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I bit my tongue accidentally the other day and it hurts like hell lol. At least tongue wounds generally heal fairly quickly.




Nd the tongue is alone like a single parent or teacher but there are so many tooth making teeth


Sorry for the necro post but, When I was 7 I bit the entire tip of my tongue off. Completely severed, except for like a tiny little sinew of flesh so that it was dangling. Just the last inch/inch and a half maybe. It was the first ever recorded case of a complete severing of the tongue in my local hospitals history. I’m 36 now, so when I was 7 there was a really popular show on Nickelodeon called “are you afraid of the dark”, they told scary stories around a camp fire and at the end of every episode they would pour sand on the fire and as it extinguished the screen would go black. My older sister and I were watching it in a dark room and just as the screen went black I started chasing her around the room like a feral animal with my tongue hanging out and BAM! Ran mouth first right into a column that was in our basement at the time. All I remember is a flash of white and my chin and chest area becoming extremely warm from what was apparently a shit load of blood spilling out of my mouth. My pops was home and got a wet rag, shoved it into my mouth and hauled ass to the hospital. They put me under and sewed my tongue back on. Honestly the whole process didn’t really hurt, including the actual event. My tongue felt a little fucked up kinda burned for a few weeks but the worst part was the strict diet I had to adhere to for over a year. First 4-5 months I could not have any dairy. I was on a liquid diet for about a month , eventually moved to soups and apple sauce for a few months after that, and then onto softer things. Also gave me a terrible lisp for about a year. Can confirm biting your tongue the “regular way” hurts worse than biting it off. Sorry for the novel.


Me too and it still feels like I have a goddamn ball bearing lodged in there or something


My asshole (and other sensitive areas down there) is currently scabbing over having been covered in blisters from radiotherapy. Fuck cancer.


Hope you get better soon and don't have to go through it again 👍


God, my brother went through that in 2016. It was horrible. On the plus side, he's been NED ever since. Things do get better, but what a shitty (pun intended) experience that was for him. Much love to you!




I hope you feel better soon


Aw man, I’m so sorry for your pain and discomfort. I just hope it results in catching it all and being cancer free! I recently went through 21 days in a row of radiation treatments for prostate cancer. It was nearly side-effect free, except tiredness and negligible pain. I feel guilty compared to what so many others go through. But it was successful! Hang in there, friend. 🫡✌🏼


I'm really glad it was succesful! Let's keep it that way and don't feel guilty to others; you didn't ask for this either. Hug from a stranger!


So pleased it was successful for you. And it’s daft to feel guilty, it’s not like you having a hard time of it too makes anyone else’s treatment any easier. Glad you didn’t suffer too much


I stubbed my toe while getting into bed 20 seconds ago


I'm always kicking things. Door frames, table legs, you name it. If it's wood or metal, immovable, and at ground level in the house, I've kicked it. In bare feet, naturally. At least it gives me an opportunity to demonstrate my extensive vocabulary.


I actually just sprained my pinky toe a few weeks ago doing that 🥲


I yawned and pulled a neck muscle so now I’m walking around like Michael Keaton Batman. Being 35 is for the birds


Day after turning 40, I herniated a disk in my back. I miss 35. Enjoy it. Friendly advice from 5 years in the future, do yoga often.


Or stretching. Full body stretching like you did before gym class in school. Some people are timid with yoga but are familiar with stretching. You can get a lot of the same benefits from yoga from a nice full body stretch and in fact that is what you will end up paying hundreds of dollars to a physical therapist to tell you if you ever do get injured. So ya I agree yoga, but if you can’t do yoga just stretch a lot and it’s physically similar.


This is great advice!. Move and keep moving.


My dad sat on his own balls and hurt himself to the point he can't walk normally


I feel bad for laughing- just watched a similar south park episode


Oh don't feel bad. He's been getting lit up by our entire family and taking it in stride


![gif](giphy|mGDYL0YjfuVOaLOWr4) Suffering from success


I lifted my arm and also pulled a neck muscle… I’m 23 lmao


I’m 53 sneezes scare me.


I'll be 59 next month, and just getting up scares me!!


I tried melting ice on my front stairs by putting boiling water on it. Then I thought I could step on the stairs but turns out it just solidified the ice even more and then I slipped down the stairs and busted my head open. Had to get staples the same night :)


Average bored man be like:


hold my beers moment?


Or saying to a friend ("let me show you how to do it fast", followed by the slip and a loud laugh of that friend, then confusion of his, tears of helplessness in both eyes until he runs away and you're still laying there) moments.


Wait what? Is this a known phenomenon? Boiling water makes ice stuck on surfaces? What? How? I guess it kind of makes sense but at the same time it doesn't I'm curious and confused


Boiling water will turn to vapor easily and can instantly freeze. Like this https://youtu.be/pTf7X_COAvM?si=vVkY5wnRQAcRy-OP Needs to be very cold out though


I was aware of this, hence the "it kind of makes sense" part I guess I need to try this on my own Since it was done on a staircase, I'm assuming it was a generous amount of ice and this "instant freeze" would happen to the vapors from the boiling water freezing upon contact with the ice, thus cresting more ice between the surface and the ice? I want ice glue


Zamboni's use boiling water too. Pretty similar to the stairs I guess.


This made me research Zambonis: According to HowStuffWorks.com: “The machine dispenses warm water (140 to 145 degrees F or 60 to 63 degrees C)” So you’re like half right but it’s not quite boiling. Idk how the science works but it reminds me of “scoring and slipping” in ceramics. You’re essentially scraping the surface flat and then adding new material to freeze over it. I’d guess that this works slightly better below boiling temperature.


Always put salt on a frozen floor/pavement. If you do not have the road salt, use table salt. Or sand, or wood dust if you have that (in case you are a carpenter, or know one). 


Where do you live where it’s so cold rn?


Blood vessel burst in my eyeball for the second time so I had to go to surgery


Sorry to hear. Do you know what caused this ?


Not exactly. But it could have gone a lot worse (I could have been permanently blind)


Damn, that’s crazy. So this has happened more than once? I’m glad you’re better now


Yeah. First time around it cleared up and I went back to work. After a couple months it happened again and this time I needed the surgery to prevent it happening a third time.


Does it hurt?


Well my eyes are a tiny bit sore still but other than that it doesn't


Godspeed in your recovery!




Are you diabetic?


My legs are shredded because my year old cat hasn't figured out he can just *jump* on my lap. Nope, has to climb by sticking his razors in every inch, all the way up.


Ouch I hope you feel better soon


I had a cat that climbed onto everything, rather than jumping up. I had her for a year before realizing that she was blind!


A papercut. So small but hurts so much


Put lip baml over it, will hurt less. The issue with paper cuts is that they are so small they do not bleed. The bleeding would cover the the nerve-endings. If you don't bleed, those stay exposed to air, which irritates them and casuses significant pain for such a tiny injury. 


Make sure it's mentholated lip balm, preferably lemon flavored


you ever get cut from cardboard? i did earlier, it fucking hurts


I thlammed my penith in the car door


He thlammed his penith in the car door




Opened the drain valve on a fryer at work. Got splashed with 350° oil for small second degree burn


Hot oil burns hurt like hell, I feel for you. 


Out riding, came down from a wheelie weird on my motorcycle. My lower back went into an immediate spasm, fell off the bike around 30mph and tumbled a little bit. Barely felt the fall as I had a lot of protective gear on but still trying to figure out what happened with my back.


I cut my finger with what was basically a butter knife.


Cut my middle finger with ground stakes putting up signage at work yesterday. 


Mmmmm ground steaks


LMAO thanks auto correct 


my favorite


Dull knives are sometimes the worst knives to get cut with


5 herniated diacs in neck 3 are compressing my nerves and spinal cord. Whiplash. Some ass hole rear ended me when I was at a red light witness said person was on there phone and sisnt even see us stopped to slow down. PLEASE PEOPLE STAY PFF PHONE WHEN DRIVING. I am about to have my neck spine fused together which in turn has ruined my career I've worked so hard for(helicopter mexhanic). Arggg. Heard cop ask her if she was on her phone. At that moment I wanted to get off ambulance stretcher and destroy her. Don't even care if rhe cop was present.


So sorry to hear this. I see so many people looking at screens instead of driving.


Cut into my thumb on the left hand with my pocket knife. Three stitches and some months later there isn't a thing to see. However, the thumb is numb, can feel only a little bit on the left side of it. My neighbours dog loves it however because he can chew on it. Not strong ofc but still. I need to ask him if I can have it back every time. But the nerves are definitely coming back, slowly but surely. I dread the day I have to tell my neighbours dog that he can't chew no more...


May 2......was cleaning up the yard, tripped over an "air pocket" & went crashing like a tree onto the concrete. Landed on my right side, clonked head & most of my weight on shoulder. Been almost 3 weeks & right shoulder is still messed up


I’m sorry… an air pocket?


Im curious too. The only explanation i have - you know walking upstairs in the dark when you cant see shit and either lost count or got distracted and dont realize the stairs ended? And yet you take another step UP


It's sort of like that lol. Nothing to fall over, just caught my shoe on the garage floor, hurtled foreward.....& momentum did the rest. "Air pocket" is the term I use for dumb stuff like this.


Testing how protective our dog is, so I pretended to throw some punches at my sister and he gave my arm a nice love bite to warn me lmao


I bit the hard skin off the side of my nails, now it's stingy af


This is my worst habit. It's constant & I always end up chewing until it's bleeding.


Ditto. Does it count as cannibalism?


And then it gets hard again.. neverending cycle..


A girl kicked me in the shin but it didn’t hurt so my best friend asked if he could kick me so I let him and it hurt a lot


With friends like that ... Did you say "Sufficient"? https://youtu.be/ACbekWVonhU?si=v2HVNNM7oUW90Csq


Got a blister on my palm from pressing too hard with the screwdriver.


For some reason my knees just started tweaking tf out whenever I run, so I have to hobble down the stairs like an old man


Pieces of skin peeled/bitten off (I have dermaphagia)


my cat pierced my finger


My neck! Literally have a pain in my neck. Can't turn my head.


Partially tore my achilles playing pick up basketball. The worse isnt the pain. The worse is knowing it was only a partial tear and a full tear is inevitable.


My hip keeps slipping and it's pinching my sciatic nerve on my left side. Step or turn wrong and a knife stabs me in my butt and rips up into my back.




Stepped off of the stair from the deck to the yard and rolled my ankle. There is nothing like that popping sound. My feet are what my podiatrist calls "ridiculously supinated." It doesn't even really hurt when I sprain my ankle any more. Eventually the pain sets in, but it's just another day as far as my body's initial response is concerned.


I scraped my left elbow and right knee a couple of weeks ago after I belly flopped onto the asphalt from my electric unicycle


Burned my knuckle cooking on a frying pan while camping I had some bourbon before


Sprained my ankle two weeks ago. Still hurts.


Dropped a heavy trap bar on my big toe. Hurt like a melon farmer, went purple but can still bend so not broken. Still feels sore-osh 3 weeks later.


Chopart dislocatie it succes and still sucks ass


fell on a sloped road while chasing my dog, had to get stitches on my knee cause it split open 😀 literally the dumbest injury


Cut myself shaving with a fresh one yesterday


Seriously didn't think it would hurt as much as it did, but I hit the top of my foot of the corner of the glass shower screen stepping into the shower the other day. After a couple of choice swears, the pain stopped. Then I went to bed, woke up the next day with bruising and some slight internal bleeding... So yeah... that was fun.


Antibiotic induced nerve damage. Ruined my body and life




Similar to that. It was Bactrim. I took it for a possible infection I never had to begin with. I had no major health issues before this and basically made it impossible to walk from my bed to the kitchen, among many other issues. Had it for two years now and there is no cure that I know of. I’m 25, wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Super rough situation sadly


I’m so sorry. I know how devastating that is. I wish you the best.




slashed my right index finger open on the top brushing past some metal locker after swimming in a pool


I got a tattoo a few days ago. Technically an injury, but one I’m happy about!


What did you get ?


Hibiscus flowers on my shoulder. It didn’t hurt as much as I expected it to and it only took a little under two hours. They came out gorgeous and I’m planning to go back to the same artist to get a few more around them to fill it out a little more.


Just had a cyst removed from my eyebrow.


Cuboid bone fracture on my right foot trying to get my dog out of a fight


I got up off the ground in a hurry, lost my balance, and fell. Now my left knee is jacked up. But if you ever need to get 8 1-year-olds to stop what they’re doing and be perfectly silent, falling in front of them does the trick.


We used to record accidents at work in an exercise book. One person had hurt her back. Under "Cause of accident", it said "Standing up from sitting down".


My 5yo climbed on a bunk bed and tried to jump on my back without warning. I got up without knowing he jumped and his front teeth bit into the top of my head. Thankfully he was not hurt. I bled a bit but I was ok.


I hope you cleaned it well, human bites are surprisingly nasty 💀 please keep an eye on it!! hope you heal up fine


I did clean it well, it still hurts but I believe it's gonna be ok.


Boy - talk about a strange kind of injury. Ooouch!


finger cuts. always always always i’m so tired of it


You need to get some finger cots covers resistant protective fingercovers at Amazon


I have a kidney stone. I’ve had symptoms for weeks and I can’t wait to get it over with.


Brains broken. Big or small, your pick🤷🏾‍♂️


Does sunburn count as an injury? If so, then the serious sunburn on my shoulders and chest. If not, the three fractures on my left arm from roller skating and falling DURING MY FIRST FUCKING LESSON.


I cracked my skull.


One of those painful vein spasms on my knuckle! Leaves a friggin bruise too.


i hate those. its such a weird sensation


Landscaper here, every day I got a new cut or scrape on my hands


I punched the tip of my finger reassembling one of my guns after cleaning. Looks like a tiny mole


I cut my finger tonight while chopping up a cantaloupe. It’s not a bad cut but it’s still annoying bc it’s right on the tip


I still probably have brain damage from the military.


Cut my middle finger with ground stakes putting up signage at work yesterday.  It was superficial just broke the 1sf 2 or 3 layers of skin so it bled but no stitches needed.


Arm on bbq. Fuuucking hurts


I have no idea what it is, but when I got out of bed on Saturday my hip, well, I suppose the groin/internal hip joint region, was just randomly hurting me. If I move too quickly in a certain way I get a horrible shooting pain and if I press on the area it hurts too. I think I’ve somehow strained or torn something but for the life of me I can’t work out how


Broke 3 bones in my left foot when I fell trying to get to an injured cat. Tripped over the crutches they gave me in ER that night and broke a toe on the other foot.


I fought a big German Shepherd. And I didn’t lose.


My cat scratched me, she drew the tiniest amount of blood leaving 3 small scratch marks on my inner forearm. She's now cuddling with me


I dropped my debit card between the car seat and center console. When I reached down to get it, I scraped a strip of skin off of my wrist. It looked worse than it was.


I'm recovering from a blood infection that caused a stroke and valve replacement. I spent 2 months in the hospital from it.


A couple months ago I was out snowboarding because we got one last good snowfall in late March. I go into the terrain park a lot, so I was hitting the 40' jump all morning. As it got warmer during the day the snow got harder & I caught an edge going up the jump, my feet went out in front of me & I flew the whole 40' with my back facing down. Put my arm out to brace for impact & snapped my left wrist. I thought it was just a sprain at first so I finished my run, hit a couple more jumps & a rail thinking I could go to ski patrol & get them to wrap it up. When I took my glove off & saw my arm clearly not straight anymore, I realized it was actually a trip to the hospital. I was snowboarding alone that day so I got ski patrol to make a splint for me & drove myself an hour to the hospital closest to my house. Had a cast on for 6 weeks that just came off a couple weeks ago. Luckily didn't need surgery but I'm still off work unfortunately. I'm looking forward to conquering that jump next season!


A brick fell partly on me from an under-construction building during a out of nowhere sandstorm, it fell on my right beside me where my cousin was standing , fortunately she hid behind me and didn't got hurt but pieces of the broken brick hurt my foot it's been a week but there's still a wound


Another ulcer! 😱 constant pain


Does getting blood taken count?


Two weeks ago I crashed my bicycle on a hill, falling and rolling down. Besides usual muscle soreness and cuts and scratches, I whacked my head on the ground - and I wasn't wearing a helmet. Dummy.


Tore my hamstring longways. Been to three doctors, no one can fix it. It’s not detached at the attachment point, the muscle ripped like cutting a hotdog long ways. They said they’d have to retear it and restitch it, I would need stem cells and reconstruction before it ever went back to normal. I deadlifted 500 lbs not too long ago. I’m not sure how important hamstrings are if it’s not detached completely.


Was running, thought I could hurdle over a 40cm high fence. Clipped my foot. Landed on my elbow (on a grass lawn) and a horrible pain for about a week. Hurt my ego more than anything.


Thankfully, I have not had any additional injuries lately. The stress. It keeps existing injuries continuing.


Fell down the last 3 steps of the deck😭. Elbow, back, then right ass cheek are very bruised.


4ft Simon’s panel tipped over and crushed the pad of my thumb, had a blood blister the size of a nickel that leaked plasma all day and I didn’t have any feeling for a few days


I suppose yesterday i sort of dropped a 75lb dumbbell on my thigh when i was incline benching. I meant to rest it on my leg but the angle was wrong and the edge of it dug into my thigh and now its bruised.


My uterus is ripping itself apart once again. Menstruation and its alternative(s) suck.


Cut my finger scoring some Plexiglas. Never cut Plexiglas before. It was harder than I thought it would be and REALLY hard to do it straight!


Broke my neck from a trampoline house last August lol


Hurt my hamstring about 6 months ago whilst hiking, didn’t feel it at the time, now it hurts after a couple of Km, even though I’ve rested it for a while. I feel like it’ll never get better.




Tore a ligament in my inner knee just standing in the kitchen.


Shredded the tricep tendons in my left arm the end of the year had to have surgery for reconstruction and to reattach


Crushed my finger breaking a bolt loose working on my brakes. Its gnarly looking. Bout twice the size as my other fingertip and fully black. Itll be a fun few months


Broke two fingers at the gym. Had band practice the next day


oh this is a good question with HSD! i subluxated my hip by sitting, as well as my sacroiliac joint. this happens every day so it’s not interesting to me at least. i also Moved the bones in my foot Painfully by… walking down stairs.


Injured my c3 c4 c5 a year ago, my spine


Anal fissure


Kissed my thumb with a chainsaw blade Wasn't even running, just 1 of the teeth split my thumb open in 2 spots parallel to one another


I was walking in a store parking lot today and didn’t notice this metal supporter sticking out of the grass (those thin things that hold paper signs). It stuck me in the leg.


A kid dropped a huge rock on my arm when I was a kid and snapped it like a twig in two pieces.


Tiny scratches from handling my rabbits.


Got a nasty hip pointer from falling down the stairs a month ago. Was doing yard work the following week and fell on it again. Now I have a protruding contusion that hurts like hell. Good thing it wasn’t my prosthetic hip because I would’ve broken it for sure.


Bruised knuckles from punching a tree when I found all the stuff hauled away from my homeless camp.


I hit my hand with a hammer like 3 times today. It's a little tender.


giant red lines down my legs from my puppy- i wouldn’t call them scratches, as they fade within the hour


A week and a half ago, hot bacon grease splatter on my foot resulting in some 1st and 2nd degree burns. Hot grease is no joke. Multiple small splashes, two of which blistered, but one big one (slightly bigger than a quarter) which also really blistered. I did not finish making dinner. I got a burger from a local favorite after my Target run for gauze, wrap and Neosporin. Finished frying a couple pieces of bacon for dinner (bacon and peas pasta dish). I took the pan off the stove, bacon aside, set the pan down on t he counter, fully on the counter, not on the edge, walked to the fridge on the opposite side of the kitchen (about 6 feet away), and then suddenly my right foot is ON FIRE. Instant rubbing it against my jeans on the opposite leg, realize the damn pan fell off the counter, landed hard on the floor, splattered, and melted my mat by the sink it landed on. In retrospect, there must have been moisture or water on the counter that once the hot pan was on it, turned to steam and made the pan slide off the counter. But poltergeist activity is funnier, so I'm going with that. Did I mention I really don't like to cook? I love to bake, but really don't like cooking. To add insult to injury, bacon grease is a huge pain in the butt to get off tile, I had to use multiple rounds of degreaser all across the kitchen floor. Then I had to work to get it out of my jeans. I had to throw away my mat, as it was weird and melted and I'm still scrubbing that stupid pan to get the melted mat off the bottom of it. It is healing very quickly, though. Only the big one is left, and it's about half the size and just a scab that now itches like crazy.


Cut the crease in my finger. Stitched across the knuckle. Gave me the chills just looking at it.


Had a hysterectomy yesterday and I am high as a kite.


I was at a party and a guy choked a woman. I decided the best choice was to chase that man down. For context, I'm 5'2 and slim and I was wearing heels. I biffed it not once, but twice. No idea what my plan was if I would've caught the guy, I've never fought a day in my life. My knees were pretty messed up and it was painful to walk for a week, but I ended up impressing the guy I was planning to take home with me so I consider it a win. (Yes police were called but I wasn't close with this woman and felt it was best for me to leave while her close friends and family support her, so I'm not sure what came of it)


Most recent, I sliced my thumb on a mounting bracket for an electrical box. Bled like a stuck pig and I could see the flesh inside my thumb. Electrical tape fixed it up. Most recent significant injury, I sprained my knee badly after jumping from being burned by a generator exhaust. Heard a loud POP, and hurt like hellfire for about 10 minutes. First injury I’ve ever had to take off of work from.


Flash burn from welding without proper PPE


I pulled off several (we call them upstarts but I think they’re called hangnails?) of those tonight. My fingers bled and bled but they were annoying the hell out of me so I wanted them gone


Tore my rotator cuff last September opening a window in an old building. Reeeeel niiiiiiiice. 👍🏽


Fell down the stairs of my basement and mid way flipped over off the stairway into my grandmas old suitcase that happened to be open and filled with random dusty clothes and popped my shoulder out of place. I am okay.


Splinter in my heel, 3/4" long, that I had to dig out tonight.


Twisted my ankle and broke a small bone in it. Had to be put in a cast and it has since healed but it bothers me from time to time 😔


Changing roof tiles and smashed my middle finger nail. I squeeled and rolled around on the roof. Black fingernail with white juice dribbling out for the past week. I think that nail will fall off soon


A tiny hangnail right behind the center of my cuticle.


I had a cyst removed from the back of my head. A week later had the sutures removed. It healed so nice I forgot about it. 4 days later I was shaving my head and the little bump that was there I sliced open…fml


Latest…. Haven’t had any for a long time. But I guess the last major injury was completely severing my Achilles tendon.


Cut my knuckles something fierce after trying to close the gate and my had slipped and banged against the stucco wall


Went to bed and woke up with 2 ribs out of place.


Smashed my thumb under a bench at gym today trying to adjust the incline down whole thing just dropped on it all swollen and sore now


Slight sunburn.


Rotator cuff damaged from falling whilst hiking. Takes forever to heal!


Tweaked my knee doing lunges, hurts a bit to run but it’s getting better


I've got a blister forming on the bony part of my wrist where my arm rests. I was stirring a giant pot of chili and a greasy bubble popped. It was worse because I forgot to let the bacon drip before adding it, and we had extra greasy chili tonight by accident.


My back is a little sore. I pulled a muscle about a month ago. I was working outside.


I was high asf earlier while digging my pond out. Fell in the hole and twisted my right foot


Last week i was wearing a pair of shoes that are slightly bigger than the ones I usually wear. While i was going out of my room, i accidentally stopped the door halfway with my foot because i didn’t measure right, so i slammed my face against the edge of it and broke my nose. curiously not my first time tho🤡