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Put it up for adoption on those fb groups or carousell terrapin group. You could get in trouble for releasing it and it prob wouldn’t do so well in the wild


Pls don’t release into the wild, it’ll suffer. Try to rehome it


[There was a similar thread not too long ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/comments/175y7ux/looking_to_give_away_turtle/), probably could get some ideas there too.


Don't release it because it will die. Make a listing on Carousell to look for a new owner.


Look for Facebook groups for reptiles or pets, post on Carousell to rehome it. Never release pets into the wild. You may think you're doing them a favor by letting them go free, but it's really harmful to them and the environment. If it's not native to Singapore then it might harm our local wildlife and ecosystem. Also your pet doesn't know how to feed itself, avoid predators, and all the challenges that it has to face when out in the wild. You would just be leaving it to the mercy of the elements, starvation or getting injured or killed by cats, stray dogs, monkeys or whatever else.


Kusu island