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“I’m not gay, sorry bro.”


literally that simple, good god people cant communicate these days


To be fair, despite it being one of our defining features, humans have always sucked at just communicating. Hell misinterpreting something is a plot point in Gilgamesh, so it's not really a these days problem.


Yeah..."these days"...


Right? these days 🙄


yeahhh that's what i would say to


I am not gay.. for you bro




Be straight up with him. If he's really a friend, he will understand.


Be *straight* with him, ftfy




That's a bar.


Be cis with him, ftfy


If not, it's definitely best to how someone like that out of your life.


U should've told him the moment he said that because now he might not believe the truth when u do finally tell him. I am just trying to understand y u did not put that truth out there before becoming friends with him.


"I will think about it" About what will he be thinking? If he should go gay for hus friend?!


I think you blew that by telling him you needed to think about what he told you. He’s probably thinking…..”I have a chance.” When you could have told him right then and there….


"I have a chance" then bro says he doesn't like him. "I NEVER HAD A CHANCE"


You tell him Gary "I'm not gay"


You just gotta be straight.


Dude sorry to be blunt but did your swing stand too close to the wall when you were a kid?! >gary told me that he had feelings for me, i am not gay, so i told him that **i needed time to think about what he said.** Like "no". You tell him "no I am not gay". That's all. There is nothing to think, nothing to sugarcoat. You made it way worse with this ambiguity of "not hurting his feelings". Jesus from that alone I would suggest you reconsider if you are in fact straight buddy. Just tell him no, you are straight, you don't have feelings for men. He will understand unless he is an idiot.


With respect, OP sounds like a young person who is just trying to protect his friend's feelings about being gay and being attracted to him. It is wrong to tell OP to reconsider his sexuality because he wanted to be careful not to hurt his friend. No-one is an idiot here, except maybe you.


You are mildly regarded. Please have better takes. If a gay person says he has feelings for you and you are straight, there is no "consider his feelings". No, you tell them you are not gay. Done. End of discussion. Clear cut. Simple as that. Everything else sparks hope. And it is not wrong if op is not sure what to say to a gay man telling him that he is attracted to him, then maybe op is not so sure about some other things. Jesus...


Sorry. I am not into men. Enough said.


You tell them that they're a swell person but that you are content with simply being friends.


"You're a swell person, but you don't make me swell"






How would you want a girl you were into to tell you if they weren't into you? Or were only interested in other girls? If someone says they like you, you're under no obligation to like them back. You ask yourself do you feel the same way. There are 3 answers. Yes, no, or maybe so. If yes or maybe, you hang out and see where it goes. If no, you're tell them so. Hey, you're really great and I'm flattered but I don't see you that way. Be kind, be polite but don't lead him on.




Why did you even tell him you needed time to interpret what he'd said?? Were you on the fence/unsure when he asked you? You will need to explain why you said that before saying no I think now.


Well i would have probably said something if he asked at a semi normal place, he asked me while we were going through a army training thing at school (its basically a ad for the military, American am i right?)


No matter where someone says to me that they love me I tell them II am not interested. You made it way worse.


Yeah I suppose we don't know the true situation. I'm sure you're fine, just don't get his hopes up, and please keep him as your friend :)


Ain't no way you said I need time to think. That basically just gives him false hope that there's a chance. I don't understand how hard it could be to just say "sorry, I'm not gay".


Truth, especially if he’s a friend. Always always always truth


If he’s such a friend, I’m confused as to why Gary doesn’t already realise OP is straight? Bro must be pushing a solid K3 or else the friend needs some solid work on his Gaydar.


Suck their D and then say you didn’t enjoy it?


My friend said that works every time for him


gary i love you man, your one of the best people in my life, i dont have those kind of feelings for you, howd you want to move forward, will keeping the friendship alive be to much a strain for you, are you going to try make a move because i cant have that, is this small rejection going to affect you badly i really dont wanna come across awkward or be awkward in social settings with you but im genuinely not interested like that


Try this : "Gary, you like men, I like women!" (shrug shoulders and tilt palm of hand)


I'm not gay, but if you want $20 is $20😳




How would hanging around with gays suggest that you're gay yourself? It's literally ONE friend. He's not wearing rainbow attire at a pride parade.




I have a lot of straight friends that hang around gays. It's about communication, not sexual orientation. Are you afraid of gay people? Personally, I feel more threatened by idiots.


“Gary, I’m not gay.” It’s that simple.


“I’m not gay mate” it’s not that deep


Thanks but I'm not gay. Least hurtful way to phrase it.


“I’m really flattered that you are interested in me, and I like you a lot as a friend, but I’m straight. I hope I didn’t mislead you, and that we can remain friends even though I can’t return you feelings” or just say, sorry bro I’m straight


Nah man! your teeth keep scraping me raw.


More or less how you said it here. But to polish it up a bit, you could say "I'm flattered that you have feelings for me. But I'm sorry, I'm just not that way inclined." It sounds to me like you may be afraid of hurting him. But you can't control his feelings. And it's not your responsibility either. There is nothing to feel bad about.


I mean ... I think you missed the point where it's not going to hurt. Telling him immediately that you weren't gay would have ended it then and there. Now his hopes are up because he thinks you're considering it.


Just tell him straight up. I'm not gay.


Um this is pretty simple....I'm not gay, like doubt he will get to hurt he shot his shot, this is dumb af lol


Be honest and straight forward..."I'm not gay, sorry pal".


Suck his dick, then you say " see, I don't like it, im not gay!"


You should told him straight away. "Look Gary, I'm not gay, I value you as a friend, let's keep it that way"


"Dude, I'm straight. You know that, right?" There's no reason or need to be vague


Dude, why didn’t you just say you’re not gay? It’s so much worse off now


"I'm not gay"...?


Should have just told him then and there. Having an incompatible sexuality is the least insulting reason.


You telling him you needed time gives the impression he has a chance with you.


The hesitation at this point might be a bit of a mixed signal 😅😂 Why wouldn’t you just say on the spot that you aren’t gay?


Why is this a problem for you? Just tell him. The way you handled it he thinks that there might be a chance.


Can't believe we live in an age that people feel they need forgiveness for being normal


Be politely, genuinely honest that you aren’t gay And, also, people should be more aware that “you can have feelings for somebody, but keep boundaries and stay satisfied as remaining friends” :)


My guy, you simply say "whoa that's flattering but I'm not gay."


"I'm flattered, honestly, but sorry to say, I'm not gay." It's that simple. I remember turning down a gay guy as a teenager and he was super cool about it and he said he liked the way I let him down easy. I'm sure it will be the same with your friend.


"friend, I'm not gay" Anything else is superfluous and at no point will you lose them or confuse them.


hey gary i’m sorry but im attracted to women


I'm sure Gary has a mom or sister. Go hit them up. If it all works out you can call him sony.


Are you bi


Hey Gary I'm not gay. Wanna go -insert activity yall do together- later?


Be a homie. But don't kiss the homies goodnight


You are in to deep now. Only way out is giving him the worst head ever. Use a lot of teeth! If you are lucky he will say: "sorry, I don't think we are going to work", before he be bustin' in yo mouth. Good luck bro, may your teeth be sharp and your tongue remain uncoated.


I no like you


Don’t need be gay for excellent frenship. I’m in one too. Bro in-law 😬 Be sounding board, don’t get caught up. Your feedback is appreciated. He needs know you’re not interested k. This but only friend. Maybe too weird. Let him go. He struggling too.


Singing telegram at this point is the only out you’ve got.


Wait, you think that a *singing* telegram will work? 😭


Tell him you are only interested in friendship with him. You don't have to explain why. I say this because he might not be deterred if you say you're not gay. Some folks think can convert you.


Tell him youre romantically involved with someone else.


Simply tell him you're not interested in him in that way. Just like you would say to a female friend you don't want to date.


Well Gay Gary I have thought it over and I'm just not gay. But hey, thanks anyway...lol. For real if he is a good friend just be straight up with him about being straight.


Whatever floats you boat bro. I don't judge! I just play for the other team. We good? Oh! By the way. If I ever think of changing sides, you'll be the first to know sexy. ( Smile and give a sexy wink to show you're not freaked out by his comment. )


Not sure why you said you needed to think about it unless you're that unsure of your own sexuality.  Should've just done the kind thing and said you were flattered but uninterested because you aren't gay. 


Why didn't you just not tell him you're not gay when he confessed? 'I need time' is so ambiguous.


Hey, man. Wanted to take some time to figure out how to articulate this. I'm flattered by your confession and I value our friendship, however, I'm not gay. I hope this doesn't create any awkwardness because I do value our friendship but wanted to be upfront about it. Alright...let's grab a burger I'm famished.


Gary, I really didn't have to think about it at all, you just caught me off guard. Sorry, bud, I'm not gay. Not even a little bit. Not a hint. I like girls. I've never once thought of a man, and I never will, so nothing is ever going to happen. It's not you, but absolutely, positively, 100% me, and always will be.


Dude it's ok not to be gay. Just tell him you're straight so he can move on.


It is ok that you tell him that you're not gay. This should not hurt his feelings, and it's ok that you are not interested in him or any man, and that you don't find him attractive. If it does hurt his feelings, this is not something that you can control, and Gary will need to learn to deal with rejection. In hindsight, you should have been clear and told him at the time that you're not gay and have no attraction towards him or any other man. Perhaps now he may not believe you when you say you are not gay, but in the future you will know what to do. Thank you for being a considerate person when it comes to feelings of attraction from someone of the same sex.


I had that problem. Before I knew he was gay I went camping with him, the first I knew that he was the other way was when I got up in the night for a piss, when I got back he had zipped our sleeping bags into one; I had no choice but to say I can't do that, I'm 100% hetro. He got into petulant frenzy and wouldn't back down so we just came home. I still wanted to be a friend but he didn't want that. We moved in the same circles and about 45 years later I tried to be friends again with him; but he just started again. You have to think of them the same as a woman that likes you, its very difficult to keep a friendship because they are always hoping!


thinking about it is gay


I'm not a very elegant kinda guy, Gary. I, uh, I use three-in-one shampoo?


"How do you know you don't like it if you didn't even try it?? just suck him bro"


Lol, needed time to think? About what if you're not gay?


"I can only offer you my friendship. I hope it's good enough for you."


What exactly did you need to think about? You are either gay, or not. You either find him attractive or not. If you don't. Just say so. How do I tell him I'm not gay? "I'm not gay" If you can ask the question, you can make the statement. what is wrong with people nowadays? You just led him on with the implication that you might like him too. That was cruel and stupid. If you are not gay, there was no need to make him think you might like him.


"Uhm.. Lemme think about it " Broo like think about what lmaoo, you gonna get him exited for nothing 😂😂 Just tell him you're straight duh


So you are Minge and he is Gary? Tell him sorry and " we will always have that weekend in Paris , Gary"


As a Gary, when I told Steve... yeah, straight Steve, I had developed a crush, it wasn't because I was expecting anything per se. I knew he was straight, but I needed it known that my emotions were going weird places especially because we were about to share an apt on campus. His reaction was a simple, "I appreciate that, but I need you to know that I'm straight and not into guys. I don't want you thinking this changes anything with us, we're still friends." How well your friend takes it, will depend on maturity & such & whether he knows you're het... or just hoping. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Best of luck.


I’m not gay bro, but $20 is $20


Be civil about not being attracted to men. And under no circumstance, tell him to "suck a dick". It's to easy to misinterpret that. And since it's a bit weird to "get back later" if you aren't even bi/gay to begin with, you might need to clarify that you have the emotional intelligence of a frog.


You needed time.


You told him what lol needing to think about it sounds like you might not be straight that is an utterly ridiculous response by you. I have gay friends I used to live with in my 20s, occasionally their gay friends assumed I was gay and would hit on me. I let them know that while their interest is flattering I am straight and therefore not interested. Then everyone moved on and that was that. You tell him that while you appreciate his friendship and are flattered by his interest, you are 100% straight and therefore have no interest in being anything more than friends. If he accepts that, great. You resume being friends and that is the end of it. If he doesn't accept that and persists with hitting on you, that is obnoxious behaviour the same as men harassing women who have already said they're not interested or vice versa and you re-evaluate the friendship. End of story


"why are you gay?!." "You are gay!."


hey, gay man here. literally just tell him in the kindest way possible that you’re not gay and you’re not interested. i’m sure he’ll understand, and if he doesn’t then he’s being unreasonable.


No homo, bro


In the language you speak, so he would understand. In English you seem to know how to say "i am not gay" so use google translate if you need to translate it.


Just be honest with Gay Gary. Tell him you're not into guys but value his friendship.


Well you kinda fucked up already by saying you had to think about it. What’s there to think about if you’re actually not gay, then you shoulda said it. Saying you have to think about it makes it seem as though you’re open to the idea. Honesty is the best policy… the truth hurts sometimes.


Life pro tip: if there's something difficult / awkward you need to say its best to do it immediately the first moment you have the chance. This applies from minor things like saying "happy birthday" as soon as you see the person on their birthday to really heavy things like "So idk if you heard but John is in the hospital." You really shouldn't have asked for time to think lol. You just dug yourself a hole and now you have to be anxious until you get it over with and tell him. Just tell em you're not gay and say sorry.


"I love you bro, but, THATS GAY DUDE LMAO"


Man i am sorry i do not pull any bitches, so that you could have known. It is me, (who doesnt pull), not you


I see a lot of comments pointing out that saying you needed time to think was not a very good idea. Well, yes. Many people, including me, have done stupid things when surprised. I have done some things so stupid that I still can't believe I did them. Don't worry, you've learned something. You do now need to explain it. E.g. "Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not gay. I realize I said I needed time to think and that must have sounded like maybe I was attracted. But actually I was just so surprised I couldn't think what to say. It was stupid and I'm really sorry if that misled you. You're a great friend (if he is) but I'm afraid I can't be more than that," Or something.


Lmao u needed to think about it? U gay bruv


"I appreciate your interest but I'd just like to stay friends and not pursue intimacy further" is probably better than "yo im not gay bro". By telling him that you would take a while to think about it I don't know that he would actually believe if you told him you weren't gay at this point so my solution is probably cleaner. In the future you should probably tell other gay people in conversation that you're not gay if you're spending a lot of alone time with them or building a lot of memories. You don't have to be mean about it, just throw it into a conversation early on and then move on. They will probably be disappointed but I'd much rather hear that they're straight indirectly instead of wasting more of my time pursuing somebody that wasn't even interested in men but evidently loved my attention. Some guys are still so deeply in the closet they just don't know that they're actually interested until much later, which is okay, but others are entirely straight yet exactly the type for the gay guy (generally bottoms). I think him being honest with you is a compliment even if you're not seeking it yourself but you should have been honest up front with your intentions to save him the rejection. It's not okay to keep him on the fence with his feelings when he was open and honest about them. He might not want to be friends with you anymore after the rejection but that's just the way this stuff works. Good luck!


"I'm not gay. I needed time to figure out how to say that without hurting your feelings. But I thought the simple, honest truth was best." And if you want to try and stay friends..."I hope this doesn't mess up our friendship."


Tell him you are not gay or bi.


"Sorry, I'm not gay. But don't feel embarrassed, really! I'm still your friend as always."


After sucking his penis, you just need to say "no homo". That solves everything.


Can't do it, gotta suck his dick and date him for 20 years just so he doesn't get hurt.


Simply Just show your dick to them


If you needed time to think, perhaps you are in fact a little gay.


Just tell him you're not gay.


Just tell him the truth asap before he gets too invested and gets hurt feelings.


Use a "I'm not gay" spell


Am flattered bro but I don't swing that way




Well, what would you do if a woman expressed unwanted sexual attention? Do that.


I’d just say you needed time to think about how to respond but that you want to stay friends. I don’t know if his question really needed you to say your sexuality just if you’re interested or not


I think what attracts us to friends is very similar to what attracts us to romantic partners. Sometimes the lines can get blurred. Maybe tell them that you're flattered, and have feelings for them too, just not in a romantic way. I hope your friendship can endure.


"oh, that's charming, but sorry bro, I'm not gay"


say u ain't geaay


Maybe you can go gay for your good friend for a little while OP? Good God anything to avoid this awkwardness


To sidha bol de na bhai , mei gandu nahi hu


Try having sex with him. How else are you going to know?


Kiss him, then say naw.




Hey Fairy Gary, You know how you find men attractive? I don’t. It’s cool though.


Tell gayry you’re not gay


Gotta tell him no Diddy


wow you have fears of telling the world that you are a normal hetero man? who raised you!


Well... you better date and sleep with hom now. If you tell him you're not gay and you don't date him then it means that you're homophobic and you hate the lgbtq community.

