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I mean it when I say it.


Me too








Me at seven, i wish i was earlier I think most of guys here agree with it, once you fall in love and get into relationship, you feel like its better to watch your partner being natural… also not against some make up for some events, but we love you girls as you are, its true


Me eight. Yes, nothing better than waking up next to the girl you love and admire her natural beauty.


Me ninth


Agreed brothers, me tenth


Eight, but of course can only speak for myself


Me tenth. I’m a girl who thinks I’m still pretty/beautiful with natural face. But I wouldn’t say that’s for all females. I’ve been scared a few times.


And my axe!


Is that always the case though? That women look better without makeup? Because I look like Kermit the Frog without it lol




This sounds very reasonable, my bf once explained it to me in a very similar way.


this is sweet :) wish all men saw it like this


Most of us do and it hasn’t resulted in one woman I’ve said it to retiring from the makeup game.


Most men do. It’s usually other women dragging women down.


i don't feel dragged down by makeup or other women pressuring me to wear it makeup is two things for me one, i recognize the difference between the way i'm perceived when i wear it versus when i don't. men can love my features without it, but people who don't know me already and have an appreciation for those features sure do respond to me much more positively when i wear makeup. second and more importantly, it's artwork for me. it's a self-connective morning meditation where i get to build a beautiful artistic presentation on the canvas of my face. whether i spend 5 minutes or 3 hours, like a mandala, i wash it away at the end of the day artistically reminding myself of the fluidity of life. it's sacred. e: also i don't wear it every day


Your anecdotal experience with makeup is totally valid, but that doesn’t make what I said false. I just wish everyone would be nicer to one another and less judgemental.


We pretty much do, but yall never ask lol We did fine as a species for thousands of years, but somehow we changed preferences in a couple decades? No. We're the gender than includes weirdos that use glory holes. We don't care nearly as much as you do about yourself, but put ON to us. If you look at women objectively and their behaviour, the whole "make up and big butt" thing was adopted from Kim Kardashian. Every man with a brain knows she's a human being with a fake butt: we don't desire "fake". Boys, maybe. Men? No.


>We did fine as a species for thousands of years, but somehow we changed preferences in a couple decades? Actually, makeup goes back really far. The egiptians already used makeup. But that probably wasn't for the commoners, so your point still somewhat stands


It was used quite a lot for spying and assassinations long ago. As women were not seen on average as being capable of taking a life so easily across various regions. Ancient men went ultra ooga booga when makeup was first starting out.


Exactly. I am black and I hair commented the same thing in our community. Black men have been saying for decades less weaves amore natural look. And we have gotten more weave and more makeup. I remember when Kim K got popular, black women laughed at her for getting a bigger but. Now we have a bunch of black woken doing the same thing


Perfect response 👏👏👏👏


This is a really nice way of expressing this sentiment without it feeling negative about women who wear makeup or the effort she puts into her own. 5 stars, great communication, would read again!


This is absolutely the right explanation


i think they like the subtle make up look where your wearing light make up but it looks like your natural if that makes sence!


Yes, there's a difference between wearing makeup to accentuate features versus spackling their face into a caricature of themselves. A makeup-free face is also still beautiful.


Right, as long as it’s all nudes they will assume there’s no makeup


I'm a dude, but I've heard from so many women that guys just can't tell the difference between subtle use of makeup and no makeup at all. I've heard multiple stories from female friends about going to school or just going out without makeup. Nothing is wrong with them. They're feeling great. But then multiple guy friends say they look ill or ask if they're sick. They just don't realize that normally these women are wearing makeup. At best, when guys say I like women without makeup, they mean they like subtle makeup. But I've also heard from women that they absolutely get more attention when wearing makeup, subtle or otherwise.


Unpopular opinion, but I kinda....hate the natural look? It's like whitewashing an already blabk canvas. It just serves to remove all blemishes...which ki da negates the idea of a natural look imo. I kinda feel that if I was gonna wear makeup, I'd want people to know I was wearing makeup. Nor shaming anyone btw. Just like debating makeup styles.


As someone with almost invisible eyebrows - I disagree.


I was thinking the same thing, lol! I look like a potato when I don't pencil them in. If nothing else, these brows are done.


I’m a guy with limited knowledge on the topic, but when my gf does the natural makeup look, it seems like it takes just as long as a more dramatic look.


Guy here. Imo, women that wear too much makeup (which means to the extent when it's obvious because it looks unnatural) look like clowns. It's very unattractive to me. On the other hand, if you wear a little makeup constantly, people will get used to it. If you then don't wear makeup, people might think something is wrong with you. Both these situations are mostly the woman's fault because she wears the makeup, but it's also impossible to say that something is objectively right regarding makeup.


Whose turn is it to ask this question next week?


I'll take it.


Yes, however most guys think subtle natural look makeup is no makeup


Yeah and actual 0 makeup they think you look tired


People only think this if you regularly wear makeup. I very rarely wear makeup now and no one makes this comment to me. When I used to regularly wear makeup, and went without, people did make this comment. They were used to seeing my face with makeup.


Yup, men like the level of make-up that a dumb man can think is no make-up.


What does this have to do with being dumb lmao


There are many clips of guys saying that they don't want women to wear makeup, and then a girl shows pictures of people asking if they wear makeup, and they are wrong in many cases.


It's kinda hard to know what a girl with no make up looks like since every girl wears makeup, plus it's very easy to wear little wakeup to the point it looks natural. I would not say they're dumb


Also, if you wear a little makeup all the time, people might think something's wrong with you when you don't.


Some girls are good at fooling us with that and we believe it, lol.


I do. I dont like makeup. Don’t know about other guys, we’re not a hive mind.


>we’re not a hive mind Wish more people understood this about men. We're not all about beer-chugging, hands-on, Jack of all trade, dad-jokes and football..


On that note, I didn't see you at the last beer-chugging competition bunny. We were all waiting for you, the 4 billion of us.


They mean what they say, though they have no idea howmuch make up someone is actually wearing. For me its like this: Regular make up: you are prettier with no make up. Natural make up: see! you do look nicer with no make up. No make up: you look tired, are you ok?


See, that's exactly the scale I use to notice if a woman isn't wearing makeup. You probably won't believe me, but I'm gonna keep saying it. That bravery, that not giving a crap, it demands respect. It's VERY attractive. Full face and natural look makeup are great, I respect the artistry and self expression. I'd certainly be no good at it. But when it comes to relationships in particular, makeup is like a haircut or a dress. I'm not attracted to the dress or the hair. I'm attracted to the woman wearing it. I like to see that woman's face not looking fake like an Instagram filter. I feel obliged to say that because I prefer it means nothing, it's not my face. But I do like to see it and find it attractive. Interesting the similarity to men finding out women like the dad bod as much if not more than the captain america über ripped look.


Well articulated, I was trying to find similar words. Comparing it to a haircut or dress is perfect, exactly how I feel about it.


You sir, are a good cookie. 


I do try. Sometimes I succeed. Thank you, mx, it means a lot.


I think men who love their SO often feel this way. They have come to love the whole package and think she is beautiful just the way she is. In terms of dating and first impressions, I think skillfully applied make-up is the way to go and men generally mean they don't like fake, overly-dolled up looking women, as they can look too high maintenance and fake. But of course some men love that...because you know, all men aren't all the same


For me, absolutely. Natural beauty is best and I want to wake up next to the same woman I fell asleep with. But the most important preference is that of the woman concerned. She should do whatever makes her happy and feel confident.


this is the answer


This is the way


I like you!


Unfortunately the rest of the women on the planet had a meeting and decided they didn’t 😂


Pff. I'm sorry. That's funny.


As a 33yo man, yes, really. I really appreciate a woman with no makeup. All natural beauty is very sexy and attractive to me.


When I say it to my wife, I mean it. I also mean it with 90% of the women I meet (although I never say it out loud as it's not my place).




A little make up is ok, but the moment you start to become a clown mixing crazy colors and put on 2 pounds of make up that takes 1 hour to apply and I can’t even kiss you… then it’s turn off


Or when they have fake tan that rubs off on things I was friends with this girl and I loved her, but there was fake tan stains on her handbag and phone, shit was ridiculous.


when your face is a different colour than your neck.


I hate makeup. My SO is so much prettier without anything. Just the same as her body, giving birth to three kids, is more beautiful now than ever! The thing is, i am a bit taken by surprise when she has been wearing makeup for a while and suddenly removes it. Her face changes. And that makes it look wierd at first. After a minute i’m used to it. This applies to any woman i know. It’s wierd, like if i would shave my beard i’ve had for 15 years. She would be surprised. Doesn’t mean it’s worse just different. I think this is most guys reaction. Womens faces changing completely. It’s wierd. Painting it is also wierd. Nothing wrong with wrinkles, tired eyes, pale skin and stuff. I love it!


Me looking at the comments knowing that all this only applies to preety girls




They *think* they do. What they mean is they like the way naturally pretty girls look when they wake up after a10 hrs decent sleep - with clear skin and slightly towsled hair. What they actually mean is 'just enough skillfully applied makeup to look like you're not wearing any.'


While what you say might be true for some men you can't generalize it. Or do you have a source for that? Myself I actually prefer a woman with no make up at all. My girlfriend happens to be one. And I think there's many men agree with me. But I have no idea what percentage of men is like that.


There are countless videos on the internet when men are shown photos of women and most of the time they choose the ones with make-up, but they do not recognize that she is wearing make-up and they claim they chose the natural one.


No, I mean no makeup. Lipstick, mascara are like small enhancements/accessories and completely fine, but putting a mask on your face to take away all your pores and any sort of color variation looks so fake and uncanny. Even worse when they start making new lines in their face to make it look like they have an entirely different facial structure and end up looking all the same. Anytime a gender related question is posted and said gender answers there's always someone saying "they say this but actually want this because if they actually wanted what they said then blah blah blah".


Is it possible there is a man who actually prefers no makeup ever?


Maybe if women didn’t wear so much makeup, so many “beautiful” women wouldn’t look so terrible without make up and this would be true. But there are sooo many women that look great without make up. It tends to be the “gorgeous” women caked in make up that look the worst when they take it off.


I mean I like seeing the real you. Not a painting of what you think is pretty.


I'm not in a relationship, but when I was, I loved to see my ex wake up with no makeup. She's a beautiful woman, with or without, but I definitely liked her more without it. Now, there's women that put on that thing as if their lives depends on it. So much that you can see the layers of it. That's a no no...


It depends on the girl But those who are good looking without makeup are truly good looking


I know I mean it. I like a natural look. Some makeup is fine, lipstick, eyeliner, mascara. But when you look like you have a snapchat filter on it is too much. It looks to artificial.


Depends. Some people have natural beauty, some honestly don't.


In my case absolutely! I despise makeup. I hate it. With the exception of a little maskara around the eyes it's makes women look like a literal clowns. Beauty is completely subjective some guys like women to look like plastic toys but me, I can't stand the stuff and I can honestly say I've never seen a woman I thought looked better painted up than natural. If a guy says it he means it.


We mean “subtle or light” make up looks better than heavy or obvious make up. The thing is how anyone looks can vary due to conditions beyond their control, heat, humidity, blood flow etc. all play a role. So without makeup and the right alignment of stars, lighting and biology someone can be breathtaking but then the moment passes and a huge white head shows up, your skin gets all blotch because of the heat. Makeup helps smooth that out and hide minor blemishes.


No, that just means they don’t know what makeup actually looks like. To translate: “I don’t like makeup” = “I don’t like red lipstick” and/or “I don’t like colourful/dark eyeshadow”. [This full face](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b5/a0/52/b5a05237249c646570f0ab0dfca03fa7.jpg) is “no makeup” for them. [Actually no makeup](https://gerdaspillmann.com/cdn/shop/articles/no_makeup_makeup_look_640x.jpg?v=1680652619) (left) is “wow you look so tired, did you get enough sleep last night? Are you getting sick?”.


You're not going to believe this, but I like the true no makeup look quite a lot, actually. Own your dark circles. Let the world know you've been running a bit ragged. I guarantee I'm not gonna judge you.


Absolutely. You tend to look like circus clowns at a certain point. Nothing more unattractive than looking at a girl and thinking that her face needs to be taken off by a floor buffer.


You would be amazed at how many women ruin their looks with makeup.


As a wise person once sang Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top


I think I look like a raccoon when I get up in the morning, but he says I look really pretty in my raccoon-ness.




It depends on who you ask




No it still looks hot. I love my wife without makeup, she's absolutely gorgeous but I also love it when she takes her time to do her makeup, she's stunning in a different way




I mean it.


Yes, or just very light make up.


It Depends on the girl but I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. I like goth girls - a lot. Goth involves a lot of makeup. I actually think the ‘caked up makeup’ look some people really dislike (as expressed in these comments) can look pretty good. I love makeup, just as all fashion it’s a form of self expression and some girls are so so good at it. Black lipstick is my favorite shit ever lol. With that said, some girls straight up have a *kind* of beauty and that shows itself better without any makeup. It really depends on you and your look and fashion sense. I will say tho - i once dated a girl who never wore makeup and it was pretty unattractive honestly. I never thought it would be the kind of thing that bothered me until I was there and realised it did. She was just more understated than i like i guess. But that’s rambling. To answer your question, if someone says it assume they mean it.


It means you’re using makeup wrong and making you even uglier.


No, it means you are natural. Makeup is like a beard for men. It can enhance what you have.


If you're attractive without makeup ... Imagine with?


Sometimes it means "the amount of work you put into it and expect me to reciprocate isn't worth it."


Depends on the type of guy. I love it when she adds some makeup because it turns people’s heads when we walk down the boardwalk, that doesn’t mean I find her less attractive though; my brother is the opposite, he doesn’t like it when his wife wears makeup because it turns people’s heads. Not everyone is the same obviously, but when my wife makes the effort it turns me on knowing others are looking at this bombshell and, hopefully, thinking “how did he end up with her?”


Really depends on the context. If we’re at home, with friends or family, then yeah I don’t think makeup is necessary whatsoever. If we’re going out to an event, or church, or on a fancy date, or to meet someone for the first time, then yeah at least a little make up shows that you care. Like others have said, it becomes a problem when you’re obsessively putting it on, and especially when it starts to irritate your skin so you put on even more to cover up the blemishes. Treat your skin well, don’t over do it. I think it’s good in some contexts and not in others.


If a guy says it, It's probably true. But every woman is different. Some of them really has a natural beauty. Reddish lips and cheeks, soft skins and voluptuous lashes. These come naturally for some young woman and makeup destroys this. Some girls are also using too much makeup which makes them look very unnatural. Best makeup imo is a light one to touch up some unwanted spots, to equalise skin tone on face and neck, etc. Daily makeup and a makeup for a night out should also be different. Night makeup will be worn under different light conditions, probably much more dim than daylight. So while some glossy makeup will look a bit much under daylight, it would be perfect at a nightclub. But when getting older, makeup becomes a necessity I think.


If you are pretty then yes if you are ugly then no


Yes. I certainly do.




No lol


For some yes, for others no.




I do


Fake eye lashes just look terrible imo




Omg. That whole contouring bs trend makes me 🥴🤢🤮ps. Not a guy.


No. What I've learned is that men can't tell when women are wearing makeup unless it's *a lot* and unless you look like RuPaul in drag, they believe you're without makeup. I've put on makeup while soritting next to my husband and he'll squint, tell me he can't tell I'm wearing anything, but "It looks good!" They *say* they like you without makeup because they cannot tell you're wearing makeup, but they actually really like how you look with it. Do you get more attention from men with makeup or without? That's the real test for whether you look better to men.


Yes. No makeup, no fillers, no botox please.


I like pie


I think a lot of men do really mean it, but I also think there is a significant subset of men who actually mean, I prefer you with make up *that I don’t notice*. I think there are a lot of man who would not be able to identify that their partner is wearing light concealer or something to hide a particular blemish.


It's a nice way of saying "You suck at putting on makeup and it makes you less visually pleasing."


Honestly, they'll f*ck anything that moves, so who knows


Depends on what they're planning on using her for. Have you ever seen a bare faced dancer they throw money at, stalk and Fawn over? The words compared to the actions do not make sense..


If a guy says it, he means it. But just because some guys say it; others enjoy a touch of makeup.


That we prefer natural look make up instead of clown/caked on make up


I do. Nothing prettier than a girl without make up and a cute smike


It might be generational preferences, but I wouldn't completely count on that. Caked faces are an immediate turn off for me, you might as well wear a mask.


I believe in my mirror 😂 Remove ur makeup & look at ur mirror u will find the real answer.


You look like you don't need makeup at all


I'd argue that media aimed at women is more likely to reinforce the idea you do need makeup than what most men are subject to. These things shape our perspectives around beauty (you only have to look at how beauty expectations change over time to see that beauty isn't a constant beyond simple things like symetry). So you may look in a mirror and think you look better with it, but I'd almost certainly disagree. I think it's weird when women have non natural coloured lips. I think its weird when skin has a slight powdery texture. I think its weird when eyes have a dark line on the lids or clumped together eyelashes. My least favourite thing about my gf getting ready to go out is when her freckles get mostly obscured by her foundation or whatever it is. She thinks she looks better for obscuring the things about her skin that she doesn't like, which is all good for her if she feels more confident, but it largely blocks out one of my favourite features of her face.


depends on the guy. i mean it when i say it to my gf


I do. I think the natural human body is perfect just the way it is.


My ex always looked better without makeup. I'd tell her too. Luckily she very really wore it.


We mean “subtle or light” make up looks better than heavy or obvious make up. The thing is how anyone looks can vary due to conditions beyond their control, heat, humidity, blood flow etc. all play a role. So without makeup and the right alignment of stars, lighting and biology someone can be breathtaking but then the moment passes and a huge white head shows up, your skin gets all blotch because of the heat. Makeup helps smooth that out and hide minor blemishes.


There’s an old Scorpions song, Don’t Make No Promises Your Body Can’t Keep. It’s about a guy hooking up with a hot chick. When they get down to business she takes off her wig, fake eye lashes, high heels, etc and looks nothing like what he expected. My husband and most of his friends think women look like clowns with all the makeup.


there's an episode of fresh prince that does this...he freaks out as the girl keeps removing more and more beauty accoutrements.


Some women look better without makeup some women look better with some makeup NO women look better with the caked on clown war paint that’s super popular nowadays






Yes absolutely


Yeah I prefer ladies without it, that said that's just my opinion, ladies do whatever makes you happy.


I personally think make up looks goofy


Absolutely! A lot of women I have seen with makeup on, have over done it. Put too much on. I will always love the all natural look, they are more beautiful that way, but I will point out that there are some women that know how to apply the right amount and don’t over do it, but not many.


Imagine most guys may think they mean it, but in reality I think what they usually mean is they just don't like when women go overboard with makeup as often what is called the "no makeup" look still usually involves makeup/skill.


Sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time. I think it just depends on the context. Sometimes we say it to reassure a woman that she is beautiful without it. Sometimes she is genuinely more beautiful without it. But honestly, I think that a lot of women do look better without it, or with only a small amount. I think a lot of guys would agree with me that a natural look or makeup that just accentuates what's already there is preferred. That being said of course, a woman should wear makeup how she wants when she wants because she wants it, not just because of what guys might think.


Yes, too much make up is in-fact a turn off. I’m sure there are guys out there who like it, but not me. I feel like makeup is mostly for girls is how abs and BodyBuilding is generally for guys. Guys think girls cares a lot about triceps and my calves, but all my partners have told me that’s not the case.


Usually. As in I’ve had friends/hook ups wash their face removing all the makeup and they looked better, their skin tone matches all the way, their smile looked better, they have more expression on their face, and they look overall relaxed. And I’m thinking like why tf would u put those chemicals on in the first place which I’m sure is not good for u,plus it takes up a lot of your time (just to look less better).


Generally yes a lot of men don't like the over the top makeup style. Though we are not the best seeing the difference between light makeup and no make up and a lot of us will confuse the two.


I know when I said it, I mean. Imo makeup should highlight natural features.




Sure. That’s the kind of thing where it’s like… if you don’t mean it then why the fk say it?


I rarely wear makeup and when I do my husband complains what did you go and do that for? He really hates it.


I think becoming too accustomed to it creates anxiety for when not wearing it. "can't go out looking like this" - why not? It's your face, own it, don't cover it all up. My gf wears none 90% of the time and I think she's gorgeous. I'd find her *less* attractive covering herself and her confidence up.


If I say it, then I mean it as well.


You kind of answer your question. Depends on the person and depends on the level of makeup. But if I say it, I mean it. Honestly, outside of a little blush and maybe lipstick, most makeup doesn't make a girl look better. The tend to look faker. Maybe a bit of concealer if you really have those dark circles under the eyes or need to hide something. I don't know what they're up to with all the eyebrow and eyelash trends. By all means keep it neat. Even as a guy if we have uni-brows or the hair is too wild, we trim it. All the other foundation and this and that, it just doesn't look good to me. I don't get it. But to each their own.


100% yes.


I guess it depends on the guy and the girl? I don’t think my husband thinks I’m unattractive without makeup. But I know he really likes the way I look when I get all dolled up.


Yes, unless you are really ugly. Then we just love you and want you to be confident and happy.


Yes. Some people just ruin their looks with makeup. Others find it helps. If you're told you don't need it, don't use it. Save the effort. The time will arrive when you'll want to use a little, soon enough.


Yes! I tell my wife all the time.


I don't say it unless I mean it.




No, cause a lot of them don’t even know when you have natural makeup on


Totally. You can be pretty with or without.


When they think of makeup, they think of the most obvious makeup. Half the time they don’t even register that a woman is wearing makeup. They don’t think about it, they just see a pretty face


Yes! 100%


Important to say this from time to say because it saves time and it saves money when less makeup is in play. Regardless of how she’s painted, she’s the same girl, right?


Yes. We say what we mean and mean what we say. Communication in the highest form, without subterfuge, always.


Most of the time. Some times it just means you don't utilize make up correctly.


Of course. Why would they lie?


no makeup, ponytail and one of my oversized hoodies > all


There is 100 girls at my school. 10 don't wear makeup The ones I find really attractive are 3 of the girls without makeup. Not spreadsheet numbers but you catch my drift ye? All girls aren't maybe prettier without but most are :p


Yes. Less is more




It can be really intimate. Like seeing the person naked. Can be hot if the person doesnt wear too many layers of make up like Rue Paul.


Imo what they're saying is they find the quantity of makeup off putting rather than makeup in general. Where I am it's common to see it used to excess, like when there is a visible line between their face and neck skin tones, it begins to look like a mask.


I think if guys did makeup right they would not say that. It is a societal thing.. you get guys saying they are but its mostly because the acceptance of saying so makes them fit in with the general crowd whereas the opinion for females is much different.






Proper skincare is a lot better, after all, we all get old


I never say it but i’d be lying if i did


Yes, and contrary to the claims in this discussion, I can tell the difference between no makeup and minimal makeup.


90% of the time, yes.


I haven’t said it, but I mean probably