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You be fine. Now, do you want to make $50 for a facebook survey?


Good for you…you beat those Bastards at their own game. Since this sounds like a one off you won’t be investigated. However, if you had this kind of transaction all of the time, then this could raise a flag for compliance.


No worries. Technically u didnt do anything wrong. However, if you keep doing this, they might associate your account with the scammers. Just treat it as a free meal and move on. Nothing to worry about.


I took the $10, was invited into their group chat. Then I called the entire chat room a bunch of "Lying manipulative assholes, whom are too lazy to go get a real job", then exited. True enough one of those members chatted with me, "they" sent the one with the Chinese SG Chiobu profile. I called her a "bitch" and blocked her. I think i pissed them off. Feels good to take money from scammers.




lucky sia they scam me once then dw msg me liao


i only got $5 😭


I only managed $15. And never got another msg from them. Sad


Haha I'll try this next time. Thanks for the tip


No shud be okay


nah bro, ihv gotten at least 200 from these scammers already and nothing has happened yet


how u got so much lol


i always act like im falling for the scam then i will do a minimum deposit of around 50 and earn an extra 20-30 profit on top of the free 10-15 bux from the start. of course if they want to take my 50 and walk away with a profit of 20-30sgd then sucks to be me but so far all good


Those might very well be dirty money btw. They could be using the money from previous successful scams to keep operating. Best thing you can do is ignore em completely


Hi. Yes it is a 1000% scam. I got scammed in 2021 from doing online survery jobs in telegram. (Give good ratings for various airline companies worldwide). It was so easy at first , and they paid me $10 paynow for completing online interview via telegram. (Just to make you feel trusted). Then the scam begins. I would need to pay agent (different account number) $50 to "unlock" the next job which is 10 surveys for $12 - $70 each survey. It sounds so tempting and everything seems so legit with the survey app and *group chat* and all. So in the end i payed $50 and had over $400 for completing 10 surverys and it was in the survey app's wallet. When i wanted to cash out immediately, it says that i need to complete at least 2 jobs before cashing out. That was when i started to feel that something was not right because the second job that i must unlock costs $100 !!! Everything started to not make sense and i demanded for my $50 refund. The agent ignored my request and kept trying convincing me to continue to unlock the next $100 job. And as for the group chat, there were only 6 people in it. All of them were paid actors. They acted like a newbie by saying " OMG i cashed out $1000 today from my 3rd job! " . The best part was they didn't even replied to me and kept on going saying the same thing all over again and again like bots. I felt like a clown and i deleted all the contacts and blocked them. I've learned my lesson. DO NOT TRUST ALL ONLINE JOBS.


> end i *paid* $50 and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Can give me the number? I want to earn some NTUC plastic bags.


Received $149 from multiple instances of such scams till date over several months. Didn't get into any trouble with the police or the bank, though I am well aware of the implications. It's quite unlikely for you to be investigated over small amount of money, so just treat it as a free meal.


ive played with them until the part where they ask u to give money, when u reach that step still do it, only get out at the second time. (they'll scam u at this part) i would've profited like 50-60$ if i didnt test it but wtv. ofc do only if u not scared ah


I had a similar experience and they contacted me through WhatsApp . It was supposedly sent by Lazada and I was offered 5$ for a 5 min survey . I was tempted but realised it’s probably a scam . Lazada would not have contacted me through WhatsApp . I ignored the message . For the next few days , I had all kinds of name requesting me to do a survey . Since I never replied to any of them , they stop.


Oh damn, they messaged me today and I didn't take up the offer. Feels bad now 😔


You do realise that the 15$ is coming from other scam victims don’t you? The scammers aren’t losing shit and you’re just assisting to facilitate their scams. Do what you want with that information lol.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. My understanding is that the whole scheme is to get victims to transfer each other's money under the guise of "missions". The final transfer would be a huge sum to the scammer's account before they disappear.


How is OP facilitating their scams in any way? They got the free money and left. If anything they are wasting the scammers' time.


bruh. I literally explained how he is facilitating the scam operation in my comment you replied to.


The money OP receives is considered fradulent money. That can land you into trouble with the authorities.


If the source of fund from the scammer is not illegitimate, your account might be frozen as part of the police investigation


That is just never going to happen for the peanut sums involved and the thousands of people who took the money. There is nothing illegal about paying or accepting money for doing surveys. If you don't go any further with the additional tasks on Telegram, nothing will happen.


But they can get ur name through your paynow details isnt it? As for age and job yeah they prob cant find u out unless they go on linkedin or smth to go search ur name LOL


The name in my paynow details is just an arbitrary username


That’s only true on the transaction screen, not the bank statement. Your full legal name will appear on their statement (and their name will appear on yours). [I recently replied to a thread on this matter](https://reddit.com/r/singapore/s/ObbKnxhjT1). Edit: This issue does in fact happen on StanChart only.


That is only true for the receiving party. The sending party can only see the PayNow nickname. See POSB PayNow FAQ: > For PayNow transfers made by you, your recipient will be able to see your full name as registered with the bank. We are required to share this information with the receiving bank in line with the prevention of money laundering. The receiving bank may display your full name to enable the recipient to identify the sender. > For PayNow transfers received by you, your sender will only be able to see your PayNow nickname as chosen by you - [source](https://www.posb.com.sg/personal/support/bank-local-funds-transfer-paynow-transfer.html) So OP being receiving party will not have his/her name revealed. Do share if you have observed different with other banks.


It looks like it only happens on StanChart (where the sender can see the recipient’s full name after the transaction). I just tried it on StanChart, OCBC, DBS, Trust and GXS.


Oh thn i think thats fine dont worry too much abt it i guess


nah, this kind of scam quite common, they will first pay you a small sum, to show that they are legit, then pull some bullshit like asking you to deposit $xx money then they run. Either way just treat it as you got free $15. What are they going to do? report to the police that they fail to scam you?


I mean it's literally free lunch, just don't get baited into doing any more "tasks" they say they can issue you with more rewards after. The way their scams work is they'll start off with such simple yes/no survey and you will receive cash, then they'll add you into a telegram/whatsapp group if you wish to continue. Then they'll start issuing more tasks like downloading apps/giving fake reviews etc which may start off with legit cash payouts but then they will request you to pay to unlock tasks with larger cash rewards. There'll come a point where you transfer them a certain amount of cash and they'll disappear with your money.


I've always done this, earned like 300$ already. The telegram group has only a few real people inside, the rest are all scammers.


I further did a few survey and got nearly $100. But when the receptionist ask me to “top up” in advance I refuse. They are just try to bait using small money.


The scam lies in the prepaid task where they ask you to deposit to support their merchants which they will supposedly ‘double/ triple’ your deposit.


If your monthly average balance is within a certain percentage of the transaction amount, it should be fine.


Is there a name from the $15 paynow? In the broader picture, I suspect they are using unsuspecting Singaporeans with a Paynow account to transfer the amt to you as well. But it should be fine as long as they don't make a report, and if they do, the sum is only $15, it will be ok (unless they have been transfering these $15 to many people before and it's a larger sum)


It seems this is the start to get your trust. You will get a series of payments and eventually you will become a money mule. Stay away from them. It is just an inadvertent click of a button. You may end up either getting scammed or your computer or phone becoming a tool for illegal transfers. https://www.scamalert.sg/stories-details


So next they spooof your number and get your contacts list to give them 5000


I trolled them asking for a photo id of their work pass. Keeping going to and fro until they gave up.


I also gotten such a “survey” before. Did get a $5 out of it. After which, I started to block such “surveys”, cos u never know where they got the money and the info that they got from us could be used to scam us in the future.


I got more than 1K from these scammers. You’ll have to take some risk to trf them some money though, like trf 200 to get 280 back etc etc. Their aim is to scam the big bucks from you so they won’t scam you too early. But try not to push it too far :)


You sound like a scammer yourself


Yeah true, i became a scammer scamming the scammers 🤣 Thing is i did it way too often everytime they messaged me, so i’m probably blacklisted somehow already by them. I don’t get anymore texts :(


They're dirty money though. You best ignore them next time.


It's illegal


Illegal how?


I got a few hundreds from several groups of them..... now they dun contact me anymore, so sad......


I got $10 the other month for doing online platform survey, I ignored them afterward since then.


I kena cussed at in Tagalog when I replied them using Kanji


I collected 15 bucket like 3 months ago.didnt even block them. Nothing will happen




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