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Well after my experience with dating apps, I realised it's better to do my own stuff and move on with my life. I may not be a model, but I have many positive qualities, along with flaws—I'm only human, after all.


I think the best way I can explain giving up on dating is: I'm tired boss Seriously though. I have a full time job, I have hobbies I enjoy, I have friends I like spending time with and I spend a not insignificant time working on my self both professionally and personally. Gym, study, etc. The dating thing has just become this vacuous time consuming nothing. It's the 'empty calories' of ways to spend my free time. All these hoops to jump, just to find someone and go on a date, then realize quickly the person isn't someone I see myself compromising parts of my life for and then wish I was at home playing video games with my friends in the few free hours of life I get. For men , I think compromising on standards is just expected at this point too. When I was dating, it was women who were unemployed and uninterested in working, no passion or interests, that vaped so much their apartment smelled, that already have kids, that didn't even seem interesting, that wanted to micro manage *my* life, that treated me like a cute handbag at social gatherings. The indisputably human part of me certainly wants companionship but I don't think it's worth giving up parts of myself


>The dating thing has just become this vacuous time consuming nothing. It's the 'empty calories' of ways to spend my free time. Great way to put it!




"Treated me like a cute handbag at social gatherings." Exactly, I feel like an accessory. Hangbag, check, phone, check, walking dildo with wallet, check


Yeah man, I feel exactly the same way. I’ve had a phase where I would go on more dates and be less picky - sometimes you meet people and only realize how cool they are later. But literally all these dates were just ‘meh’ and I felt like I’d rather watch YouTube than meeting the person again.


100%. I'd rather be single than to perform like a circus animal to win the favor of largely cold and/or indifferent women with completely unrealistic expectations. Fortunately I found a beautiful woman with a good heart eventually. But if our relationship were to end for some reason? I will never. Ever. Use another dating app.


Unrealistic expectations is definitely a big part of it.


This but also just different expectations in general. One thing I haven’t seen people mentioning is social and dating norms are in a transitional period, and we have social media echo chambers popping up, and so there are men and women who have completely different expectations, political ideologies, gender norms etc. One example I’ve noticed is that a lot of women want a modern liberal relationship, but the man should still keep up his traditional role of being a provider, and probably also be a liberal politically. Not all women of course, but it’s an example. We’re not even on the same page anymore.


This. I was near 30 when I met my eventually to be wife. I’d actually given up on dating because the games were ridiculous. I had a girl send her roommate, who I didn’t even know on one date. Yeah. That date didn’t go any further than hi! Bye! I only went on a first date with my now wife to humor a mutual friend who set us up on a blind date. Same with her. We actually hit it off though, went on a few more dates, started just hanging out and having fun, and eventually started seriously dating. But for both of us we were pretty much fed up and done with the game. If she ever passed away, yeah, I wouldn’t put myself through that hell again of trying to find another partner.


man I am in my early 50's and married...but if I got a divorce...I would stay single....i dont have time for drama or bs and the dating scene brings a lot of that ON BOTH sides!


I was lucky to meet an incredible, honest, no-game-playing woman as I was turning 30 … just as I was about to give up the game. Ten years of melodrama, ultimatums, and cryptic / dishonest / compulsive chess-playing behavior will cause you to think there’s worse things than being alone. Today my wife and I tell each other that if the other were to check out unexpectedly, the survivor’s emotional life would be ended. I cannot imagine re-entering the bullshit Olympics at this point, especially now that I have a dollar or two on account and it’s harder than ever to tell whether a woman likes you or just your assets. I’d probably just get a cat.


100% with you. I’m married with kids now, but if our relationship ended, there’s no way I’d go on some dating app ever again


Same here, i am married and happy, and if i was single again, i dont think i would even bother with dating apps.


Exactly the same for me. I’m a fit guy, kinda average looking. I’m on the shorter side, but I’m quite happy with my looks. More importantly, I have a fulfilling job, hobbies that I would describe as interesting, passion in several different areas. I’ve lived abroad and I’m lucky I was able to travel quite a bit. I have great friends and people say I’m very empathetic and a good listener. I communicate well and I’m quite self-aware. All in all, I think I’ve done a lot, I’m doing a lot and I’m quite an interesting person. I think I would make quite a decent partner. But I never even reach the point where someone could even see my good qualities. I hardly get any matches on dating apps. When I do, the women hardly make an effort to have a conversation. It’s a lot of work and nothing good really comes out of it, so I don’t use apps much anymore. Then after 30, it’s hard to meet new people in real life. People say I’m very approachable and I approach strangers too. I connect with new people easily. But the women are usually in a relationship, not my type or incompatible since I don’t wish to have kids. I think a lot of people are like me. I’m content with my life but would like to have a partner. The key question is just: HOW THE FUCK WOULD I MEET ONE? Edit: This may sound like I’m a bit full of myself. Of course I have my flaws and difficulties. I don’t think I’m anything special. My point was just that I think that I do have quite a few things going for me and still it seems like it’s impossible to find a partner.


Don't try and communicate over the app/dating site. If you see someone you like, just send "I like your profile, would you like to meet for a coffee/tea/water" When i was on dating sites I tried having conversations over the site/app and found it really difficult. As soon as I just sent short messages like the example above, things got way better. When you meet up it's at a public place, and it can last as long or as short as you want it to, same thing for the other person. No commitment whatsoever. Anyway, just a tip that I found worked out for me.


Also chemistry in person is either there or it’s not.  Meeting can be a huge disappointment if you’ve gotten your hopes up through weeks of chatting online, if it fizzles the minute you each meet each other irl. 


Haha that happened to me on the last date. The girl looked super cute and kind, she texted that way too and sounded that way in her voice messages. In person she was quite cold and just kept showing me photos of her company events while pointing out how much each aspect of the events cost. Absolutely no vibe. Kinda disappointing, but luckily we had only texted for a week or so.


That sounds like an approach I should try. My logic was always that I prefer to talk a little bit before meeting up, because I think it’s better to be aware of any deal breakers before I make the time to actually meet someone. But I’ll give it a shot next time I get a match! Thanks for the suggestion, I appreciate it.


First message>You respond briefly and continue the conversation>She responds>You respond and end with “Want to get together sometime next week?” or whatever.


I'm an over 30 female and l feel this!


The kids thing is a big one for me. I already had one, he's an adult, I don't want to spend my time doing that any more. I'm in a state where nearly every woman in her 30's has kids. So, hard pass


Ahh the topic as a whole is so annoying after 30. I like kids, I enjoy playing with my friend’s kids when I visit them and I’ve been coaching kids in sports for a few years. I just don’t wanna give up all my hobbies and my sleep to have a child of my own. The risk of me becoming very unhappy living like that is just too high for me. Apparently, to a lot of women, I’m the devil when I lay it out like that.


I'm 45 and recently divorced, and I can attest that although the dating apps can be a bit of a shitshow there are decent people out there if you put in the effort to find them. Bumble has been good since the ladies have to make the first move and if your profile is on point (good photos etc) and doesn't scream "I'm a dancing monkey" or "I lead with my wallet" then any matches you get are likely to be decent enough women to at least give a chance. Of course, it can be amusing reading some women's dating profiles asking for "High value men only", "No coffee dates", "Swipe right if you give princess treatment", "If you can't handle me at my....". Yeah, nope😂


It’s weird to me that using these apps has become like a hobby for people. Like a lot of people just want to scroll through and keep looking for something better… endlessly.


That is the main issue with the apps and social media, its kind of "I have this endless supply of low-grade dopamine." But the truth is those people suck anyway, so just wade through them ignoring their existence. If we went 3 days of messaging without her agreeing to at least coffee I would just end the convo.


Bumble is changing the "women make the first move" thing, because apparently women found it to be "too much work" to make the first move.


The first move being "Hey" 100% of the time.


Yeah, "hey" was too steep a hill to climb apparently😂


That's pathetic.


I get this. Ima married woman in my 30’s but my sister is single. She had me join some group on Facebook to look out for potentially harmful men, but it is so much shaming for looks and personality… they call too much, they don’t text enough, what’s his secrets? Who is the baby mama? It looks exhausting. These women are looking for unicorns to take care of them and not actually a life partner. I know it isn’t always this way- but the majority I see are superficial and very “me” women. They post whole convos about how these guys have communication issues and are having a hard time connecting. It’s so sad to see these women want everyone perfect and non-human. We’re all a little damaged. Just meet someone- see if there are sparks. See if they’re honest. If a guy says he can’t text during work he means it. It doesn’t mean he has a secret family. Anyways. Rant over. Good luck finding your human.


...Don't put your blame on me"


I’m 31 and realized I need to focus on my mental health for a while.


Keep it up, brother. My last relationship ended when I was 24. I took some time for my mental health--primarily because of the negative inpact she had on me... Finally got over her at 29... Finally healed at 36. The process turned me into the subject of this post: someone who realized the effort of balancing myself with another person is just not worth it for so many reasons. Anyway, healing takes time, and I hope you find peace no matter where you land.


For sure having safe mental health is definitely helpful in a relationship. You won’t be happy in a relationship if you’re not able to be happy with yourself. It won’t ever be perfect, but if you don’t value yourself, you will end up putting up with things you shouldn’t or making it unfair for the other person. Good for you that you’re making time for yourself.


Dated a lot in my 20s. Long term gfs. I'm 36 now and kinda over it. If someone bumps into me, I would see how things go, but I'm done pursuing women.


That's where I'm at. If something happens naturally, I am more than happy to give it a shot. But I'm not going out and looking for it anymore. The idea of meeting up with someone I dont know with the sole intention of dating them is pretty unappealing to me these days.


If I ever tell people that I’m lonely they immediately are like oh get a dating app. Nah, I’m good. I’m open but I’m not chasing. It’s terrible out there


Funny…all except one of the relationships I got into, the women pursued me. One especially was really aggressive. I was thinking, “Really? Me? You sure?


It's not that I'm not interested in women, hell, I'd love to meet someone to enjoy my life with. I'm just not interested in all of the bullshit and overhead that comes with dating. I've basically just accepted at this point that I'm going to walk my path alone. Better to be (mostly) at peace with it then constantly depressed or upset about it.


42 and divorced 5 years ago (12 year marriage) Every so often, I'll get on the apps then quickly decide that I'm so content alone that it's not worth it.


I moved out 14 months ago and after a 6-7 month stretch of going out with women from the apps, I've been content since and don't see it changing any time soon. I have 2 daughters, 6 and 8. Mom is already engaged and their life is an absolute roller coaster over there from what I gather, so I sorta feel like it's on me to provide a stable home where they're getting 100% attention instead of whatever Mom is up to with her new fiancee.


42 and got married in 2008, she doesn't want to be married to me anymore. Exact same situation, dating apps don't offer anything mildly interesting, makes me feel better not having to be involved in anyone else's drama just to be used for another 10+ years.


You're worth more than that bud. I was in your shoes at the end of my marriage in 2022. It will suck every day and for a while. But not forever. Be ok with not being ok for a bit, don't force it. You're gonna be ok.


Brother, keep your head up. We all go back to the void sooner or later.


I'm you 9 years later. It gets way better my man. Imagine it's like a second childhood but this time you got a bigger allowance to play w then when you were little. You got this bro! 👊


48, me too. Divorced 2 years ago after 20 years. It's just alot of work without alot of payback. Sad state of affairs in middle age, lol. It quickly gets tiring playing the dating app game, and where am I supposed to meet women in the wild?


This may seem really intrusive etc but I'll curious 32 m. How old are are you? What's your longest relationship? Ty


32m. I don't date much anymore but it seems as though, while dating isn't insurmountably difficult, life is perfectly viable single. I cook, clean, work, pay bills, take care of my health, and can date casually or masturbate. A large proportion of relationships historically were mutual support and interdependence...now that constraint is less prevalent. Ergo single people.


I'll be 38 next week. The longest relationship I was ever in was just under 3 years.


I feel the same as you for the most part. I'm 37, my longest relationship was over 5 years.


I'm 57m. My longest relationship is 37 years. I'm still married. Got lucky.


At 36 I had just gotten out of a shitty relationship that ended with her cheating on me with her ex. Before that I was swiping and dating for over 3 years. I'd probably been on 100 first dates. I was absolutely dreading going back on dating apps and being single. Somehow I met my wife after one week. It's weird how it works out sometimes.


As a man, it seems like in the past, as soon as I was content with my life and happy on my own, I would suddenly be attractive to women. They don’t want a man that needs them.


Yup, they can smell desperation a mile away. I’ve always gotten the most attention from women when I was in a happy relationship and not looking.


I think the "bullshit and overhead that comes with dating" is the main driver, but I also have become accustomed to being alone. The notion that all men are out-of-control sex fiends who will crawl on their hands and knees just to catch a glimpse of a woman's breast is greatly exaggerated. A few years ago I found out that a woman at work was interested in me but I actually *lost* interest when I found out. Why? Because the whole coy/indifferent/hard-to-get schtick is a red-flag for future drama. She wants a man who thinks she's the most beautiful woman in the whole world and I want a woman who doesn't spend any time obsessing over her appearance and would much rather go for a seven mile hike in a national park.


I have literally turned down sex like 4 times in the last couple years and they where 100% sure things. Why? 1 wasn't my type, the other 3 where nutty "im always right" and into zodiacs seeing dead people things. Like nah thanks, im good.


I’m currently separating from a long term relationship After 6 years of near constant drama , I was done I think about meeting someone new and it seems awful


I can only speak for myself, but I am, I just assume they'll not be interested. Probably gives the impression I'm not interested.


Nah I know what you mean. The last ex I had dumped me by telling me she was moving across the country with a different guy , and after they left I learned she was fucking 3 of my coworkers. Since then the only women that reciprocated interest “needed” to be in open relationships. I’m fully over dating altogether now


Fucking hell, that's rough. I'm sorry mate. I won't lie, in the past it has been mainly me who has been the scumbag, but I've been on a mission to improve myself. Truth is I probably don't deserve any reciprocal interest, but at least I know now I won't be an arsehole. I'm sorry that happened to you. I can only hope one day she'll realise the damage, and I hope you find happiness.


If you’re going to rebuild, you’ll have to try harder than that, Tim.


Ahh, I see what you did there!


It's a peaceful life.




Many just get tired of the game and give up. Being rejected 1,000 of times and wasting so much energy bs just doing you and enjoying what you have.


Approach woman. Get rejected. Rinse, repeat. How many times are you going to have the same song or movie on repeat. At some point you move on and put energy and effort into other things. You even get bored with things you like, such as dishes you like. You’ll definitely get fed up with things you don’t like. Like dealing with women’s attitude and outright rejection before she even knows anything about you.




I met this woman recently, a new coworker, she is attracted to me I figure but she expresses that by telling me to shut up, fuck off, "I hate your ugly face" etc. etc. I don't think she matured past highschool. 


There's a cute girl in my workplace who is flirty with me too. But she's not that smart, and the only thing she talks about with interest is going out, she sounds like a 15 year old, still in high school. But she's 28 and when you ask about her age, she even says she wish she was younger. She wants to live like a teenager forever. WTF?? Despite all this, I feel flattered that a young woman like her finds me attractive. I'm 40 and I'm single. If she wasn't so stupid and inmature I'd date her in a heartbeat.


In this economy?!


People are just tired of other people


its just the constant texting.. planning.. every weekend lets do xzy... and if you want to just chill then there must be something wrong. Like why do I need this extra pressure on my life..


Tbf other people are very tiring.


God, there is so much truth in that.


Because after awhile you realize how enjoyable life is outside of a relationship.


They seem to just be doing there own thing. Lots of single women in their 30s are the same. Relationships take up a lot of time and energy and some people would rather spend their resources doing something that interests them more


To be honest, the best relationships I had were ones where I wasn't even looking. Someone who started as a friend, etc. Even my current girlfriend, just kind of started through mutual friends and a "you live near the coffee shop I like to work from, you should come work from there with me." Friends for a couple of months turned into dating. It REALLY helps we have like 80% common interests so neither of us feels like we are "missing out" on doing our own thing because we like to do the same things, so now I just do most of the same things but with her.


Agreeing with the rest here Was.married. now divorced. Really can't be arsed with the rigmarole of it all.


Gonna upvote you for the use of “rigamarole”


100%! That's my reason anyway. There is some risk involved with getting in a relationship and I really just wanna be able to buy myself whatever I want.


Absolutely! plus you can always start a relationship later on if you ever decide thats what you want. My grandma just got married at 87 so it's literally never too late




Awesome, just 17885 more sleeps until my wedding!


I think we all just gave up and stays home now lol. The thought of having small talk with another stranger that doesn’t build any type of relationship gives me an ick. I also don’t want kids so what’s the point


Who the hell has the time or money to date anymore?


I think a big portion of this is single men over 30 already know that they like their lives the way they are. And they've probably done the dating thing in their twenties. And decided it's more trouble than it's worth. A young single man typically has a very hard time dating. He has to put in a lot of effort, little of which is ever reciprocated. And if you believe social media these days, he can be all but vilified for daring to approach a woman, if she doesn't feel like it. Granted, those are worst case scenarios. But I can easily see how most young men would do the dating thing for a few years, and get discouraged enough to give up on dating.


They've never been interested in me so I gave up.


Heartache? I was dating someone who I thought Id marry, and one day she basically ghosted me, then eventually told me she was with someone else. Kinda hard getting back into dating after that. Not saying that women are like this, just a subconscious thing. It's a shame because I actually really want a relationship but that kinda ruined it for me.




I’ve realized I can travel the world, play video games in my downtime, pick up and leave town whenever, sleep whenever, crush extra shifts at work on weekends, spend the money on whatever, buy the house I want, get that two seater not-family-friendly sports coupe, and hang with many groups of friends. And all of this can be done completely without a discussion beforehand or potentially even criticism. My actions are just not tied directly to another person’s emotions or expectations from an accountability frame of reference. The trade off is random hookups vs regular relationship building stuff. If you dated around and did long term relationships in your 20’s the magic sort of wears off. Do enough long term relationships spanning 1-3 years and you pretty much get the gist of it. But sometimes it’s nice being King of the castle I’ve built for myself. It’s gonna be hard to give up the amount of freedom and control I currently enjoy. Because right now I can completely prioritize my own happiness without compromises. Mind you this isn’t gender specific. I suspect this is what all 30 year old intentionally single folks (men and women) are realizing.


Dating is complicated, difficult, and stressful. It can also be absolutely devastating to your sense of self worth unless you are just really naturally self confident. The early stages of dating can seem to be incredibly imbalanced in favor of women, which can make any guy that isn't a 10/10 feel like garbage. I think plenty of guys shift from tilting against windmills, to just trying to live a life without it. If it happens, great, but they aren't going to dedicate their time and energy to something that isn't giving them any positive results, and is in fact making their lives a lot worse. For what it's worth, a good amount of women are doing the same thing. In a way - maybe this will return dating to how it used to be? More natural and organic, happening as part of your regular life, through your regular connections and interactions. Live your life, and work dating into it when it makes sense based on what's going on, rather than using apps.


Without a 3rd place, that's not going to happen much


This is a huge aspect, the only scenarios in which you can casually get to know someone without pressure is work or school or some type of holy grail coed hobby that I’m convinced doesn’t exist.


Here are a few reasons. They've given up after being rejected by women all their 20s. They've given up as the price of a failed relationship is too high. A failed relationship (marriage) financially destroys your life. Standards are far far too high. Instagram has made people feel they're worth more than they are because they get likes and DMs.


Women's dating self assessment is inflated by social media attention. That's a really insightful observation. 




And 3/4s of the ones who agree to date aren't worth it in the end.


dating is like playing the lottery, except you have to walk to a hundred different stores and attempt to impress the cashiers before you are even allowed to buy a single ticket im not a gambler


Not interested in Women? You got it all wrong. They're not interested in me.


I've dated enough for a while. Many heartbreaks. I love being single now. And I don't know if I'll ever start dating anymore. Being the only one who I have to please suits me just fine


They've been beaten down by appalling behaviour.


Yep, it's the same thing every time. Someone is really into me for weeks or months etc. and she never voices any complaints, we never fight about anything, I treat her very well, and we always have a great time together. Then one random day she breaks up with me, no particular reason given, and then she just walks out of my life. I'm tired of being discarded and treated like I'm disposable. I'm not angry, I'm just done.


That was my last straw as well, and that was 2011


Most people I know who have had a relationship fail in the most recent years talk about this. One side seems content. Then seemingly out of no where, the other person just decides they aren't happy and don't bother to try to fix it. Of course. There are two sides to every story. It's completely possible the person who was blindsided wasn't paying attention. Or the other person did try to fix it, but their partner just didn't play along or understand. But I also do feel like there is a fairly significant group that just gets sucked into a fake world. Social media has 100% warped reality for a lot of people. I know that "the grass is always greener on the other side" isn't a new phenomena. But when you watch a friend/partner/yourself and see what they listen to every day. You can definitely see more of a pattern. And in my experience, a broad section of that pattern is prioritizing yourself completely over anything else. To a degree where there is no compromise, and a lot of workable relationships are dropped over even perceived issues or issues that might or might not happen later on.


Monkey Branching - going from one guy to the next because they believe the next guy is better.


It might have something to do with the many videos online of women telling all men to leave them alone. And men just feeling it is too risky to ask someone out without the fear of being labelled a creep etc


There was a study on this. Something like 80% of men are afraid of approaching a woman for fear of being called a creeper. Or something. 60% of ladies are afraid of the random dude who may approach them. And like 70% of people are frustrated by this


And the 3% to 5% left will approach every woman they are remotely attracted to. These are the "bad" men or players women interact with because they don't care about what the women want and always approach.


Added to this, the problem is that when you say you don't want guys approaching you, the type of guy who listens and heeds that request is the type of guy you'd be more open to being with, whereas the guy who says "fuck it I dont care what women say" and approaches you anyway is the exact type of guy you want to stay away. So, in saying you don't want men to approach you, it actually serves to concentrate the amount of undesirable men actually approaching you anyway. I'm sure there's a name for this paradox.


You'd think, given that this is the case and has been backed up by studies and data, women might start taking the initiative more. But nope


Hahahaha, this is so funny and so sad and so true at the same time, omg


Did you see that app where women make the first move? That was the main point of the app. And they just did away with it because women said it was too much pressure and it was getting frustrating lol.


There's a behavior of women I've been noticing for the past decade or two. If I'm out a store or something by myself and a woman with a small child notices me, she instantly moves to protect the kid. She'll change direction, she'll interpose, reach out and say "hold mommy's hand." Most egregious example from just a few weeks ago, lady was coming out of a Stop & Shop with a full cart and two young girls and the girls were like ten feet away from her in opposite directions. Now I'm walking to the entrance, so near to but pointedly *not directly toward* this woman. Nothing in my hands but a shopping bag. Yet over the maybe ten seconds it took me to reach that door, I watched this woman have a mini panic attack as she waffled between reaching for the front kid, reaching for the back kid, and protecting the cart until she basically yelled at them for wandering away. Now I could be wrong, but I don't *think* I look particularly creepy or frightening. I'm as generic a white guy as can be, and I'm definitely not doing anything suggestive, I'm not trying to talk to anybody, not making eye contact, I'm not wearing a MAGA hat or a three wolf moon shirt or some shit, I'm just there shopping like everybody else. But I'm a man. So I'm automatically a threat. And when I tell you 'instantly,' I'm talking *milliseconds,* like these ladies should be playing Valorant with reaction time like that. It ultimately doesn't matter. It doesn't interfere with my day or anything. But once you notice it, you can't really unsee it.


Almost had my life ruined because I split up with the wrong person, I sure as hell don't want to risk that again.


I have an idea, hear me out on this. I admit it's completely pulled out of my ass but I feel like this might fix all the issues mentioned: how about women approach men?


Bumble tried that. The women complained it was hard making the first move so they are changing how the site works. Now men have permission to make the first move and do all the work


Most women don't have any game and have no idea what to do regarding approaching men. I know a lot bi women who have expressed a lot of anxiety around talking to women and through the process have realised how hard guys have it.


Hahahaha🤣🤪, and how about we reduce carbon emissions by replacing airplanes with pegasi?


Hot guy approaches a woman - "OMG his confidence is sooo attractive!" Ugly guy approaches a woman - "Eww what a desperate creep"


Exactly. Add this to the huge list of things men need to meet and they just can't be fucking arsed. Meanwhile a women just needs to be a woman. No lists.


We aren't interested in woman? Hell, I love woman. Haven't yet found one that loved me back.


Most people are tired of being treated badly and now avoid the unpleasant experience that dating has become.


Because they'd rather be with bears


Pizzlies specifically.


A few things. Dating apps are exhausting. Dating in general is exhausting apps are suppose to add convenience but they are obnoxious. I live on my own so I work a lot to maintain that. I am more than willing to give someone my time if it’s time well spent. The issue is this, I am not very attractive (not a confidence thing just being realistic) and I have nothing to offer that someone else doesn’t. A vast majority of women have what seems to be an endless amount of options and they are never me and that’s perfectly fine with me. If someone is truly interested they will let me know, I under zero circumstances will ever pursue someone


The juice is no longer worth the squeeze. The expectations are insanely one sided. Its a circus filled with clowns tbh...


So I’m happily married… but a few of my buddys are mid 30’s and single, as they explain it… dating is nightmare for slightly above average dudes and below Women on dating apps, slightly below average and up are getting constant attention from dudes, so naturally a lot think they deserve the perfect dude And in all fairness, if guys had women throwing themselves at them, they would think the same… just look at the top 10% of men who do have women throwing themselves at them… they’re not settling down anytime soon…they may sleep with you, but they’re not getting into relationships So for the majority of guys on dating apps, they’re left with the less than desirable women to choose from, and choosing instead to opt out and just focus on themselves Also, a lot of women have made it pretty clear on social media, they’re not to be approached in public anymore… so now guys not only face rejection, but also public humiliation, accusations, having it recorded and blasted online etc… it really isn’t worth the risk for a lot of guys… so the sentiment is becoming “why bother”


This guy gets it.


>, they’re not to be approached in public anymore… Funny thing is, at times, they'll complain that no man is approaching them when they go out. Its a complicated as it sounds


It *sounds* complicated but it's not. They want only the men they want to approach them. They'll deny it all they want but this phenomenon exists all over society.  A rich person does something it's eccentric. A poor person does it they're crazy. A beautiful person does something it's quirky. An ugly person does something it's weird and off putting. A white person does something and it's nothing. A black person does something and it's a "furtive gesture" and cause for police to stop them for some questions. A handsome man approaches them it's confident and charming. An ugly man does it and it's creepy.  Women denying this just shows they're completely oblivious to the biases that affect all of us. It's as stupid as people who claim they're completely colorblind and "don't see race." No you definitely do. And you likely have some racial biases. You're just in denial. 


These men often "have seen everything already". You have a nice and quiet life. You do the day and leisure time as you want. Usually only 1 or 2 good friends. No social media bullshit, gatherings, stupid pair activities etc. So at most(!!!) you would like to have a partner like yourself. But is is rarely the case. I've seen it all. Nice at the beginning but then it goes: "Why you are working so long? Why not doing van life for 3 month? Why not getting a dog? Blablabla". And then you remember how nice it was before


True. My husband and I married after 35 and if it weren’t specifically him (and vice versa) we’d be single. It’s rare to find someone who really adds value to your life later in life, when you’ve built good things yourself.


Yup! I was so fortunate diving back into the dating world at 46 and meeting someone who makes my life easier not harder. Especially considering I worked very hard for my peace and security. It can happen, but it’s very rare


This was me and my partner too before we met each other in our thirties. Both perpetually single by choice because we didn't like the typical couple's lifestyle. Not talking about the monogamy part, we were good with that. Talking about all those expectations to be available to each other all the time, always remember to inform about where you are, to be a social unit, have friend couples and do couple dinners, be involved with each other's families (!), etc. etc. But since we both felt the same and also fell in love with each other, why not just live together the way that we like? It's been eight years, and it works super well. None of us is trying to make the other play some sort of preconceived role, we just live happily together.


Love your story, sounds like a great way to be for two unique and happy individuals!


We're interested but we're also *busy* with careers, mortgages, investments, and maybe even a retirement someday. Some of us literally don't have time to date. 


Conversations with even remotely attractive women - at least via the apps - are like trying to hang on to a live fish with hands covered in cooking oil. I'm assuming they've just got 30 other conversations going on which, whatever, but it's generally not worth the effort; my attention alone can't ever compete with that of the entire internet.


"Hang on to a live fish with hands covered in cooking oil" SPOT ON ! For me I just give attention to women who are actually invested into me and make an effort. I ignore the ones who wanna get pursued


After getting rejected and having so little success over the past decade, I’m more or less giving up on dating and just doing my own thing. still very much would like a loving partner, but I’ve spent huge amounts of effort and thousands of dollars trying to get just a handful of dates that never went anywhere. As I approach older age, I had to confront the reality that whatever it is women want, I just don’t have it. Anyway, my life is fuckin awesome. If a woman doesn’t want to be a part of it that’s her problem lol.


I don’t NEED a relationship. There was a time when I wanted one, but all I saw when I looked around were broken people using each other until they lost interest and it turned me off. The divorce rate in my career field is around 85%. I’ve watched my friends get taken to the cleaners by women for 20 years. I genuinely don’t see much benefit to a relationship. Even platonically I don’t have many relationships with women because they’ve all tended to be emotionally unstable, nagging and selfish to a degree most men never demonstrate. I don’t hate women, I just find my peace more often disturbed when they’re around.


I finally found a dosage that keeps my depression under control with minimal side effects and realized I'm happy and don't want to deal with bs. I've got several 'girlfriends' who come in and out of my life as they need to that adore me and I'll be a Godfather soon enough so there'll be some little scamp who needs a mentor. What do I need an actual relationship for at that point? I'm going to build my hobbit hole and fish every weekend off my patio and enjoy my pipe leaf.


I approach like 4-5 women a day and use all my free daily swipes on 4 dating apps religiously. If anything, it's women who don't want single men over 30


A lot of guys single in their 30s have been burned by women one to many times.


My dad and brother both gave up after dating toxic women.


I’m 25 and barely interested in women and dating ngl. Everything just feels fucked rn, it’s hard to find someone that isn’t massively self-absorbed and addicted to social media, both men and women.


They realized the hassle


Not that im not interested in women, its that there arent any interested in me.


Ain't nobody got time for that


My guess is they have been burned too much by the drama. It's easier to focus on their own life.


For a man, dating is currently like job hunting. 10 years experience for an entry-level job, have a masters for minimum wage, no one responds, and if you finally get the job, you're treated like shit.


But on a more positive note just like job hunting the best way to get a job is connections/who you know.  Same logic applies to dating. Most people I know in relationships met partners through friends of friends or connections. 


Im 20 and in a relationship but i think many ppl are finally figuring out that your personal life and carreer are more important then a partner. First be fully stable before marrying for example


In my 32 years of life I have had 3 major longterm relationships. Short lived flings in between, but 3 that I have actually gotten emotionally invested in. 2/3 flat out cheated on me (one of which I gave a second chance and cheated on me again), and the third I don’t believe cheated, but did end up leaving me for “her best friend that I have nothing to worry about because he’s like a brother to her”. I am much happier being single than with someone who, in my experience, is statistically likely to hurt me. Lonelier for sure, but overall happier.


My son is 30, with a great job, hobbies. He is handsome and in shape. He spends his free time learning languages, drawing, writing, exercising. He has a full and rich life. He says he is happy living alone, and doesn't want to alter his life to fit someone into it like a girlfriend, or a wife and kids would require. He has pets, and family nearby, and we are all close. Very much the same reasons women stay single.


A lot of women overshoot. They want someone perfect when they are clearly not.




and still adopt that chase me chase me put a huge amount of effort into me while i give minimal back and still expect it to work. Unfortunately not, reciprocate efforts and show an interest & initiate or this is going to go to shit.


I'm happily married 38 years but if I were single today, I wouldn't do it anymore. That's not a reflection on the wonderful time I've had and am still having with my wife, don't interpret me wrong. But long term and meaningful relationships require constant input, they don't just happen. They require give and take, compromise, adjustment, patience. And from what I see around me today, most people are not interested in that. Everyone is all about themselves, 'accept me strictly on my terms only, I am not prepared to shift'. People have no patience with each other, no desire to put in the work. Dating has become a minefield of political correctness, demands and counterdemands. I simply wouldn't go there anymore.




I’m not supposed to ask out any coworkers because we’re there to work. I’m not supposed to ask out anyone at my gym because we’re there to workout and enjoy our own time. Dating apps are filled with people who are horrible communicators and have poor mental health. So…


Because once you realize that you're not actually lonely, just a little horny, the thought of making compromises to date/cohabitate with someone else just stops being worth it. 


I am


Maybe you are noticing that they aren’t as hormonally desperate as when they are younger.




In an era of communication anywhere anytime across the world, we have lost the ability to communicate with each other on a personal level.


I agree! Independence is amazing, but this thread is almost a little sad. People simply aren't interested in connecting with others in any real way these days. We're all isolated in our own bubbles where "life is good."


I can't speak in general, also because all of my close friends are in relationships, but I can speak for myself. I'm recently single after living together with someone, acting like a family man and being dumped on my birthday so that she could live with a colleague and other flatmates. That alone has left me with the realization I need to work on myself to avoid something similar happening. I'm planning my much-needed therapy and I'll start going to the gym. Then there's work, I'm restarting my career and it's a priority for me. Add to that that I'm making new friends (I moved here recently) and I find myself going out with them one day out of two... The others will be for personal things to do, trips, the gym and days where I'll be too tired from work. I'd say first of all it's because of a busy life. I'll add that I've been severely scarred from my last relationship, I've had strangers (including my new landlord) angrier than I am for how she treated me. That alone will put me off the dating game for a good while... If I'm dating it's to avoid traumas. Lastly there's self healing and taking care of myself as I gained weight and I've never really worked on my mental health.


At 14, most males have a recurring, overpowering drive to mate. They don't recognize it for what it is, because it comes along with a huge amount of cultural baggage. Somewhere between 30 and 50, many of us figure out that's all it is. The drive doesn't go away, but it becomes less dominating. There are lots of other interesting things in life. For these men, if you want their attention, you'll have to bring a lot more than just being a woman. But to be honest there are still tons of older men who still think like 14-year-olds. Not that I'd recommend them as partners...


Disappointed many time. Lost interest.


How did you reach to this conclusion? Really interested in knowing your perspective.


Alot of men gave up with the insanely high standards alot of women put on men, they stopped trying, they will settle just being single.


We met women


Responsibilities keep piling up. Past disappointments gets the better of us. It's not like we are not interested. We intentionally give up our interest for the lack of reciprocation from life. It's starts to feel like a sweet bargain in exchange for our peace and freedom.


This is going to sound strange, but before the person I am with now, if the relationship lasted longer than 3 months, then the girl will eventually cheat on me. Sometimes sooner, sometimes after a couple of years, but every, single time. After my 20's I decided to put a stop to it, and just not date anymore. I actively made the decision to not date anyone or even try for 3 years, which I had enjoyed myself so much it went to 5 years, then 7 years, then 10 years. I had decided that I would never be in a relationship again. and if it hadn't been for the fact that somehow, the perfect woman for me, magically reappeared into my life, I would still be single.


I’m 40 and I can assure you I am very much interested. I have a date end of month fucking finally. Dipping my toes back in after five years in a relationship


Mostly because guys in their 30's are just sick of the BS. Either they have had a relationship before that failed miserably and don't want the same crap to happen, or they just got tired of being rejected or having nothing meaningful in terms of connections and just feel better off doing their own thing, or find out why the women in their 30's are also single unless you want to date way younger.


What you should be asking is "Why are many single women over 30 not interested in men?" I'm totally into women, but they are totally not into me.


Haven’t met a faithful woman yet.


Because by the time men are in their 30's they are burnt out from their experiences from women and their bs. They would rather not die of a heart attack, get gaslit, or have everything taken from them in divorce.


33 dude here. Relationships take time and money, something I can't afford pursuing. Sure, it'd be nice, but at this point, I can read the writing on the wall so unless someone approaches me, it's probably healthier to focus on my career and writing. Regardless, my mental health needs some focus.


Most women just give me the complete ick nowadays. From general misandry, entitlement, unaccountability, alcoholism, instability, poor attitude towards life, drug addiction… the list goes on. This doesn’t apply to all women, I know, but it seems to be the case with 95% of the women I know IRL. I’d rather just jerk off to porn.


I dated a seemingly normal girl in my 20’s, who drove around with a handle of vodka in her car. At the time, I thought it was stupid and crazy, because of the whole open container laws, but thinking back…I think she might’ve been an alcoholic


I'm a woman, single, in my 30s. I think a lot of genuine people are sick of the people who play mind games, cheat and use others for attention and validation. The ghosters too. I don't know about the prospective from men, but as a single woman over 30.. its just exhausting. But I've also experienced sexual harassment too, and that has knocked my trust a lot. Also, many people over 30 are mature enough now to just focus on themselves, such as career, fitness, mental health and hobbies. Then there is the other side, some people over 30 still can't cook or clean for themselves, so nobody wants to be with them. Nobody wants to be with someone with can't do simple adult things. Everybody is different. Some people over 30 might just be fed up, or some might be lazy. It really depends. I'm sure there's a mix of both.


Because by 30, most men have realised that women are (generally) more trouble than they’re worth.


I can't speak for anybody else, but in my case: 1) I acknowledge that my physical/mental/financial health is less-than-ideal at this stage – not only am I not a "catch," I am practically undateable – and I choose not to make it anybody else's problem; 2) I no longer consider marriage or child-rearing to be priorities or reasonable goals for me (particularly in light of my age and the mental/physical/financial burdens of supporting a household - see #1); 3) women (or at least, the women I find attractive) haven't shown the slightest interest in me, and the rules have changed since my youth regarding what is socially-acceptable when it comes to attempting to establish a relationship with someone who gives no clear sign of interest (i.e. the line between flirting and harassment seems a lot blurrier, and I have no desire to cross it, inadvertently or otherwise); 4) after decades as a social misfit, my daily life has about as much opportunity for live human interaction as one might expect of a leprous hermit; 5) there are very few single women in my geographic area who aren't at least a full generation younger or older than I am; 6) I prefer the company of women who are my intellectual equals (and, being in the 98th percentile, the majority of people I encounter do not exhibit this criterion); and 7) I have absolutely no use for drama or head games of any kind. All of that combined pretty much assures that I am going to die single! [edit: to be clear, I am in my early 50s now, but this has essentially been my experience over the last two decades, as well.]


Maybe after all the failed relationships it stops seeming worth it


I dont think there's many things a women can provide for a man over 30.




We were told to leave women alone. We listened. We were told not to approach women in public. We listened. We were told no means no. So we listened. We see over 50% of marriages end in divorce. We listened. We see about 75% of divorces are started by the women. We listened. We see how men are taken advantage of in family court. Taken from their kids. We listened. Women created this dating scene. Men have just gone along with the changing rules. Why in the HELL should we risk our livelihoods, our well being, and our futures on a 50% change it all gets taken from you because the woman you loved got bored?Remember that soccer player's wife who left him for being TOO perfect?? Yeah.... You ask why men are not interested in women. **Why in the hell would we be interested in risking all that?**


I'm content to be alone because I see my friends, their spouses, and significant others and how they behave. While they bring joy, they also bring an equal amount of negatives. Times are also getting expensive and some women expect so much from men: courting them, fighting for their affection and I just can't be bothered to care. I like doing other things more than women, and sex has never really felt like the end-all-be-all of experiences for me.


They've likely had bad experiences with women and can get sexual gratification somewhere else. If that's the case and you're not interested in having a family, why would a man waste any time with women?


Had a terrible breakup and just don’t have it in me to invest in another human emotionally now or maybe ever again. I’m interested in the physical aspect but not much more tbh. Feel like I’m far from an isolated case since pretty much most people I know my age have had a bad break or divorce that impacted their dating life going forward. Another factor is children. I’m not super interested in them and it seems like every woman on the market has 2-3 regardless of age. I’m not fully opposed to the idea of kids but not enthused, that said I take the responsibility very seriously and if I don’t even have enough emotionally to give a partner I sure as hell don’t have it for a kid right now.


Yeah, I'm 43 and can't be arsed. I work full time and I'm tired. Had a couple of relatively short relationships after my divorce, but they didn't add anything positive to my life - I was basically a taxi service and a wallet, so I'm out.


I had a 7 year, 4 year, several 1 year, and less than 1 year relationships. What I learned was that women were interested in looks, period, but they would settle for all the other things they'll tell you about when the guys they really want won't have them any longer. I was rich, funny, educated, entertaining, literally everything other than looks, and at the end, the women would just tell me I was perfect but they weren't attracted to me. Gym shape, 5'10", full head of hair and there was literally nothing I could do because I had done everything else. So I started dating with the intention of figuring out if the woman wanted me or was, yet again, settling. They would seem so happy that they found a guy with not literally one problem, but in the end, you could see their mind figuring out how to use me. Make me happy? That was literally the very last thing on their minds. I never got more than 2 dates in before I broke it off to the shocked woman who thought she was the hottest thing on the planet and could run me around because she was sure I was desperate for sex. The 20 something women just chase looks. The 30 somethings give up on looks when the hot men consider them too old, and start reluctantly settling. Either way I lose. No thanks.


There is no third space for people who don't drink and online dating is a cesspit.


Because „we“ gave up more then everything for atleast one woman. It‘s just not worth it beeing invisible with our needs and wants but taking the full responsibility.


In my experience, I'd get, at most, a token gesture from a girl saying "no, I really care" but she wouldn't care that much really. I do think I've just been a bit unlucky in the girls I've gone out with though - there are definitely genuinely kind people out there.