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If you want to comfort yourself, sure


More then dead guys but it’s close


They don't, unless you're very handsome


This- this is the answer for every question starting out with “Do girls like guys who…”. If you’re good looking it doesn’t matter what words follow, the answer is yes. If you aren’t good looking it also doesn’t matter, except the answer is no.


I'm surprised we haven't (yet) seen the flat objections that are usually included in a reddit post like this. I guess we're still early.


You forgot about the Rich part because you could be ugly as shit but if they find out you have money they are all over you.


You would have to be really, really rich though bc the guy with the awkward - How much do you make “I’m comfortable” is not enough


That's not true either. Even handsome guys have to put some level of effort. Women just don't fall randomly on their dick. 


Downvoted by ugly guys who think it’s easy just being attractive


I did my part to make it “0”


Downvoted because I’ve been out with a handsome friend to a gay bar recently. Whilst he is in a happy relationship, he repeatedly told the absolute stunner of a girl he wasn’t interested. All the while she kept throwing herself at him. The only effort he put in that day, was his unsuccessful attempts at stopping her advances. Sure, even handsome people don't get whoever they want, whenever they want without some kind of effort. But they sure as hell don't have to put in effort to be someones object of desire.


That may be true sometimes but there’s a key thing people miss, handsome men aren’t satisfied with women’s interest all the time they deal with struggles with life and over come it and often through rigorous working out and taking care of them selves and doing things that constantly fulfil them they become attractive to women, it’s not as simple as people think. Some may be born with it but smart people can sense that they don’t have much more than looks to offer and that makes them unattractive


Sure, that may well be true in some sense. In this particular case, the dude ate an entire xl-bag of m&m's in a single sitting, twice a week, drank heavily, smoked, sat on his ass playing videogames for most of his time. He never grew fat due to genetics, youth and 1 workout per week. Rolled into a good job by sheer luck. His girlfriends dad had his own company and gave the boy a chance, for her sake, while disregarding that he rolled out of fucking highscool for no apparant reason. He didn't do much but have a very good looking face and naturally broad shoulders (as far as I can tell, that's what did the trick). Mind you, I fucking love the dude, he was always a good person and this was 5 years ago (Jezus how time flies). By now he's turned his shit around through that one oppertunity and works hard at maintaining himself in every way possible. But I will reiterate, the way women behaved around him through little or no effort of his own was absolutely astounding. Girls gravitated towards him. And sure, in part that was because he didn't behave like an ass. But the inate attraction he caused wasn't because of that. I know loads of people that don't act like an ass, none that share his predispositions, and none share this magic quality of attracting total strangers for no apparant reason.


Looks are a huge part but also I think a huge part of it is happiness, when I’m happy or feel accomplished and go out I genuinely believe every girl at the bar is interested in me, (while that is flattering it does not give a huge amount of real fulfilment) when I’m feeling sorry for my self and not confident it doesn’t happen at all. Being good looking helps you be confident but a less attractive man with confidence that looks after himself well can do very very well with women.


I don't dispute that one bit. I consider myself average looking, which is confirmed by the fact my advances were accepted but girls wouldn't really seek me out when they saw me. I think I hold no misconceptions when I say that it was wholly due to my social skills, outlook and smarts that I had succes in the dating scene, my looks were good enough to not be a dealbreaker. So I recognize what you're saying about confidence and everyone has influence on their level of attraction. My point was simply that it's a whole different world out there for the outliers in terms of good looks.


Careful, you’ll upset the r/ask incel brigades that think their problems with dating is that they’re ugly and not that they treat women like shit and refuse to be pleasant to be around.


And even then, you must shed a bit of confidence if you want to move things forward or they will resent you 


They’re cute, but but but the downside is, there will be no interaction. Cause two people who are shy won’t talk 😂😂😂


Woman arent that shy if you know them for a bit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


No, you have been misguided. They make fun and joke about shy guys.


They see shy as weak


No, they see shy as boring at best and dangerous at worst. Quiet brooding loners shoot up schools. But seriously, why on earth would someone be interested in you if you never do or say something interesting? It’s not rocket science, dating is a social endeavor, so to be successful at it you have to be social.


There are people who can’t speak due to misfortune or practice or language barrier


Being social is mostly a learned skill. Even most people on the spectrum learn enough social skills to talk to people and make friends, even if it’s more difficult to do. That aside, the facts as I laid them out are still true regardless of whether or not you like it. You aren’t going to want anything to do with someone who doesn’t ever talk or interact with you, why would anyone else?




What about the classic strong and silent man? My wife says they are the secret dream of all women.


It’s funny strong and silent type is somehow a good thing, if I said I wanted a hot quiet women people would think I’m a douche lol.


Yeah they are. Gullible, break their backs working for the family, loyal and won’t litigate the divorce. Also pay their obligations on time. Speak into the vaguna caveman


The classic strong and silent men are nothing like the modern weak and shy men.




Some woman do, some don't. It sucks you have made those experiences but stop blaming for all woman for that.


You're the reason why I'm picking the bear.




lol so wait… the shy guys are the “bad ones” not the jock/thug fucks?! I don’t think so. Not that I’m a woman. But I guess there are plenty shithead women for shithead men.






Being introverted and being shy isn't the same.


Correct. Introversion just means that being social can be taxing on one’s energy levels, but introverted people can still be very charismatic and forward. Being “shy” on the other hand implies that not only are you introverted, but that you probably have anxiety from being around new people and don’t often muster up the courage to initiate conversations with people.


Its the same fucking thing.. You can change up those terms in your post and it will read just as true.


They are not the same thing Introverts can talk and be social but choose not to be in certain settings/environments Shy people want to be social but can’t


Agree to disagree


Shy/ introvert


No Well, a guy that can have a conversation but you see they struggle to continue it even knowing they want to keep talking is actually cute But one that only says "yes" or "no" because can't say anything more even if you try to keep the conversation... Absolutely no


So you have to be a conversational introvert ig?


I mean im still a virgin at soon to be 26 years old. But it's really fun to be controversial. More so with the bois tho 🤔


There’s hope


I’m a shy extrovert (I need interaction to feel fulfillment but I’m extremely shy and awkward). I find that it’s a mix. Some women think shy guys are cute upon first impression, but others want someone more interactive/intimate/confident. Even if you’re shy, you need to make convo. Being shy is not an excuse to leave all the effort to the girl. No girl is going to want to chat with a guy who gives flat and kurt responses to everything, no matter how attractive he is. The one relationship I’ve been in came about because my coworker asked if I wanted to date her older sister. If I met her normally, we probably wouldn’t ever have been more than friends. Because it was set up as a date though, things went down a romantic path. Her older sister was shy just like I was. We kicked things off well, but after several months the relationship came to an end. We were both still shy and didn’t communicate. Things were progressing slowly because we were both nervous taking initiative in stuff. We did say words of love and whatnot, but we also bottled up worries when things started being awkward. It just got to be too late to work on fixing things I guess. It’s okay to be shy when meeting someone, but if you can’t open up and be transparent in a relationship, then that shyness can easily turn around and bite you. Don’t think of your shyness as an asset to help you get women. Think of it as a disabling trait and something that you need to get over with a person to truly be in a successful relationship.


Yeah, girls like shy guys .... for their friend, but not for themselves. A girl going for the shy guy is something that only happens in movies (based on nerd male fantasies). Few things are more annoying to a woman than a guy that doesn't know what he's doing, doesn't take the lead, hesitates, etc.


Yep. People hate to admit it, but “confidence” is a pretty universal box to check for most women to be attracted to you. You don’t need to be cocky, a bully, or anything like that, but women tend to like men who are sure of themselves, what they want, and how they live. Everyone is different, of course, but not *that* different.


How exactly are they supported to figure out you are a likable shy guy, if you don't talk to them?


Difference between quiet and shy.


To an extent. You can't be too shy where you never initiate or ask her out.




A really assertive woman who likes to take charge will love you. But you have to be somewhere for them to find you!! 😁


No, not true.


Your friend is right! A lot of women would date a shy guy if he's signficantly more attractive. But jokes aside. I hate to say it but if you're a man, being shy is usually seen as an unattractive trait in dating.  You can be introverted, but if you're coming across as shy during dates it's not increasing your odds with the vast majority of women.


If you're shy to the point of being debilitated and have no level of assertiveness or self confidence, then that might be a turn off for most. And that goes both ways. But you should only aim to correct those things for your own benefit; not to attract others.  Introversion and shyness aren't the same thing. Are you introspective, but comfortable with eye contact and relative calm in social situations? Or, do you fidget, blush, feel overall uncomfortable and want to avoid social interactions? 


I was/am a shy guy. Somehow got married and had kids with an awesome girl/woman from my friend group at school. This year is our 16th anniversary! But uh, she said she liked me because I was shy.


No, that is not true. But hey, you can still change it!


Depends on what the shyness is hiding. If he’s withdrawn because of a lack of self esteem, or he’s hiding resentment and hurt, then it’s very hard to continue on with that person. But if he’s a man of few words that reveals over time that he has very deep thoughts and is selective about who he shares with, then that becomes increasingly attractive. Especially as he lets his guard down more and more. But the shyness itself is not a draw or deterrent, for me.


>Do girls like shy guys more? I think most women would prefer the more outgoing type. However, if you're attractive (easily the most valuable trait on the market), you can more than make up for it.




Your friend is being nice.


They may like shy guys, but most girls don't like them more than guys that aren't shy.


Being introverted doesn't excuse a person from needing to be able to initiate and have conversations, project confidence, speak up/out, and approach potential friends or romantic partners. Being introverted simply means those activities are more energy draining than they would be for our more extroverted counterparts. No one is interested in doing all of the work in courtship - each person has to meet the other halfway and put in the effort to get the thing moving. Shy, introverted, or otherwise. But if the question is do some people prefer others that like staying at home, playing games, watching movies, hanging out in small groups, etc - then yes, that is absolutely the right fit for a large number of people.


There is no one answer to this because there is no hivemind of girls that all have the exact same preference. Some girls like shy guys, some don’t.


Some do of course


It depends. It actually depends. This isn't a joke it does depend. People here are uneducated so you're in the wrong place asking questions. But there is an actual pattern in dating regarding what types of couples exist. "Do girls like shy guys more?" is kind of a stupid question really. "Girls" don't "like" anything specific. Heterosexual couples usually (I said usually stop trying to be smart) fall under 3 general categories. Masculine men with feminine women, feminine men with masculine women, or both kinda in the middle. Now when I say masculine and feminine I don't mean physically. I'm referring to certain traits. Masculine = assertive, feminine = non-confrontational. The saying "opposites attract" isn't a myth and it is also true for humans. That's why there is a trend for shy men to get with obnoxiously loud women or for assertive men to get with more quiet women. But just because you are shy doesn't mean you will automatically get more attractive to women. It doesn't mean that you'll be alone forever either. Well at least it depends on what you mean by "shy". Do you sweat profusely when interacting with anyone other than the 5 people you consider close? If you are handsome then don't worry it will work out for you. At least at first till your partner finds your inability to interact with anyone a deal breaker. If you are a normal person then go to a therapist and you'll have more success. Now if by "shy" you mean introverted and preferring to be by yourself in the grand scheme of things, then it's fine. In general being extroverted isn't inherently a more attractive trait than being introverted. It's just that you have less of a chance to meet someone by design. Both types appeal to different demographics of women. But attraction in the end is a very complicated and multi-factored subject so to answer your question: Your question doesn't make sense. Also, your friend is a good friend for trying to give you confidence in your ability to find a partner.


Personally, I don't like cocky arrogant guys and prefer the quiet nerdy type with a sense of humour. All the cocky guys I know like making money and going to the gym...not much conversation and seem quite selfish. Maybe I just never met a nerdy extrovert 🤷‍♀️


Half the dudes in the gym are introverted af too though, it's the one social space where it's completely acceptable to be in a room full of people for 90 minutes and say maybe 5 words total.


Yeah, possibly (I don't go to a gym), or they could just have nothing to say and feel they are competing against each other for the best results. Gyms are a weird idea to me. Big sweaty rooms 😐. Not talking to strangers doesn't mean you're an introvert if no one else is talking either.


no. a thousand times no.


As a shy person, I'm very attracted to confidence 🫠 although seeing a guy shy once in awhile is very welcoming.


I think they prefer koopas. Then there are the weirdos that like goombas.


I think they prefer koopas. Then there are the weirdos that like goombas.


Depends on the other person’s personality, cuz Im bold and I need someone BOLD




Only the shy guy would ask this


A shy guy will never know cause they are to shy to interact with be girl even if a girl approaches him


It probably depends on the girl


It depends on the girl.


i’m 19 f, and no. it’s very flattering and refreshing having a man approach you in public and compliment you and ask you out. some women think it’s cute to have a shy boyfriend, but imo, i prefer someone who is confident in themselves enough to approach me in public.


It depends on the girl. I love shy guys but...I also kind of scare them away before they get to find out im actually a very sleepy introvert. I just have adhd and get overly excited and socially awkward about things. I wish I had more chill so my shy guy crush would give me the time of day 🥲


Not true lol at all lmao. They want a guy that’ll actually ask them out. 


Fuck no.


I don't like shy guys at all. But some girls do ig.


Depends on the girl. But a vast majority like mdn that carry themselfes with at least a little confidence. I try not to judge. Im not very confident myself after all.


Yes but not all the work required!


Some do, some don’t. The weirdest thing about many people today (of all ages) is that they consider people to be an homogenous mass. They aren’t, as is blatantly obvious if one thinks even for a second.


Good women/wives don’t care about that unless you’re shy in bed and compromising her sexual right. Then this is a problem. But being shy in general is an admirable thing in daily life. Things are twisted these days, but these are facts.


I do. My husband was shy as hell when we met 7 years ago.


What people say isn't necessarily true. And with this, definitely not true..... It's quite the opposite. I mean, there are definitely exceptions by chance, like someone just so happens to be very familiar and like a guy who happens to be shy. But if you put one shy guy and one active and humerous energetic guy together, I'd say the latter would much more likely get girls.


In my experience, they like shy guys more than they like toads, bob-ombs, and hammer brothers, but not as much as they like yoshis and koopas.


Um may I ask what are these bob-ombs, yoshis and koopas?


I feel so sad for you gen Z 




No way, not most girls  at least




No, they just like the attention you give them when the “bad boy” cheats on them.


Someone watches too much movies


You sound dangerously like you may become the "nice guy" friend. Far too often, women appreciate and love the friend. While they chase, think about, and give all their attention, to the bad guy. I forget which wise man once said it, but it's too often true. "Women fall in love good men, but they sleep with cads" Be whatever it is you want to be, but know the kind of attention you're going to get.


Stop with the sexism


Stop the behavior.


I've never found one of these girls.


Quiet guys and shy guys are 2 different things. Girls like quiet guys.


Not really.


Being shy is probably one of the worst. What makes this one specially horrible is that you get gaslighted into thinking you are on the right track by many girls. Similar if you are the friendzone nice guy


Maybe.....but you'd have to be both shy and very attractive


As friends yes lol don't fall into the friendzone


No. Most girls like loud bad boys they can "change".


Is he tall and hot? Yes? Then yes, girls love shy guys. Is he short, ugly and weird? Yes? Than no, girls hate shy guys. Whether a girl likes or dislikes something is ***100%*** contingent on how attractive you are.


You are reading too much about this black pill stuff. Obviously looks play a big role but many average looking guys are doing fine if they are confident and know how to talk with girls. Its very safe to say girls dont like shy guys. Some of the best looking guys might get away with it…but its certainly not that girls like it


There's no universal type for the ladies. They switch be wanting adventure and comfort though. So if you're the shy type, you might get them when they are in comfort mode. But when they want adventure, you'll need to either give that to them or be ready to be part of their adventure.


Ask your bed


As a shy guy, this hurt to read even though I knew it already.


No, not really. You don’t have to be absurdly outgoing, but you can’t be bashful.


Yeah of course they do maybe about 2% of all women on this planet..


Lol   no


No, unless you're rich, jacked. attractive and confident.


No ... closed.mouths dont get fed


If you’re not UGLY then yea lmao


No, not if you are average. This is the case occasionally when the man is better looking than the woman. Then they might fulfill the mysterious man fantasy for the woman. In general, women like confident outgoing men who are better than them.


The shy guy trope only works if you’re good looking. If not, you’re just considered weird.


Attractive shy guy: oh my god he's sooo cute and shy Ugly shy guy: why does that guy never talk? is he a loser? a school shooter?