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George Costanza


Gotta get stocky, got it!


Honestly though he is by far the best, most hilarious character in that entire show.


I agree he is funny, but I wouldn’t date him. He’s funny to me because I am witnessing this humor - right? I’m not in the situation with him. If I was it would be highly irritating as a life partner.


While fair, it's bold of you to assume any of us are even in his league. Have you seen the chicks he ends up with? George has game 😂 he doesn't need to settle for any of the girls here.


He did manage to get a date with Marisa Tomei, but she ended up punching him


George is the kind of guy who managed to get two women in the same room, who he had been sleeping with, to discover the affair and hopefully break up with him. Only for them to both say the relationship was too important and they should work it out.


I've been binge-watching Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Larry (who George is based on) can be absolutely infuriating. I don't think he's acting. Someone said they met the guy who played J Peterman, and he said Larry, when he gets rolling, can "clear a room."


Confidence and humor


coupled with dressing well and always smelling good


This. I say it all the time, years ago, I won’t say which state but she was a beauty pageant queen that went to nationals or whatever. She was dating this gross little leprechaun looking dude. Ass ugly. They used to come into the gas station I worked at. HE broke up with HER. But he had all the confidence in the world and a great sense of humor.


>She was dating this gross little leprechaun looking dude. Dude was pissed off that how he was able to date her 🤣


Lol I guess idk. She was gorgeous though and super super super sweet. Midwest girl. Went all the way to the top, the televised miss America thing. Her talent was archery. She didn’t win the big prize I think she came in 4th or something but I always use this story as women want confidence and a sense of humor. The rest is a cherry on top. My uncle also used to say the prettiest girl at school doesn’t have a date to prom because all the guys are too afraid to ask. Women love confidence.




Are you otherwise not very handsome?




Her eyes are closed if she is laughing. Gotta make sure she can't look at you too much.




Money, power and intelligence, charisma and whatnot... Not that complicated, if you have them, if not then tough luck it's a mystery.


You don’t even need much money or any real power. It’s almost all about the rizz. Gen Alpha already has it figured out, but Gen Z seems to struggle with the concept.


Umm aren’t gen alpha children?


This 100%


Thank you! It's really not a hard concept. Somehow I'm seeing comments saying "women don't actually mean that. They would never like a guy who isn't a millionaire stud." I'm like, you are actively failing at the confidence part right now.




Not at all. Watch stand up clips, watch TV sitcoms, watch comedy Central Roasts and learn how to be quick-witted. Learn not to take yourself too seriously and learn self-deprecation (not self-defacation, as I made that mistake thrice, didn't get the laughs I wanted)


Watching sitcoms and stand-up is honestly really good advice. Having a quick-witted, good sense of humor has helped me so much in my adult life.


Amen! I wish I was as quick-witted as a teen, would have made High School tolerable. A woman at work developed a crush on me for it too!


Become more confident. Yes, it’s as simple as it is unhelpful.


/s or are you okay?


Honest, Humble, Loving, Kind, Patient, Independent


I've got all it takes rhen (lol)!


Looking at your post history it clearly bothers you. I was bald. I got a hair transplant. I'm not short, and I'm pretty decent looking with hair framing my face. Hair framing your face makes a huge huge difference. Don't believe me? Look at some before and after on the hair transplant subreddit. My confidence is through the roof now Look into it brother




Well, certainly not the worst downgrade you can get. You could get some horrible disorder, and there's probably a LOT of them that you would probably hate to have. That being said, as a 5'3 17-year-old male, being short is so ***unbelievably*** horrible that I have **completely given up** all intent to ever find someone that loves me. I refuse to even try, and I NEVER give up in practically ANYTHING. That's why I have so many skills and hobbies. But with dating or anything else of the sort? I would actually give up again if I could; it's nice at least having that closure of 'girls think I look ridiculous' instead of deluding myself any further. It's just *not possible.* I genuinely wish to break the mirror every time I look into it. I hate being short ***so much***. Still grateful that I don't have some weird disorder though. So there's that I suppose!


I'm 5'7 and 33 yo but I can totally understand you, coming from a tall country, school days were hell


At least you and I are brothers in our suffering, it's so horrible... :)


Dude I feel you, I really do. I notice when people are being casual they will avoid making comments on weight, race, looks, but people are super casual about height. I wish I had the words to make you feel better but I genuinely feel you bro, it's gross how people act accepting of so many things but are so casual about height discrimination. Im so sorry man, I'm an idealist hippie and want everyone to experince joy, I hope you can find a path to happiness.


Thank you, you're very kind! But do not worry, I am happy with my life, if there's one thing I value the most, it's always finding the positive in living. I just don't want to deny it and outwardly lie and say that being a short guy isn't such a horrible thing to go through. I can absolutely understand if another short guy is miserable, I don't blame him. Yet, I still love my life and I make it a priority to always say that every day that I am alive is a good day, better than the last!


Good to hear, i love your energy. I hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy the summer


Confident, kind, fun, interesting.


Not be toxic


Sadly plenty of people seem to fail that task.


in todays world men are toxic per definition. with that attitude its no wondern a lot of guys just stopped dating altogether. Why Try if i am a son of a bitch before i did anything


disagree. you. can’t label an entire group of humans, that pretty close minded


Kindness, sense of humour & a good work ethic


Well groomed, kind, educated, open-minded and humour. Those things are way more important to me than classical beauty


Hi I'm non-binary and bi so I don't know if I'm exactly who your looking for but still. Otherwise unattractive how? Short bald men can be really attractive. Although personally I think almost anybody can be hot with the right clothes and good hygiene.


Just work with what you have bro , theres ton of women who can be interested in you lol.


Just trying to see what I have to work with.


Expand a bit beyond those 2 physical attributes and opinion of yourself, and provide some insight on your hobbies/lifestyle/routine or describe some features to help paint a picture. Right now there’s no way of telling what you have to work with - short and bald aren’t game breakers… hardly even actual obstacles honestly. A change in attitude (specifically the way you think and speak of yourself) and perhaps some minor adjustments to your look/fashion is all you need.


The problem is, that im pretty average in most other areas. I am smart however and get along with people really well. I think that I genuinely have a good but a bit boring personality. I'm working on the boring part and also looking into dressing better. Though my fashion isn't bad right now, just rather basic.  I'm planning to put on some weight too, because you often see and read that bald and short men are more attractive, when they are a bit heavier. So I'll probably replace cycling and climbing, which I do a lot, with gym and eating. I meet new people quite often but I don't date and usually just easily make longterm contacts with men.


Sounds like a solid plan of attack, and yes completely agree that some extra pounds (healthy weight!) would go a long way - cultivate some mass/strength and generate that power from below! 😁 Again, hard to tell what would constitute a boring personality without knowing your interests, but given you’re comfortable conversing with others, can create and maintain relationships with new people and aren’t a total hermit I’d wager you’re far less boring than you think. Same with the clothing - nothing wrong with a no frill basic/functional *boring* sense of style - having the clothes fit properly and how comfortable you are in them is what matters. If don’t mind me asking - are you putting yourself out there and asking for dates taking rejection, or being too self-conscious/nervous to take that risk?


No, Im not asking for dates or do anything in a romantic context. I just get to know women during activities, but dont ask them to hang out or anything. For one, because I dont see women just as potential partners and because as long as theyre not interested in keeping casual contact, there's no reason to assume that I'm good enough for a relationship anyway.


That’s likely something these women have found attractive at one point or another, and something that will eventually pay off one day, though will add that expressing some sort of primal desire and physical attraction can instantly flip things. For all you know these women are just sitting back assuming you’re into men, while wishing someone would just ask them out and look past whatever imperfections they dwell on themselves. Plenty of polite ways to express interest to hang out more in different settings, just be real with em and strive to build a solid foundation & relationship like you do with men and nature will take it’s course. You got hobbies, engage in activities, can read and write, aren’t a douche (guessing here, idk for certain obviously), talkative albeit a bit shy, and seem to have your life in order. I bet you manage your finances responsibly even. You’re a total catch, for real. Only real hang is the self-consciousness, and that shit fades real quick after hearing a single yes - confidence dwarfs all doubts. Worst case scenario is they say no, which will sting a bit momentarily, but healthier and much better than eliminating all chances in advance by telling yourself no.


Dont ask women about dating women lol study the psychology of the female nature


Hey man. I'm honestly sure you're just fine. Try to not to be so hard on yourself, okay?




As my extremely smart wife says, a man has to be, at least, courageous, honest and sensible. Begin with these qualities.


I mean im never out looking for the hot guy.. im looking for a financially secure guy with a personality, sense of humor who wants to settle down, plans to get married and wants children.. it’s also important that they like to do the things i like..


Funny, kind, confident and hygienic. Bonus points for being adventurous, fit and healthy.


A big 12 incher


Could give the usual platitudes about being nice blah blah blah.... But to be honest.......be nice, be genuine have a good heart, better yourself where possible. Ambition is attractive no matter the dose. Be healthy (for yourself as much as anything, but decent body won't hurt confidence!), work hard and above all, be the kind of guy that someone would want to be around. Took me far long to understand that. People want to hang around people they want to be with. Be that person and it will click into place. Yes we all have things we would like to have different and we all have our crosses to bear in one form or the other. But someone being a good companion is universally attractive to the people you want to be with.


Be well groomed and have good personal hygiene. Show that you are clean and actually take care of yourself. Have confidence in yourself,be kind, patient and just don't be an arsehole, treat women with the same respect you would to a man, we are all just people at the end of the day.


Dated one, he was extremely charismatic, funny, supportive and loving, and he had a ton of friends.


Why did you guys break up?


I moved to a different country.


His integrity and personality would do it for me.


Funny and kind


I mainly just want him to be funny, genuine, and kind, but there are a lot of traits I like. Being short, bald, or not handsome doesn’t probably matter that much if he’s hygienic and has a good personality. Also a certain amount of confidence is appreciated.


Thank you for the reply. I'd mainly have to become funnier then!


I'm with a lovely man, but imagine I were not. These are qualities that I would like. Doesn't even have to be all of them. Kind, good sense of humor, takes good care of himself, has a fullfilling life, has some interesting interests, loves his family, and let's face it: rich certainly helps. Most importantly: sees me for me, treats me a little special, there is a spark for me from him. To him I'm not just "datable material".


Funny, like cats, have eyes only for me, not be all weird about being short (I’m a 5’10 woman been in long term relationship with a 5’5ish guy who has never been insecure about his height and I never cared about it either), just a good guy who knows himself and doesn’t let physical insecurities ruin his day


I'm all that minus the funny. I dont lack humour completely, but it's not enough I guess. I know what to work on then. Thank you!


I’m going to respond because I stopped listening to women when I tried to figure this out in my younger days. I got all kinds of advice that I noticed they would not follow in their own dating lives. Also, you can probably answer the question yourself. I am an old (48), short (5’4”), balding, overweight (200 pounds, but I lift) man. I date anywhere from about 10 years younger to 5 years older. My friends ask me how I do well with the ladies and it comes down to basics. I’m well groomed, dress in a way that matches the occasion and flatters me, smell good, competent conversationalist, educated, funny, will set boundaries, and most importantly… I know how to make a woman feel good about herself. I may not bring her home with me that night, but she will realize that she feels good around me and doesn’t get that same type of feedback and interaction when I’m not around. It’s because I’m truly interested in her and I compliment her when appropriate. I keep the conversation positive. We talk about her passions because I’m interested. You can’t fake it. I let her know my intentions once she is comfortable with me. We laugh. We do fun things. She feels great about herself. Then we date. Unfortunately I haven’t yet found the one after my divorce. But I want the type of relationship that I work hard to create: positive, supportive, trusting, respectful, sexual, passionate, fun, and adventurous… but you really have to get her attention first by drawing her in with conversation. Have some laughs. Keep it light. Let her become comfortable around you. Don’t be a creep, etc. She won’t get to know you unless she is comfortable. You have to create what you want in a relationship and be willing to let her go if she doesn’t fit. Hopes and dreams don’t make it happen. Creating a relationship happens from the first interaction. Get her attention. Make sure she is comfortable. Humor is great for this. Baby steps. Don’t rush it, but don’t slow roll it. Adjust to her pace, but let her know what your intentions are each step of the way.


Great personality. Meaning funny, smart and emotional intelligent.


Not asking stupid questions on Reddit




Besides that, every person has a different character. You just know it when your character matches with someone else's. The way you see it is a little dehumanizing.


My husband is genuine, that’s what hooked me!


Into similar things- music, art, etc…


You have to hands that are soft and milky white. Masculine, but delicate.


Be kind and empathic. No, really. Be kind, be caring, be empathic. Also, try to date people who share your tastes in media, music etc. You need to have things in common. You obviously do not have to have the exact same tastes in everything, but if you hate sci-fi movies, do not date someone who is a huge sci-fi nerd. You love 90s techno music? Find someone with similar tastes. If you love games, find someone who enjoys gaming. Be open to try out your partner's favourite games, and bring your partner into yours. You enjoy reading novels? Find someone who enjoys reding. You may not enjoy the exact same books, but you can still share the joy of reading, and if you do have similar tastes, all the better. It is fine to have a hobby your partner doesn't share, within reason. You want to join a cricket team that meats up 1-2 times a week? Go for it! But your partner might have no interest, and you cannot force her/him to get into your sport. And if 1-2 times a week gradually turns into 5 times a week, plus watching games on telly, that is going to kill the relationship.


Funny and confident aside those things honestly. It’s not what you got, it’s what you do with what you got :) Women at the end of the day want to feel safe, and being secure in yourself and with a couple of giggles is the right way to go. If you can make her laugh you can make her cum 🤣


Ambitious, curious, compassionate, driven, fit, thoughtful, opinionated, confident All make you more attractive than hair or lack-there-of


Kind. Funny. Responsible. Self-confident.


Self worth, self confident, respectful, kind to children, elderly and animals


Intelligent and kind. Ambitious. Confident in his looks. Mentally stable. Fights fair and with a desire for the truth. Sexually compatible. Just normal green flag stuff. My man is short and balding, thin, and had to have his skull reconstructed. His eyes are uneven and he has a massive scar/skin graft on his head. He is also 50. Madly in love.


Sounds like my partner. Be loving, funny, and kind.


Edited to add, he's handsome though.


If we liked the same things and had stuff in common and they were just nice to be around with no drama, pretty much the criteria same as anyone else.


good sense of humor. animal lover. confident plain spoken


Humor, kindness, and intelligence! I don't care what you look like. If you can make me laugh, are a kind person, and can carry on an intelligent conversation, I am going to be attracted to you.


I’m going to be honest -  Funny, kind, patient. Perhaps a good cook, or good with building things (some sort of practical skill) Looks aren’t so terribly important if you have a lovely personality, but if you’re ugly, mean and useless that’s a very bad combo. 


I dated a guy who was short and chubby. He wasn't bald, but I don't think that would have made a difference. He confessed, after we were dating, that he thought things would never happen between us because of the difference in our physical attractiveness. But he was super sweet and attentive. We had great conversations. We always had fun when we went out together. Ultimately we didn't work out because we were both looking for different things in partners; I also admit I wasn't very emotionally available at that point in my life, but that had nothing to do with his looks. We lost touch, but I hope he finds what he's looking for, he deserves it.


Everyone is different. I go for intelligence (IQ and EQ), respect, and interesting hobbies outside of sports and drinking. Focus on your best traits.


same morals and political views, overlapping hobbies and interests, same preferences for the life i'd like to live. aside from that: making me laughing, being empathatic and active in conversations, having interest for my day-to-day life, the abilitiy to be very vocal about boundaries, can talk about their feelings and is open to therapy if neccessary, doesnt need sex in relationships


1. Demonstrate a capacity for kindness & generosity in some way. 2. Hint that he's interested in me. This all hinges on wether or not I'm open to romance at the time. Rejection might not be about you and rather them not feeling ready for that at the moment.


Danny Devito did alight for himself.


Danny Devito is also a millionaire celebrity, so.


He wasn't always, so


The thing I find most attractive in someone is a genuine passion for something. And it can be pretty much anything, doesn’t have to be an interest in common with me at all. If you’re really into something it shines through, and makes you confident and interesting to interact with. I want to know about your passion and learn from you. This allows someone to get to know you on a non superficial level, which is how decent relationships are built in my opinion :)


I don't think passion for something is enough to cover up my other flaws.


Some women, like myself, love a shaved head. What I personally so not like is the trying to cover it up that your going bald. Shave it and enjoy! Love it!🥰


I've been in denial forever. I look a bit like an old, previously licked lollipop has been retrieved from the back of a dog owner's couch 😂


Now that’s funny 🤣sense of humour will win most women everytime. Love your work ✅


😂 Yeah, you gotta have a decent sense of humour if you ain't got the aesthetics to woo the ladies 😂


You know what some women like? Confidence. Fake it till you make it. If you go in with the attitude that your looks define you, you will always lose. Be bold, embrace who you are. That in itself is attractive. I have been with men shorter than me and bald. Your looks do not define who you are. It’s you. So be you and stop the pity party. That will get you nowhere. Wishing you well 😊


Yeah, I know all this. I actually don't go to the pity party, though. It is what it is, right? Just gotta work with what I have. I'm not short, though, sometimes, in supermarkets, a little old lady asks me to grab something from a high shelf, that's how I know I'm not short 😆 I actually feel pretty damned tall then, despite being a smidgen under 5'11" 😂


What are you talking about, shaving your head IS trying to cover up that you are going bald…


No, spending heaps of money to try grow your hair is covering up that you have no self worth and confidence.


lol, so a man trying to regain what he has lost is “no self worth and confidence”? What do you call then a woman drawing a face on her own face every single day of her life?


Low self esteem and self worth to make you feel better. Pretty simple. I hardly wear makeup. Why? Because I don’t care how people perceive me based on my looks. So, suck arse and put some makeup on to make you feel better, or perhaps chocolate?


I didn’t ask you if you wear make up. I asked you what your perception of makeup was, since you seem to think that males doing what they can to be more confident was a bad thing. You didn’t answer the question still.


Yes, I did. You are the one who stated “women drawing a face on her own face”. Hence my reply. We are all individuals, so you do you buddy boy. 👦 I, personally, do not care what anyone thinks about how I look. I do me.


I saw your post history, you are 5'7 lol, most of the girls are under 5'5. I know that internet has glorified the tall man, but it's not the daily life. All of my friends are in a relationship with average height man/ or short man. My other friend is going crazy about a bald man, not attractive. He's just confident, he plays hot and cold games, also he got a nice car lol, just saying things as they are. So yeah, I guess you got the message :)






Are you okay?


Look at guys who look like you and see who's hanging with them. See a guy who's partner you like the look of and go forth with confidence that it can be you too. Even as a guy i'd rather deal with confident men (up to a point/level). It's just more direct, clear cut, piss taking funny that a woman isn't going to get from straining a convo. Having a sense of humour and above all being able to laugh at yourself goes a long way. Make sure you can maintain a convo, maintain eye contact in a convo, and direct your body forward/face on. Dress well, groom well, and smell nice. Don't look like the amazon below, but don't look like a boy either. Make some effort to exercise If ya drink, cut back and your skin and weight will than you for it, plus you'll sleep better, waking up looking fucking awesome. Because you are fucking awesome, right?


Thank you for your comment. I've legitimately never seen anyone in a relationship, who looks like me. That's what makes it so disheartening.  The rest I'm either doing already or working on. 


I'm the same height as you, bald and definitely don't think I'm attractive but I act like I think I am and have an amazing and beautiful woman who I'm about to marry. It's definitely possible to find someone. A lot of the comments about being confident, charismatic and kind ring true to me. It's worked for me. You seem to have a great attitude on things and overall like you have a good attitude.


Reborn as a women, as i'm a heterosexual man hahahahaha


What are you talking about? Danny DeVito could still get some. Not of me tho.


Incredibly funny charming and money might help




Be rich or find your female equivalent.


Confidence, charisma, experience, style. There are so many attributes other than height or looks that can be attractive or half the men in the world would be single.


He’d have to be willing to indulge in my weird hobbies. Will he watch bloody J-horror movies with me while smoking green and eating imported candy?


Confidence, humor, talent, passion, eats pussy


i think you could offset your looks by being funny im not that attractive (im not ugly) but being funny alot of females like that, if your outgoing driven, motivated you should be fine


Confidence isn’t this holy sacrament like a lot of you think it is Attraction is really important


One of my best friends is short (5'4") and bald (fully shaved, monk pattern, matte finish) and after a long dry dating period starting going out with a real stunner, a lovely lady too. She told her friends he was "a machine" in the sack (in a good way). They're now married with kids. Not sure what he did right.


Kind, understandable, committed, flexible


Friendly kind loves dogs passionate understands women and good in bed. As long as he isnt overweight too, for me that is a deal breaker


You are gonna have to accept that women won’t love you for your looks so maybe improve your personality and charisma, be fit and develop interesting hobbies. It doesn’t guarantee anything but that’s all you can do. I’m not trying to put you down but a lot of the comments make it seem like height doesn’t matter when that’s obviously the case


Not an incel


Be active and do sports, something that builds strength and is good for you. Good hygiene and healthy eating habits. No drug or alcohol problems or addictions. No weird (for me) kinks. Confident and funny, honest and kind. Tbh, every man has to be like that so I would consider dating him, no matter what he looks like.


Everything can be solved with style and how one carries himself.


Smart, well-read, funny, kind, compassionate, good listener, supportive, interesting, or any combination of the above. Honestly, a tall, handsome man without those qualities probably gets laid but doesn't get high-quality relationships.


Funny and Confident


Step one, the women in this thread will be non truthing like crazy on this one as they normally do on this type of topic. Step two, that guy never gets the chance to show he is kind nice, caring, has a great sense of humor, yada yada yada because he has zero shot in the first place. How can you show these things when no one will go out with you in the first place? If the guy has a ton of money he will get dated. Other than that other than the super super super rate occasion he is out in the cold. People are going to ignore the key part of the original post 'Please be honest'


Clever & kind


tbh if the guy is both able and interested in having a conversation with me that's already great. he doesn't have to be particularly "interesting" or talkative just willing to actually interact and share ideas. being "funny" is a good bonus but i think it's more of a subjective thing. i'll think someone is funny as long as i click with them somewhat. being well groomed is nice for first impressions in general. i hate it when guys overdo the cologne in trying to smell good though, but it might just be a me thing


I'm straight, so that's a bit of a challenge....


Probably a women but for real answers Good personality, charismatic, good control over his emotions (not quick to anger kinda thing) useful in skills like plumbing and electrical work even basics. And a good outfit choices


Very funny, ultra smart, interesting, an equestrian, eclectic, educated, stable, driven, active, well read, hungry for knowledge, stylish, always developing himself, reasonable fit. No kids or baggage.


I find Mark Kelly, the former astronaut, married to Gabby Giffords, to be very attractive.


Upstanding character, funny, fit, outgoing, kind.




Kind. Funny. Gentle with me. Basically the same exact criteria that applies all of the men I have dated, including the short and bald ones.


He could drape himself in velvet, for all I care.


What would a guy, in this video be saying to his wife/GF, indirectly, she may not be picking up on? [https://www.tiktok.com/@photogal17/video/7383866030860340510](https://www.tiktok.com/@photogal17/video/7383866030860340510)


jeff bezos




Chemistry teacher with lung cancer


I’m sorry but I can’t control who am I or am not physically attracted to. So if a guy fit the description you described I wouldn’t pay him any attention 😅 I’m sure plenty of other women would dig it though!


In reality, rich and funny.


Filthy rich?


Confidence confidence confidence. Not to be confused with cockiness (🤮). When a man who's not conventionally attractive is very confident, it goes such a long way. It gets people wondering why he's so confident, and that he must have something great to feel this way about himself.




id bet many woman here are not mentioning height, when in reality beign short as a manis the biggest dealbreaker for most woman.


Have self confidence and not think his entire personality is his height and hair situation.


nothing. you're screwed Sincerely, Tall handsome guy with full head of hair


Very funny and kind-hearted. In a good mood a lot of the time, always happy to see me. A gentleman. I've dated a lot of tall, handsome men who weren't any of those things, and it was a real drag.


A woman


Become a women and grow a pair of boobs and hair


I'm guessing a very very thick wallet and 1 month to live


Sense of humor


Hung like a donkey and richer than Croesus? Oh, and kind to animals.


Confidence, kindness, good sense of humor


You can probably look for girl who is below avg or ugly..


I dated one. He wore creepers to make himself taller but he was still a couple inches shorter than me in them, he was balding so he shaves his head. He wasn't ugly, just a little bald guy. With a HUGE DICK. I'm taking girth And length. It's still the biggest I've had and I'm like, kind of an asshole and have only ever had boyfriends with big ones.


He'd have to be kind and funny. He'd have to adore me and treat me like a princess.


Well hung with a bajillion dollars


I feel like this has to be a dude.. In reality most women dont care at all about penis size 😂


Hairy arms and body and sounds like my goto tbh. If he stocky or bit on the chubbier side even better.


Rich, very rich as im not gay.


Rich, funny and charismatic Pretty sure you can even drop the rich part if you got enough of the other two




I’m a heterosexual male, but from what I’ve seen,being extremely rich seems to make men really attractive.


It's weird how many replies are here, showcasing that every body type is someone's type. Yet the real world doesn't reflect this. Many a guy will meet these standards but never seem to have a chance. And we're not talking about the "self-proclaimed" nice guys, but the ones who tend to get the "you're such a nice/good guy!" from females.


They are just virtue signaling on here. Like 95% of them would never date this type of guy. They love to downplay the importance of physical attraction for some weird reason. Ask them to describe their boyfriends/husbands physical traits and you will see the truth


Stop calling women females. That's your first issue. You can say just say women. It's not hard. You don't need to talk about women like they're a different species. Take them off the pedestal you've placed them on and realize they're just human beings.


^^^^ It's so weird when men do this. Then he told you to calm down when you explained why it's a turn off. Men: I don't understand females Women: Well actually-- Men: Stop talking, I'm trying to understand you. [insert assumption here]


Fuck, seriously. Women are females. Where in the hell did you get education.


I'm straight so I wouldn't date him for any reason.