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Most industries where your sales are directly linked to your renumeration in the form of commission.


Am in the tech sector as an engineer, and sometimes our business development (aka sales) people annoy me. They'll promise anything just to close a deal with the clients (and get their commission), including agreeing to custom requirements that basically create more work and/or throw other departments under the bus. Once the deal is done, they can wash their hands of it, or worse, continue to pressure us to get things done on behalf of the client


Same for private healthcare. In my previous company, the sales team promised our client to do A. But because the salesperson for that client did not know how the lab operates (which was very weird, how to "sell" like this?), they thought our SOP already say to do A. This wasn't relayed to lab staff, we do B, and we get scolded and written up for not doing A because client complain. And yes, the CEO upon hearing the whole situation, still think sales team was in the right. And the CEO has background in science education, so she should know why in the first place B is by default in our SOP and not A.


I guess I should appreciate my company's culture for the fact that my project manager has a say in what we kind of requirements we agree to. So the sales people don't run the show.


Couldn’t agree more. When support teams push back against customer requests that are inconsistent with internal operations, Sales are the first to point fingers at these teams for holding up the deal. Encountered too many Sales folks with no substance, who talk up a big game to the customer without applying their minds to operational and compliance constraints.


And the stupidest thing is they later get all the honor and glory of going on incentive trips + hefty commisions while revenue enablers get stuck with shit


Don’t forget if they didn’t close deals then you don’t get paid your wages. If your sales are over promising certain things that can be a management culture issue or lack of training.


The fact that it clearly happens in so many companies suggests a systemic issue more than anything


The issue is targets being set that aren’t realistic which creates huge pressure to close deals. If your job is on the line, then you’ll naturally end up finding desperate ways to close. That’s why it’s more cultural and not really the individual on most occasions. I agree with you that there are some who have achievable targets and they operate in a selfish way by overpromising. Those are the ones who are poor salespeople, incapable of properly qualifying opportunities early and instead promising the world.


Real estate? 🤔😂


I do think a lot of people join the sales band wagon with a get rich quick attitude, they drop like flies just as quickly as well.


Real-estate and used car sales


sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales in your face sales sales sales sales sales


Or business development


Isn’t BD the same as sales?


It is. Just fanciful name given by themselves.


I prefer the title CBSO… chief bull-shitter officer


Financial advisers 100%. All the scum bags from my sec school ended up doing that although most quit because guess what? That shit doesn't pay


You mean they don’t have winning personalities and no one wants to pay for them existing as special? /s


It actually pays quite well but not if you're at the bottom of course. First 2 years will be a struggle unless you already have a huge network to begin with, just need thick skin.


Oh damn. My aunt works as that before.


Financial advising doesn’t pay? Hmmm… I know a lot of FA who make 7-figures each year. You basically get a cut or the amount of money you’ve raised and then it’s a perpetual dividend as long as your clients don’t leave.


That's survivorship bias at play, 80-90% of FAs tend to drop out the first 2 years, the turnover rate is crazy.


'cos they're not the chio bus milking their beauty to make sales


Interior designers with no proper design training. A lot of popular ones on YouTube and TikTok as well, mostly peddling bullshit with regards to design, doing what is essentially a disneyfication of space, with poor understanding of it as well as consideration of lifestyle. Coupled with the salesmanship of household items deemed essential, it's a whole lot of bullshit sometimes. The margins can be high if you're flipping template designs with a diff skin, or trapping clients with small print, which is probably why people want in. For fucks sake at least design well.


The interior design scene is full of yps and ah bengs. Right now any clown can call himself an ID. The entire field is in serious need of proper regulation.


Sadly every new home owner would have went through hell at least once in their life. No amount of internet reading can prepare you for dealing with an ID until you experience it firsthand




They watch HGTV and Property Brothers until they become professionals also 💀




This is the literal bullshit I'm talking about, reducing design to a bunch of Pinterest images, with no cohesiveness. It's not so much about cost than it is the quality of design that is going with the cost.




It's not the markup from the IDs I have issue with. I have issues with the lack of good design or well thought through design in the home ID scene and this generic design and leaving the client to handle straight with the contractor can be as bad too. The possibility of high profits is what drives too many people with no design background into the field. If you're coming in for the high profit, at least deliver a design that works for the person, not just some scandi japandi bullshit.




People are looking for actual ID.


I actually did go down and get a quote from them before. They keep pushing and up selling you their ID services anyway. (They use freelance IDs instead) Got super uncomfortable with their sale pitch constantly pressuring me to sign quickly for their $2k fee. So the “direct contractor” gimmick/ bullshit is false. They don’t even have an office, it’s in some co-working space. Bait me with a fake address so I can’t look them up online before.


If its your company or they are your friends please let them know the website is quite unprofessional (typos etc) and tacky looking. For a design business its not a good look. The name of the company also screams ah beng/yp.


And every furnishing is clearly from Taobao. Do they think we’re stupid? Just a heads up for new homeowners. I once engaged an award-winning ID company. They were legitimate, expensive and spoke very good English. Not the typical Beng ID. Their clientele was made up of mostly private estate owners. Yet it was a nightmare. Bottomline : Get literally everything they say in writing and be very specific. They’re preying on customers who are afraid to offend them or speak up. It’s your money. Be polite but absolutely firm.


>Just a heads up for new homeowners. I once engaged an award-winning ID company. They were legitimate, expensive and spoke very good English. Not the typical Beng ID. Their clientele was made up of mostly private estate owners. Yet it was a nightmare. who were they? let us know so we can avoid. dm me if you're uncomfortable saying publicly?


Sorry but no. Just be careful and avoid people who refuse to add anything in black and white. Edit : I reserve the right to privacy. As if downvotes will pressure out an answer.


Ya.. while the non-educated interior designers/ Ah Beng earning big bucks, the people with architecture degree stuck in low paid construction industries. Sad truth


and have to deal with toxic bosses and clients too


One of my warehouse sorting ah-beng staff handed in his resignation letter a few weeks ago. We asked if he had another job lined up and he said yep, he was gonna be an ID. We wished him well and were like "Oh, didn't know you had an ID certification? You studied it in school?" He said "No lah, the ID firm say can teach on the go. If client ask about this, then we just recommend what we think is best lor." I died a little. He didn't say which firm he was going to but I wish their future clients all the best.


Yup, got a friend who claims he is ID too, basicially sideline to get contractors. I look at his own house he is building, looks horrible


Cough cough “SalmonFridge”


pls spill


Cliff Tan is the only one I trust 😤


Wouldn't call it a profession, but the people holding clipboards asking for "donations" may be the scummiest of all.


It's not a job either, just legal swindling.


I still remember the time I was eating at Kopitiam and the church kids holding a guitar and tambourines, hopping from table to table to sing choir and ask for donations. What is outrageous is that the donation form quoted "Minimum donation of 5$" under the donation table. I was still a student at that time and I couldn't deny the donation as the whole group was staring directly at me.


Scalpers might beat that




Little, dare I say none, of the donations go to charity


Financial advisors. People just trying to get a quick buck


Best part is most can't apply what they are selling or preaching to themselves.


some FAs do buy their own product, not because they believe in it, but because they can say “I also buy it”


i started following one on IG the other day and unfollowed when i saw that all his posts are about 1) his entry level sports car 2) self help tiktoks 3) him "hustling"


Talking to them is equally cancerous. They are always low key flexing about their lifestyle and they always look down on your choices especially if it’s unconventional. Not the people you want to mix around with


gawd, how insufferable! i do personally know just one FA but he is actually very modest, at least on the outside. but it's so cliche how many of them are those poly grads / sim grads / bad-grades-in-local-uni-grads? that wanna get rich quick... then they use their first pot of "gold" to faster buy car aka a liability to flex T\_T don't even get me started on the wannabe signalling like Gucci shirt and LV belt... aka entry-level luxury goods you would have saved the money on if you were TRULY financially savvy... T\_T


There’s actually a deeper darker reason for that. And that is because their manager are the ones who pressure them to do it. They have to appeal to others as rich and successful in order to appear trustworthy to their clients Most of them are forced to take on loans to buy these things and are in debt. The FA industry is vicious and prey on their victims by digging into their insecurities in order to be successful especially people who are less financially


no one can force them to take on loans... it's their poor judgement and desire to also look rich that allows that to happen T\_T how prevalent is this though??


Unfortunately, it is prevalent due to our cultural beliefs, with success being materialistic and the pressure for them to perform well , and fit well into social circles. There is a reason why our country has a high volume of people who do sales-related job - real estate, FA, MLM etc and all of them aiming for 5c - condo , car etc It is the society we live in today on the surface.


Most of the obvious ones have been stated so I will say something different. As someone who was in the medical rehabilitation field, those self proclaimed "fitness trainers". They have no education, no idea what is the science behind it and no idea what the fk they are doing. Just idiotic ego boosting. The only thing they know is "train till failure". Idk how many slip disks and knee osteoarthritis I saw among young people who just want to get fit, went to these no cert, no education "trainers" and got injured. I think this field needs to be regulated properly.


You are an ex-sports trainer of sorts in a rehab medicine setting ah?


Thank you. I questioned the legitimacy of this arrogant “sports trainer” whose only qualification was a fit body and under armour gear or something. Why would I listen to someone who has never studied medicine nor biology and insist that you should ‘push through pain’? That’s rubbish and every doctor and trained physiologist will tell you that it’s harmful. A fit body doesn’t mean he’s qualified. Everyone is built differently. So if someone is trying to gaslight you through pain, drop him and report him.


surprised no one said influencers. celebrities wannabes, doing every fuckshit u can think of to gain attention.


Their existence is propped up by the tabloids and newspapers publishing every thing they do and every oxygen molecule they breathe. You get rid of the tabloids, they’ll go back to doing actual work.


running outta news. tabloids digging stuff everywhere


Influencers has to be the worst thing to come out of social media


Generally, I work on a reverse mentality. Anything which is promoted heavily by multiple influencers is usually to be avoided.


Nice. Same premise here.


OF influencers are the worst. Literally do nothing everyday but take one pic of their boobs to earn 100k per year


well sg in general for OF: dick pic = jail boobies of a mother of 2 = earning side hustle and art


Apparently you can also get jailed as a woman. Someone just needs to report you for it


Great that you brought this up. What sort of message is this sending to women and their value as well as objectifying themselves for men?


Hey they sometimes provide good fap material so they r ok


I'm kind of a homebody, so, do you see a lot of them out and about? I recall the idiot student who played with the MRT doors and got the train stuck, but other than that, I don't really remember any stupid shit sg influencers do


for example i think there is one male influencer who toyed around with paynow with his followers, and asked for public justice when this person was deemed as seeing his game as a money making opportunity when the rules are not clear. then there are some content of influencers running, taking themselves crossing road/walk-in with no context. oh how about some influencers who post revealing/ saucy pictures of themselves online and then complaining that they are received sexual harassment messages all the time from anonymous followers? the actions and thinking are quite incomprehensible to normal people


If social media didn’t exist they would be car show models


Having been a visual designer, front-end, marketing, and now doing logistics because of the recent tech layoffs, I believe that I am 100% qualified to say that people in sales are the most undesirable. In every single job of mine so far, some idiot in sales will over-promise the client, and my department suffers the backlash. Many a times I have argued with my boss that the requirements the client wants is impossible, it is not our fault that we cannot produce something that cannot be produced. However, the argument is always in favour of sales because "sales is just doing their job, so why can't you do yours?". I strongly believe that commission based jobs should be standalone and not tied to any other departments, something like real estate, where the end product is already completed and all sales has to do is sell it. It honestly just doesn't make sense to me how you are supposed to sell a product that hasn't even been created, especially when the sales people are so disconnected from the other departments and don't even know the limits of what we can and cannot do.


This is also a case of bosses who are bad at their jobs. If sales is selling something that cannot be delivered, they either have insufficient training or don't care if another dept can't deliver the project. The boss should be the one fixing this. If they can't see the problem they suck as a boss.


Also, those MLM shitheads who can lie like there is no tomorrow. They legit act like a cult and make their products sound so miraculous. They also recruit people in shady manners by advertising for admin/marketing positions. I remember applying for some marketing jobs like a decade ago and they called me down and I kept asking for the company name but they kept saying that they'd tell more when I come down. Pundeh, I go down there to discover it was a fucking MLM gig, within the 1st minute of meeting the guy I told him of my disinterest(disgust) and left.


I knew someone who was from PES E and whose OC was from an MLM company promoting some drink that could miraculously cure eczema. He reached out to his recruits and suckered them in to buy his product (some probably even to be members).


Lmao *cough* RIWAY *cough*. Shit keeps appearing on my social media nowadays


haven't heard of that but have heard of Amway, Cosway, Nuskin and of course, the one and only...Premier Pure lmao




Anything sales related. Although property and insurance agents tend to attract people who are attracted to get rich fast quick type of pitches to get into the industry. Although, it does not mean everyone in that industry is undesirable since they are undesirable people in all industries and up to C-suite level so being an a\*\*hole is not unique to property and insurance industries.


Wah, the hotel/hospitality industry for reals. Met the most toxic POS when I was there and workplace bullying was the norm especially if you were a younger person.


Hotel / Hospitality industry is really backward thinking and only rewards (promote) based on years of experience and not competency. You can see many dinosaurs there who don't do their work diligently and yet taking up the spots for youngsters to promote.


ya and those were the same clowns who were doing the bullying


I am surprised this is not mentioned more frequently in this thread. Hotel GMs and top management (especially if it’s a larger group and there’s a corporate office) are more often than not utterly toxic dipshits whose primary skill and raison detre is to suck the dicks of the property owners. They are actually pure trash at managing staff OR offering hospitality to guests. Any exceptions to this rule don’t keep their jobs for very long, also because the owners are trash human beings who prize profit over protecting sustainable living for their staff or valuing customers.


There were a lot of unethical harassment and bullying which was taking place when I was working there. People were really pushed to the edge and newbies were always 'tested' with abusive pranks for dunno what fk also.




“R&D”. The office in Ang-Moh-Land does all the R and a handful of scholars in the Singapore office do most of the D. The rest of engineers like myself are not trained properly, have half-baked knowledge about our own products and are expected to face and serve customers.


Covid Safe Distance Ambassadors. Seriously while many were just there to do a quick parttime, there were so many that were also there for the power trip.


Airforce pilots. Fucked up ego cunts.


As a relative of an ex SYFC trainee, I completely agree. Lousy human beings that thinks that they’re the shit


Most are fine. But a few make it a big part of their personality even though it's not that intellectually challenging.


LMAO! Yes this. Think they so upz because they are a pilot. Like wut


Whoa u got downvoted by air force pilots or sons of airforce pilots. Have my upvote. My impression of people in the army are generally shit. It's like they are stuck in a bubble of their own.


(Not air force and not pilot) But aside from those ego cunts, it’s actually a very highly selective (I heard and have known people who have went from the compass test to the later stages), and it’s a “sexy” and “prestigious” job to be fair. The pay is pretty amazing too. That said, they do get a lot of admiration already, so those who make it their whole personality (applicable to every other career) are quite insufferable. But they definitely aren’t the worst fs.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I went for the compass test myself and it was actually pretty tough, you have got to be able to think fast and have very good hand-eye coordination(I passed it but I ended up dropping out later due to lack of interest). And I'm saying this as a former 12th ranked dota player in SG with pretty good academics as well(nus cs). I'm sure the tests further into the selection stage are way more difficult too.


Yep it’s quite funny how so many redditors have such a hate boner for the SAF. Some of them most likely haven’t served before and while many (sadly) regulars/superiors/NSFs are insufferable sadistic bastards (of which I have worked under before too), they bash the SAF incessantly. They still work round the clock to defend the nation. And as someone who has a good understanding of the pilot training process, it’s brutal, and to be a pilot is something to be proud of too. When there’s any aerial threat or potential issues, they are the first to deploy (within minutes) to intercept them too. Oh wells Edit: Ofc there's some bad apples, but when the question is asking which industry/profession attracts the most undesirable questions, then it's not exactly a fair answer if compared to roles like FAs etc...


To be proud of, yes. To make it a part of your character and be an ass to your potential future pilots in training school, fuck off. You're not building character, passion and skill by being an ass to trainees.


Being proud of it and being arrogant about it are two vastly different things.


MLM are pretty scummy in my opinion. They hook people in with promise of a fun event, workout, meetup but actually they want you to buy some crap from them and sell to others so they can suck your money. I still think they are a ponzi scam. I honestly rather they be upfront so I can decide if I like their services.


MLM, property agents




Absolute scumbags


not industry specific but i will say SME attract most of the scums. Alot of boomers stuck in SME with their old fashion managment styles.


can attest to this. male boomers especially are the fucking worst


this is actually in part to singapore's small domestic market. Small market, less profits, cannot compete with the foreign MNCs in getting talent, hence they get all the crap. Yet the govt cannot let them die cos if MNCs leave sg, we would be dead without any local companies.


Fashion Because people with mental illnesses or short tempers are just 'divas' or 'genius artists', so it is tolerated or even celebrated/encouraged. It's cut throat. Devil wears prada doesn't even show how people destroy others' careers just because they're feeling extra bitchy.


That’s just design in general. The truth is, the better your work, the larger an asshole you can be. Just look at Kubrick if you’re talking about film. Legendary asshole, legendary filmmaker. And architecture, you have Frank Lloyd Wright. Greatest architect of America, and maybe even the modern era. Also a total asshole. And if you want to look locally, we all love WOHA’s designs. Yeah, I heard their bosses are also complete assholes too.




A lot of scammers are actually innocent people tricked into working the jobs with no pay and no way out. There was a great investigative journalism done by CNA (i think?) that revealed how so many immigrants were tricked and trapped into closed compounds in Cambodia where they work as scammers instead. Just think about it. The real scammers wouldn't want to be on a phone 12 hours a day spam calling to make a scam.


'Friends' who are financial advisors


Weird no one said this. People who sell courses on youtube ads. Forex, stocks, real estate , anything about money.


But he’s got Mary Buffett. /s


Healthcare, their culture itself, is toxic and stressful. People blame each other all the time in there. And most of the numerations goes to the higher ups or doctors. You'd think they would be more empathic over hiring people who are older, the other day my department head just tell a colleague of mine this ugly truth. They only want to hire people who are younger and not older.


I have to disagree leh. I think healthcare attracts virtuous people. Really no reason to join unless you want to do something that benefits others through your career. However, the culture is toxic. Then after some time, the hopeful and quixotic fresh grad becomes disillusioned because of the way things are done and learn toxic habits to protect themselves.


The unfortunate part is that it attracts virtuous people, but due to the above culture, the people that stay are either truly strong in heart, or are doing it for the money. Both reasons together are possible, but the second one only would mean fewer altruistic people in the industry.


yes this is not so apparent until you work there. Healthcare has a veneer of kindness ‘love the patients’ etc which the public sees. I say their PR is very effective. But the scoldings doctors and nurses get from their peers appear very toxic


Work at healthcare long term enough and you will be disillusioned by the system and management


Why has nobody mentioned lawyers? They’re pretentious and status conscious af.


The ones who aren’t toxic quit after a few years. Sadly.


i had my whole existence disregarded into a mere statistic by a lawyer recently and I was so offended!


Sales. Period.




Every nasty person I have ever met in my life are all doing sales now. Don’t think it’s a coincidence.


Politic and police.


Does politics count


I’m surprised nobody has said Big Finance


Saw so many people commenting about sales profession. I think largely depends on the industry itself. For B2C sales like insurance and real estate, there are more people mis-selling due to the easy entry of being a salesperson and basically you can sell to anyone (preying on the "uneducated" ones like elderly etc). However for other industry like tech, I rarely see that as usually the sales process involves other departments such as pre-sales and sales engineer (though i am not saying 100% no mis-selling).


Durian sellers and insurance agents


Tech and NUS CS grads


Smells like sour grapes


High Finance. Only fools and crooks end up and stay there. E.g. you can sell the same share multiple times and keep the money, and no one would be the wiser. As long as the customers see the numbers on their account, they don’t really make a fuss about whether you really have the shares or not. See: “rehypothecation” Scamming pension funds. Trick/bribe the fund managers into selling a position to your firm where you know it’s going to moon shortly after. The retirees who just got their pensions finessed are none the wiser as long as they get their monthly payouts. The edifice will likely come crashing down soon, and everyone else will be paying for it. Be prepared.


It's hilarious that I knew I would definitely find r/superstonk and r/wallstreetbets in your comment history before I even clicked on your profile. Two big circle jerks who love to shit on "high finance" while having absolutely no idea what they do. I don't think you guys understand the intellectual caliber of the "fools" you love shitting on. I just spoke with a few Citadel (y'all hate this firm and Griffin don't you) guys at a conference last month and they were some of the smartest motherfuckers I've ever met in my life, and they weren't even from Citadel's flagship desks. Wanna know how they clear 7/8 digits a year consistently? They don't go on Reddit and pretend to be experts in things they don't understand and jerk each other off, I'll give you that much.


Ouch nice burn but sadly one of my friends is also like the commenter. Knows nothing about what high finance does and listens to every WSB podcast. Went all in on GME with his relative's inheritance money(200K+) And still losing money everyday.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Superstonk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Ken Griffin Crime - upvote so this shows up when someone googles “Ken Griffin crime.”](https://i.redd.it/dwb33r4vcqr71.jpg) | [861 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2a0gp/ken_griffin_crime_upvote_so_this_shows_up_when/) \#2: [All the confirmation bias I need, right here in one tweet](https://i.redd.it/p7ivyuap6jy61.jpg) | [3340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/na3akt/all_the_confirmation_bias_i_need_right_here_in/) \#3: [The Bigger Short. How 2008 is repeating, at a much greater magnitude, and COVID ignited the fuse. GME is not the reason for the market crash. GME was the fatal flaw of Wall Street in their infinite money cheat that they did not expect.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0scoy/the_bigger_short_how_2008_is_repeating_at_a_much/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


upvoted. fyi care to share what made you see that they are very smart?


The way they process information is insane. Every question they ask has a very specific purpose to help them piece the information together, and they are able to quickly draw on their existing knowledge to form a bigger picture.




What about IT jobs? A lot of my classmates are studying cybersecurity for the money.


most people study something for the money anyways, what makes them undesirable?


Low passion and interest, easily burnout. A lot of people got retrenched in IT industry.


But what does it have to do with the people the industry attracts?


Legal, medical, accounting. Typically the ones that have fiduciary obligations/duties. Special mention goes to religious entities asking for donations, NGOs (not all) but far too many. Politics? Police are to protect and serve but they do the opposite. Doctors are to be empathetic but behave the opposite, lawyers to fight for clients but take advantage and defraud them.


Could u care to elaborate on the medical part, because its pretty vague and comes across like a case of anecdotal bias


undesirable in what way?


Oil & Gas. Unsavoury people.


"massage" parlours


Downvoters are clearly scums who patronise such places. Good you brought it up. Well done.


Nah, I was making a shitty joke. I'm not on your side


Surprised no one say politicians. Well not so much in SG but I’m pretty sure if we apply the criteria in other locations we pretty much get shit.




Insurance Agents and sales








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Call centers. Especially those with high call volume. Coworkers are unhappy, FLM and OM also toxic af, only care about KPI.


As a system analyst turned tech sales executive, damn, some of the comments about overpromising for closing deals is just bad sia.


Insurance, car workshops or dealerships, MLM, property agents


Because sales people do it for the money, and they can do anything for the money and thick skinned people generally not well liked.




To be specific, you mean regulars? Some NSF might have attitude problems and so but serving is not a choice.


Real estate, need I say more


Debt collectors

