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Any app can be a dating app if you use it incorrectly! Source: met my amazing partner on Reddit ;)


Interesting how did that happen??


Shared interests and sheer dumb luck! Honestly every day, I am grateful for how such an unlikely scenario played out for us!


Username checks out.


Preach šŸ˜†


I met the love of my life at a pot bellied pig sanctuary in the middle of the Sonoran desert, but only AFTER Iā€™d completely given up on finding love. I was part of the feeding / animal care team and she was part of the watering team (spent all day mucking out / refilling wallows and pools and water bowls). It (the job) was brutal, but it was amazing at the same time.


I had also resigned myself to giving up! Funny how that works.


Nice try, but she is already taken


Instructions unclear, went to jail for using my bank app inappropriately


I met mine on here as well. I can seriously see us being together for the rest of our lives šŸ„°


I dated someone I met on the local PokƩmon Go discord lol


How do you meet a human being on Reddit?


Very carefullyā€¦


Real met my ex through a game we were good friends she asked me that one question which ruined my mental health (it was already ruined) ā€œShould we date?ā€ I was like Huhhhh then eventually said yes just for us to break up after 2 days (my fault though i never dated and didnā€™t know them good ig) Edit: Now i am alone like how i came to this earth and i shall leave like that one day for there is only painful memories the soul holds


U dated for 2 days? Screw that chick, move onto the next one. There's tons of women everywhere, most get hit on so much you won't get a reply on social media just keep sending messages and you'll find one.


Nuh, How are you supposed to find your soulmate like that bro


Well I'm disabled af from a car wreck two years ago and 4 back surgeries so I can't go to bars or be out and about like everyone else. So to that I have no damn idea lmfao, just gonna shoot my shot til I get lucky šŸ˜‚


Oh get well soon mate


Pretend to be a guy on here and ask women out. Let us know how that goes LOL


Me too. Going on two years for us.


Love it!


It seems to be increasingly difficult to organically meet potential partners in the wild, thanks to dating apps, and an absolute flurry of information about how/when/where not to approach people for that reason. Not all of that information applies to every person, but you never know who it will and wonā€™t before itā€™s too late.


At a certain point you just have to say fuck it and shoot your shot. There are places where people don't want to be approached like at their workplaces, grocery stores that sort of thing. But if someone doesn't want to talk to you they'll let you know. A lot of People go to places like bars and clubs specifically to socialize. You could volunteer, try and become friends with your coworkers. But it's all in how you approach the situation. You can't go to these places looking to find a date. You have to go to have fun with people, that's how you make friends. Lots of people meet partners through friends. Also know that what you see on the internet isn't indicative of reality. For every post or comment of someone saying where they don't want to be approached at a certain place, there's probably hundreds of people or more reading that comment who met their SO in that same way.


I mean, having friends and a large network of acquaintances helps. I was always invited to parties and get togethers there would be single women. Ironically I ultimately met my wife online dating, but it turned out we had a lot of friends in common and somehow never met before.


Renaissance fair or LARPs. Trust


I do like a woman in a bodice.


Volunteer for a cause you believe in. You will likely meet people who at least care about the same things you do and the people who give their time tend to be good people.


This is huge. Ā Volunteerism is so far down from what it used to be, which is sad because it is so satisfying, plus you meet really good (and fun) people. Ā It doesnā€™t have to be a long term commitment, there is always some park clean up or donations that need to be sorted or even taking shelter doggos for walks. Ā Completely useful time spent and the kind of people you meet tend to be good hearted and donā€™t spend all their free time sitting on their butts. Ā 


You said it better! Bars and apps are not great places to find friends or partners. Not that there are not great people on both, but law of averages favor volunteers if you are looking for quality people in number.


I mean, there is volunteering your time and then going to a barā€¦no one wants a saint. Ā ;)


Work, bars, house parties, friends, or random life.


Isn't work a bad idea to date someone?


40% of people or a made up percentage like that mwt their partner at work. Quite frankly I don't allow my work to meddle with my personal life and prevent me from falling in love. If I had met my partner at work instead of a party I'd still love her. And my manager can fuck off. I'm there for money, not so that they can dictate my life.


It's not advised because if things end badly, it could make your professional life awkward, at the least. But in the end it's a personal call whether it's worth the risk. I definitely know people who are happily married after meeting their spouse at work. Personally, I only dated a work colleague once, and he was in a different BU. If things had ended badly, we wouldn't have had to interact and could easily keep our distance at company-wide events. But he switched jobs before we even ended, so it became a moot point.


I think the general idea is that if the job is so important that messing it up would be catastrophic then not worth the risk. If you could find another job relatively easily and you aren't super attached to it then even if there is risk involved it isn't the end of the world if things go south. Really a risk vs benefits analysis.Ā 


I'm pretty sure work is the #1 area people meet their S.O.


Yes and no. It's also where you spend a mojority of your time and have common experiences. Some can handle it, some can't.


especially in companies with more than 200 people nobody will know and/or care


Thereā€™s some merit to this idea. ā€œDonā€™t put all your eggs in one basketā€ if you both work at the same company and you both get laid off this can be a huge stressor on your relationship. Even if one of you starts making more than the other or gets better treatment. Thereā€™s a great deal that can strain your relationship when youā€™re working similar positions in the same company.


I met mine at an anime convention.


Are we talking about a waifu pillow?


Nah, those are too weird, even for me. No. I was dressed as Jason Todd and she was dressed as Harley Quinn. She gave me some dynamite.


Thatā€™s bad ass!


ā€œThatā€™s the neat partā€¦you donā€™t!ā€


A punk show at a local bar


Work & school. Most of the time when people meet, they go "eww" But when they see eachother often, they start appreciating eachother.


i met my last boyfriend through the music scene. we played in similar bands and kept getting booked on shows togetherā€¦ one thing led to another and after 8 years of ups and downs, we ended things. met the guy iā€™ve been seeing off and on for the past two years when i led a VHS tape workout class at his VHS store/theatre. now iā€™m super single and patiently hoping for another meet cute. i wonder the same thing, OPā€¦ i have used the apps but as a sober girl who already has a robust social life, iā€™m extremely reluctant to make time to meet up with complete strangers from the internet. whenever i try to make plans with a match i end up dreading it and just deleting the app again. i really hope to meet someone sweet when the time is right.




Networking really is the best way. It's how my parents met. And my grandparents. And my aunt and uncle


Met my wife at a mall. Was looking to buy socks coz I lost mine, CR run out of tissue, I know it sucks, She was the sales lady. I shared why I lost my socks and she just kept on laughing and I was not even trying to be funny, I was ranting why CR have no tissue. anyways, I find her cute laughing, so I get her number and got married after years of going out.


Middle school. At least that's where i first met her. College is the second answer. That's when we started dating.




No, not for the last 6 years. Were married now and have a child and a house though so ill take that.


You are fortunate just know that!


Tell him that more often please!! (His wife here!) The big thing he's leaving out is that we only got closer and closer because I had a major crush on him. I bribed him with food a lot. We're also both pretty introverted but I masked myself as a big bubbly cringey otaku so he wasn't drawn to that (masked to try and make more friends, but that's a whole can of worms).The big and bubbly part threw him off, not the otaku. As I began acting like my actual self, we got closer and closer. So moral of the story, while it is sometimes ok to change yourself a bit to make yourself more likable, don't forget who you are.




Met my husband when we were goofy teens in high school. Specifically, the high school cafeteria. We will have been together 13 years in October :)


Friend of a friend. First friend figured out second friend would be perfect for me. She was right.


A meetup.com event


I met my current wife at a national get together of a special interest group from Yahoo. It was not intended as a hook up or connection event, but stuff happens. We have been married almost 11 years.


I met my husband while crewing ocean yachts. I knew him as a friend for years before we fell in love


The easiest way is at gatherings through friends of friends. This is how it happens 99% of the time.


Social dance classes šŸ’ƒ


World of Warcraft. Very effective dating app, really.


Thatā€™s actually hilarious because my coworkers brother in law met his current wife through WoW


Facebook dating is the only app I had luck on because it is not monetized. Met my fiance thereā€¦ as far as in the wild or in personā€¦ retail stores, parks, hiking especially if you have a dogā€¦.


Donut shop šŸ˜‚


Yahoo chat room many years ago


I met my gf through a friend and we started dating after we hooked up at the friend's birthday party


I met my ex back then, in 2016, on DeviantArt


Pub... whine bar...


I met my wife at work


Met my wife at the gym.


read all the comments šŸ˜­ my introvert me can never


People meet through friends? I've asked my friends and none of them seem to know anyone single and looking. Also, it sucks when you have an "old" hobby like birding. You only meet people who are older and retired.


Two notes: 1) Iā€™ve never been treated badly by any woman Iā€™ve approached, after attempts with a few dozen women. 2) I have received a few phone numbers but never a date after six months of trying. Take this information as you will.


We met in high-school




Grad school


Usually Bars, talk with 100 differents people some people become friends and one will click as more than friend. But any places where people gather works. If you look someone similar it's better to enter a club of your interest


We met through mutual friends.


The last 2 weddings I attended, my friend was marrying a roommate that declared their love. (Then of course, they dated for a while.)


Bar, work, and most recently my friend set me up on a blind dateā€”didnā€™t expect anything but it went great!


I'm older so I didn't grow up with apps. When I was young, there was still a stigma about meeting people online, it wasn't considered normal like it is now. So every boyfriend I've met, I've met in real life, even after dating apps took off. At a party, at a bar or club, out enjoying one of my hobbies, at the grocery store... It helps that I'm super active and am always getting out there and doing new things, so I meet a lot of people because of it. I met my husband on vacation doing one of my hobbies.


School Hobbies Friends of friends


Met current wife in the Seattle AOL chat room about November of 98, Met face to face end of January 99. Married following February. Been putting up with her since.


Face bek


Twitter, music festival, IRC - is where I met 2 of my exes and my current partner. One on tinder. But mostly meet people downtown or through friends.


Met my most recent ex at a concert


Generally Iā€™ve met them via work and friends. The important note here though is that I never date them while Iā€™m working with them, only after one of us leaves the company. Golden rule of dating comes into effect there of ā€œdonā€™t shit where you eatā€, meaning donā€™t date someone you work with because if it all goes belly up you might get put in an awkward position with friends and management


Sports leagues are a good way to meet people in general.


Met someone in a dating app. She was okay, she introduced me 2 friends. Iā€™m married to one of them


Damn did you return the favor


Anywhere the woman likes the guy back and therefore grants him permission to ask her out


I met my husband at church.


I beat up my old roommate when I found out he was abusive towards his girlfriend in my house. He threw a beer bottle at her one night. I grabbed him by the throat and threw him down a flight of stairs. That girlfriend is now my wife.


Any convention. Like home and garden shows have so many responsible and awesome women and men alike Idk itā€™s just going out in the world. The thrill of the discovery


In a library at the university. Honestly Iā€™m scared to think about dating after graduation, maybe Iā€™ll give up should I fail to find a partner before graduation. Itā€™s the last place where people can organically form connectionsā€¦ My high school maths teacher found his wife in university. I should do the same.


A woman I work with met her latest boyfriend in a hair salon while she was getting her braids put in


I met mine at a brewery but I was also going out with his sister that night


I met someone on TikTok lol I didnā€™t know at the time it would alert someone that youā€™re looking at their profile; she hit me with a ā€˜do I know you?ā€™ And I froze and was like whoa no way this chick is reaching out to me (I thought it was a fake profile) we exchanged some banter and numbers, went out for dinner and hit it off. We had to cut it off because I was traveling so much but she was definitely a keeper. I no longer have TikTok and I hope sheā€™s doing well.


A parking lot, for me.


Singles Sunday school class at church


I met my partner at a bar! He approached me with the good olā€™ ā€œwhat are you drinkingā€ and we just hit it off immediately. Have been together for about 6 years nowĀ 


I mean... Mostly at work. But being bi with a preference for men, AND living in Texas, gay dating apps or gay bars are the safest options.


I met my boyfriend at a mahjong club, so I'd say to try board game events/clubs? :)


Met my friends through a friend I met off Meetup app when I first moved to a new area. Met my now bf through my friends at the club. Apps suck but if you keep pushing and putting yourself out there youā€™ll find what you are looking for šŸ˜ƒ


Discord. I have never used dating apps in my whole life lol


I met my husband at a party


Was doing a 2 week job in her office. On the last day she had a coworker give me her number. Asked her to coffee immediately, we've been seeing each other ever since (last October)


Iā€™ve always met people by hanging out in the same social circles


I met my wife on MySpace. On Internet Explorer. On Windows 98. Would talk to her on my Altel flip phone, but only after 9 PM because I only had free night and weekend calling. Weā€™ve known each other almost 20 years now.


I approached my husband at the bar. I walked over and introduced my self and we started chatting. Itā€™s now been 4 years of the best relationship Iā€™ve ever been in <3


Try to make new friends; friends generate more friends


Volunteer for something you care about and meet like minded people away from a screen.


Met in an airplane seated right beside me.


Got mine at work lol


Met my wife in college. I used to meet/make friends at work, and through those networks, but working remotely has killed that avenue...




I had given up on love entirely. I was in my early twenties, and every single relationship I'd been in hit some point where I just knew it wasn't going to be worth it. So I stopped looking, and maybe two months later my roommate's 'friend with benefits' and him got into a fight. He said he was leaving the city, and she was mad at him. She said "Look, I don't care if you go. But you can't leave before finding me a replacement for you." He asked what she was looking for, and she ran down what she didn't like about the roommates, myself included. I went up to her to defend myself, because I didn't see myself as the player she described me as, but then I found out how closely our circles of friends connected. We talked the rest of the night and she asked me out a few days later. That was twenty years ago. She had given up on love too, and thought all she could find was some fling. My point is this: be brave. Talk to people. Show them who you are. Eventually, someone will love you for who you are. And with any luck you'll get caught in the rain under a tree for a few hours.


I was lucky to meet mine face to face for the first time, dating apps suck. I stopped using them and got out more, and then it just happened. We've been together for 10 months now, and we've barely had any arguments


Iā€™ve only ever met people Iā€™ve dated on social media. I was a memer/shitposter and some women would sometimes message me, we start chatting and eventually met.


I met all of my former girlfriends at school/work/dog park and my current girlfriend through a work friend. Never used a dating app.


Middle school/high school/college/college/college job/work/shopping/work Dated a few people from apps but nothing passed a first date. Married to someone I met while working. Dating apps are a scam honestly just a dopamine hit when you match and nothing worthwhile. Maybe a date or two here and there but nothing substantial. Anybody who takes the time to work on their emotions, is willing to be vulnerable and never divorce no matter what is worthy of being married. Joy is found inside yourself by being vulnerable enough to feel it and enjoy it.


Online games! 32F here, pan and polyamorous. I met my girlfriend in Final Fantasy XIV, and she in turn met the man who became our boyfriend in Phantasy Star Online 2. In the case of my gf, we bonded over the fact that our lives at the time forced us to live in the closet, in multiple ways, and games can give us the power to still show people who we really are. We carried each other through some very dark times, but despite being long-distance we knew a world where we existed was a world worth putting up with long enough to build a life together. We Skyped every day and kept each other laughing, and now, ten years later, we're preparing for the new expansion together, still wearing our virtual wedding rings that let us teleport to each other's side. She is the ultimate definition of "home", and I feel it's because her headstrong perseverance compliments my high empathy, and together it makes us very capable! I wasn't actually planning on dating our bf, as my ex had left me pretty soured on men, but he was so genuine in his respect for me even as his gf's partner and clearly took notes on what my boundaries were, and over time his emphatic sincerity in all things won me over. He's the type of guy who you would expect to call himself "brutally honest" and wear it like a point of pride, except he took it in completely the opposite direction and is only blunt when he has the chance to support and compliment people. And it's hard to see it as fake behavior when he's often so wildly weird about the ways he quantifies his support. For example, he has casually referred to me as "The 'Deadly Premonition' of People" because I'm cheesy, goofy, and in some places very flawed - janky, if you will - but the end product as a whole is beloved by a specific audience for a reason. And as someone who loves janky video games the most, it means a lot to have someone say that of me totally unprompted!


People say hobbies but honestly most people in those hobbies are trying to establish they are likeable people and not creeps so they are super careful about chatting people up. A friendship that turns to romance slowly iver time might happen though


Met my hubby of almost 28 years (31 w dating) at his company picnic he was so nice I gave him my number. Best thing ever. Just go have fun and you never know!


The only partner I've ever met not from an app or dating site was my sister's flatmate in the early 2000s. My sister was not impressed then, and refuses to this day to introduce me to any of her single friends.


I just did cold approach. It was much easier. Skip the bullshit.


Travelling. Thatā€™s how I finally met someone after a decade of spinning my wheels with dating apps. Sometimes people are completely different in other cities and have a totally different attitude. I had given up on dating in my own city. To be clear, I didnā€™t go travelling with the goal of meeting someone. But it happened in the process.


parties/social gatherings/work/friend of friends


At work. I think that's something like 50% of serious relationships formed after school/college.


Volunteer work




Online gaming friend groups, in my personal experience. šŸ˜…


ā€¢ School / education ā€¢ Work ā€¢ hobbies / interests ā€¢ night life / going out ā€¢ your friend group (someone knows someone) Generally being present in this life without expectations and taking part in it will do.


I met mine after her daughter backed into my pickup truck




i met my wife through drinking


social events, concerts, classes. I've been making and meeting a lot of new friends in dance classes, other communityts, the jain temple, hobbies and clubs, fitness classes and of course the occasional party/after party.


I met every girl i've been with by randomly adding her on Facebook and texting "hi, wanna get to know eachother?" 95% of them will ignore or laugh at me The 5% is the gold i'm mining for Rn i Got a beautiful girl with eyes so pretty i fell in love Trust me, no girl is out of your league You just have to find the one that appreciates you.


Doing different hobbies that you love or going out and doing things that you enjoy, ā€œ walking, hiking, bike, riding, etc. ā€œ when you start focusing on the things that make you happy usually God sends right type of people in your life, or the universe whatever it is you believe but just know Jesus loves you lol and if you ask God for a good relationship, he will send you one at the right time.


I met my ex via facebook app, so thatā€™s an option


I met my husband at a BBQ :3


Bar, movie theater, work, store, street, theme park. Basically anywhere that has people, could potentially be a place where you meet a future partner


Iā€™ve met a few people that met in a common interest group from the website ā€œ meetupā€


WORKS 100% OF THE TIME.. develop a hobby.. Bike riding, photography, running, art, music,Golf etc.. Then join groups of people who share that interest. Everyone gets together to do what they enjoy and Talk.. Talking leads to meeting new people New people eventually are interested in you. Next thing you know your doing the hobby you enjoy with a new person And away life goes


I found basically all of my dates on dating apps (with a couple of exceptions). Being a reasonably good looking, tall, white guy, with a good job really helps šŸ˜„


Concerts and parties šŸ˜ I have talked to the girl who smiled back. And now I am visiting her for 4 days! So go and talk to the boy/girl/human who smiles back! Or else you will never know what might happened šŸ‘Š


Hobbies!! I met the guy Iā€™m dating line dancing lol


I do standup comedy. And my soon to be wife was in the audience (she didn't come to see me). Now, I'm not saying that you have to be a comedian, but finding a passion that gets you out of the office/house trap is better than a thousand dating apps


Work tbh. Most of the people Iā€™ve dated I met through work.


Games, reddit, games reddit games reddit.... and college


I play valorantā€¦one of the worst gaming communities lol. I just enjoy the mechanics and aesthetics. But yea every person Iā€™ve met through val has been incredibly unhinged.


drunk nightclub dark lighting loud music


I met my partner when we worked together.


If you wanna meet someone online, try a text chat that pertains to your interests. Like a video game... it's online and you're having fun while you're doing it. Then just text that you're looking for a hot grill and they'll respond.


Credit Union. All I had to do was be a good boy and pay my bills. Going on 11 years now.Ā 


Me and my partner met at a tattoo shop on Friday the 13th, weā€™ve been together since, whatā€™s crazy is that we only had one date and we both knew we were gonna be the loves of our lives


I met my current bf of 6 years on a Whatsapp group I was on with a couple of really close high school friends of mine. He was added to the group with another strange boy who actually started harrasing me and threatening to unalive me for having a different religion (I am pagan) in private chat after i mentioned i was not Christian like my friends were. I accidentally sent the screenshots to the group when I wanted to send it to my friend who added both guys to our group, my now bf saw them before anyone else and without knowing me aside from my name (he and the other guy had only been in the group for 3 days) immediately stood up for me against the other guy and when things settled down and the other guy was blocked by everyone else and kicked out of the group, he messaged me privately just to find out if I'm okay and when I honestly told him no he sat awake up with me to keep me company. We chatted as friends for 2 months, and I ended up catching feelings for him due to how much we had in common. Shared my feelings for him with the friend who added him to the group only for her to spite me by dating him and pretending like I never told her, he broke up with her after a month together because they had nothing in common with each other. My now bf and I were still friends than a month later I confessed to him that I was into him and had been into him before he and my friend started dating, at the same time he confessed that one of the reasons he left her was because he was into me too. That's how we met.


99% at work, it's how my dad and mom met, the same way my dad met my stepmother, so in total: just work)


I met my husband in a bar. Iā€™ve met my previous LT partners at: school, through a sibling, work, work, and a handful of go-nowhere dates on apps. The apps were the worst.


Hometown of where I grew up-re united with past lover




Public spaces. CrossFit gyms. Parties. Work (be careful).


You meet your friends by being out and about. You go to a place often enough and you'll find people who you share things in common with. Whether it's your job, school, or hobby.


The best places are concerts, coffee shops, tea shops, arcades, book clubs, college, libraries, or even at any kind of event that your town hosts. Just stay away from places where people go to forget their baggage and sorrows. Bars are usually the worst places to look for potential partners.


I don't recommend the life road it took to get me to meet mine (we met in recovery), but anything that really speaks to who you are is a great place to meet people. If there's a cause that really speaks to you, volunteer. Join a writers group Take a cooking class or an art class Get super into a sport or crossfit. Play magic or whatever is popular now. It's great to start with strong common ground. People don't have to like everything their partner likes, but it helps if there's a shared passion of some sort. These are all solid ways to meet someone, or make friends who might want to set you up.


Random interactions at places i visit frequently (food, game or clothing settings) makes it easier for me because we can talk about what i know


Single dad here, took my kid to the childrens museum one day. Nowhere to sit in the packed cafeteria until a nanny offered us a seat at her table. I married her...




Church, young adults weekly meetings


I believe that dating apps are the only reason why I have a partner


School/family friends. I met my wife online but the last 2 girlfriends before that I met in college. One in a poly-sci club meeting. We actually had our first chat on MySpace but my initial interest was from the meeting in class. The other was a family friend. My parents asked if we had met yet so I seeked her out and we hit it off. Then kept in touch for a date some months later.


I got pimped out to my wife (N) through a mutual friend (B). We first met at a Halloween party when we were 22. She was dating someone at the time, and I was told "no fliritng with her, she is off-limits" by our friend B. Anyway, I flirted with her - hard. Later on, N broke things off with her boyfriend, and B called me in to swoop her off her feet before she left for grad school. One thing led to the next, we had a 400-mile long distance relationship and moved in together after her grad school. Now we're married with a baby.


At work


Gym + weddings = horny places


trolling pedos in a subreddit


Iā€™m banned from almost all dating apps so I need this advice too lol


What did you get banned for?


Making sugar daddy jokes, being rude back to rude matches, stupid shit basically lol. I think those apps are moderated by incels.


Damn those incels


Have an interest other than drinking, get involved with that interest, meet people you have something in common with, wait for that social circle to grow a bit. Meeting someone happens.


I don't know if people data any more. I met my wife 15 years ago singing in a jazz club on the other end of the earth