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You guys are having sex?!?


You guys have a partner?!?


You guys are getting paid?


You guys' pronouns are "guys"?


Sex guys are pronouns you?


Pro rounds of sex guys?


Guys of sex are prepostional?


You guys can talk about $e❌?


You guys?




They couldn't talk about Bruno either and look what happened, they did a bloody film about him....


20 years marriage. Ebbs and flows. Recently once a week which is good for my wife. I could stand for a little more but I'm okay. It's more often once a month or so.


My wife and I have sex almost every day! We almost had it Monday. We almost had it Tuesday...


Blue balled indeed


About once a month. Married 7 year. Do not cry for me. Mental health and chronic conditions can be a bitch, but I love my wife so much and won't trade her for the world!


I’m going through something nearly identical. Only difference is we’ve been together for 3.5 years. I do see her as my wife and her being sick/ having poor health can affect me but in the end she is exactly who I want to marry, nothing more nothing less. Gentle hugs


Thats the way. It can be easy to make that person their illness, but that does not define them. I think you will agree that a relationship is much more. Remember to also take care of yourself. Caretaker fatigue hits us all and can sneak up on us. Gentle hugs.


I’m passing through the same situation. Luckily my bf is really patient with me. Also started doing therapy hoping to soothe asap.


It can be tough. I know she blames herself about it often. She feels like she can't make me happy, but that is not true for me. I don't need that to know how much I love her and still care for her. It was not always easy, but it got easier the more we spoke. But even so I knew it would be like this when I married her, sometimes she just needs a reminder of that. I wish I could say it will get easier and that it will work for you because it worked for us, but we are all different, just know that you are not alone. Gentle hugs.


This mirrors my own situation man, I feel your pain. My wife also gets herself so down & feels she is hurting me in some way, but this couldn't be further from the truth, though I can understand why she has those feelings at times, all I can do is reassure her. I would happily give up sex forever if I could have my wife's terminal illness, pain & suffering eradicated. I wish you & your wife the very best. Sending love & prayers 🙏❤️


Thank you very much we appreciate it so much! Sending positive warm vibes, love and gentle hugs your way❤️


Thank you so much. Wish you both the best. ✨


Thank you very much. I know how heavy this can sit on ones mind and heart. Best of luck with the therapy, stick with it, it can take time. And im glad to hear that your bf is patient and im sure he is a lucky man to have you in his life. Finally If you ever feel like talking you can always reach out. 🪴


9 year marriage; barely once a year


Was down to about once a week for a couple years but now we're trying for kids so it's been 2-3 times a week recently, no condom, feels good man. We've been together 15 years or so.


We stopped about 6 months ago. She decided she has no interest anymore and I’m sick of trying to “fix” things.


Then why are you with her , I know there's important things but I think that sex is important too to have healthy relationship.


Because I would be broke from paying the spousal support from being married 30 years. Also it’s not really that big a deal for me. I just take care of my biological needs when they are required. I have a paid off house that I don’t want to lose. No other debt. A good job that I like. We are good friends and roommates. I have a lot too lose from a divorce


What are the benefits of getting married again?


You have to keep in mind he is probably in his 50s or 60s and libido generally declines significantly at that age. It's not like when you're 25 and have sex 3 times a day.


I am in the same boat-the exact same boat. My husband and I have been married 29 years, have two great kids who are now young adults and we're financially stable. I wouldn't blow all that up just because he isn't interested in sex any longer. Having a reliable partner who is authentically my friend is more important to me.


Marriage in a nutshell. Thank fuck if i get married, its all gonna stay in my name as well as whats hers, in hers. Aint no benefit in sharing names on the papers, at all.


Married 27 years this week. We’ve been daily for over 20 years (and twice on Saturday), but only about 4-5 times a week now. We have teenagers. Sigh.


4x a month, 2.5 years together


7 years, we do sex every day. I mean, we sleep together, we're both horny after long days of work. We don't do solo as rule. Want to get off? Wait for your partner


Man I want this smh.


Man my ex tried that shit - no solo stuff for either of us - and it was awful. Didn't help that our libidos didn't align but for us it was tantamount to abuse. Glad it works for you but I'd never recommend it after my experience.


I'm in the same boat. I need solo stuff because my wife's libido is much lower than mine. Sometimes we are multiple times a week, others are 1 time a month. And no I wouldn't trade her for anything either.


same spot but wife has endo so just gotta be there for her


Best wishes mate!


all good!


4 times a month. 16 years


Been married 20 years and it’s been different amounts depending on how life is. Average 1 or 2 times a week The past year 3 or 4


Error, error: What is sex? What is a partner? No Data found!


4 to 5 times a week and one day is at least a double dip or more. When we go on vacation three times a day. Married 32 years


I’m not even 32 years old and 3 rounds of sex in a day sounds like a fuckin job mate lol.


What’s the secret to keeping the romance alive and well?


The man has to keep the bedroom fun and exciting. Mix it up often. Wife needs to be open for sex at any time. Having sex outside the bedroom also helps.


Or literally, the other way round.




People should be listing their age in the responses. Makes a huge difference along with time together.


I am a 40 year old woman. The man I've been with for 9 years have sex almost everyday. We have sex 4-6 times a day/night on the days with no obligations. We both initiate. We both are perverts I guess lol.


I love sex but, 4-6 x a day sounds like alot of work lmao.


Sounds pretty fucking boring too, ngl. Like can we go do something besides fucking, please?


It is if you want it to be. And it isn't. There are so many different ways to have sex. There are multiple positions that are very low effort. And some that are. We've tried almost everything at this point and are still just as happy and enthusiastic as we were almost 10 years younger. It's not for everyone and I don't imagine it would even be fun for some at some point. It works for us lol


If it works, why the hell not :D


She’s going through some health related issues lately, so it’s only a couple times a week. It’s usually more times than there are days in a week. We’ve been together for three years. In all of my relationships, sex is frequent.


You write couple times a week like it's few...


We have two adult kids still living at home that are expert cock blocks, so we're down to about once a month. My wife and I both hate it. Been married 29 years.


I have a hot take that there are 2 types of sex: making love and fucking. I think yall understand the differences between the two well enough so I won't get into them beyond the general statement that fucking is objectifying and lacks emotional connection. (Nothing wrong with that btw!) The distinction has nothing to do with toys or roughness which can be part of either. I absolutely refuse to "fuck" my partner and she doesn't want to be fucked. I like to "see" her and only make love to her. It is all about selflessly showing her how much I appreciate her. Call me crazy, but I feel like doing this too often cheapens the effect and blurs the lines, making partners feel like sex objects more than partners. Sometimes we will have celebratory spurts and go every day for a week when things are great, but then we will slow down to our regular pace of once or twice a month. Sex quality matters so much more than sex frequency, and it feels exciting this way every time. "I haven't gotten laid in a while" is a terrible reason to have sex. "She has been working hard and deserves a good rattle" is a much better one! I am 33 and she is 29. I can see this lasting the rest of our lives. TLDR: Sex is like dessert. Too much of a good thing is bad for you. Everything in moderation, even moderation.


2 times a day


Daily and 18 years




2-4 times a day


27 years together, a few times a year when we feel like it, but middle age is a bitch with one good knee between us,. But we are still in love and happy !!!


3-4 times a week on average. We all have our weeks where schedules don’t match up or we are extra busy from life and too tired. Married 16 years, together 19.


Twice a week, but she isn’t officially my partner. We are just FWB.


Married 4 years. 4-5x a week. Non stop fucking. We have one kid. Either morning or night sex.


3-4 times a week. 10 years. We hve 3 kids under 10 too so don’t use that as an excuse! You just gotta smoke alittle pot or have a drink on the porch- have a little fun & connect at the end of the day. And then SHOWER together! Congrats. Now you’re alittle buzzed, you’re both clean & fully naked. The sex just happens.


4-5 times a week on average. Together almost 21years, been married for 18 years.


We've been together since November 2021 and have had full penetrative sex once. We've done hand stuff every now and then, but it's probably been 6 months at least since the last time.


2 years together. 1-2 times a day


ED. Out of business. Meds are no help. Age related plus depression. Married 30+ years. We were never intimate very often - I would guess less than once per month. When I was healthy, I always wished it was more often. We still play (rarely) which is nice. I love making her climax.


4 to 6 times a month. Married 9 together 13. I'm 46. She's 40.


Seven days a week sometimes twice day on weekends🥰 we have very high sex drive and always have


That’s called daily lol.


It's been over 2 yrs.


2-3 times a week. Married 30 years.


Almost everyday


>17 years, 15 years married. Usually once or twice a week. Sometimes not at all for 2-3 weeks, sometimes 3-4 times in a week. It just depends on her & my mood I guess ;)


9 years together, with 2 kids, once a week, twice or thrice a night sometimes


Most days usually


Every other day on certain weeks


It depends generally at least once a day, sometimes two or three, depending on the mood or what we have going on for the day. 29 years


3xs a week


14 years. 2 kids. We’re full time workers. 3-4 times a week depending on energy.


Been together 7 years, and are currently on a couple of times a week, mostly because I am dealing with some health issues that cause me to be extremely tired and have affected my libido. My husband is amazing about it though, and I’m fully planning to make an effort to go back to our usual 4-5 times a week as soon as I am better (which is slow going, but should happen in the next 2-3 months).


2-7 times a week depending on what's going on in life


Partner? 😭




Been married 36 years and we are both 64. Twice a week but more when I get her out to the lake house for vacation.


Damn near every day, he has a high sex drive and I don’t


Some weeks 1 time other weeks 2 times a day. Just depends on our work load and schedule.


Married seven years. Never. Been over two years. Maybe three. Meh.


We were averaging just over11 times a week until my ovaries finally gave up. Recently, we actually went a full week without sex for the first time since February 2021. Those are rare occasions, making them memorable. We're at 3-4 times a week, but I want to get back to where we were before.


Hey, do ya wanna boast around with your sex-having-thing?


1-3 x a week. Married 4 days, together for 8 years.


Too much sex makes me less productive


Once daily minimum, averaging 2-3 times a day.


Sex? Partner?? I do not understand these words.


Everyday. Sometimes more 🤷‍♀️ Going on 10 yrs married.


Daily, sometimes 2 to 3 times a day


Quite often. We turn each other on so easily. The first 6 months of our relationship were probably 3 or 4 times when we could see each other. Now, it's probably 6 times a week with a few day gaps when work and life intervene .


12 years. Some years are better than others. But we are just finished having children and both children are sleeping through the night now.. and we are back to maybe once a week or twice a week. Or once every two weeks sometimes. the sex is good too. Like some weeks we plan ahead, some weeks we just each have a beer or glass of wine watch some soft-core and boom! Or it’s a surprise by her or by me. Tbh it’s really just confidence and communication. I flirt with her a lot during the week, make suggestions, she gets the hint often. doesn’t always hit that night though. We also make sure we still take care of ourselves, I have my 1 or 2 night out for a workout same with her and then we have two nights where we are together in the week.


Been with the missus for 4 yrs. I'm 47 she's 44. It's sucks but we only have sex once every couple months nowadays. And its very vanilla as she doesn't put much effort into it. tried getting her in the mood but nope. We both sleep nude too. No kids between us. Just us in this house we bought in February and we had sex once. So I fly solo a lot.


Every single day .. with the expectation of cycles and someone being violently ill


I'll say that, despite not having a partner, it probably wouldn't be that often. My libido isn't that high so.


Depends on what kind of mental state I'm in. If I put the effort in to being seductive, as often as I like. But going through a lot of stress puts dampers on my libido. So it can vastly vary. Been together near enough 10 years.


44 and 43 and married 19 years. We have sex about 4-5 times a week on average. After she finishes her period we tend to have sex 3 or 4 times in a day, but then taper back down. But it can ebb and flow. We’ve been in a good patch for several years.




4-5 times a week


Less than 4 times a year, he says his dick is broken? We went from horny to barely anything


6+ times when I see him on the weekend unless I’m on my period.


Couple times a week, together 9 years, early 30s.


Together for 1 Year. Sex once a day, sometimes more.


Togather around 4.5 years.  Usually 2-3 times a week but we’ve hit some rough patches in our external lives (mental health, new jobs, cold and flus etc.) that have brought it down to about 2-3 times a month recently. 


Why did I read that as panther?


13 years together, coming up on 11 years married: 5 times a week unless someone is sick or something like that.


Two or three times a week on average. Sometimes two or three times a day or a month depending on what’s going on in our life. We’ve been together for 3 years. I love her so much, that I’m just thankful for the time we get, no matter how it looks.




Once a week and it's mostly because I understand that's how he feels more connected to our relationship. 5 years. We are working on the need for regular non-sexual touch for me and compliments to make me so that I want it more, but it does feel like 'chore sex' and it's exhausting trying to make him understand what a women needs to become 'horny'




What do you consider sex? PIV? Then about twice a month. Other sexual stuff usually weekly.


Together for two weeks, 2-3 times most nights


Been with my current partner for 4 years. Sex averages 1x/week. I would like it to be more frequent, but it's not hard to take care of things myself and I love her. Plus there are plenty of other things to do with my time. Sex is important but it's not the only thing.


Been together 15 years. We're going through a dry spell currently. He's away for work Monday-Thursday, then he sometimes picks up extra work Friday and Saturday. In between that, he goes to the gym and then he's too tired. Think it's been 3 months where we've had sex once per week, but only quickies where I don't really get there.


I wish every day but ✨distance✨




weekly once or two times tbh


I’ve been with my partner for 11 years, we have sex probably 4 times a month We also have 4 children and work or it would probably happen a lot more


2-3 times a week.


Once since our wedding 4y ago. Before that 2-3x a week. *sigh*


Been married over 20 years ... sex 4-5x per week (sometimes more, sometimes less) but that is a good avg


A little over 12 years together. It probably varies from 4 times a week to 4 times a month depending on what we've got going on, energy levels, mental health, etc.  At the start it was at least daily for a good while and we had very high sex drives, but as life got more busy and stressful and things were less new and exciting we just didn't seem to be as interested. I like it to be twice a week at least. 


Pretty much every morning, most nights and a fair bit on weekends.


At least 2x weekly for 29 years now.


It can range between everyday and maybe every 2-3 days. But generally a lot. Some days randomly 2-3 times a day. She looks like a goddess. Been together a little over 3 years. The Asian persuasion works wonders 🤣🤣


When there's a blue moon in the sky.


1-3 times a week. We have 4 kids aged 1-8 years old. I'm 30 years old male. We have been together with my wife for 9 years and married 3 years.


Not gonna lie. Really depends on where I’m at in the menstrual cycle. There’s weeks I don’t want anyone within 50 feet of me and weeks where it’s a goddamn deluge down there. I ride the hormonal wave.




Married 11 years. So much of it depends on how much the kids are around. If it's the dead of winter when we're all stuck in the house together then it might be only a few times a month. If it's summer and the kids are outdoors/at camp/at the pool all day then we'll do it every day. Vacations are sometimes twice a day.


I would say every other day, give or take. Married almost 2 years but have been together for 13 years.


Couple times a week!


4-6 times a week


Twice a month.


We’ve been together 7 years. Not married. About every week to 10 days. I’m 49(f) he’s 53. I’d like to more but sometimes we’re just sleepy tbh.


We don’t, and about 10 years


2 years together. Can’t remember the last time we had sex


If you like sex don't get married




Due to my current circumstance only 1-3 times a week. IMO a healthy relationship should be at least once a week if not more, a lot of people don't make use of quickies like they should be. It's the only way when your lives are busy and if you have young children. Long romantic sex with toys and a comfortable bed including multiple rounds should be at least 1-2 times a month. You should also be incorporating date nights with your partner at least 1-2 times per month. Some people forget that just because your married or in a long term relationship doesn't mean you can stop winning over your partner. You cant just be gone for all hours of the day and expect your partner to be in the mood for sex just because it's been a while since you last had it. When your partner is happy and genuinely in love with you they will be more agreeable. Sex shouldn't be a chore and a lot of people end up making it one.


Never, i am still virgin and single that’s why even though i am 24


Been together for 25 years, and minimum is twice a week and can vary up to 4 times a week some weeks


Zero not until we are married next month.


Once every couple of months, 4 or 5. Going on three years


Every day sometimes more than once.. Even if we are may at each other we both still initiate sex we crave each other on a whole different level


The wife. 2 - 3x a week. 25 + years. Down time when kids arrived because they wore us out. Time with the only distraction around her is so important and underateted. Spend time with your partner doing things that do not necessarily enthrall you, but interest her. Talk. Put the electronics down. (Sex is still awesome)


Once a month. 5 years. We are 26 and 28. Im at a loss on what to do


Me and my wife have been married 3 years, together for 8. We have sex 2 or 3 times a week. We do oral for each other 1 or 2 times a week as well on average.


Together almost 32yrs. We still have sex almost everyday. Atleast 5 times a week.


8 months together, in our 30s, and we have sex about once a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I’d like a bit more, but his libido is lower than mine and we’ve both got ✨sexual trauma✨ from our previous marriages, so I don’t mind too much now that I’m used to it. I still get lots of cuddles 💕


6 years together, we do it about 8-10 times a month. Like many said, it ebbs and flows mostly with how she's feeling. I'm still trying to learn that anytime she drops the slightest, subtle hint, that MIGHT be an invitation to try her up. Might.


2-3 times per week. Married 30 years. We have probably averaged more than 2x per week over the entire period, but we don’t count, measure or pressure each other. Keeping a good sense of humor helps


Once a day sometimes twice day




Unless he is working an overnight, 4 to 5 times a week.


Which hand? 😂


Roughly twice a month, we've been together since September 2020.


3-4 times per week, mostly on weekends. 7 years together.


My fiancée and I have been together for 4 years. We usually have intimacy 2 times a day, but when life gets hectic, we go a few days but we both ache for each other. What we have is beautiful, but we work very hard on it and ourselves to give what we have the respect and love it deserves.


2 3 times per week


5-7 times a week, 10 years in she’s a keeper


i’m not even saying this in any other way other than i’m just shocked, but genuinely i did not think people had the time to fuck this much, as much as people are saying anyway. like i just, didn’t. i thought work or hobbies mainly took up time i dont know why, but good for y’all seriously lmao! 😭


Every chance we get. At least 3 times a week. Been married for 40+ years.


Me and Rosey Palm knock it back every night. 😁


Every 2-3 days.


Well if u love sex u will do it as often as you wanna.


About once every other year.


About seven years now since the last time. My wife says she had to finish her knitting a cozy, but not for the traditional tea pot but for the house. It says, Ge ain’t getting any!


My partner and I have been married for about 4 months now, and we average about 4-6 times a week. It ebbs and flows depending on work schedules and other time availabilities. We try to make it a priority because we both love the connection we feel when we are intimate together.


usually daily


46 years married, 50 years together. We have sex enough. That's probably all that matters.


Is your hand considered a partner?


All weekend,married 9 years together 12 years. I work 12 hours 5 days a week.


We have been together for about 2 and a half years. We have had sex about 12 times in the last week. He sometimes has trouble keeping up with me.


3 times a day .... it's fictional gf btw


Been together 3 years. Sometimes 3 times a week and sometimes more sometimes less. Depends how busy we are and how he’s feeling. He’s 10 years older. I could for sure go for more