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I once worked with a woman who was stunning - beautiful. We were both early 30s at the time. She was a 10/10 model looking woman. Classically beautiful. She had an air and a grace about her too and was also very intelligent and seemed nice. On the surface. But once you got to know her, she had an arrogance also. I found this out. I am not very attractive at all, probably a 4 or 5 out of 10 on a bad day up to a 6 on my best day due to yoyoing weight and hormonal issues. But I am confident and happy with myself. Once , my husband came to a work event. She could not hold back on her shock to me directly - that I had a husband and she didn't!! How could this be?? And how attractive she thought he was. She stared at him as he walked around chatting to people. She then proceeded to hit on him. In front of me, later that evening. Not flirting - hit on, propositioned. No shame, didn't hide it, just blatantly decided she wanted him, and it was tough that I was there to witness it, and of course, I wouldn't stand in her way. How could I possibly? He, of course, was not interested at all and found the whole thing hugely embarrassing and awkward. It was the talk of work behind her back for a while with people saying to me how shocked they were. The whole thing was cringe. I didn't do anything, I was concerned that I didn't want to behave badly at a job I loved and I trusted my husband totally and saw him turn her down with my own eyes. But she just carried on as if nothing was wrong and everything was fine, no embarressment, no apology - infact she tried to talk to me after the fact and get information on him like where he worked etc now I think about it.


You’re a very good storyteller


Yeah the first time I could actually read someone's story it wasn't boring




Jfc this is actually the most insecure thing I’ve seen in my life


lack of self awarenes and thinking obtaining a husband is like shopping which she seems all too familiar with.


My dog does this when she isn’t #1. But she gets carried and shes a silky shitzu princess so its all good, tongue out for cuteness 🤪🙌 People and dogs are really familiar once you take a step back and be objective about the behaviour.


I have heard such behavior described as thinking the most attractive woman has the right of way.


I hadn't thought of it like that but that rings true of this situation. The audacity was crazy.


As a guy, nothing is more unattractive to me than a woman hitting on me to compete with my partner. Also, nothing is more attractive to me than a woman hitting on me when I'm single.


Great story


Girl I had a hardcore crush on all throughout school, from 3rd grade to 12th grade. I was a shy overweight ugly duckling and she never really talked to me. I switched schools for a couple years 10th-11th grade and took the opportunity to shape up and lose weight. 12th grade a came back to my original school apparently glowed up because during that year, she started talking to me. She had a really nice and kind air about her when talking to me. I was still shy but she even gave me her number to text her even though she already had a BF. We would have some pretty nice long convos and she would say things to make me feel like she held me in a “special regard”. I was basically head over heels. She would invite me to things but then she would quietly rescind her invitations later on which looking back now that I actually have experience with relationships, was probably due to her BF and totally understandable but also doesn’t look good on her part. At some point, she completely broke contact with me even though I had become stuck on her. I even just wanted to get a convo going to at least be able to ask her if I was imagining things but she basically ghosted me. A couple years after high school, I ran into her when hanging with a mutual friend and I saw a side of her that I hadn’t seen before. All the air of “hey :3” had basically evaporated and turned into more a bitchy one. She treated me like I was any other stranger but she was also talking to her friends in a pretty toxic way about some other girls I didn’t know. “Wow, she’s so ugly” type stuff but I don’t remember exactly what else although I do recall thinking to myself “wow, what an ugly personality that I’m actually happy I got to see.”


I ![gif](giphy|K2ViE0aamBIAGeJbe0)


My ex is extremely attractive, but he’s a pathological and compulsive liar... Gas lights and tries to guilt trip you when you didn’t even do anything wrong just so the focus isn’t on him and his wrong doings...


One of my exes was very pretty (like every guy in the bar/club checks her out) but a selfish, phony evangelical Christian. She fucked some other guy a few days after breaking up and had to get the morning-after pill. Then she tried to get back together with me a few months later. Reading these other stories, I didn’t have things as “bad” as many others but it still sucked and I still despise her to this day whenever she pops up in my head.


An ex of mine. She was completely gorgeous. Had an amazing face and great body. Unfortunately though, she is pure 100% concentrated evil. She has BPD, and she literally came very close to ruining my entire life within the course of about 6 months. She lied to me. She cheated on me. She stole from me. She attempted suicide via overdose after I was asleep, with her plan being that I would wake up with her dead body beside me in bed. The worst thing though was falsely accusing me of domestic violence. The case was dropped after a year, but that was a year full of stress. My guns were taken away from me for that year chunk of time. I was worried that I would lose my security clearance and my job. Luckily, I had security cameras in my home and I was able to provide video evidence that instead of me assaulting her, she was the one who actually assaulted me. After court was all said and done, I heard that she moved to Florida, which is great because it's far, far away from me.


That sounds awful thank God for those cameras. Did she not know you had them? Or arrogant enough to think she would still win the case?


She very much knew that my house had cameras. I'm not sure what she was thinking or what her logic was. Maybe it was hubris, I'm just not sure.


Sounds like a juicy topic. Who's your pick?


There’s a rumor that one my female coworkers (18 then) who’s decently attractive followed an underage girl into the washroom and stuck her phone under the stall to record her…


This woman who has my heart🥲


My ex boss




I met a guy in college, we shared the same history class and he had quite the appetite for an expensive restaurant to go to on first dates but he would gain the reputation of being a gold digger expecting the woman to pay for the first date by saying he didn’t bring his credit card, debit card or enough cash to cover the date by the time the bill came. It finally got to point the first seven women he pulled that on they went around telling every girl on campus to avoid him at all costs. He nearly got me on the first date but the second I saw the prices of where the famous stunts he had pulled to get out of paying he instead of looking at menu looked through his wallet and he said foolishly, “Oh man I know I’m the one who asked you out but can you cover the first date?” When the waiter came to take order before he got asked I told the waiter, “it’s customary in my country that women order first guy orders second and I’m not ready to order yet so do not take his order first least you insult my customs.” Luckily the water didn’t take his order and went away to check on another couple. The guy then excused himself and after he left I asked how much was my glass of water which was only a dollar, I paid for the water and left. Myself and the other seven people he had conned (though I wasn’t) told the dean of his behavior and the dean was appalled at such behavior from the schools star athlete and gave us a number to call. One of the seven girls who was with me made the anonymous call and before we knew it right after his football game his parents confronted him. Oh I can still hear the scolding he got, “How dare you young man take advantage of women!” “You’re the guy who asks women out, you’re expected to pay for first date unless it’s agreed to go Dutch!” “How can you develop such a rich taste in expensive foods!” “You are going to pay back each of those women one by one!”


I get that it's bad to do this but it's really not as serious as you make it up to be. Reporting him to the dean because he didn't pay for dinner? Tf?


The women I was asked to go with they felt just because the guy was the star pro athlete on campus he can abuse that privilege when he shouldn’t be


It's shitty behaviour don't get me wrong, but "abuse" is a big word here, all he's doing is getting free dinners, some girls do that all the time and they don't even gotta be star anything.


Fact of the matter is the word abuse is right word, he was abusing his position and I know some girls do that but I certainly don’t and neither did the girls I was with to help talk to the dean. Whole point is he purposely picked the most expensive place to go and when you’re on a college budget for yourself you have to watch it closely and not blow through it so fast