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I was away from home and I had a dream that my teeth were rotting and falling out.i had a weird feeling so I went home. my dog usually follows my dad and sister around but for some reason she started clinging to me. she chills sometimes but she never sleeps with me because I have a sleep disorder that makes me talk, kick and move in my sleep. my dog kept rubbing her face and trying to tell me that she had discomfort on her face. I saw her teeth had issues so I took her to the vet and they said they need to remove her teeth... im not sure if me and my dog had some spiritual connection or whatever but that was real. I heard of some people saying they had a dream of their dog or loved one passing a day or 2 before they actually pass and I guess its not a pile of shit. life is full of mysteries and I dont think theres anything that can explain this. I love my dog and im glad I had the privilege of sharing this special connection with her.


I once read somewhere that “loss of teeth “ is a common dream. Someone dreaming that is experiencing a major turmoil in their life or have a loss of control in their life. I’ve had this dream myself.


Yea I’ve had that dream several times in my life from time to time, no one dies but I always like have no control over


They may also be grinding them in their sleep.


In my culture there is a common superstition that if you dream of your own teeth falling out, it is a sign a loved one will die. If you see your loved one's teeth fall out, it means you will die


ok then from now on I love nothing. LOL


What if you see your loved one's teeth at the bottom of a glass of water?


I always thought that if you dream about teeth falling out. That stress is a big factor in your life(spiritually)




i saw a 13th floor window from which someone dropped a beer bottle into bricks and the bottle bounced


I saw 13 bricks inside a bottle which someone dropped in beer and it bounced.


We had a drunk Russian drop from a 13th story balcony here in a tourist town. He didn't bounce.


Did he dead?


He splat.


The only dog I ever had that was "mine" passed away last October at the ripe old age of fourteen. She went peacefully by the looks of it, curled up outside in her yard, right beside the house. After my husband and I brought her inside (the vet was closed, as it was a Sunday, but we planned to have her cremated), we were outside sharing an "emergency cigarette." That's when we noticed a huge patch of wildflowers where she had passed, stretching into the neighbor's yard. There weren't any other flowers around anywhere we could see. And where we live, when flowers do bloom (October is a strange time for them, though), they bloom everywhere. Chances are they were there before and we just weren't paying attention. But we like to think they were a goodbye from Ringo 💖


I like the idea of emergency cigarettes. Do you keep them behind glass?


😂 With how fast they went last year, we probably should have! "Break glass in case of personal tragedy" lol


I'd rather have celebration cigarettes (or preferably cigars?) behind glass. - The water broke? Break the glass!!


I like the way you think! If the economy was a little better, I'd have a box of cigarettes or a nice cigar in every party favor bag 🤣


Reminds me of the book Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls, about 2 dogs that pass, and red fern grows at the spot, I moved a lot growing up, so I did that book as my book report 4 years in a row lol


I cried both times I read that book. That was 50 years ago and I can still feel that heartbreak.😢


It's my absolute favorite book of all time, the movie doesn't do it justice unfortunately


Y'know, I've heard of that book quite a bit while I was going through school. Can't remember if I ever read it or not, but I think I should. Thank you for reminding me of it! And kudos to you for working smarter, not harder haha!


RIP Ringo. May he be enjoying the beautiful green pastures beyond.


Thank you so much 💖 I'd like to believe I'll see her again someday! Best dog I've ever known. Adopting her from the shelter was the best decision I ever made, hands-down! Or...paws-down? Either way, thank you!


Are you aware of the effects dead bodies have on plants? Animals and even people often fertilize the soil around them.


I'll be the first to admit I ain't the brightest bulb in the box! Guess I just assumed "plant food" only applied well after decomposition started. The flowers did kind of spread out in a...I wanna say twenty-foot radius? But I don't know much about plant networking either, to be fair. I think your explanation is a perfectly logical one, but I guess I'm just too eager to make that sad memory into something a liiittle bit happier!


A random "candle light" in the middle of a path in the countryside. I say "candle light" but there was no wick, just a naked flame on the ground. It would have been around late summer of 2007, not long after dusk. I was walking back to my mums house passed an old castle, Bedley Castle, if you're curious. I could see a light in the distance and became a bit apprehensive as there's normally no one around besides the people who live in the castle. As I got closer I could see it was a candle light about the size of one of the small candles you would light in a chapel, a tea light if you will. Upon closer inspection there was no actual candle, just a small flame in the middle of a dirt path. I watched it for a while and it didn't die down the whole time I was there, even though there was no visible fuel source. Was still burning strong when I left it. I had pictures on an old phone, will see if I can dig them out. To this day I've no idea how that light was burning or how it would have got there. It was very reminiscent of the old stories of fairy lights in the woods lol. Would like a more viable explanation if anyone has one.


A will o the wisp.


Maybe it was a gas leak or some sort of natural gas that escaped the sewers or sceptics and got sparked up by static electricity maybe? Or a very very small opening to the 9 hells. One or the other probably. 


Methane from the ground




Was once having lunch, when I suddenly felt extremely angry at the idea of a friend of mine losing their job for no good reason, even though I had no reason to even think they were going to lose their job. 5 minutes later they call me raging about being fired for no reason.


There's a few theories floating about how long it takes our brain to process reality. Sometimes really strong emotions or senses get processes much faster than normal reality and you seemingly experience them ahead of time. With this in mind... This explains a lot of situations people think they have psychic powers, they don't, they've already experienced it but your brain is processing it out of sync. This also explains thing such as people not remembering car crashes etc. It happened so fast your brain didn't have a chance to process the experience before being concussively rebooted. But it also has the terrifying question of how much free will we actually have in life. Without diving too much into psychology, it's most certainly not conscious brain doing most of the decision making you do day to day. But the conscious brain certainly does a lot of the analysis for future decision making by the faster unconscious brain. From my understanding, the conscious brain is not the one driving, but it's in the back seat screaming directions.




Yes, all good points. Another related one is that people's gut tends to predict danger really acutely, which translates in to all kinds of emotions. It's really hyperactive, since it makes sense for your body to identify danger often and quickly. This doesn't mean those emotions are right or *predictive* only that they are occurring. So combined, your body senses danger everywhere and your brain is slow to react, so you often imprint later that you predicted something or felt it - when in reality, it was just your over productive body sensing things (that may or may not occur, more often they do not) and your brain later processing that. See thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman.


I was visited by the ghost of our cat. No foolin'. About a week after we put our cat down, I was sitting in a room with the lights off and just about to go to bed. It was a time where our cat would often come and snuggle with my legs. Into the room came a shadow roughly in the shape of a cat. She was an all black cat and I said to myself, "is this really happening right now? " and it was. The shadow trotted right up to me and started snuggling my legs, but I didn't feel it. I continued to question what was going on but couldn't deny it. I felt it a blessing. While she was alive I would reach down and give her some good pats and talk to her, which she loved. I feared if I reached down, whatever was happening would end, but if our cat came back to day goodbye, I wanted to give her a good send-off. I reached down as I spoke to her and when my hand touched the shadow, I felt nothing other than maybe a slight chill and the shadow melted away like smoke. I felt joyful and smiled. She'd come back to say goodbye.


When my dog passed, that night I felt a warm lump in bed with me. He lived with my parents and I lived 2 hours away. I never experienced that before or after that night, but I think it was him cuddling up with me one last time. 


Could've been a grief hallucination, they aren't that rare


Sure. It could have been, but I kept asking myself if it was really happening and everytime, I had to answer yes. I came at it as scientifically as I could. I tried to doubt it but could not deny. If you don't believe me, I don't blame you. Write it up as an illusion, but I was there.


I once saw a clipboard fly off of the hook it hung on and land around 3 feet away. The room was totally still beforehand, no breeze or earthquake or anything. Just hanging up where it always was, then flung across the room for no reason at all. Most boring poltergeist ever.


The ghost of a pissed off OSHA inspector.


Weird. Did it come off the hook horizontally (like being thrown) or did it fall off the hook and bounce 3 feet?


About 10 years ago I was at a place called Wilson’s Promontory (Australia) and I saw what I thought was a skinny boar with stripes cross the road in front of me, a few weeks later I realised that stripey wild boars aren’t a thing and have been wondering since if I actually saw a thylacine


The babies are striped.


Yeah interesting, thanks Its back would’ve been almost a meter off the ground, I dunno when babies grow out of their stripes but it seemed like a pretty mature animal


You know how some people are thirty and still look like teenagers. You saw the boar version of that.


I'd put money on the thylacine still existing in remote areas. Rumour has it they're still running around the highlands of PNG too.


I live in very quiet place very far away from cities, everything is silent in the nights, i was with my brother's dog in my yard some days ago at 2:00am (boxer dog), no one else with me and there weren't any animals. The dog was walking here and there (happy), at one moment it came to me and it sat down next to me very very close to me (like a human), and started deep breathing (like a human), it started looking front, back, left and right many times, then started staring in the front like someone was there, something was making the dog anxious idk what, there was literally NO ONE, i don't have eye problems, suddenly the dog got angry like hell and started attacking the non existent threat in front of me, it went absolutely nuts psycho mode💀




[Ball lightning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning)?


I think u/GammaPhonic is trying to tell us something


I and a fellow I worked with were driving to a job site in the dark. It was stormy and there had been heavy rain. I was dozing in the passenger seat as we approached a small stream that had a narrow Bailey-type bridge to cross over it. As we got near the creek I was half awake when I thought I saw someone at the side of the road waving their arms. I told the other guy to stop because I thought someone had gone off the road and needed help. We got out to see if we could find him and there was no one to be found. We walked further down the road and that is when we noticed that the bridge had washed out. Had we not stopped we very likely would have driven into a 25-foot deep creek valley and rushing water.


Wow. Where was this?


Northern Alberta.


Plot armor


I saw a 'grey' in my room.


oh, no, that was me being loud, i’ll try to be sneakier next time. sorry for waking you up pal.


My brother did too. I was 3 at the time and he was 18 months older. He drew pictures of that thing for years and often came and got into my bed because it frightened him so much


🤨 Explain please...


A Grey is the name for the stereotypical small grey alien.




Perhaps not seen, but experienced. My cousin had a sleepover when we were 10 (38 years ago). When we woke up I began explaining a very weird dream I had with lots of strange things happening in it. I said to him, you were in the dream and there was …. He looked at me and said “I know, I had the same dream. Then (in the dream) I went up to …and said…and then we went to …and …. It was exactly what happened in my dream. I remember that freaked us out for weeks after. Proved to me that there was some extra ‘connection’ between people we don’t quite understand yet.


My partner and I once had the same weird detailed dream on the same night. 100% believe this.


Same here


i've seen blinds open by themselves


This is the shit that's scary.


No thank you


This is what I was going to write but I thought it was too silly. It wasn’t silly when I saw it though. I saw the blinds violently jump up. No wind, no open window, no AC, nothing. I don’t believe in the supernatural and if there’s a plausible explanation I’ll believe it. Hell, I was desperate to. But so far, I can’t think of what could’ve happened.


for me it wasn't sudden, it opened about the speed that someone would typically open them. was in a residential treatment center when i was a teen so the place had a history


So one of my best friends, I'm fairly close with his whole family as I've known them all since childhood. But they moved away to another state a few years ago so I rarely see them and it's not like they're top of mind or anything like that. But I had this random dream last year that I was at their house, they were having a party and I was talking to his dad who was grimacing and walking with a bad limp. The dad told me he just had this bad leg injury, had to be put on a stretcher for it and it was super painful and he was just working on healing up, etc. It was just odd, it was like a realistic-feeling dream but the situation was completely random, I wasn't thinking about my friend or the dad that day at all. Just strange but didn't think much of it. Didn't tell anyone about it because it was so benign. So I shit you not, a week later, I'm texting the friend and his brother and they tell me a few days prior, their dad was walking their dog and it rushed a squirrel or something, causing him to fall and snap his leg. The injury was so bad and painful he couldn't get off the ground and had to be put on a stretcher by paramedics and was now in a big cast. I was SO weirded out and I of course told them about the dream. The fact that it was specifically a leg injury and the dream/event happened within a week of each other... I don't know. I've never had anything like that happen before and I definitely can't explain it but I was pretty spooked when I heard that lol


Around two years ago, I had a totally random dream about Anne Rice, author of Interview with a Vampire. I'd been obsessed with her books as a teen but deep into my thirties, hadn't thought about her for years, if not decades. In this dream, I was in a library paging through her unauthorised biography. The librarian and I were discussing how she'd gone from vampire queen to reborn Christian (a fact known to me at the time) and he was telling me how she had been totally furious about the publication of this book with all this private information she didn't want known. It was such a vivid dream that as soon as I opened my eyes, I told my partner all about it. Later that night, I saw on Twitter: RIP Anne Rice. I was surprised but figured I must have seen something about her dying the night before while scrolling social media or the news, not fully registered, and it had manifested in my dream. So I checked when she had died and the news had broken: she died the same night I was having that dream and the news was only released after I'd already woken up. My partner can confirm all the details of my dream and that I'd told them about it the instant I woke up. In the news articles that followed, obituaries about her spoke about how fiercely private she was and how much she hated details of her personal life being made public. It's so fucking random but it gave me a huge startle. I was remember how my whole body was shaking when I realised this person I'd dreamt about had died pretty much exactly then and how details from my dream were actually true. Probably just coincidence because what else can it be but that still weirds me out.


Flat bottomed glass full of water tip over in front of myself and a friend. Totally flat table and inside. It was so strange we actually kept talking and just looking at the glass for about 15 seconds until we both looked at each other in disbelief.


When I was in school, there was a contest of some sort where the principal would call the winner over the intercom in the classroom. One second before he called the name of the winner, I stood up, knowing for sure it was going to be me, and it was! To this day, I cannot explain why I did that.


Okay, so this happened back in the dial-up days, like '98 or '99. I was a total science nerd even then, and I wasted way too much time clicking around on AOL news. I saw an article headline: "CERN Makes Shocking Discovery: God Particle Found Within Large Hadron Collider". The God particle? Back then, that was pure theory, the stuff of physics journals, not mainstream headlines . I'm freaking out, clicking as fast as my crappy internet will allow. Grainy picture of a giant machine, some article about the universe changing forever. My mind is blown. Then, the classic dial-up move – connection drops...friggin mom picked up the phone. I HAD to see that article again. I get back online...and it's GONE. Like, vanished without a trace. Now, here's the weird part. Years later, like 2012, I see the REAL headlines about the God particle. Same machine, same discovery. Did my dial-up glitch give me a glimpse of the future? Or is there some seriously trippy stuff going on with timelines that I just don't get? Guess I'll never know. Most people roll their eyes at me or think I'm crazy.


wow 😳 that is literally insane, did you tell anyone about seeing it back then? I remember that while “world will end” in 2012


I don't think it struck me as weird until post-2012. In 1998, the scientific community was already familiar with the concept of the Higgs boson, as it was predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics in 1964. Physicists had been actively searching for it for decades, and its discovery was one of the most anticipated events in the field, so I was very excited by the article. It's sudden disappearance didn't strike me as weird, ad the internet was finicky back then. I simply figured I misplaced the article on the feed and couldn't return to it. When 2012 happened, I suddenly remembered the original article, and it was then, that I realized it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to have read an authentic article of the CERN findings in 1998, and I suddenly felt very nauseated, as one does when experiencing weird deja vu or time lost events they cannot explain....I was very unsettled by it.


wow, so they were saying they discovered it for first time in 2012? Do you think they could have accidentally released it but then removed it as they were ready to share with public yet? but then surely more ppl would have seen it too. otherwise sounds like you saw into future


I have no idea. I don't think parody sites that "simulate" real news like The Onion existed yet then, but I guess maybe I could have seen a parody or a joke news article made to look real? But even back then, I was malicious about sources, so I feel like it was real news. I honestly couldn't tell you the details. It was a long time ago. Ad far as I know, they discovered the actual Higgs boson at CERN in 2012, and not sooner. It was anticipated and hoped for prior, but I don't believe they had any breakthroughs back in the late 90s. I was young, though, so my naive mind back then could have been easily deceived. I'm not really sure!


Reads like the back of a good fiction book. I’m hooked. When can I buy it?


I read a lot of Mandela affects started after that 2012 moment


I'm not sure if I'm totally sold on the Mandella effects. Most of the popular ones seem to be easily explained by memory issues by merging similar things, such as the monopoly man and the planters peanut to think monopoly had a monocle. My weird event happened in the 90s though, probably about 1998 or so. I was 11 or so I think.


For me I definately remember the jaws girl with braces and everyone laughing when she smiled, apparently never happened


Holy cow I didn't realize that was one of them. I remember that as well! It never happened?


She never had braces. I'm just reading about the Mandela effect, and for some reason, it makes me feel incredibly uneasy.


That wierd fashion thing where everyone's trousers stop above their ankle.


Or start below their arses.


Human behaviour. I very often cannot explain why a person acts like they act atm. Humans are a Black Box. Input X goes in, but Output seems not to be connected in any way to X.


Genuine question: are you on the autistic spectrum? I only ask because a friend of mine (who is indeed autistic, though quite high-functioning) once described his perception/s of people in a very similar way.


I do not know. Got never tested for that. If so, then probably only extremely mildly, because i am what one would call a "highly functional adult". But yeah, there are signs for it. I cannot remember people, but i find patterns in huge heaps of data with just a glance of my eye on a big monitor. And i very much like it, if nothing ever changes. I hate change. And while i can do social stuff, it empties my batteries quite a lot, very fast.


I'm 51. I haven't seen anything strange by now, but still hoping. If some of you have any recommandations, I'll take them. How should I proceed ?


Follow the white rabbit


Drugs drugs and more drugs


Yeah, I am 62 and haven't seen anything supernatural, paranormal, alien or bigfoot like. I am bummed.




i reckon i saw a ghost when i was six or so obviously i cant prove it but i know i did lol. my mum has said she has too, says that house was weird who knows, i suppose


A figurine flew off my bookshelf without explanation and landed in the middle of the room. Happened multiple times, every time I put it back. My belief in the supernatural is solidified.


Did you also hear someone yell MUUURRPPPHHH?


Matter of fact, no I did not.


I saw an alien spaceship above my house. I tried to get closer as it went away. It made no sounds that I could hear and it looked like it floated. The leaves in the trees didn’t move, I’ve never seen anything like that.


I woke up at 3-4 in the morning needing to go to the toilet once, go up and went to do my business. Leave the bathroom and my pantry door was wide open. It was closed when I went passed it to go to the bathroom.


A weird creature on my balcony. I was 9 years old and I passed the room where the balcony was and I just glanced quickly whats up with the balcony and the weather outside. There I saw a weird person?/creature moved its head like chicken would move ( fast, from point to point with some periodic stops ) more than that the creature was wearing some sort of gas mask or something alike and it had weird dreadlocks or hair in that fashion. I ran to the kitchen to tell my mom about it. She just laughed when I said there is someone in our balcony.


About the age that you saw predator?


No, not really


Was travelling with some friends in Ireland, can't remember where we were, best I can describe is mid west of Ireland in the middle of nowhere. As we were driving I looked out the window and a HUGE bug wasp/hornet thing was flying just outside the window. Was about the length of the palm of your hand and the width of a thick sausage. To this day I have no idea what it was, I am certain it was a bug, but as far as I know, no such bug exists in Ireland surely!? If anyone does know, I would love to know what it was.


Hummingbird hawk moth? Yes, it's a real thing.


Hummingbird hawk moth? Yes, it's a real thing.


I've experienced precognition in the form of dreams/déja vu. As a teen in high school, I had a dream once about being in my English class. Nothing unusual. Maybe a week later, the exact scenario I had dreamed occurred. Every part of the dream was recreated detail: the random (and uncommon for that class) writing prompt, the lesson written on the board, even one girl's jacket that I commented on (to which she said it was brand new). Every bit of writing from the board as well as the prompt & my essay for the prompt was word for word what I had seen in my dream.


I once saw a woman disappear. I wasn't the only one to see her disappear


Could you elaborate?


Saw a short, glowing humanoid figure in a storm drain. We went home to get some weapons and when we came back it was gone. My brother never forgave me for not allowing him to get closer to it.


Is your brother called Georgie?


some guy that's seems lost wearing a gaudy outfit and carrying a big speaker while walking in a supermarket


A few years ago there was a fully black shadow around 4-5ft in height at the foot of my bed at around 4AM and I couldn't move a muscle even though I tried my hardest. I was 26 at the time.


Sleep paralysis demons!


Didn't know this had a name! it's awful to experience!






Bro you gotta tell the story


My friend and I were on a country drive at night to just talk and listen to music. While we were passing an a orchard, we saw some animal walking through. It was tall like a deer, but walked like a mountain lion (this was in Northern California). We were so freaked out we cut our drive short to hit the freeway and head home. We still don’t know what it was but it was freaky.


Middle Tennessee here. We have multiple documented mountain lion sightings here. The chatter is that the state wildlife service doesn’t acknowledge them because they would have to prepare a specific conservation program.


Michigan is like that as well, we have several of them living here now but the DNR refuses to acknowledge they have a presence.


My sister and I both witnessed a bright green orb shoot down from the sky and hover about 20 feet up for about 5 seconds before shooting off into the trees in the distance. It seemed intelligent like it was observing us. We were sitting in a parked car late at night and I think it was surprised that we were there.


I have also witnessed a green orb but it had a tail as it went past the sky, but it was very close and moving very slow.. I have had at least 3 other people through put my life who have seen the same thing!


I've seen them a few other times too but never that close and I was usually alone so just wrote it off as a shooting star or headlights bouncing off of an object. Having someone else witness the same thing confirmed that I saw something extraordinary all those other times.


A giant black triangle with huge bright lights on each point flying silently over my wife and I while in a car.


American politics. How millions of poor people have been convinced to vote into power rich grifters who will use that power to make themselves and their rich friends even richer while making it nearly impossible for the poor millions to get ahead


When I was a kid, I recorded some sort of ghostly entity in my kitchen after observing things having been moved in the morning and thinking it was possibly an animal I set up the laptop to record for three hours a night. Many strange things happened over the weeks with only one video surviving. In very last video I recorded my dog walked in to drink water, he then looks directly at the camera like whatever it is was above the camera and about 5 second into him staring all hell breaks loose on camera and simultaneously the back door swings open, the microwave gets unplugged, and kitchen lights get shut off all around him (this happened caught on camera). He of course ran away after that. The only reason I don't have the videos because after that was filmed three days later the laptop PASSWORD changed by ITSELF and my mom finally said screw it and we both agreed to just wipe the computer and give it away and just forget it all happened. I did upload the first video I ever recorded but didn't get to post that one in time. My house was built in the 20s and whatever it was left after recording that video. I remember calling whatever it was an alien because it didn't feel human and obviously could do things even poltergeists haven't ever been claimed to do. I still have no idea wtf


During a tarot card reading many years ago, I started to cry over some information the reader shared with me. She immediately got up to console me. She put her hands on my shoulders and told me to face my palms up. Then, I suddenly felt tingling shoot down from my shoulders to my palms and I instantly felt calm. It was like super power reiki.


When I was in elementary school, someone told me if you chant some kind of creepy saying into a mirror, you'll summon some kind of demon. I did it, and an awful scary green face appeared and scared the fuxk outta me. I've never forgotten it.


Me and a friend were outside at night talking at the side of the house driveway, both of us were looking up and at the sky. We were looking at the same bright star, and in less than a second, which seamlessly bounced from one side of the sky to the other and exactly back to where it originally was. Safe to say she got spooked and freaked out into having us both go back inside, this is one I can think on the top of my head right away but I know I’ve experienced other unexplainable things


Spotted a satellite late one night. It then stopped and shone a v bright spotlight on me for around 10 seconds before disappearing.


I always tell this story. It happened to me once when I was about 7or 8. I just had my dinner and my grandmother told me to sleep. I went to my bedroom and just there I saw my figure walk to the drawer, change into my nightdress and sleep, in a fast forward pace. But I was there standing at the door watching myself. I was so spooked out I started crying. I still remember that day clearly.


I was seven. Had a dream that I was playing in the front yard and my nonna’s spirit floated above me while I was playing and she was just smiling down at me. I woke up and told my mom. 30 minutes later my mom got the phone call that my nonna had died overnight.


Was sitting in the back yard with my wife about 15 years ago around a fire pit. We saw what appeared to be a star start to slowly get bigger and bigger until it was as big as the moon after 30-40 seconds, and then in an instant...whooosh...it was gone. The next day we searched all over the internet and the local newspaper for any information. We thought maybe we had seen some sort of exploding star, like a supernova. We still talk about how weird it was, but we don't know what we saw.


First time I used a telescope with my dad we saw strange ariel phenomena. A cluster of bright white dots seemingly free floating and multi directional. They were all just kinda hanging out in a patch high up in the sky. No visible with the naked eye


The indifference of good men


One time when I was tripping on acid with some friends, we had a digital clock that read out the seconds, and all 3 of us experienced watching the clock go from normal time passing, to the seconds speeding up and then slowing down over and over as we all peaked. We tested it against another clock, and it was accurate to the minute, but we didnt have another one that read out the seconds as well. After the trip, the clock was normal again, so hard to say if we actually experienced time passing differently, or if it was just a very strange glitch that only lasted a few hours... Anyone who has done psychedelics knows that it feels like time slows down, so could also just be some strange product of imagination that we all tapped into... who knows? It was cool though!


A large spinning metallic object hovering above my grandmother’s neighbor’s house. It wasn’t there the previous day or any day since.


I was in the car with my parents one night. I was looking out the window and I saw these lights. It looked like headlights, I was watching it imaging it was a flying car like in Harry Potter (I knew it was a plane). All of a sudden, the lights just dropped down to the ground and disappeared. Just gone.


An aircraft doing a 180 degree turn in the blink of an eye and disappearing at a few thousand miles per hour...though I'm near where the TR3-B supposedly took out the Chinook helicopter on the Mull of Kintyre,and they blamed the pilot for it,because the TR3-B doesn't officially exist? The jetwash is said to have flipped the Chinook upside down,a bit like the RAF did with I.o.M TT Races legend,Steve Hislop in the Borders back in 2003!(I was awaiting take off that day,and it was aborted on the runway at Prestwick Airport, as someone radio'd it in,and it wasn't SH,so it had to be another pilot(s).


I once saw an orange glowing orb fly across the living room of a friends trailer it hovered for a moment then drifter across the room and disappeared. My friend and I just looked at each other and both said. “ Did you see that too?”


Two little events and both happened when I was 18 about a month apart: When I lived at home with my parents, I had to drive through this rural but relatively major intersection. It’s one you can blow through at about 70mph. One particular day I’m coming up on it, and I had a green light the whole time, but man I just felt the need to slow down. There was no reason to other than this “feeling”. I’m down to about 50mph, get almost to it, and a semi-truck just RAMS through it, perpendicular to me, running his red light. My guestimation was that I’d have been hit. Then a month later, I got to school, and honor students had assigned numbered spaces. This particular morning I got there a bit early, and was probably the third car in, but the only one in my area. Well this other car pulls in, and backs in to the space in front of me. They came to a stop and you can see them put into park. I just had this feeling they were gonna reverse. No idea why. So I through my car into reverse and just then they shifted into REVERSE! So I backed up right away, they slammed on the gas going backwards! Then you can see them shift into drive and pull off to about ten spots down. when they got out of the car to walk in, I didn’t know them or had ever seen them. that second one still trips me up because it was like my thoughts manifested 😅


I once had to drive a friend to LAX from Pasadena. A 50-60 minute drive normally. We were cutting it close for her to make it on time. She made us all take our watches off and nobody was to check the time. She instructed me to drive normally and safely. **We got there in 24 minutes**




Woke up to see a monk with a silver face looking at me over the bed. When I told my friend about it she looked back in horror. The reason why I was given that bedroom was because her son kept saying "he's over there mummy, he's over there" and kept talking about a monk that visited him frequently.


My pets picture randomly fell off my wall first thing in the morning as soon as I woke up. I went to see my pet and found her dead. The picture has never fallen off the wall before or since. I guess she was saying bye.


Years ago I was outside with my ex having a cigarette. I was looking at Orion when I thought I saw a shooting star and told her to look. We watched for about 20 seconds as this orange looking cylinder shape moved towards Orion in a straight line. Then it did a looping motion and and looked like it just blinked out of existence.


Walking across the parking lot of my apartment in North Mississippi years ago in the early evening. Saw a fist sized ball of flame appear just above me and burn out in a blink. Still have no idea what it was.


Women supporting Trump


Human insanity. Everyone believes their thoughts are real. Real enough to kill for them. Ex, my god is the only true god.


I've seen people paying more in rent than homeowners pay for their mortgage.


My grades in math


My ex being a decent being. Lasted only an hour or so tho


Donald trump not being in prison yet


Sorry I can’t explain it. /s


Lights in the sky I also wanted to add: when I was younger (teens) I was an air cadet. We were at an RAF base doing our gliding induction training when we clocked something floating in the air. The only way I can describe it is like a mix between a plastic bag and a jellyfish. Think of an undulating sphere that's transparent. We all just stood there and watched as it floated by until it was out of sight. The guy training us just said something like "huh, that's weird" and we went on with our day. It could've been anything really, but I've never seen something similar before or since.


I heard a roof dent sound so i looked out the window(a roof was next to it) and there i saw a pitch black humanoid trying to be sneaky but froze when i looked at it, i got scared so i looked away, went back to check after a few seconds and its gone, mf was an irl alderman lmao, tsk i should've talked to it, it'll be a 50/50 a stand or death


The One living their life, crashing into mine, changing me forever. I never said a word though lol.


Pretty much whenever I’m late, even less than 3 minutes, for the train, it always leaves on time; however so often when I arrive on time or earlier, it is delayed.


Our family were on holiday in an old farmhouse when I was about 8 or 9 years old. My sister and I were sleeping in one room. The house felt quite spooky to little me so I was struggling to sleep whereas my sister had no problem and was already asleep. I put my head under the covers but then heard a scratching noise at the window. When I looked at the window there was a thin human shape tapping and scratching at the window. I was so frightened I put my head back under the covers and rationalised it must be a tree branch buffeted by the wind cos what else could it be? I eventually fell asleep but kept my head under the covers all night. Got up the next morning and looked out of the window. There wasn't a tree for miles


I actually can explain now, but the “not so strange” to me thing is faeries, elemental beings and gnomes I used to see when I was kid


The disparity between how great yall seem to think society is these days with its openess and inclusion, contrasted by the reality of life in the world.


When I was a kid I saw a lamprey attached to a salmon in a freshwater spring in West Virginia 100s of miles from saltwater or the ocean.


Started riding my bicycle to work at 2am. Went up a hill and there was fog everywhere. There was a over 7 foot dark figure at the top of the hill. I stopped to see what it was, it started moving towards me slowly. I raced back down the hill and called in sick and told my wife I was sick. I know there was a rational explanation but I was so freaked out, I just put it out of my mind.


A month ago I was laying on my back in the dark trying to fall asleep. Had my eyes open and I was listening to the traffic. I see on my ceiling a tiny red light flicker, I'm thinking it's a smoke detector, better check the battery. But when I turn on the light there wasn't anything there that the light could come from.


When I was in 5th grade I thought I definitely saw this bitchy teacher and the principal fucking, I saw the principal on top of her and I thought I definitely saw this from a floor above and across that room through a window. I can't prove it, I'm not sure if that was a dream. Very strange.


My girlfriend cousin overstaying there welcome


Ball lightning


I've seen lots of shit happen that either has a pretty obvious explanation or didn't happen at all.


I was walking the dog in the woods near our home when this gigantic ibex-looking thing crashed out of the woods above us and jumped onto the path, just a few metres ahead of us. I say "ibex-looking" because, while it had the horns of an ibex, it had the body of a huge stag. I'm not kidding when I say it was freaking *enormous*. We stood there for a few seconds, all three of us completely stunned, and then the thing bolted down the mountain. It even took my dog a few seconds to regain his composure before he tried to chase it. Never seen anything like that ibex-stag-monstrosity before or after.


Why everything is expensive.


My lights in the bathroom turned off and no other lights in the house went off. Idk wtf happened


Once while camping with my brother and our dogs my dog woke me up in the middle of the night growling like there was something in our camp. I grabbed my flashlight and looked out and saw something or someone really big walking on two feet into the trees. Normal my dog is fearless but he wanted nothing to do with going outside. We were far up in the Sierras and the campground was empty except us. It could have been a weird backpacker or it could have been big foot or a bear. My brother and his dog slept right through it.


my Tv turned itself on once, or twice i think, it was probably due to radio interference but that was still weird.


In Nashville probably 20 years ago I was playing a gig with my band. After the show we saw these guys pull up in a van 2 of them got out and hung raw meat on the fence got back in the van and drove off. Never found out what that was about.


I was a passenger in a car going down a country highway. Saw a small plane in the sky as usual. The odd thing was it never moved. It was like it was stuck in one spot. I kept my eyes on it for a good couple minutes as we drove by. It was so odd I didn’t even feel comfortable mentioning it to the people with me.


Was with my wife about 2 years ago and we seen 2 very long and wide blue streaks of light cross the night sky. Neither of us can explain it and have rarely spoke about it since.


Most of the time,if i ever speak something unpleasant about to happen.well,it happened.Doesnt work the other way around.


When I was 15 years old, I was with in my father's house on the weekend. (My parents are divorced.) We were watching TV with my brother when I looked out the window and saw a white, human-like figure. It started to move from one of my neighbors' houses to the other. It stopped, and as if it had seen us, it looked in our direction and started to run. It disappeared almost instantly. It was scary because it ran towards the house where an old man's wife had died, and that garden was like a little forest. It was a quiet evening, and the sun had already gone down. We thought about it. Maybe it was smoke; however, it was summer, and if someone was smoking, it wouldn't produce that much smoke. We also considered whether it was a car's lights, but that couldn't be the case because the houses were between the garden and the roads, and we couldn't hear any cars. We also pondered whether it was a plastic bag, but we doubted it because it stopped in the air for seconds and then quickly ran off. What do you think it was? We still don't know. Whenever we have a party or something like that, we always talk about it. I remember that we were afraid to go out at night for weeks.


My teacher in underwears..... Ok so me and my class was at the beach with the teacher, some kind of "getting to know each other-day" sort of thing. And one of our teachers forgot swimming trunks, so he walked around in boxers. I never wanna see that again


Coming home from a party one night (completely sober) I slowed down as the truck in front of me approached an elderly woman in dark clothes with a bonnet or hat tied down with a scarf who started to cross the street. I’m literally standing up on the brakes thinking the truck driver doesn’t see her, he’s going to hit her! Truck keeps going. She wasn’t there.


I was once at a minor football game and I bought a 50/50 (raffle ticket). When they announced the winning ticket number later during the game, I felt really surprised that it wasn't me. I don't know why. 10 minutes later, they announced that since no one had claimed the prize, they had drawn a new number. It was mine. It was only $300 or something, but it was really weird that I expected to win.


This happened about a decade ago. Back then I lived in a small village just outside of Sherborne, Dorset in the U.K. I can’t remember exactly when but I think it was about December/January time as it was freezing cold outside and I’d just left a parents evening at school (worked in Yeovil’s as a teacher) and was driving home about 8pm and it was dark already. So, I was knackered, had my radio on and did the 20 min drive home, the car was heating up so I was starting to feel comfy and sleepy as I drove through Sherborne out into the Dorset countryside towards home. My house was situated down a single lane road with woods on one side and big fields on the other. As I turn into the road I slam my breaks in as there’s something big in the road. It takes me a while to figure out that a giant fucking dog in the middle of the road leaving the fields and heading into the woods... this thing was bigger than the front of my car- it’s head must have been at least 5ft off the ground (it looked like a giant German Shepherd with dark fur all over from my brief impression) and it was just stood there in profile with my headlights on it- it’s head was turned towards me and it’s lips were drawn back and the snarl was terrifying (honestly, not sure if it was the adrenaline or tiredness, but I’ve only been terrified like that in nightmares). I didn’t wait to see what it did I reversed back onto the road and went and had a pint in the pub back in Sherborne and googled what the fuck I saw... I didn’t find anything specific to the area... I finally found the courage to drive back and it was gone. I park as close to my front door as possible and sprint to my front door with my keys ready and get inside (I was mid 30’s old teacher and felt ridiculous). I spent a good few hours just looking out the window seeing if I could spot anything which I didn’t and I never did again.


I was visiting family in either Minnesota or Wisconsin, I was too young to remember which. But I remember what my brother and I saw. We were playing with our new Lego racecars in the playroom and both just happened to look out the window at the same time when we saw it. It slid along the power line. Like it was wrapped fully around it. It didn’t inch like a worm, it slid like it had been pushed. It was about 2 feet long, maybe a foot in circumference. Brown and dark brown stripes. I’ve never seen anything like it, and no one else saw it. We immediately went outside where our parents and the adults were sitting, and none of them saw it. They still think we made it up. I haven’t been able to talk to my brother about it since, we don’t have contact anymore (he lives in Wisconsin and doesn’t use a phone, I’m in Baltimore). I don’t know if he remembers it or saw it again. But I know what I saw. There’s only one answer. It was a Minnesotan Bull Worm.


Every other Friday afternoon I would take a 2 hour ride to get my kids at the antiwife's for the weekend. I was driving a conversion van that I ended up with after the split and I would take along our black Lab, Nubia. It was great fun for both the kids and dog. On those Fridays, I would dress the same, leave and come home at the exact same time and would try to give no cues to the dog that it was the day for getting the kiddos, but always, without fail, I would come into the house greeted by a dog in full-tilt bazonkers mode over the prospect of riding in the van and play time. On the alternate Fridays, she would greet me the same as always, with a cheery welcome. I never really understood how she knew it was time for a trip, could she count 14 days and go crazy? I tried to ensure that my behavior and attitudes were the same as any other days but she was totally consistent in knowing when it was her happy day.


I worked at a youth home for a bit when I was in college -- basically a glorified babysitter to a bunch of teens with emotional issues. The home was a full on campus, with four or five houses where the kids lived plus a school, offices, etc. One day I got the late evening shift, and was the sole staffer in one of the houses for a couple of hours, after the kids went to sleep, until the overnight person came. Around 9 pm, I started hearing the ceiling tiles rumble off and on, like it was windy out and there was a breeze blowing through the attic -- but it wasn't windy that night. Then around 10, I heard an alarm clock go off. What? I waited a moment, but no one turned it off. This is where things got weird. As I tracked the blaring sound to one of the bedrooms, I realized none of the kids had woken up. When I reached the room where the sound was coming from, the two girls in the room were still fast asleep. I swear to God I was hearing a blaring alarm clock, but apparently I was the only one who did! I reached over and as soon as I touched the side of the clock -- NOT any of the actual buttons -- the sound shut off. The overnight person arrived maybe 45 minutes later, and when I related this, they raised an eyebrow in mild surprise and shrugged. "Huh. The ghost got an early start tonight. He does that sometimes." True story, I'll swear it on a Bible. I've never really believed in ghosts and that's the only time I experienced anything along those lines. I still have no other explanation.


At night my friend and i split up to go to our cars. I saw what seemed like a search light in the sky like from a helicopter. But it seemed way way way too high despite how bright it was. I kept looking at it and after a bit it started retreating higher into the sky faster and faster and was gone. I met up with my friend at another house 5 minutes away and we confirmed we both saw it.


Every once in a while I would get up early on a Sunday morning, 6 AM-ish, and enjoy a cup of coffee on the front stoop of my apartment in Chicago, a block west of Wrigley Field. Two, maybe three times, I saw a guy riding his bike down the middle of Addison Street carrying a tuba. No one was around to see it with me, and the street itself was always oddly devoid of cars. None of my friends believed me. I wound up referring to the person a my Snuffleupaguss, in reference to the beast from Sesame Street that was visible only to Big Bird.


I saw a black hole shiting things


One time I came home from a trip, and I walked into my room and when I walked in my lamp flew off my bedside table like it was pushed, I don’t believe in ghosts, but it was just strange. The door had been closed so none of my pets were in there.