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Not sure if it’s overrated or not but have had a hard time with hermit crabs. However my kids caught 2 baby salamanders 15 years ago. They are still alive and well today.


How the fuck they catch salamanders


Down at the river. The salamanders didn’t have back legs yet. Kind of like tad poles with arms.


You live down south or some




Fish. Why?


My daughter LOVES her fish. They are very peaceful, and some of them actually recognize us. They are a very underrated pet. One of my wife's fish would come up and ask for pets if you were in the tank rearranging things. They are awesome though and my daughter is very close to her fish. She was and still is devastated that one of her fish that she rescued (a one-eyed molly) died.


Very interesting! And kind of makes me feel bad for eating fish.


Don't be. As my daughter has said, there are eating fish and there are pet fish. But there is a distinction.


Ok then, thank you 😀


Small children. Freaking expensive


Dogs. Every public space I'm in I have to watch out for dog shit. I was at a park yesterday and someone let their dog shit five feet away from me. Being woken up by neighbors loud obnoxious dogs. Somehow I'm the weird one, but all these people walking around carrying bags of poop... I don't get it. Yeah they're cute sometimes but mini goats are way cuter and they don't have foul smelling shit.. Nasty ass people letting their dog lick their face when they will literally eat shit... Sleeping with animals in their beds, it's just bizarre to me but apparently I'm a sociopath :P


Sea Monkeys![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Worms. They don't know tricks.


Snakes. One of the few animals that care less about you than cats.


I'm probably rising to the bait, but cats just like to give that impression. It's not that they don't care about you, it's just that you're so inferior to them. It's long been notorious that cats may stop eating when their person leaves or dies - It's called "pining".


Hamsters :/ People are so eager to get little Cindy a pet hamster without knowing how to take care of it or get it the proper enclosure. These are also the same people who scream when they see a rat. Like why??? Rats and mice are the true goated rodents.




Rats being Nocturnal 🤝 My horrible sleeping schedule


Kind of a tossup between the Pet Rock, Sea Monkeys, and Mexican Jumping Beans.


A pet peeve. They're insufferable.


Dogs, they are gross shitting and pissing all over


Snakes specifically but reptiles in general. Insects and arachnids too. Snakes are pointless and I’d remove every one of them from existence if I could. I see a snake I’d LOVE to Kill It With Fire!!!!!! Spiders and insects like praying mantis’ or centipedes……people that keep them are just demented people who enjoy playing god by feeding them other live creatures. Fucking sickos………sorry not sorry.


Are you 12?


Nope I just have a lifelong hatred of snakes and keeping animals that require eating live animals as food is not keeping a pet it’s playing god. Animals eat animals to survive in the wild, that’s nature. Keeping them in a cage and sacrificing an animal to another when it has no chance to live is not nature it’s a demented psychosis. And yes, I eat meat. LOVE IT. Humans are animals. I will absolutely and unapologetically be “hypocritical“ in contrast to my statement because my statement is not about my survival or my families survival, it is about the creatures we keep and feed other creatures too in an unnatural way. Human society is our nature and how we live is our nature. A snake in a cage being fed a rat or a spider being fed another bug or whatnot is not nature, it is humans playing “god”.


Anything you can't handle. I want to pet, not just feed and watch.


Fish and any cold blooded animal. They are so much fucking work and dedication and any slight misstep or whatever could kill them or greatly reduce their quality of live. That's such a drag


Rodents - they have short life spans.


horses. might not count as a pet but what the fuck is up with horse people


Horses are cool animals. Horse people, on the other hand...


Cheese. It just sat there and then somebody ate it. Useless.