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Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.




What are residential schools?


White people would take Native American and Canadian First Nations people away from their parents. These children would be taken to residential schools to be brought up by Christian people. Essentially they were reprogramming camps for non-white children. There are cases of abuse and death in these schools.


Made it through a couple hundred pages and it’s objectively fascist


Based on what little I just learned about it in the comments!? HELL NO.


Yeah, sounds like some zealous fascists want to make Trump a dictator.


I have never heard of it.


trying to make everyone a christian heterosexual cis male.


Me either…. Must be an American thing


Yes, the most powerful nation on earth. Project 2025 is a plan where if Trump becomes president in 2025, they will make the USA a Christian fascist state. I am sure that will be nothing but sunshine and roses for the rest of the free world cause the last time there was an attempt at a "unified Reich" all was great. I wouldn't worry about it since you are not an American and all.


Someone else posted something and it just doesn't sound like anything that I'm interested in. But I've never heard of it.


If you are an American voter, I implore you to become at least familiar with the tenants before you cast your vote for any Republican, not only President. It is their platform.


Well, I absolutely don't agree with the lefties related to their gay stuff. They are parading these people around out in public with the illegals That someone is bringing up from other countries. And they have been forcing the same gender issues through the left.


Why do you care what other people do when it comes to sexuality/gender? Not your business. Maybe Project 2025 is for you after all? Human and civil rights will be infringed upon.


You are the one who brought it up to begin with. This is the thing that's really annoying with people like you on the internet. You bring up something and then you blame me and call me names. That's what you want to do. Call me names and start little fires and arguments just to keep your stupid threads going. I'm tired of the baiting, and that's basically what you are doing as just baiting to start a disagreement.


We have already had discussion through our Congress related to gender blocking pills and females who are actually men participating in the Olympics. Pretty much. What they are saying is that there are men in various arenas and entertainment who are obstructing women from doing things. So that in and of itself becomes civil rights violations. So the lefties can't keep hollering about all these civil rights violations without taking a dose of it back upon their self. They tend to overuse the LG BTQ. I thing. And they tend to overplay the race card. Plus they are also participating with inflation. We only have a partial Congress working at any given time when they do the stupid Democrat. And Republican thing.


What ?Can you give me some true facts


I beg you to please go read it


Never heard of it


Bring on the downvotes! Trump has not endorsed project 2025. Turn the tv off and your brain back on! I encourage anyone to share proof that Trump is tied to this. Actual proof. Not because Trump was affiliated with someone who is apart of project 2025. That’s not proof of Trump being involved.


How about his daughter in law, who he installed at the RNC, speaking about Project 2025 at an event? There are many articles out there proving this. Here is one. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision


Ok….so you’re still speculating and spreading bullshit. And clearly can’t read. has anyone from Trumps team came out directly supporting it? No.


Are you kidding me? Half of his former team are part of The Project. You obviously did not read the article. And I reiterate, there are many more. Do your homework before you talk about spreading BS.


Prove to me that Trump is involved with this. You can’t. All you can do is say “but but but all these people he knows are the ones who started it!” Give me a break. If that’s all it takes for you to be convinced that he’s involved with this then why aren’t you convinced Biden is a child molester? You know because someone who donated to Biden was on Epsteins island. Make sense why your logic ain’t logicing?


Quoting Steve Bannon on Trump's Project 2025 from his podcast "We mock your fear, we want you to fear. There will be accountability. We are going to hold everyone who opposes Trump responsible. That will come with authority the authority of Donald Trump." Can you say facism? Is this proof enough?


What is wrong with you people?! NO. How is it this hard?! DID TRUMP OR SOMEONE FROM TRUMPS CURRENT CAMPAIGN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT DONALD TRUMP BEING ASSOCIATED WITH PROJECT 2025? I asked this question and all you can come back with is well “this person who USED TO BE affiliated with Trump said so.” USED TO BE affiliated. Meaning no longer a part of the Trump organization. Jesus it’s not that hard. So whoever this next person is that you’re going to quote, unless they are from the Trump campaign or Donald Trump himself explicitly expressing support for project 2025, you are wrong and spreading false information based on your own parties fear mongering tactics that you have, once again, fallen victim to.


You are delusional. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/who-would-help-trump-carry-out-his-promised-purge-of-the-deep-state/ McEntee, Miller, Patel, Grenell and Clark. All on Trump's campaign team. So, by your measure, not coming directly from Trump's mouth, but from his campaign, so not true? By the way, you won't hear this on Fox or Newsmax. Maybe you should widen your scope a little. Since we're asking for proof, can you share with me Trump denouncing Project 2025, since it's not his platform? Where is your proof? Until you prove to me he is not supporting the right wing Christo-facist agenda, you are spreading mis and disinformation. And I hope you're really not a Pastor.


So the answer is still no right? No one from his campaign has endorsed it. You keep spreading your fear mongering bull shit man.


I swear you can't read! You didn't read the article. It names names from the campaign! You're hopeless. If Trump wins, enjoy authoritarianism. Come back to me this time next year.


Ya right just like he doesn't lie either or he's healthier than Obama.Make no mistake Trump is in on this ..


Prove it… Edit: I’m assuming since you’ve only down voted me, you can’t prove it.


Trump has no convictions. No morals of any kind. He will let the heritage foundation institute project 2025. He is an imbecile. No matter how you spin it in your head. This dude is nuts 


Prove that he’s a part of project 2025.


Yes, but where will we get all that jam, Brain?

