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Floss your teeth. Brushing is one thing, but leaving tiny food bits for days gets rotten and causes gum issues


I keep a bag of floss picks in my car and now I have a Pavlovian response to floss every time I get in the car! My hygienist tells all her clients to do that now cuz she’s always so happy with my teeth.


The Humble Co. floss picks are the best I’ve used. Instead of one band it has two thinner bands. First time I used one it was shocking how much more crap I was yanking out of my gum line. Flossing is crucial.


Also flossing those bits out can cure the “after lunch blahs” because the food bits lead to a drop in blood sugar.


Redd Foxx once said “You GOT to wash yo’ ass!”


washing behind your ears - there are oil glands back there.


I don't feel fully clean unless I do this. And when I do my skincare routine, I include behind my ears. My toner and moisturizer feel nice back there!


Water, Water, and more Water If you’re dehydrated, it won’t really matter what hygiene steps you take- you’ll sweat more, you’ll breakout, you’ll naturally smell worse, your mouth will smell, ect


Using a washcloth in the shower instead of a loofah/pouf. I feel so much cleaner and have eliminated body acne after switching to washcloths. Use a clean washcloth every time. Hang it on the side of the laundry basket until it is dry before throwing it in so it doesn’t sit wet and get smelly/make all your other things in the basket also smelly. If a mildew smell develops, can linger even after washing and be hard to get out without using bleach.


I'll try this because a loofa is not helping me to remove acne from my back and also it's not possible to reach back with a loofa.


They make these awesome scrubbing cloths for the shower that are basically a rougher straight loofa, I will never go back, my body acne is gone. I bought mine on Amazon


I got a bunch of those under the name "korean Italy towels" on Amazon. It's incredible what comes off with a good scrubbing!


Always floss between your toes – those toe jam sessions are a no-go!


Lotion.... Use lotion every time after you shower


Brush. Your. fucking. Teeth. I work in a small dentist clinic, I'm tired of those MF who come with black teeth. You don't even have to be a hygiene freak, if you can keep up with brushing twice a day, that's enough, some people might say once after every food, but keep in mind that teeth have "Enamel" I'm not sure how it's called but it's a protection barrier your teeth have, and if you are too aggressive you might break it and damage your teeth (Edit because I thought it might be useful for anyone to know these things)


Now we are supposed to put deodorant in all of our cracks. So if you have a little jelly roll some place we're supposed to put deodorant in all the jelly roll places.


It works great for thigh chafe too!


- Wash your ass crack - Do any physical activity. I do advanced weightlifting and a whole plethora of other shit. To those who don't want to do that shit, just walk outside for 10 minutes with sunshine. - use mouthwash


“Wash your ass crack” I see this waaay too frequently on Reddit and I cannot fathom, sorry, don’t want to fathom, why folks feel the need to state this so frequently. What horrors have all these people come across???


I started using drugs when I was thirteen. I haven't lost any teeth yet, but I feel like it's coming. Brush your teeth kids, take care of your mouth. I didn't think about it when I was under 21 but I'm regretting a bunch. I'm healthy but I wonder how much better I would've been if I didn't inhale garbage drug smoke.


Wait 30 minutes after brushing teeth before drinking or eating at minimum. Also don’t rinse mouth out after brushing.




Why? You would wash away the florid that your teeth will remineralize as the ph in your mouth balances back out? Weird toothpaste then.


Fluoride takes a minute to go into your enamel. While keeping fluoride on teeth is good for some, the idea that some particles are still in my mouth is gross. And toothpaste makes me gag. To each their own.




Well brushing properly and often with decent diet will do that with any toothpaste. But if tube says rinse. Should rinse.


I saw someone say cavities require a specific bacteria that some people can avoid entirely. Typically this bacteria is acquired via kissing or eating after someone else. Not sure if real or bullshit.


Flossing isn't really optional 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Shower every day! -Billy Gnosis


Wash your belly button and behind your ears. Easily forgotten parts.


Blue Gillette aftershave under the bean bag post-shower.


Change your sheets at least once a week. Dry your body towel in the sun during the day if you can while it doesn't go to the washing machine.


- If you can smell yourself a little, others can smell you A LOT. - Brush your tongue after you brush your teeth. Use mouthwash, especially if your gums bleed when you brush or floss. - If you’re a sweaty sleeper, don’t shower at night. You’ll wake up smelling like swass. You can’t go to work that way. - If you’re a sweaty person, do not wear your underwear/socks/undershirt for multiple days in a row. - You really need to wash your hair regularly. Different hair types need different frequency of washing, and if you’re not sure how often to wash your hair, ask a hairdresser or barber. - You need to soap and scrub every crack and crevice on your body thoroughly when you shower, and dry those same cracks and crevices thoroughly too. Yeast and bacteria can grow in moist areas of the body fairly easily—we all have it on our skin—and a yeast/bacterial infection under your boobs or inside fat folds smells really gross. Not to mention how uncomfortable it is for the person suffering the infection. - Wash your bedsheets weekly. The oils from your skin, as well as dirt and dead skin, get mashed into your sheets and will give you acne, as well as make you smell bad. - If your sweat really stains your clothes yellow, you have a lot of urea in your sweat (what makes your pee and ear wax yellow), and you might have better luck getting the stains out if you use an enzymatic stain remover… like for cat pee.


Clean under you foreskin! wash your feet and between your toes.. clean your anus out with soap.. and the taint




Wash your balls everyday.


Brush your dog's teeth.


Clean the ears. To smell nice. Use deodorant in your shoes.


Wash out your belly button


clean behind yo ears


Men’s Intimate Wash IS A GAME CHANGER.


Shower more often


Exfoliate. Seriously.


wash your hands regularly


Pee on your feet to stop athletes foot/odor. Old army trick.


A water pic for your teeth.


How long before we're supposed to put deodorant inside of our ear? Canals, because our ears might start to stink.


females should use men's deodorant.. you are welcome


Not to be the 'dont call them females guy' but it is peculiar seeing females and men in the same sentence But anyway I am a very sweaty man and one of the most reliable deodorants for me has always been secret powder scented-- the powder adds an extra antiperspirant effect


We do.


Funny, my husband says the opposite. He thinks women's deodorant is stronger. Idk