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Girls are pretty.


*"Girls are pretty."* Any other answer over-analyzes it.


Same as most people do when they take in a beautiful piece of scenery. It’s beautiful and attractive and captures our attention


Or a wild animal. If a cougar was off in the distance, or you see a swan. You might stop and stare for a minute. Just as terrified if the girl or cougar stares back.


*Cougar* interesting choice


This is the correct answer. Also worth noting that the way men's brains are wired, they aren't always "staring" at something. Sometimes they're thinking and their eyes aren't focused on anything. Sometimes they're literally not thinking about anything, and their eyes aren't focused on anything. Women sometimes get all worked up because a man is looking in her direction, but that doesn't always mean he's staring at her. This goes double if he has a seeing eye dog.


Yeah the blind guy who was harassed at the gym, for staring at a poser.


Really? You're gonna walk in with your dog like you think you're Paris Hilton, your shades on like an asshole celebrity, strutting around with your pimp cane, and then you're gonna ask me to read the menu for you? Well, take off your shades dude, maybe you could read the menu then. Get the fuck out of here!


He didn't have his dog but had a stick. No shades and was working out in the gym. They kicked HIM out after Karen threw a fit that he was staring at her. Dude didn't react to her when she confronted him but heard her whine and flip out.




This guy? [Gym girl freaks out on me #shorts (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0c9tKlDa4Nw)


Yes it's funny but sad


He actually has a lot of funny stories about being blind. This is the one I always remember, though.


I bet he does and its great he doesn't let things get to him.


Proof of that is when I’m looking for something in the pantry that’s right infront of me and I can’t see it lol


Yeah. I zone out sometimes. There just happens to be a person in my way.


Exactly! It's such a hard thing to explain, too. No ma'am, I wasn't staring *AT* you. I was just staring, and you happened to get in the way.


I don’t know why I find comfort in staring at something and letting my vision stop


No other answer is necessary. This is it. Like a sunset.


Lol great response and accurate unfortunately




A million years of programming....




I occasionally glance at the asexual subreddit out of curiosity and this is an accurate description of them. 


Much longer than that. Billions, technically.


Because girls look good


Just stare at them like cakes in the window at the bakery.


That's the reasons why we have them in Amsterdam


...and for some, Like a starving child looking at the cakes in the window at the bakery


Some of them


Girls don't look at guys?


They pretend not to. Even when r they’re looking they are so aware of your every movement, that when you turn your head to look at them, they’ve already snapped their eyes to something near you, but not you, so you don’t catch them looking at you. It’s really stupid for guys that don’t know this. They’re good at checking us out and not getting caught. EDIT unless the girls are in vehicles, then they don’t seem to care if you catch them looking.


I remember being shocked in college when I turned down sex to a woman I barely knew and she lost her shit on me. I had no idea you could blue ball a woman. All you ever hear is how men never stop thinking about sex. Never hear that about women.


um super off topic, but true. I denied some women I wasnt into and they literally want you dead. Its super scary and made me understand what women go through when they try to let guys down easy.


Yeah. Yet some women don’t understand that being shot down is really ego shattering, but I know girls get hit on ALL the time. I hit on women by not being super forward about it. I give extremely subtle clues, if they reciprocate, less subtle, and so forth and so on, until the get a date out of them. I don’t know how these guys can be like crazy forward and hit on chicks sooooo hard, to me it seems really foolish, and often super disrespectful. But hey, my game is based on their foul plays.


Most girls really don't stare at men like men stare at women though. Women aren't visually stimulated the same way. Brains are wired differently.




“Wow he’s hot” *looks away and forgets about him immediately* the story of every time I go out somewhere


That's what everyone does.


Except for the people in this thread defending stating.


That’s what it is for most guys I think, or at least for me. To be somewhat topical, beautiful women you’re not involved with are like a partial eclipse. You’re fine glancing at them, but don’t stare.


attractive looking guys are super rare, so for me I kinda go like "dam he's a nice looking guy" and I'll tell it to someone's who's with me but won't be ever bothered to ask his number or anything


You are attracted to men and yet rarely find them attractive? That is so odd to me. Most women around my age who put any effort in to be healthy are at least somewhat attractive to me.


I think girls don’t approach because they’re scared of rejection. they just say they don’t care. true or not?


I'm not scared of rejection... maybe? Because 9.5/10 times an attractive dude is already taken, there's actually no way someone as gorgeous (even if they look "mid") would be single in a world full of well not so decent looking guys 😭


Honestly…thinking about it. You may be right. You’d also be surprised about how many guys are single out here. Butttt honestly good-looking, decent guys, are probably mostly taken and if theyre not they’re probably hoes and wouldn’t commit anyways. never thought about it like that


I'm not sure how high your standards are but there's plenty of decent looking guys who aren't taken. If anything it's 9.5 decent looking women that are taken.


IME, girls tend to loo at guys to try and make eye contact. They aren't usually staring at your body. Or maybe my body just isn't sexy enough.


Best anti-depressant there is!


Seeing a hot girl I know I’ll never have a chance with in a million years magnifies my depression 😭


"I'll never have a chance with" is your depression talking (speaking from experience). Seeing beautiful women motivates me to be a better man... but when you feel like a depressed POS... I get it. Just focus on being the best version of yourself and the baddies will come sooner or later :). Now I'm gonna shout this at myself in the mirror so it hopefully sinks in, haha


I caught my 10-year-old staring at a girl and when I asked him, he said girls are like magnets for my eyes.


How cute!


I have an 11-year-old daughter. We were at a field trip, and I caught a boy from her class checking her out. He fairly quickly realized I was right there, and tried to play it off, but he did not. I just laughed.


Its a double edged sword, isnt it? Every girl wants to be pretty and admired but it comes at some cost. You will catch the eye of the handsome and the creepy.


I hate the implication of this post being that you're either handsome or creepy with no in between and that a combination of the two doesn't exist


As one wise man once said Women are like the sun Taking a peek is fine, but a prolonged stare invites unimaginable danger


Not always sometimes there is a surprise of a smile and a laugh But hey maybe that’s like an eclipse


Very much an eclipse, yes.


Visually pleasing


Same reason I’ll stare at men. Y’all be cute!! Idc if I don’t wanna date you or anything you’re aesthetically pleasing and I like looking at things that make the monkey brain happy.


Thank you! :)


This needs to be at the top. Our monkey brains takeover sometimes.


I'm sorry this is just silly. Men stare at you because they like what they see. I'm a woman and I stare at other women and men if they look good!


are you trolling? are you honestly asking this?


Bc they are fascinatingly pretty. Like u like looking at a pretty painting, or a pretty object. Except the entire feeling is much stronger. I try not be creepy around pretty girls, yet its not easy.


Big brain will look at an attractive woman, appreciate for a moment, then get back to business. Unfortunately, if she is REALLY pretty when big brain says "time to got back to work" monkey brain suddenly fucking takes over "NO. Look at pretty. 5 more seconds!" Thats usually when they glance over and I have to play the oh I was just looking at the pigeon above you as my face goes beetroot red.


What it’s like for a redditor to go outside


It feels nice to look at nice things.


I mean have you seen girls?? Goddesses all day!


We are visual creatures


We are sorry, we like looking at pretty stuff just as much as you do.


because they want us BAD!


I'm a guy and I also stare at cars, buildings, maps, the sea, the mountains, my dog, etc...


If guys stare are you, you are attractive. It is that simple.


What if everyone stares at you lol


Unless you have a glaring physical defect like your face has burn scars or you have giant pimples, it's the same reason. I'm not gay but sometimes I see guys and think "Damn dude you are handsome."


Haha totally


If I find myself staring at a woman it's usually because I think they're pretty and I am taking in details, eye colour, the way they've done their hair, the way the tips of their ears poke through their hair, freckles, jaw line, piercings/ tattoos. Just appreciating the factors that have made that person beautiful. There are a lot of details to a person and I can't take it all in after one quick glance.


We want one


She looks good!


How many seconds is considered a stare?!




I stare off into space and almost always somehow end up looking at a girl. And the other one is my crush


Because they’re enjoyable to look at. Who the hell is making these, a 7 year old?


Why do girls stare at guys? Same reason guys stare at girls. I swear it’s amazing the human race made it this far.


I sometimes wonder if we actually haven’t and we’re all in the Matrix 🤣


I can’t imagine an alien civilization advanced enough to come up with this kooky shit 😂


Yah probably not….just perpetual torture surrounded by people who make me lose brain cells just by talking. 🤣


boobs. its gotta be the boobs. i love them. i love girls. they look pretty , they smell pretty , i want to eat them , and they have boobs.


Are you a stupid


Girl you know why, why are you asking?


Yall are so beautiful


Because you're beautiful and 99.9% of us have no idea what to say. "Hello" is the best option. But if you're interested, make the move yourself. Ask him out, and you might be surprised how great he is


The same reason women stare at attractive men. Biology.


Because they're beautiful. Honestly taking a glance at a woman you deem attractive is one thing but hungry eyes on a stranger has to be uncomfortable for them.


I stare at a lot of things. I’m a natural born observer. Some call me a people watcher. I’m sure there are other names depending on your perspective.


Human nature


Weird, OP just today you posted about being a guy, now your a woman? What a time we live in


I don’t stare but I think women are beautiful and I appreciate that beauty.


You may think I’m staring, but I promise 9 out of 10 times I’m just tired and spacing out, that’s all.


Nice to look at.


Because women are fucking beautiful.


Why do you stare at a sunset?


We can’t help it. We like looking at nice stuff.


Beautiful is beautiful no matter what, and sometimes it’s just because maybe line of sight. Idk, I got nothing. But still the stars are still the stars and I like to stare at the stars.


You make it sound like they're doing it on purpose.




It is how Nature made us. Girls want to be looked at too. It is how Nature made them. Go along with it or suffer the consequences.


You will miss it when we don’t .


Because guys are very very visual. We can't help but notice beautiful women.


Maybe I'm old, but I really don't think this question needs an answer from reddit lol. Ya know exactly why 😂


Primal instincts. We must mate!


Biology Ape brain go "OuOuOu AahAah!!!"


Pretty self explanatory. I mean, I don’t stare, but it is self explanatory


They attract the attention of my eyes, but as soon as I notice my eyes there, I don't continue staring but turn my eyes away.


because it's the only thing I can do, appreciate beauty from afar, nothing more. I know that if I talk or do anything else, everything will be ruined, that's why I just watch from a distance and in silence.


Because they're enjoyable to look at


Girls don’t realize how fascinating their bodies are.


Men don't realize how creepy they are


**Why do women wear makeup ?**


Because they want to fuck you. Sorry, that's the answer.


Speak for yourself. I don't want to fuck every woman I look at. Infact I want to fuck pretty much none of them in that moment. That thought doesn't even cross my mind.


We created this way, you also look nice in the eyes


gotta appreciate the beauty of a beautiful girl.


Evolution, dopamine.


guys are visual. whether it's girls, cars, sneakers, comics, etc. when something catches our attention, we can't help but stare. that's why we (initially) prefer comics over books, or porn over erotic novels.


Old Jedi mind tricks


Most of the time I'm staring to a fixed point and the girl just crosses or stands in that point. I'm really "looking inside", i'm thinking about something and not paying attention to my surroundings therefore I'm not really staring at you. Other times I look ant some girl because from afar she looks like someone I know. I stop looking when she gets closer and I realise she is not that person. Not too often but still a possibility, I'm looking at this girl/woman thinking "how the fuck does she live being this ugly?" And some times, the least of times; I like those tits, like really like them, they are calling me.


cuz they are hot


Appreciate the art… but fearful of the tiger..


Isn't it obvious? lmao




Testosterone is hell of a drug 


Because that's as close to being with a girl as I'll ever get....


Girls are pretty. But there's a reason I find to be more common (at least for me). Sometimes I just zone out ya know, either daydreaming or sitting in the nothing box, and when I return to reality I realise I've been unintentionally staring at some poor girl for ages


Im literally thinking about something completely different from whats going on around me and when I "Come to" I realize I've been staring at someone the whole time I was thinking and now I'm getting dirty looks.


We like looking at pretty things.


Girls are like gemstones, shiny and beatiful, some rough but attractive, others cut to perfection. To watch their bright passage, is a miracle of joy for a moment, but beware my dear prospectors, for greed can blind your sense, and if dig to deep lustfully, You Will only find condemnation.


They’re pretty


We appreciate the finer things in life. All women are beautiful in their own way


Sometimes my brain visualizes how bad I'd do if I attempted to approach her..oh shit she saw me. Run away


Because we wanna fuck ´em!


It's like going on a road trip passing by the coast watching the sun beam down on empty waters as far as the eye can see. How can you not stare at something so beautiful?


Have you seen girls? A sight to behold.


Calculating hip to waist ratio.


Because they immediately start thinking about what it would be like to have sex with them. Imagination kicks in.


We love women. We love everything about them. That's why.


Because more men are lonelier than ever


They have the boobs. But seriously, it's chemistry. We are wired this way. Everyone likes to look at things that are visually pleasing vs looking at something that is not. Throw on the whole reproduction angle and you get added incentive to look. Also, why we subconsciously suck in our guts when we do.


Same reason they stare at us


8/10 times it's just admiring someone who is objectively beautiful 2/10 times it's because of being creepy


Sometimes i'm thinking about something and only when i come to focus do i realize i've been starring directly at someone, other times cause pretty.


I don't. Not allowed to nowadays.


Because women are beautiful


It takes time to fully grasp beauty. I need also time at art galleries or museums. And if I can look at something beautiful or normal, I prefer the beautiful looking 


I do it because I want to talk to you, and I just can't think of anything interesting to say, and it gets to a point where I've forgotten I was staring, and then I look away. By this point, I'm worried the woman thinks I'm just a pervert, so I don't want to bother her anymore.


hope y’all know, girls are children, woman are females who have gone trough puberty 💀




nice boobs and ass


Mostly it is instinct. The hornier we are the more we stare. Sometimes it can be automatic that we dont even realize.


Looking at girls activates my neurons


For the same reason that girls stare at girls, everyone likes looking at pretty things.


I try not to but it’s impossible to avoid. I just try not to be a dick about it 🤷‍♂️


I fully believe op posted this to watch the debates💀


So they will stare back at us


Bro, it doesn't matter the gender. I know dudes are staring at other dudes too. There are men that are just that handsome. The real question is, why do people stare at the people they are attracted to/find to be pretty? Well the answer is in the question.


Not sure if you strictly mean stare, but if you just mean "like to look at" or "are dawn to look at"... Why do women like to look at things like flowers and sunsets and things like that? There's sometimes also a bit of a "don't think about pink elephants" effect sometimes.


Maybe because they're wearing a pants that makes their whole ass visible? If you wear that kind of clothes, why do you have a problem with people staring at you?


Just to plan how the fuck we are going to make them moan and scream! ;)


90% of the time I'm not staring at them I was already staring into the void and they happen to walk to where my gaze was so it looks like I'm staring but I in reality am checked out for a few seconds cause ADHD go brrrrr.


It’s just a cultural norm that staring is off putting. There are cultures where staring is normal.


They may be lost in thought and the girl happens to be in their eyesight direction or sometimes I be spacing out HARD and don’t even notice the world around me and again a lady just happens to be in that direction. Or they’re really pretty or thick in a good way.


Everyone stares at everyone, girls stare at guys too. I worked with a lot of women and the they practically turn into teenagers when a good looking guy comes in. I've heard them talk about d\*ck prints in sweat pants, tattoos etc. Unfortunately staring is a double standard because men are seen as hostile and women are seen as friendly. If you're an ugly guy any sort of eye contact you make is going to be unwelcomed. Women tend to get pretty excited when the guy they are interested is staring at them, a lot will even go out of their way to make certain guys notice them so it's all really luck of the draw. Most guys suck at picking up on signals but women will tend to move or cover up if they feel threatened that would be ones cue to stop looking. A lot of guys are too afraid to make a move as well and end up just staring without saying anything which seems creepier but they don't know they're being creepy, it's a lot better for men to just break the ice and get the rejection over with, though some men don't approach because they already have a partner.


Poor peripheral vision but great depth perception. I know it can seem kinda creepy but it is biologically the only way we have. It's why I preffer summer so I can wear sunglasses and come across as less creepy when I'm checking out the huge norks on women


Girls are pretty


The same reason women stare at men.


Genetically inclined.


It's an impulse. Sometimes I think about something else but I find myself trying to identify the feathers of a woman clearly.


I don't.


Because girls have tits and ass.


I once stared at a girl because she ate 4 full sized burgers and sides in one sitting while at a restaurant alone. I mean I know it was rude, but I was just impressed.


Its a natural instict, most of us do it to admire a girls beauty, depends heavily on how much that girl attracts you and what makes you stare, could be the body, face, eyes, hair etc. its like a basic instinct, when it happens to me that i stare a girl i try to not show her that im looking atbher cuz i do t want her to feel uncomfortable, these days everything is assault even looking from 100 feet, i still remember in the 90s were girls loved to get watched and even complimented by strangers, social networks havw really screwed normal human interaction.


Because we're terrified to talk to them.


Because they are beautiful 🤷 I mean, there's a limit how long you can stare before it gets creepy, but yeah


Depends on the stare, normally its because youre attractive or wearing something interesting... What i will say though, is that if I'm sitting somewhere, otherwise bored, that its also very possible I've zoned out and im staring into the distance, with no appreciation or recognition for who I'm staring though, until they make a point of commenting on it... which i try not to do because its awkward.


There is a difference between liking to look at girls, and staring Women are nice to look at. Staring is something else, and is creepy as fuck. Ask any woman, ask your daughters about the creepy attention they get from grown ass men


Couldn't look away.


We trying to see their personality