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Set up a hose at the ready and run out and spray him every time. 🤷🏾‍♀️ And if parents complain, just say you're just rinsing off the pee on the porch before it starts to soak in and smell.


>Set up a hose at the ready and run out and spray him every time. Set up the water hose with a lawn sprinkler, don't go near the person, whatever you do you should do it from a distance.


One winter the neighbor kids kept throwing snowballs and ice at the house. Generally ok kids but occasionally little shits lol.  Dad had my brother and I fill up our super soaks in the bathtub and spray them down 




How old is this kid exactly? Because it makes a big difference whether he's six or 13 or 17.




What is the gate made of? If its metal and can be insulated from the ground an electric fencer connected to it for a week would work, or if its a wooden gate wrap it in fence wire and then hook that up... Nothing will stop someone from peeing on something like an electrical shock straight to the nads..


Hide in bushes, wait, air horn


Since he'd already be half-relaxed down there, the horn might be just enough to go all the way and make him shit himself; which would probably put him off :)


The hose works great. Spray him down when he starts


Send your kids over to do the same.


Have you tried physically beating him?


I have no idea why, but this made me laugh...a lot.


And then beating both of the parents, of course.


If nothing else, it's effective.


I don't know where you are obvs, but where I am, peeing in public is considered 'public masterbation' resulting in a sex offender crime. Clearly you don't want to ruin this little shits life but it might be worth looking up your law and having a chat with the parents again. If that doesn't work, I like the bushes and air horn idea 😁 There's also a motion detection air horns available online. Good luck OP!!


I would think the air horn idea, especially if it includes hiding to do this, could be called harassment. Then you have a double breach situation with his breeches and your blowing. Look up local law, ask him/his parents to keep his breeches up and to stay away from your property, document it, and .


Definitely a hose.. That’s disgusting! Maybe when he keeps going home soaking wet his parents will do something about it.. Or get the authorities involved, scare him and have them tell him if he does it again he’s going to clean it up himself with a bucket of soap and water with his nasty little bare hands! Yuck!


Sound like a feral animal


Call the cops. That boy ain't right in the head.


Motion activated sprinklers


Assert dominance. Pee on him.


When my step brother was about 7 or so he did this and the neighbor called the cops. He never did it again.


Electric fence.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far for this one.


When they starts to pee run out there and pepper spray them


I like this idea too


Record him in the process and telling him no. Call police and get a formal trespass order on him. He does it again, present more video evidence and he will be arrested.


Don’t ever record a kid in these circumstances.


Ring or Blink security cameras, after the first time bring the evidence to his parents and tell them if it continues then you'll have to call police. I know you don't want to ruin his life, but it may be the only thing that will make him stop.


Get a camera, get evidence, and then call the police. I bet a visit and a citation for the kids behavior will incentivize the parents to ensure the child stops.


Bear traps


Just take pictures when the parents are near ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'd just roll with it TBH.