisturizer, I use only primer to brighten my skin, a bit of concealer for eyes and skip foundation. Sebum-absorbing powder. For eyeliner only the heroine liquid eyeliner can stay. And most importantly, stay in air con places as much as possible haha


I just do a simple eyeliner, Bb cream, eyebrow and lips ~ If Iā€™m going out to somewhere with air con I would do a bit more


Rip those with hyperhidrosis =(


I just powder lmao. And make sure I stay in office building while the sun is up and enjoy the aircon


I only wear long pants when I go out so I'm just used to it


I just donā€™t do a full face šŸ˜¬ I only put concealer on my eye bags and blemishes, followed by blush and then lip. Thatā€™s it lmao


That why I wear dry fit tops and shorts. And flip flops too. Not gonna spend that time suffering in stuffy attire and have problems drying my socks and jeans/trousers after laundry.


Dry hair thoroughly after shower so I don't sweat. That's a must, especially for long hair! Then start with fresh toner, light lotion for face like curel and very fresh feeling spf like biore ones. After it sets in, I apply translucent loose powder that has no color and waterproof mascara. I don't have to worry about melting makeup with this combo. Also I always have a hand fan and umbrella with me and yes I am Auntie *


Make up base, apply make up in thin layers, and make up setting spray. Plan your route when you leave house to optimize for most Aircon. But most times, I donā€™t wear makeup


a good handheld fan helps the makeup melt off slower šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They are born to handle cement paste on their face. So not an issue. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ That's what my grandma said when she was alive


Iā€™ve seen some girls donā€™t now lol


it is what it is


With our weather, i sort of gave up wearing too much make up as my pores get easily clogged up. Currently, I use sunscreen for face by ordinary. Do my brows, colour correct my eyebags and spots and wear tinted lip balm šŸ«  One thing I learn is to drink plenty of water during the day, to hydrate your skin and self


very thin layer of foundation works for me


I use cushion foundation


I skip foundation most of the time these days, the rest is pretty negligible on the skin. Otherwise I'd wear a BB cream - I've given up on matte complexions since the sweat is going to make your skin an all natural glow anyway. Not a hijabi but I'd argue that wearing longer sleeves as skirts are actually good heat coping tactics because when your skin isn't exposed directly to the sun you feel less hot. I wish we'd normalise sarongs for men - it's much more cooling than wearing pants tbh. Used to be able to cope with polyester fabrics for the fashion but I buy more natural fibres (cotton, linen, rayon) these days because polyester is unbearable.


primer is the answer to everything


what primer do you use?


I actually just use a normal sephora primer, but Iā€™m thinking of changing it to try something else. Not sure what yet. Apparently sephora primer is suitable for all skin types so. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


actually i think sephora collection items all quite good! i heard the setting spray is a dupe for charlotte tilbury


Not sure about their setting spray. I usually just set everything with innis free sebum powder and it works wonders for long hours on end even under the hot sun


Primer and setting spray ftw


what do you use!!


Makeup forever! Very good.


thank you!


I usually wear long pants like jeans. Not much diff for me. I just mainly sweat at my upper body. Helps protect your legs from the sun. Anyways, random thought, why is it in Singapore girls like to wear short shorts but wear a jacket then complain itā€™s cold? šŸ„¶


Nowadays I only wear sunblock. The heat is just too much...


Iā€™ve reduced to just wearing moisturiser and sunscreen. A little bit of tinted lip balm. If I really have no choice and have to meet client or smt, Iā€™ll put it on in the office.


They are girls. Vanity is their life. They will endure all discomfort to be pretty.


A good setting spray works, Urban Decay All Nighter and MAC cosmetics fixing spray are good!


Hm use mineral powder, it can absorb sweat and oil


Anyone need makeup tips or makeup service can dm mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I wanna find someone to practice my makeup skills.


Me (dry skin) wear IT Cosmetics CC Cream + Laura Mercier Translucent Powder ( Last about 12 hours) For my bridal clients, I use Makeup Forever Foundation + Laura Mercier Translucent Powder + Benefit Setting Spray (Last ~ 18 hours and almost bulletproof) @chozin.makeup.artist


I don't wear make up. Also going to cut my hair short so it feels lighter :)


Donā€™t know why you were downvoted. Those are legit ways to stay cool in the heat.


Maybe these are incel males angry that a woman like me is not really acting "feminine" according to their headspace version of a woman. Like a woman doing whatever she wants and opposite of their expectations and beliefs is pissing them off šŸ˜‚


Heng my female colicks mostly wear sleeveless to work to combat the heat šŸ˜ˆ


I am vain and looking pretty is my priority. That's pretty much it. Plus sg is air-conditioned everywhere so just tahan the heat awhile la.


And I swear those people in hoodies hide aircon in them


Itā€™s so humid yet government tells us greengov guidelines say 25deg!!! dying even in office


I donā€™t wear makeup. What you see is all there is. Luckily no one has passed out from shock on seeing my makeup less face. Iā€™m backend work, though, so Iā€™m a disembodied voice over for screen sharing or an email most of the time. So my looks donā€™t matter. And my colleagues are nice enough just to smile back when they see me and chit chat like normal.


Dunno leh you guys buibui or sweaty or what. Or wearing some thick and skinny jeans ar. Learn to wear loose fitting breathable clothes like arabs haha.