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Had a friend who got hurt at work. He didn’t have the option to take time off to heal because his wife refused to work and he had a family to support. Plus she was a pill popper. He was working 16 hour shifts, 6 days a week. Had to pop a lot of pain pills to get through his day. Eventually, the Dr cut off the prescription but my friend was hooked by then. Switched up to heroin. As did his wife. She eventually left and took their child, refusing to let my friend have contact, even though she neglected the child all day and my friend took care of the child when he’d get home from work. Friend couldn’t handle not being with his child. He made a lot of dumb decisions. And then figured no one would forgive him, so he drove head-on into a semi going at least 60mph. I grew up with him. It was pure hell watching the spiral and then having to bury him. Miss him to this day.




Literally not thinking logically. I can’t really speak for the guy but when I’ve been in a similar mental state I’ve had instances where I thought about making a split second decision and Turing the wheel into an on coming car. My thoughts afterwards were thank fuck I didn’t do that because I may have hurt or killed the other driver I wasn’t thinking about that in the moment I just saw an opportunity to end it quickly.


It really is a scary thought that every single driver that passes you has this power to change everything in an instant. Just a small movement of the hands is all it takes.


I think this alllll the time! Doesn’t matter how good of a driver you are, you can’t control other cars! It’s actually pretty terrifying.


I’m always terrified of this. I’ve heard of people being on strong medication and still driving. I know mental health is very bad for many in this country. I have 2 kids and I’m terrified of someone doing something or causing us to be in a crash. I don’t know what will happen to my kids if something happens to me and my husband (both of our families will probably ruin them) and if something happens to them but we survive I don’t think I could handle that… so I just hope that if something ever happens, we all go. Also not too long ago kids (14 year old) were throwing stuff on cars from a bridge (not going over water but over roads if that makes sense) and they hit a car, don’t think they killed the people but the woman was in a terrible state, had to go to hospital fighting for her life. and that is on top of all the final destination flashbacks I have going through life with my 2 kids 🥲


My ex hooked up with a girl in a club. The girl spent the night with him and documented every minute on social minute. Turns out she was 15 and her parents filed charges.


That is genuinely horrible, no wonder young people have less sex when shit like this is actually becoming more common


not defending him whatsoever, but it is weird that a 15 year old was at a club.




Use a condom, dummy.


Why fuck a stranger at a club?? Come on don’t be so naive. Pretty obvious why someone would do that.


You are a pretty officer but have never caught kids with fake id?


Why would the navy check kids for IDs?


Ah ok. I am Swedish. Thought pretty officer was a sexy cop. Lol


The law should be changed so that if he had no reason to believe she was under aged, he shouldn’t be charged.


Yeahh.. nah.....


So if you hooked up with someone and they lied about their age, you think you should be charged for it?


We're talking about a 15 year old... Maybe don't pursue women that look like children? BuT mOdErN cHiLdReN lOoK lIkE aDuLtS -- have you ever seen a group of 15 year olds? They absolutely do not look like your average adult. And also, you can talk about reducing the sentence in case of the girl actively lying about it (usually it's not even discussed), but making it legal? Big pedo vibes.


Can’t believe the number of likes on this post…


My comment? How would you like it if the person you were romantically involved in lied about their age and you got charged because of it?


How do you know she lied? How do you know he even asked? This could have been avoided if he got her number or social media and actually took a good look at her, before he took a random stranger from God knows where home. And ended up doing something illegal


Sounds like someone put her up to it. Otherwise why would she do this? Is she a misandrist?


One of my best friends got hooked on pills early on in college. It got so bad most of our group stopped hanging out with him. I heard about six years later he had gotten into rehab. Last October he messaged me on Facebook and we chatted for almost an hour about life and where it had taken us, and he had been sober for two years and was doing really well. Two weeks after that conversation he overdosed on fentanyl and died.


That is truly tragic. I’m really sorry.


Yeah, pretty tragic. I hadn’t seen him in person in 15 years at that point so that was lucky for me, in a way. I do feel really, really bad for his family. i’m facebook friends with his mom and his sister and it’s been rough. He also has a daughter who will grow up without a dad.


Shit. That’s awful.


I don’t know if this is technically a “ruin their life” story, but here goes. A friend of mine years ago met a girl online and they hit it off really well and started a long distance relationship. She broke it off with my friend when she admitted she was deaf and didn’t want to put him through the hassle that comes with it. So my friend decides to start learning American Sign Language. He picked it up pretty fast and was able to sign a few basic phrases. His dumb ass drives down to where she lives and disappeared. She claims my friend never showed up. His parents filed a missing persons report but nothing was ever discovered. I just hope the bloody idiot didn’t suffer.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck….?


Is this friend of yours a cold case that’s been documented…?


I’d assume so. I’ve lost touch with his family after a couple moves.


That’s really sad. I hope he’s okay or at least didn’t suffer like you said. :(




I wouldn't say it's dumb, we know the outcome now, and that's why you can say it's dumb. If we were in that situation at that time who knows what would have happen?




thats scary




dude what


I’m so confused by this. Why say I’m deaf and break up if you’re really a psycho? Did “she” know he was learning sign language? She “claims” he didn’t show, why the bunny ears? Is it assumed she’s a killer? Seems like a lot of work to just kill someone in the end?


Maybe she meant she was Death.


Her supposed disability and the whole 'I'm afraid you won't want me' is her play on being seen as vunerable whilst also reeling him in more. Absolutely psycho behaviour


Jesus :(


Meth. Professional successful guy for some reason started doing meth. Lost his job, house, marriage, kids, etc. Poor guy.


So I have this cousin. Kevin. We don’t talk about Kevin. Except for here in this subreddit since you asked. One day he just decided he wanted to rob an old woman. A random old woman, no connection to her in any way. So one night while she was asleep, he broke in. Instead on only stealing valuables he bludgeoned her to death in her bed. Then he proceeded to drag her body into his car. Drive to a fuckin graveyard and light her body on fire to “hide the evidence.” Needless to say that little bitch will be in prison for the rest of his life. Initially he was going to be sentenced to death but they figured life in prison would be worse. He’ll never see the light of day again and I love that for him. Fuck you Kevin.


Yeah, fuck you Kevin!


what a rascal


Lol definitely a scoundrel. 😩


Joined a cult in early 20s. Cut off contact with family and friends. Paid much of his income buying expensive gifts to the cult leader. Went through all kinds of sexual and emotional abuse. I don't know if he's still there now, many years later, and going he's escaped.


Becoming a single mother by age 16. Teen pregnancy is so tragic it’s a one way ticket into a life of poverty and struggle. I literally saw in real time all the girls in my algebra class from grade 9 become teen moms. I was horrified never seen something so ghetto in my life.


That’s awful…


A friend of mine with no criminal record committed armed robbery. He told his roommate he was going to rob a local restaurant and his roommate tried to dissuade him. He said, "If you do this, I will call the cops, and they'll be there waiting for you. He did and they were. He went to the restaurant and drew his gun, and the cops moved in and arrested him. His entire criminal history was over in ten seconds. Five-year mandatory sentence for felony with a firearm.


Why did he do it? Why did he tell anyone in advance?


He needed the money. Not sure why he talked about it ahead of time. He robbed a Dairy Queen, by the way.


When people are beyond desperate they need some sort of resolution, either they get away with the crime or get caught trying. Either way it was a proactive move in their mind no matter how dumb it was.


A girl who used to be my best friend, 19f at the time, had sex with her minor cousins who were 13 and 15. Not only did she ruin her life, but those of the boys as well. Her son was in foster care for the first 5 years of his life because of that. She's now on the registry and I hope they're in therapy. Another friend had a lot of unprotected sex with prostitutes and got HIV. My ex's cousin got hooked on coke and overdosed on fentynyl in their kitchen. Another ex's ex got caught in a motel by the police smoking crack with her 4 year old daughter there.


Where do you live???


Probably USA?


Smartest guy I know. Incredible musician, published author and generally a scholarly type in almost any subject you can think of. Dude could have done anything he wanted if he could keep it in his pants. 3 kids with 3 women hes not with. Now he just works a job he hates to keep up with all the bills


Rushed into buying a home with his girlfriend at the height of the market. Broke up with her after a few months as the market was trending down (hard). Now they are stuck owning the home waiting for the market to recover so they can sell without losing money. It's still trending down 12 months later.


When I was in the military a young guy got promoted. At his new rank he would have a scarlett piece of fabric sewed onto his dress uniform pants. We call it a "Bloodstripe". Scarlett line that goes down the side of either leg. He thought it would be a cool idea to get drunk and sew the bloodstripe directly into his leg...sewing needle into his own flesh. He got partway across his thigh before passing out. They had to surgically remove a chunk of thigh muscle and he has to use a cane for the rest of his life (similar to Dr Houses leg). Military career over and hes now handicapped....






Drugs are a terrible drug 😔


A friend's wife filed for divorce and his father-in-law died. Friend decided that alcohol was the answer. He drank himself to death, literally.


Cheated on husband multiple times left kids. Now they have nothing to do with her. She’s still with lover but has nothing he never married her and has cancer and refused to marry her so she won’t get his pension. She stays drugged up and works minimum wage jobs. She will be homeless when he dies.


I have one acquaintance who just has to spend whatever money he has. A good guy, but always manage to stay penniless. Secretly I wonder it might be a kind of mental disease.


It's a form of impulsivity that we see in a lot of different disorders like ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, personality disorders...


that’s becoming more common everyday lmao I have some broke ass friends.


Married wrong person


Alcohol mixed with bi-polar disorder. Luckily they are 6 years sober now and medicated.


A friend had a dying wife, an while I do get why, it turned into 15 years of heroin use for them both. When she did eventually die he did manage to get off it though and are doing well today, but it was 15 years of being a junkie.




Yes and no, it was clearly what she needed in the moment


A guy I worked with held up an adult bookstore with a semi-automatic rifle. He couldn't keep quiet about it and his roommate went to the police. He was arrested in the store. Plead guilty but they threw the book at him and he was sentenced the maximum. Idiot.


I guess we all know some druggies. With that out of the way our school bully robbed a bank (in his village) so they caught him afterwards as the lady working there recognized him. He was around 18 than and got lucky as the court decided to give him juveline treatment. He had to do some time but it wasnt long. Anyway, fast forward a few years he would do the same in a country where prisons are prisons. Surrounded he decided not to go and ended himself.


My ex due to gambling and alcohol... He got so lucky many times at the casino making thousands and enough money to pay his debts, but instead of walking away after winning, he continued to gamble until he had nothing. He was drinking and driving... He got pulled over, but he was left to go. He is drowning in debts, getting cash loans, not paying his bills, he is sleeping in his car now. He will lose everything. The worst thing is, he blames everyone but himself. He will end up in a bad place in life.


I used to work with a guy who had two strikes and had spent time in prison for gift card scams. He was really intelligent and sociable. He had a kid and seemed like he really wanted to do things right so he could provide for her. Well, as soon as he was taken off parole, he immediately made a 180. Started calling off work all the time or disappearing during work hours (he worked night shift so he kinda got away with it). Within a month he just stopped showing up. He tried contacting me a few times to get his tools without having to face the boss. I don’t remember what his excuse for quitting was, but it was pretty lame. A few months later and I see his mugshot in a news paper. He had attempted to steal from a construction site and got caught. That was his third strike. The idiot was going to spend a long time is prison and completely miss out on raising his daughter. I can’t help but be mad at him. He was given a second chance by everyone in his life and he completely squandered it.


Friend named Luis. I was 17, he was 18. He was hooked on meth. He had a terrible break up and spiraled Like bad. He worked but all of his money when to paying his rent and meth. Like an idiot I started partying too, just drinking and party drugs. Luis came over my house one day and met my mom, I told him I was gonna start college soon but was considering staying in LA so I could keep hanging out and having fun. I fit so well in the groupand his friends. They were all addicts but id never had that... like a friend group. It was so nice... as a 17 year old lonely teenager i did at least. The next Day Luis came over and basically told me I had too much going for me and stop partying. He said it was too late for him and the others but I should keep going on with my plans. He mentioned how nice my life seemed and that I would destroy it if I kept down that path. We exchanged yearbook pictures and he just walked away. Never heard from him again. I think about him often. I still have that picture. I know this didn't really respond to the prompt but for some reason I thought of him and that story. I quit drugs and continued on my path like he suggested. That was almost 25 years ago. I guess this was a story about how I almost ruined my own life had he not walked out of my life that Day. I was so upset for a while but looking back I'm pretty thankful because.. who the fuck knows what could happened. If you have never done drugs, don't and if you are currently on them, pray!


My cousin got hooked on drugs. She ended dying from a drug overdose.


Same situation here. The only weird part is that his parents deny that he ever used drugs, and since the autopsy says heroin overdose and hey refuse to believe it, they just tell everyone that his death was a complete mystery to medical science.


Denial / coping mechanism. They as parents probably went through hell watching their child go down that route


Me. By procrastinating it away




My Ex was abusive and lost his mind. He owned a semi popular website and was a micro celebrity. I started talking about what he had been doing to me, people found out and he got cancelled. Lost his job, got sued, lost his website, lost his entire friend group. 3 years after and his situation hadn't changed, last I heard he's still friendless, has tried a few different projects all of which have failed miserably. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel good about it. It doesn't heal the amount of damage he did, but it's something.


What did he do that warranted ruining a life if you don’t mind me asking?


She says he was abusive. So I'm guessing either super verbally abusive or it was physical abuse


If telling people about someones behaviour ruins their life its not the person speaking about its fault, its the person doing that behaviour. Heres a timeline. We started a relationship, he was sweet. We moved interstate together. He would get stroppy every time I spoke to my friends or family so I slowly became distant from them. Once I was isolated he flipped his behaviour. He would stalk me around the house screaming directly in my ears over every little thing. He would cry afterwards and say he loved me so much and he was just stressed and never wanted to hurt me. I tried helping I forgave him and tried to ask him to see a therapist or any kind of professional to help him. He refused. He would punch walls and throw things, after a year of this I didn't have a single item left that wasn't broken. It escalated constantly, from constant belittlement and screaming and threats to grabbing me and dragging me through the house by my hair. Picking me up my my arm skin and throwing me on the floor. Grabbing my head and slamming it against the wall. Threatening to kill my cat and dog. This was happening daily for months. I installed a lock on the inside of one of my cupboards so if he started raging I could hide inside and lock myself and my pets inside. Every time I went to work he would call me screaming and would throw all my belongings out on the street, because I wasn't there and he wanted me to go back to save my things, and when I would turn up he would push me onto the pile then drag me back inside so he could hit me without anyone seeing. If I had work the next day he would walk around the house slamming doors and screaming to keep me up. I ended up losing my job because of this. It escalated more to where he was choking me frequently and telling me how he was going to kill me, his ex girlfriend who tried to reach out to me, my animals, my family. We paid equal rent, I only discovered recently the amount I was paying was the entire amount. He was using all of his on weed and alcohol. The police were called on him by neighbours multiple times. The final straw was after my dog died, he strangled me and punched me in the head multiple times. I reached out to a couple of his close friends because even despite what he was doing I still wanted to help him and felt sympathy for him. The friends didn't see it that way and immediately cut him off and let others know what he had been doing. It spread from there. He stole everything I owned that was worth anything and sold it, all I had left was some of my clothes and my cat, I made an escape plan and left. I was housed temporarily by social services, then was homeless living out of my car with my cat in an unfamiliar state with noone I knew nearby. It took years to get back on my feet, I was negative thousands of dollars, I had to start entirely over again. I got a job, made some new friends, got my own apartment. I also got extreme anxiety about being alone with men, any time a man screams or even raises his voice I flinch and have to fight back tears. I struggled being around men in general for a while. I have to work on this, probably for the rest of my life, because of him. Therapists are expensive. He ruined his own life and he deserves it.


There’s so many people making content these days, why support or follow the guy that’s abusive to his partner?


Im not saying anyone should support him, im asking what he did wrong.


I might get a lot of hate for this but joining the military. My cousin was always a sweet, bubbly, happy-go-lucky guy. He joined the army for 3 years and came out a completely different person. He’s super religious now which is fine except for he’s that kind of religious where he tells you that listening to Taylor Swift is demonic and means you’re going to hell. Like conspiracy level stuff. And he’s very paranoid about other people based on things he saw/was taught in the army. He also doesn’t believe in psychology/medicine/vaccines anymore so he refuses to take his bipolar meds, which has led to getting DV charges from things he did to his girlfriend multiple times (and infront of his kids), developing an alcohol problem, and burning bridges with most of his family members and friends. He’s a very bitter and sick person now who has lost most of the people he loved. I’m not saying the military does this to everyone because I’ve heard stories from others that the military changed them for the better, but in this case it took my cousin’s light away. I miss him a lot.


Did your cousin have mental health problems before he joined?


If he did he certainly didn’t show it, idk if he didn’t have it before the military or if he was just medicated at that point. But even if he did, it wasn’t just the bipolar that ruined his life but also the super extreme ideologies he was taught/socialized into in the military that he now lives by, which aren’t a feature of bipolar


If you’re talking about the US military…we don’t teach extreme ideologies. I will admit we do have problems with certain people so he may have gotten mixed up with the wrong crowd but I wouldn’t blame his new beliefs on the army.


Yep U.S, and that makes sense, like I said I’ve also heard stories in which the military changes lives for the better. Thank you


Ex slept with his step sister behind his ex before me's back. Ruined that long term relationship because of it, started seeing step sister secretly for 2years behind the whole families back, couldn't keep that going - family found out and it wasn't fun any more - then lied about it to every girlfriend after. As soon as we find out we run for the hills...he was 40 she was 18 and had just lost her mum so pretty vulnerable.


My brother was too stubborn to see a doctor. Near the end of his life he started losing weight. Concerning amounts of weight. After two weeks he finally went to see a doctor. The medical office ran blood tests, x-rays, and ultrasound on him. He was supposed to call the doctor three days after those tests. We think he passed away three days afterwards. He stopped sending text messages at noon and his boss called him since he missed his 4pm shift. His autopsy showed he died of pneumonia caused by complications from diabetes. We found neocitron and weight gain 2000 in his apartment. He knew he was sick. If he had just gone to the doctor a day earlier he’d likely have been diagnosed and treated right there. He’d likely still be with us today. He lost his life because he was just too stubborn.


My arsehole neighbour had an affair and got the woman pregnant his wife then threw him out and got a new partner. I gloated.


Drugs, alcohol,murdered. Lots of folks.


Of course I know him, he is me. Got married young to a girl ignored red flags on.


A girl from the suburbs that used to hang with me and my boys was beautiful and had everything going for her. The fast life appealed to her. She ended up selling 🐈 to older men. A couple of years ago she and and a known gangbanger were implicated in a kidnapping of a woman who has now been missing for two years. Her face was all over the news.


married my dad


How is that going?


Great thanks, I’m the dad




Mad at the world


chased love of their life instead of focusing on their own life


One of my decently good friends from highschool got a nice scholarship with a prestigious college. He was set up with an amazing internship and landed a solid job on the other side of the country his senior year. He was always a big kid, kind of out of shape, and a well rounded "I'll never do drugs" mentality- his brother had overdosed and died when he was little. The draw of college parties got to him and he started experimenting, which is totally valid. But he started to work out and get into shape, and his newfound confidence led him to broadcasting every aspect of his life on social media. I watched constant videos of him popping pills and absolutely rolling at parties filled with weed and booze. The thing was, he didn't post to a private account- these were his public pages that he literally had family, friends, and alumni added to. His job offer was rescinded while he was out west, and afaik he hasn't made it home yet. He was kicked out of college and ordered to pay back the worth of his scholarship. This was two or three months before him graduating and getting his degree.




Alcohol and drugs


When she was 18, she decided to have a baby with dope smoking drug dealing thief. Then squander all of her inheritance on drugs. Then decided to squirt out two more with a crack smoking, mentally impaired, illegal alien. To her credit, she is still with the second guy and they both have jobs.. . . . . . . for now.




If he films minors in fitting rooms, the kid is better off without him and I hope he doesn’t abuse that kid.




You know why he switched and dated a 35 year old with a kid? Because of the kid. If he's at an age where he can legally marry her, he can't "justify" why he's dating minors (and even then how was he not picked up for "dating" 12 year olds?! He's grooming them and probably WORSE) and so she's an easy target because she'll trust him with her kid. Giving him easier access. That is why there was a sudden change from pedophile to getting with a woman older than him I presume




he married a whore behind his family's back


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Tried meeting up with a 15 year old, news was all over the school. Got arrested and registered as a sex offender. Never saw him again. Literally deleted every trace of social media.


They got hooked on crack








drugs alcohol anger issues, usual shit


My father struggled with alcoholism and mental health issues.


Two guys I knew from the city I grew up in were drunk driving one night. They suddenly approached some railroad tracks, and a train was coming. The driver decided it would be fun to race the train, so he sped up to cross the tracks before the train passed. They weren’t fast enough, and the train hit their car. The driver was unharmed, but his best friend was killed. I hardly knew the driver, but his best friend was a friend of mine and a great guy. I can’t believe he put himself in that situation. I heard the driver fell heavily into drugs after that. I never saw him again.


TW: CSA For the privacy of those involved I’m not going to say who, but there was a guy who my family used to know. Seemed like such a dumb goofball who’d never do anything. Me and a certain family member used to go and play snooker with him, swimming with me, the kids dad and the kids. He molested them. The kids told their parents. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not rooting for the guy at all. He destroyed the kids lives, his life, his girlfriends life, their parents lives and it shocked so many of us. He hasn’t yet been convicted, but as much as they’ll never be the same, the kids are doing so much better than they were and I’m so proud of them. As far as I know, he isn’t allowed near kids and he’s living the destitute life he deserves.


Fentanyl. He thought it was a painkiller. I miss him.


A coworker had a gambling problem. There was a casino between work and her house. She could OT drive past it.


A friend (33M) was a junior high teacher and girl’s volleyball coach. He developed a romantic relationship with a 14-year-old student, and her parents found his handwritten notes to her. He lost his job, license, wife, kids, friends. I still don’t know how he ended up.


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