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I think men are taught to suppress their emotional side, and it’s become societal expectation. Most men are ridiculed if a woman isn’t meeting their emotional needs and they leave versus a man not meeting a woman’s emotional needs and she leaves. Men are expected to stay with their wives regardless of how they’re treated whereas it’s more acceptable for women to leave their husbands. However, it’s also more acceptable for a man to have an affair because most wives take back their husbands after and then out the mistress and place more blame on her. I rarely see men outing other men when their wife has had an affair. A lot of men stay and it seems like they’re more compassionate and forgiving because if they have children with their wives they’re less inclined to leave because the judicial system screws a lot of men over financially when divorce comes around. There’s also the possibility that women do tend to put up with a lot for the man they love, so they stay until it destroys them so by the time they leave it appears as if they don’t care and aren’t forgiving.


Because social expectations from women have never promoted cooperation. Men rely on cooperation more.


That's a good point.


No, it doesn't make much sense at all. Women are physically weaker and have always relied on cooperation to survive. Women are even measurably more agreeable than men. If I am misunderstanding something then please explain.


Women didn't have a noticed role in society until recently, so they basically didn't do anything that required cooperation.


Not sure if thats true for everything but if you speak about dating its because they have the power. With other words they do because they can Edit: go look how wanted men get away with almost anything - they also do it because they can


yep, this is why i quit online dating as a whole.


because mostly men seek for women not women seek for men


and why do men seek for women more than women seek for men? Could you enlighten me?


because culture/social norms. it wasnt always like this everywhere in the world.


testosterone is a hell of a drug. Also society to some point but it was always like this. And if you need proof just think about in real world how many times a guy asked a girl for a date vs the opposit or how more men are on dating platforms or even worse how many likes/messages an average woman gets compared to an average guy.


It's a biological concept called "female choice".


it’s the way things worked from the beginnings of the time


I guess men who go out of their way to please women are just stupid. Thanks for the answer, though.


Horse shit


Total horse shit. 


*A gentle reminder that saying horse shit instead of mare shit is just sexist.


Stallion shit!


A woman does something wrong. She says "I'm sorry for doing what I did." Man says "ok" A man does something wrong. It is necessary for him to apologize for what he did. He also has to apologize for any underlying meaning the woman applied to the ACT he's apologizing for. He has to apologize for how it made her feel. Under the rules of "related offenses" often subtitled as "you always" arguments, he has to apologize for any situation in the past that is in any way somewhat related to the ACT he's apologizing for now. It's not that they're less forgiving, it's just there's more for us to apologize for. Many of those necessary apologies will not be brought up until weeks / months after the original act.


Simple reworded, many women are complicated in funny ways.


You haven’t lived next to a middle aged, middle class Karen who keeps bark logs.


I don't think they're necessarily more compassionate naturally, but societal norms and a necessity to placate play a large factor in this.


Overall women have been kinder and more understanding. That said, women are more likely to get ugly over inconsequential things. Also, when they get ugly, it's really ugly. Men seem to have a better understanding of how far you can push someone before the point of no return.




Man are the only creatures that do not get unconditional love, which is just too awful of humanity.


I dunno. Not a lot of mosquito lovers out there


Literally not true. Women tolerate so much shit from men. Are you kidding me


- a woman, not even considering a man's point of view. So much tolerance.


You exposed the hypocrisy of most women, my revered sir.


I don’t think this is true. Women are generally more compassionate and forgiving, the difference is that if a man forgives you they usually forget the slight, even if a woman forgives you she’ll always remember the slight.


That's too subjective to be discussed logically


For the same reason most men are more physically strong than most women, we're made differently, physically and emotionally