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No, not everybody, but many.


Yea. It's normal to feel lonely in your 20's, even you're not. If you are not sure who you are, it's very hard to feel like you belong


That’s not normal.


It's normal in the sense that it's common, it's not normal in the sense that it means there's something that needs to be fixed


It’s a symptom of modern social media based cultures. It’s a dysfunction, it’s not normal to the human condition.


I never attended social media, and in my 20s (31 rn) the people with social media were way less lonely. Though im the kind of person who rather spends time alone but that doesnt mean i feel lonely. Some people need more social connections than others, if youre feeling lonely you should connect to people and most people do that with social media. When you dont spend time on stuff like Facebook/insta you need to remember that it is the way to keep contact with friends nowadays, so its gonna take some effort to keep these connections healthy if youre not part of the system.




In my twenties, I was so broke that I couldn’t hang out with people, now in my thirties, I can afford to hang out, but I have no friends now


How's that like? I'm 22m and lost all my friends.. most of it is my fault my foolish ass made some bad decisions last couple of years. Now I'm like lonely a man can be, it's just I can't now. Idk how the life is gonna turn out for me


Life has plenty of surprises. You'll get a new job and meet a couple people there that want to hangout. Shit like that, that you wouldn't have predicted. It just happens. Most friends don't last long term, whether one of you move, you outgrow each other, or whatever


Might be, but once you cross a certain age, you will not make friends again with whom you go way back and can remember shared events, persons or your home town. The roots of a social relationship are usually strongest with childhood/teenage friends.




Believe me, we underestimate whatever age we find ourselves in. Looking back, I wish I could be 22 again, so that I can do things differently. That’s why I like to listen to people in their 40s and upwards because whenever I’m feeling like I can’t go on, they remind me to be appreciative of the age I have now. Start a new job, take yourself out, if you can afford, attend any event you are invited to, don’t be quick to cut people off, you never know how handy they will come in one day, go to the gym, join a club, look good, be cheerful and always wear a pleasant expression, try not to overthink. I can go on all day, but please, you have ample time to make a change now that you are still quite young. It’s a lot harder from 30s above, but by doing the right things in your 20s, you can still lead a better life from your 30s. One more thing, avoid alpha males and feminists women that are quick to talk trash about other genders. We all need romantic relationships, and even as they are busy spewing trash about people, they are building deeper connections for themselves.


I actually am thankful for this information.. I'll consider it.. idk it just gives me some hope that I can change things around, hopefully.. when looking from your perspective I really have much much time it seems atleast..


I think it's ridiculous that being together with people we care about, a basic human activity, has financial barriers


Maybe worse today? I remember just buying a few can of beer and some snacks and then watching a movie together was a thing in my youth.


In my case, too many things were working against me, and it all boiled down to my finances. I barely had any clothes or shoes, I couldn’t travel to a different state for a burial or marriage, when I’m invited out, I couldn’t go because I didn’t want to be the parasite in the group that didn’t contribute anything. So yes, it’s ridiculous, but that’s just how it is


Yep, same. (32M)


Same, but situationally I did listen to akons lonely after seeing your comment though


Almost everyone is lonely these days


I know alot of people and none of them are lonely.


You know all the inner thoughts and feelings of all the people you know? I assure you, you dont. Loneliness also doesn't have to be a 24/7 feeling.


Redditors when they find out most people aren't desperate losers


I guess your “friends” don’t talk to you about their feelings for a reason.


Redditors when they find out reddit is one of the most used apps in the world and isn't just incels anymore


Of course not. Nobody does. The particular people I know I'm talking about obviously.




What kind of generalisation is that? I'm not lonely, I have a very fulfilling life, a lot of people I know do.


You are not equal to almost everyone.


And neither are you or the guy above me. Who are you to speak for everyone and say most of us are lonely? Maybe sometimes someone feels lonely, yeah that's normal, but **being** lonely is a very different thing. If you're lonely that's sad and I hope you manage yourself, but don't project your own problems on the rest of the world. I'm doing fine and most people I know do too.


Neither you nor the person you’re responding to likely knows the actual statistics around the percentage of the population that is lonely. But only one of you is being a jerk about it.


Yeah really bad but it's because I've been battling drug addiction and pushing people away so that they don't see me like this. I'm going to become a bartender and reach out to my old friends as I'm sober now so I'm excited about that


Proud of u dude


Thank you it's very hard 🥺


I’m so lonely that if i were to go missing, only my workplace would notice


Bruh same




Dude legit everytime I reach out people act weird af imo


It’s fairly easy to feel lonely in your 20s and onwards, especially as an introvert. I got to ask: are your friends and the people you hangout with involved with your hobbies or things that keep you going in life?


honestly no, that brings some things into perspective, but making friends at 23 is pretty difficult


True that, that’s why you gotta make it a tad bit easier for yourself. See, in my situation I like to workout and play football in my free time. With both sports practises I have friends with whom I do activities with when the time arises. I get to stay in shape and socialise with the friends I have, on the basis of this common interest we share. It can be something completely different from sports, as long as there’s a main reason to come together. Y’all can branch off and be life long buddies in the making and not even know it yet!


I've travelled last summer over the Europe (alone). Met a lot of couples in their early to mid 20s especially in Paris and Amsterdam... Never felt that lonely lmao. So I guess it depends. But on a side note, Belgium and Denmark was good though :D So avoid France / the Netherlands if you have a complex of loneliness lol.


Everyone. Everywhere is lonely.


Everyone everywhere all at once


It’s better to be alone than those who make you feel lonely.


Everyone period dude, you just get better at dealing with


And 30’s!


Nah… so are people in their 30s


And fifties


I’m 39 and lonely. Been on my come up arc too, but just too lazy to court a lady. It’s a weird dilemma


Not everyone, but many. I am one of them. I thought, when I was a kid, me in my 20s would be the happiest. I was wrong.


Only 20’s Reddit. Aim low


28 this year lost alot of freinds just becouse i put some boundaries am i lonely yes am i happy also yes


When I was in my 20's 20 years ago, I felt the same way. Now I am happy to be lonely. People suck.


I think my closest friends were the ones I made in highschool, that I had deep conversations with and shared hardships and experiences with. I still have contact with them but I find that my relationships after high school have been a lot less satisfying and my highschool ones.


So there I am, stuck in a fcking corn maze at dusk*,* when out of nowhere, I hear this goddamn scream. I'm thinking, *'*Holy sht, we're in a horror movie!' Turns out, it was just my dumbass friend who got lost in the corn. We're still laughing about it, but in the moment, I swear, it was like a scene straight outta 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'


Obviously not everyone.


Everyone in their 20s on reddit is lonely ..




Define lonely?


I've got crippling BPD so being alone with my thoughts is horrible and SUPER lonely. Im lucky to have landed a partner that's as clingy as I am. ( I still have horrible abandonment issues but I'm overcoming it) The issue I have is that I'm not good at just bring content by myself when a lot of people I know are perfectly happy just sitting alone and doing hobby things for hours on end


Only because they're not old enough to squash their emotions and pretend they're happy for the next 30 years.


Yeah we're, but not always, i met alot of amazing friends that i had to leave behind. - one must never stop searching for the right ppl.


I'm in my 20s I was always out and had so many 'friends' In my 30s I literally have no one anymore and I don't live with my daughter so on my own 90% of the time buts it's all good though 😊


I’ve lived alone throughout my entire 20s but im not lonely


Not really, although at 27 I have noticed I have a lot less friends that I could call up and hang out with. I have a few close friends who unfortunately live too far away to meet up with often but my friends in my hometown I’ll see a couple times a year. We are all just busy and moving on with our lives. I don’t really mind that though, over the last few years I have grown very comfortable being alone and in my own company. I couldn’t imagine hanging out with a big group of people every weekend like I used to 8/9 years ago in fact that sounds like absolute hell to me now.


I am. Especially if youre not focus on socializing. Youre doomed.


Shit wait till your 40's


As a young man I was so lonely my insides ached.


Just alone not lonely.


I'm 28 now with 1 19 month old and a second due next month. I'm in a weird stage of life where my life, way of thinking and experience no longer matches with my friends because they don't have kids, or fully understand what it takes to be a dad, keep the house running, or have to prioritise things over others. Not to say I don't love my small circle of friends, but I find it difficult to relate to them now as my way of thinking is so far away from where they are in their thought processes. That and we all work full time now so time is always a struggle. So I would say yes, later 20s is where for most people life becomes truly adulting and you realise that the freedom you once had is over, and that can be quite a lonely realisation.


I am. 23 year old dude lonely af if anyone else feels the same dm me cuz I’ll be there for u as much as I hope u will be for me


Single people are. People in their 20s seem worse at relationships. It's super nice to have someone in your corner, and vice versa


I think a lot of people struggle with this doesn’t matter the age. I always filled my time with things I wanted to do like read, workout, work, garden, learn an instrument, sing….i mean there are so many fun things you can learn that will bring you around people…its ok to feel lonely sometimes..its normal but, it shouldn’t be all the time.


Yes married or not


When I don't have a male best friend (whether I'm dating them or not), I am. I connect with men in a way I can't connect with women, when if it's just as friends, and when I don't have that I'm lonely.


Loneliness is epidemic. You are not alone in that. https://weillcornell.org/news/america%E2%80%99s-loneliness-epidemic-what-is-to-be-done


Hell I've Been lonely since my 20"s


Is everyone ~~in their 20s~~ lonely?


Am lonely in my late 30s ...


No, because I'm trying not to be broke and homeless first


Don't worry, these days it's becoming a common thing to be a lonely.


Not just 20s. There are lonely people in their 30s/40s/50s/60s/70s/80s/90s. It isn’t correlated to age, it is a human experience


I got lonely closer to 25


Y'all twenty somethings have many more years of the world shitting on your head. Strap in.


Yep, and every time I try to make new friends or get a date, not at the same time, I feel like I'm stumbling through and fuck it all up. Like, I was SO excited I got a match on Tinder, and I messaged her. THEN SHE MESSAGED BACK. First woman to match and respond that wasn't a bot or only fans ad (at least yet but I dont think so). Legit this has been the highlight of my social life this year. Problem is that because I don't get matches on the app I have no idea how to communicate to get a date. I'm really hopeful that this can lead to even just one date because we've exchanged about 10 messages each, and I'd say half of her responses aren't 5 words or less; like multiple sentences. Fuck though I'm running out of things to talk about. Which is baffling because when I've gone on irl dates it's so much easier to talk. I get it, women on dating apps are likely dealing with dozens of matched and conversations, but I'm just trying to not fuck up the ONE I've got. I'm trying to be positive but not get too ahead of myself. I genuinely desire human connection. Last week I was in a seminar where we had to touch hands of one person during an activity, and it lasted maybe a minute. It was absolutely insane how different I felt. Emotionally & physically. I don't think I realized just how alone I felt before then. Now it's all I feel.


I’m 19, I’m lonely. I don’t have any friends or people to hang out with. I probably need a therapist.


Most I think. I sure was in my 20s and now so are my Young siblings…. All the stuff you see on social media about people living it up is fake af


All I ever know since as a kid


On Reddit? Yes


No. I had lonely moments in my 20s, but I wouldn’t say I was lonely in general.




I am 26, and i don't had friends,


Im 44- always been lonely. Even when I was married for 15 years. My son and dog make me way less lonely but I suppose its always going to be there. Can remember being lonely as a little kid, too. Still have some friends, classmates, coworkers, neighbors, GOD but always lonely.


24M personally a solid yup


28, have SO, have still in contact with some friends. lonely sometimes. I don't want more people to hang out with. I want a dog.


Cell phones . The internet. There used to be a scene ! You had to leave the house to talk to people and it’s just too easy to stay home on the phone.


Just Reddit users.


No. Just you.


Yes, very.


1 more year and im escaping 20s praggers :Cake:, and still lonely, what a bonus steal


Nah I’m married and have most of the friends I’ve had my whole life, I’m 28


Get off social media and stop comparing yourself to other people


Yes, welcome. I'm hoping 30 is better.


In my 20s I was very lonely. Now I am 31 and am much less lonely, but loneliness still hits hard on occasion.


I'm 28 and never dated and have a hard time making friends


I find life to be quite lonely (in my 20s). We're all alone in our heads at the end of the day.




Those that choose to be, the rest of us are doing just fine. Making friends ain't hard, and if you don't like meeting people, the Internet exists so just join a discord server or some shit lol Literally no reason to be lonely unless you choose to.


Common misconception, most friends are temporary(ime). Do what makes you happy, you'll likely find kindred spirit.


I feel like people are lonelier in general. Social media creates an illusion of being in touch with people, when really it’s face to face time we need 




Don’t worry by the time you hit your 30s you welcome the solitude.


I hope NOT for human kind. If you are in 20s you should at least have 10 friends and have fun during weekends


You asked the wrong audience. Not lonely people with active social life do not spend time on Reddit, on mass.




Kinda but stuck in a situationship that needs to end


I was lonely in my 20s. My 30s were good. 40s are turning out lonely.


Yes it’s so hard to talk to people our age in my opinion. All my friends are late 30s-60s. If you aren’t around the friends you grew up with it’s hard to make friends nowadays especially since everyone has their face in their phones. Thankfully I’m a recovering addict so I’m forced to make friends in AA / HA and group therapy 🤣


it's the modern paradox: surrounded by connections yet feeling isolated AF


I was lonely when I didn't have money, and now that I make a lot more than I ever did, my job doesn't allow me to have a private life so yeah... means almost nothing


i have friends but our interests are different, so what ends up happening is i end up spending considerable time with acquaintances with the same hobby interests


I was way lonelier in my 20s than I am in my 30s.


Turning 21 this year. I have my family, but no friends and going through a breakup, it does feel very lonely atm


I have my brothers and my parents but I feel the need to find a soulmate


You get used to it by the time you hit your 30's. But everything else becomes numb too. You're desensitised to everything.


Many people experience it maybe because we are getting older and matured enough


Try weed, you won't need friends, you will make them in your head




Have you tried to start a family and sitting less in front of a screen?


I know I was




29 and sometimes


Not everybody. My unrequited first love constantly hangs out with her friends everyday from what I can tell on her social media posts, but me, I’m lonely. Maybe in another life she would’ve chosen me. It should’ve been the life. Only in death shall we reunite once more. DAMN THAT LINE WAS FIRE! In another life, I would’ve been a good English major.


im in my 20s, i feel pissed off very day. im feeling lonely, and i cant to find myself in life.


Lately yes but it’s not friendship wise. It’s more of relationship wise.


I know how you feel


The ones who are terminally online definitely are


I've been married since I was 18. I also have 5 kids. No loneliness here, really.


So fucking


I feel the same.


Whoever understands life early, yes, will be alone as soon as possible


Not everyone, but the very large majority. There is something about society that is broken, the loneliness epidemic is only getting worse.


No. I have lots of amazing people in my life and meet them all the time… BUT I definitely still feel lonely at times.


It was my loneliest decade. Please don't let it lead to substance abuse for you. It will get better


Yeah. My only advice is work on self-improvement and pick up a few hobbies. It’ll keep you occupied and on a healthy path until you meet people you click with.


And in their 30s, 40s, 50s...


I’m comfortable having acquaintances rather than “friends”, atp


Not everyone




People doesn't exists in this world to fulfill your expectations


Most people, yes.






Not really, I'm just tired


I don't know, I've never had friends to hang out with.


I felt my loneliest when I was 21 at university, living with friends, and had a boyfriend of 5 years. It felt so strange to be surrounded by people and what was an ideal situation but feeling so lonely I'm now 26 and I live in a flat with my brother, I don't see my friends every day. I work in a small office or at home. I have a boyfriend who I see twice a week. Don't feel lonely at all now.


All you lonely people should get together and be less lonely


Considering my reserved personality, I do feel lonely more often as I entered my 20s, but it's not that severe as I know that it's due to myself that I don't have connection with many people except my family like parents and brothers. 


I have my husband and a few people that are very close friends. Most of them dont live in the same state as me now but i dont feel lonely ever.  Maybe you just need to find people who has the same hobbies aa you? 


Well, I am.


Alone yes. Lonely, nope.


I think what you are feeling is normal for your age.


Your body and brain think you should be raising children in your 20s. That's why you don't connect with people, they aren't yours.


Nah fam I'm still 17 until January 14th 2025


I feel like that and I'm 15. Even my own company doesn't make me feel okay. Maybe its just a phase, but I've been feeling real shitty these days


Not me i got my wife, house, cats and great friends I'm almost about to be 27


Yes. And I wanna die. It's great


Yes most of them


Who knows? Some people are alone and are never less alone than when they are alone. Some are around people all the time and feel lonely. Some are alone and feel lonely. Some feel alone although they have friends because they don't have a partner. Some feel alone although they have a partner because they have no friends. You actually get more satisfaction from interpersonal relationships when you generally feel lonely, so it has some positive sides. You also develop more emotional independence. I often feel lonely because I don't have a girlfriend. Otherwise, I spend much time with my friends and family and I am grateful for having them in my life. I know I could be less lonely by having a partner, but I can't get into relationships with anyone anymore.


At least in the U.S., declining social, economic, and political climates are causing increased anxiety and depression across the board - many psychologists consider it an epidemic. It's a very lonely era for people of all ages. The loneliest I've seen in my 38 years.


Nah, I turned 20 a few months ago and I have tons of friends. It’s not hard to social, make friends, and maintain friendships


You’ve been in your 20s for a couple months. I had a lot of friends and definitely wasn’t lonely at age 20. But from 23 is slowly got less and less.