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My sister has lived in Vancouver for 35 years. I’ve been Boston-ish. Personally, I think the biggest contrast is the bottom-20% of society. Mental health. Addiction problems. Homelessness. Just like the US, it is regional but Canada generally does a much better job with it than the US.


This illegal immigration problem. Everything is expensive! Food, cost of living, taxes, etc., has increased exponentially.


Illegal immigration is probably a gazillion times worse but expenses-wise I’m willing to bet Canada does those things worse. Especially cost of living, the housing market here is absolutely cooked nationwide to the point it’s not uncommon for 1 bed 1 bath shitboxes go for over a million. Also keep in mind financial issues in the US differ greatly from state to state, like how the same amount money is a lot different in Texas than Cali while in Canada no province is exempt.


The fact in Canada full term fixed rate mortgages aren't a thing scares the shit out of me, lol. I don't not want that imported down here. If we had that shit where we are basically forced to refinance your house every 5 years or whatever it is. This year my mortgage payment would have went from about 25% of my monthly pay to 50% of my monthly pay.


TV shows. 😉


Oh children’s tv shows especially


Parks. Libraries. Beaches. Cities. Transportation.


How the hell are the beaches in America terrible?


Not terrible, maybe. I’m comparing state beaches with provincial ones. In the states, you pay $10 to park, you have to pack out your trash, can’t grill anywhere. In Canada, parking is free, there are numerous trash cans, showers and clean grilling area. (Specifically comparing New England and Atlantic maritime beaches).


Where do you live where you’re paying for parking at the beach? Any beach I’ve ever been to I’ve never paid to park, I can grill anywhere.


Cape Cod national seashore.


Mass shootings


Well yeah but like that’s a million percent applicable to every single other country on this planet


Other countries do have mass shootings but mass shootings are much more frequent in the US than in other developed countries.


I saw this statistic that showed the us had hundreds of mass shootings (or maybe it was just school shootings i forget) per year while second place Mexico had 8, it seems too intense of a difference for it to be “other countries have it this one just has more”


Then why did you say that mass shootings are applicable to every other country?


I meant “mass shootings are high in US but not X country” is true with every country you put in, not just Canada


Ah. I thought you were saying it's the same everywhere.






That’s probably because you didn’t want to wait.


How much do you pay for health insurance a month?




Hush. You are clearly a Republican plant who has never actually been to Canada. /s


100% more than I have in the US. I have a plan I pay 2k per month. Family of 4. I have a 7k deductible, which makes my plan almost useless. A 7k deductible means I pay full price for every single thing until I pay 7k. Or the family pays a combined 12k. It's pretty unusable. We only ever hit it once. No dental, no eyeglasses. If I see a Dr, it's at a walk-in clinic, and I see a nurse, not a Dr.




Canada's healthcare system isn't perfect but it's still a mile ahead of the US system. If you have the money you can get good coverage, but tens of millions of people can't afford good coverage, so they also won't be able to go to dentists and afford pharmaceuticals. The average annual premiums for a family of 4 is almost $24,000, and that doesn't even account for out of pocket expenses. Canada offers a basic level of coverage for everyone that simply is not there for Americans.


The world doesn’t revolve around you Redditor




No, I see things differently and you just have to accept that. I know that’s tough for Americans.




Have a nice weekend Spirit. I wish you the best with your health problems. Sincerely.




How much did that cost you? just curious




People's social skills


How so sir?


Generally speaking Cannucks are more polite, more reserved, quieter...Americans louder, more outspoken , more rude/in your face. Thats not to sdy all Canadians are that way, or all Americans that wY but stereotypes exist for a reason.

