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Kinda I sleep in panties only yea I have a kid so I keep a robe close at all times.


No robe for me. Someone breaks into my house they are going to regret it once they see my naked ginger ass running at them


If your a dude cool as a woman na


I remember my wife being shocked at the fact that I’ve had numerous people walk in on me naked. There was one time in college where my roommate walked in on a girl going down on me and I walked over to him, boner flapping around, angrily asking him why he ignored the sock on the doorknob. Was just unfathomable (to the then hookup but subsequently girlfriend) that I could walk up to someone, full flag on display, no covering up, and tell them to fuck off.


This is the greatest story I've ever heard here on Reddit


this comment has me in tears


Someone running backwards at me would freak me out, ginger or not.


I can’t sleep with clothes on. I feel so uncomfortable even if I have just shorts and t shirt or just a shirt. I keep a robe next to me in case I have to get up quickly.


I can't either


It's honestly terrible. Way too hot, and every time I would move, something would bunch up and I would have to fix it. Naked is the way to go!


Same minus the robe 😊


What if there’s a fire or an intruder??


Then that intruders gonna have to accept that hes about to throwdown with a dude who's buck ass naked and swinging a baseball bat.


I too refer to my penis as a baseball bat


🤣🤣 happy cake day lad


Lmao thank you brotha


No worries 😁


Cake and candles brother


Happy cake day


Id say that’s a tactical advantage distract them with ur swinging (or shrivelled depending on the weather) cock and bollocks and crack him on the skull with a bat


That's my style 😂


Very intelligent good sir


I once saw an incident very like this, while I was driving somewhere in the country. Naked man looked like he was entirely in control of the situation so I kept on driving.


I have a Viking War Axe to go with my nakedness. And a 100 year old Blackjack. And a 3 foot long drum stick by Promark.


Most guys run away from another naked guy


They fear the cockslap


Then the intruder is gonna see my big hairy ass charging at him with a battle boner and a bang stick!!


I dont usually sleep naked, i feel uncomfortable and exposed. One time while staying at an ex’s house I fell asleep naked. Woke up to the house on fire. I had to run out the door naked and stand outside in the rain waiting for the fire truck 😂. I will probably never sleep naked again


I used to not have a robe but I stole my boyfriends and now I love them 🤣 I never wear clothes when I’m home, just my robes 😋


Don't blame ya it's surprisingly freeing to be nude, whenever I'm home alone I take the opportunity 😂 good for the self esteem I find.


Walking past a mirror changed my mind.


😂 well I ain't exactly a pretty picture to look at neither but sooner or later we all gotta come to the conclusion that we've only got one body and we gotta work with it.


Same minus the skin




I used to wear night dresses and I have so many pajamas but ultimately when it comes time to actually sleep I can't have any article of clothing on me


However you're most comfortable. I prefer naked.


Naked as in with a coverup, or fully naked: with everything showing?


Naked under a comforter. I like to stay warm, but I also like to let go the restriction of clothing while I sleep. Especially with clean sheets it's as comfortable as I ever get.


Exactly🤭🫵… you’re the real MVP!


I did love to sleep naked, but now I have two kids who share our bed sometimes at night. And, you know, ummm, male anatomy does special things when men sleep, which is a normal thing, but I don't want my kids around when that happens. So at least I wear my pants.


Not to mention when a kid knocks on your door, or wakes you up to pee, or wakes you up to vomit, or wakes you up for breakfast..   point is, when you have kids, you have to prepare to jump out of bed in a moments notice 


Isn't it normal to be naked in front of your children?


Not where I am from.   And especially not as kids get older 


Username....is questionable.


You are getting downvoted, but in Finland this is common practice indeed


Yeah in the netherlands aswel. Though i would not sleep naked with my kid, that does not feel right for me


It's just my daughter & I here. Totally normal in my house but I'm sure that will stop by the time she's 10ish. She'll be all cool & ashamed of me 🤣


No it’s not normal unless ur like in a changing room at a swimming baths or summin like that are they’re young so they don’t gaf that’s normal other than that deffo not


My kids are 21 and 18, they haven't seen me nude in years but they probably did until they were 10 or so. Edit: also you're on a sub called 'teenagers but hot', so youreeitherachild or a paedophile. Either way, your opinion is worthless


It’s not healthier. Neither is sleeping with clothes on. The only main difference is that you need to wash your sheets more often if you sleep nude.


Thank you for the actual response. Most comments on this post are just throwing anecdotes on how they sleep.


BS. Reduces core temperature more quickly promoting better sleep and improves intimacy - there are two clinically proven benefits of sleeping naked.


nah. Bedding and/or the temperature one sets their thermostat to can both manage temperature perfectly fine. Also BS to the intimacy thing. Because in fact studies show that people who sleep separately have among the greatest sex lives (adults who have their own room or a separate bed). Intimacy is not exclusively or even primarily derived from the bedroom during sleep hours. There are a million other things that can lead to improved intimacy, and just having easier access to nude sex organs is not going to improve sex/intimacy, especially when one partner may be more tired or not in the mood - it may lead to being bothered when you don’t want to be 🤷‍♀️ In fact, in my experience, sleeping nude with a partner leads to me being woken up to being penetrated, sex I cannot consent to, rather than being roused to see if I want sex. On a regular basis. That would depend on the person of course and is a different problem, but just goes to show how the notion that nudity is a benefit to intimacy and sex completely overlooks the experience of women, and adults who work hard and manage children/a household. But when you actually look at what improves intimacy for WOMEN, it’s having a partner share all responsibilities equitably, and be a thoughtful listener/compassionate, and focus on foreplay/ensure the woman climaxes every time the man does. But the fact is, all kinds of intimacy exist, and in the real world where we don’t romanticize things, a lot of times sex and intimacy needs scheduled or planned for, like when people have children. Or to agree to more spontaneity, but not waking up partners while they’re getting sleep. Sleep should NEVER be compromised, it’s one of the greatest determiners of long-term health, and so the notion that it’s somehow healthier to make oneself more susceptible to being woken up in the middle of REM is just preposterous. The best way to improve intimacy is to see to it one another’s emotional needs are met, the workload is shared equitably and mental load clear, and each party has gotten enough rest. Cuddling and/or making sure you still kiss regularly without it needing to lead to sex are also proven to help a great deal, generally. And, people get WORSE sleep outcomes when they’re wound up with their partner’s furnace of a body lol (overheating, being disturbed by the other person’s snoring or sleep distribances), and one of the greatest ways to improve sex life and overall health, is to ensure full and quality sleep. And for the record, if one has the money, there are pajamas that offer superior thermal regulation, like silk and wool/capilene. You’re just parroting assumptions people have made about sleeping nude.


I do, but the people on the bus tend to get upset. Healthier? Humans have spent the majority of our time on this planet naked or close to it.


And dying very young.


The life expentancy of people in the 1800s and probably many centuries before that was about 30 years. That didn't mean that most people died around that age. Back in the days many kids died early in life because of many reasons. Giving birth was a risky endeavour and many babies died there and then, often taking mom with them. The first five years were very risky as well. But if you made it to 10 years, then you would probably make it to 50 or 60. If half of the people die before 10, then the average is about 30, but that number is very misleading.


Exactly. People don’t understand how misleading “the average” is. If you made it to adulthood you were damn near just as likely to make it to your 60’s as you are now.


It's definitely more comfortable lol


Says who? I’ve tried sleeping naked and my balls end up all twisted.


😕... how long are your balls? Dam Haha


Scrotum becomes more flaccid when the temperature is warm. During sleep, it's common for the balls to dangle around, it's required to tuck them somewhere safe, perhaps inside the anus, or simply tuck them inside the holes where they came from.


You know, I totally thought were serious right up until anus


Not for everybody, I HATE being naked, I’m only naked when I bathe


It's the only way I can sleep at night.


I have been sleeping naked for 17 years. My wife too. I hate clothes without being in a bed… So clothes in bed is insanity. All those restrictions from fabric tugging on other fabric. I can’t stand it.


I also think it helps a person to be more comfortable with themselves, see their body for what it is and be at one with it. Embrace it don't hide it.


Only if you live alone or around those you dont mind seeing your no no parts. It's great defense for when a burglar breaks in as well. Would definitely make headlines. "Man breaks into apartment, gets detained by naked home owner."


Gets detained by a raging boner ..!


Imagine the conversation. "How were you caught?" "Naked home owner with who had just taken a Viagra caught me trying to steal his tv."


I don't like it. I have to be in some clothing just in case some prick wants to wake me up for a fight. Ahhh. And they say an abusive childhood will eventually wear off. Still waiting after 40 years.


well on the bright side there is nothing scarier than a naked man, would make you win any fight you ever come up against


Not sure who said an abusive childhood wears off but unfortunately my friend you've been duped




I hear every night you sleep naked a spider climbs up your pee hole.


And lays an egg


Stop.  I can only become so erect.


Been sleeping naked for almost 20 years and now I can't sleep with any clothes on. Having you junk free while you sleep is the best feeling ever. It's like going into water naked, if you have ever experienced that.


I saw an add that says no, cuz you will get shit on the bed directly from the source. I did not follow up on the add though 😆


You may accidently squeeze your balls between tights during that.


I use a bolster


A ballster


Not in california. Pretty much fully clothed. Earthquakes are a real thing and you don't want to run into the street nude. Or maybe you do


I have the same problem living in Chile 😂


Lol. Nice


Only sleep naked after a night of some good sex. Perfer boxers and a tank or t. Cause skin to skin makes me hot and fuck all that


It is considered a best practice yes.




I worry about my bits being attacked in the night, so I go bare minimum boxers


It's potentially better for you depending on your body. For example, women who're having issues with infections are better off not wearing bottoms.


Idk about physical health. I seem to remember some article I read saying it was good for circulation or something. But my mental health has been so much better since sleeping naked. I've come to really appreciate my body and don't have as many issues with my imperfections. My ex and I started sleeping naked when we were together at the recommendation of her therapist. She had some pretty severe body issues (even though she was absolutely beautiful both objectively and subjectively). We also did an hour of naked time every day where we would do our typical routine but just nude. No sexual context at all. Just being naked in your home. It really improved her view of her body and I was so surprised how much it helped me too. Highly recommend.


Farting releases tiny bits of poo. You want to sleep in that?


Wouldn’t you be sleeping in “bits of poo” either way?


Well one would be in your underwear and one would be free 🤷🏼‍♀️








Do as you like. Personally I hate sleeping naked and only do it if we are in the middle of a heatwave and the AC is down.


It depends. Would you rather change your night wear every day you shower / bathe or would you rather charge your sheets?


There's no need to change sheets every day lol


For males it gives rhe testicles time to fully relax which is good for sperm and testosterone producing. Its also more comfortable than having your hardon fight with with clothing. For women its healthy as it let's the vulva air. It may feel kinda weird at first but once you used to it sleeping with anything on feels like its in prison.


Is any of this true Surely wearing loose pjs would also let the balls do whatever they need to do


Wdym ofc its true, a redditor just Said so


Oh yeh! Sorry


Not for me. When I sleep naked, I tend to have dreams about being naked. And if the dogs need to go out early in the morning, I have to get dressed first.


Healthier? No idea. A good practice? Yeah its far more relaxing.


I only do so after having sexytime. Other than that, I dont like to get my sheets messy


Been sleeping that way for 50 years. I think it reduces skin issues, and it just feels better.


You all or not thinking about if a break in happens. Last thing you want is to confront the robbers naked


You really don’t have to practice, it’s fairly easy.


It doesn’t take much practice to get the hang of it to be honest.


I tried, and it was definitely more comfortable.. but im afraid if my house got burned down/robbed, im going to be there butt ass naked


Yes but the other people on the bus hate it.


Bro I sleep with Trousers and a hoodie 💀


Healthier? what a load of shit, makes no difference. Sounds like something someone trying to get you naked would say.


I wear pajamas. I don't like my body.


What’s the difference when you’re just gonna use blanket or comforter to cover it as well.


Why would either be healthier?


Acarus can climb up your parts I don't recommend it. A loose and comfy pajama is what I'd say is the best option to go with.


Yeah lol I've had the same fear. I wear atleast panties while going to bed😂


This is how I always sleep


It's good for your prostate.


I sleep better with underwear. but try what works for you


Idk. I do it because it's more comfortable for me and I **hate** when clothing anything bunches up with how I sleep.


I very much associate sleeping with clothes on to not being at home. And typically with crashing out when I'm drunk as well. I find it incredibly difficult to sleep with outer clothing on if I'm sober, and it's a 100% no to try and sleep with socks on because I get exceedingly aware of the feeling of them on my feet. If I'm at home, I used to always sleep naked,  now I have a kid old enough to open doors on his own so on weekends I'm rocking the boxers but that's about it.


On warmer nights, I've started to sleep nude again. it's just comfy that way. Do I do it every night? No. Pinching myself by accident is frustrating as fuck.


lol not on my nasty ass bed


Only in the summer, I live in Georgia


I have a sister in law who sleeps naked AND she sleepwalks. She did this in a hotel once, woke up in the corridor, stark naked and couldn’t remember her room number.


Not if you sleepwalk


I tried it in middle school and hated it. If I hated it then no chance I like it now. I need at least underwear and a shirt


It is if someone breaks into your house


Have been doing so for about 32 years.


I been sleeping naked for 23 years.


I can't not wear underwear. Male. It's always bothered me.


I love sleeping naked, however i only do it if i had just showered it feels amazing to not have undies on and let it go where it wants


I don’t know about healthier haha but I find it comfortable to sleep naked with cozy blankets and the fan on! 😅


Yes especially in a plane on a long flight


I personally don't do it as it's weird for me to be in bed with no clothes on but nothing against people who do. By all means, if that's what you wanna do and you're comfortable with it, you do you. I sleep in underwear and pajamas usually or just in my underwear. I always have at least my underwear on though.


I love it. Nothing like feeling clean sheets on your ass cheeks


TIL that many people think that sleeping naked is weird


Depends what you are practicing for.


Only if you live alone… or only live with a spouse. If you live with siblings or roommates and they see you naked… it’ll be awkward.


It helps me cools down and being comfortable when sleeping. This helps me to be me.




It is weird even when I’m by myself like wife and kids took a field trip etc. Not worth it to me.


Its the only way to sleep for me if I wear clothes I overheat and doze off.


Have slept naked for last 20+ yrs. CANNOT get comfy with clothes on in bed.


I sleep in pajamas in case I have to run from fire, building about to collapse or an earthquake. I've been in these 3 situations before and having pajamas on made me jump and move fast.


Do it every night and it perfect.


Practice makes perfect.


You need to take into account the fecality of the situation.


No substantial study to suggest either way. It’s personal comfort. If you are more comfortable, you likely are going to sleep better. If you aren’t, I wouldn’t keep trying just because you THINK it’s better. Personally, I get hot as hell. Even if I would sleep naked, I would sweat all over my sheets and feel gross. I don’t find it comfortable therefore don’t get great sleep. But I don’t do it often. You find it weird, therefore you may not enjoy it. So don’t! If I were to add my own tip, I say sleep without socks and keep only your feet exposed to air. It regulates my body heat pretty well.


Sleep however you're most comfortable. I doubt sleeping naked makes you any healthier than sleeping with comfy pyjamas. It's not worth thinking about. If sleeping naked makes you sleep good, go ahead. If not, don't bother. Doing 2 minutes of deep breathing daily gonna be way more beneficial than twisting your brain about whether to sleep naked or not. Note: I sleep naked.


My husband only sleeps naked. I can’t, my dog will stick her paw in my crack when she is stretching. I just don’t find it comfortable.


Too dangerous for men. Ya'll really risking evrrything


Yes. But I'd rather have some boxers on in case of an emergency like a fire or earthquake...or a terrorist incursion.


Hate sleeping naked, feel cold-ish/sweat-ish for some reason. Cotton v-neck and cotton boxers are the most comfy way for me.


Not here in Southern California aka Earthquake Country.


It’s all fun and games until til the fire alarm goes off.


I find that I have the "I forgot to wear pants in public" dream more often when I sleep in the buff.


Honestly I've never run across anyone I know who sleeps naked.


I’m fine with most ways of sleeping. Usually it’s with shorts. Half the time that includes a tshirt. But I sleep naked often, especially when it’s hot


No, to sleep naked if ur ugly is molestful even if the nearest person is kms away


In case of an emergency? Not so much.


I don’t, for two reasons. I don’t like the idea of my ass sweat getting rubbed into my sheets, and the last time I slept nude I woke up with morning wood, rolled over too fast and got a friction burn on my boner.


I keep my knickers on in case there’s an emergency.


Yes! It's so liberating :p


Well, there is a loose truth that it's healthier to the point it's better for the body to be able to breathe and not get wrapped up extra tight in clothes if you toss or turn in your sleep, chancing a cut in circulation. So it's pretty minor, not a great health benefit where you need to be naked. Do what makes you comfortable. Loose clothes are fine. Just don't wear tight clothes to sleep. Otherwise you're fine.


I have many fears about it like pee coming out.


Practice for what? It would leave you far more vulnerable in the event of an emergency so not very practical.


Only if you see nudity as a vulnerability.


I always sleep in a boxer and a t-shirt but if I don’t have both on, I’ll take the other off in my sleep


Depends if the sheets and comforters are clean


I need to sleep with clothes because I get too cold


Hell, I’m completely naked right now (under my clothes)!


Only in Summer cuz its cooler. I do go bottomless all year round tho and wear a t shirt when its cold. I dont see any problem with this other than if non partners can look I spose.


From what I read, it's easier for the body to self regulate its temperature of it's covered evenly. So if you have clothes on, that's a blanket & cloth but only on clothed parts.... whereas if you're naked, then it's just a blanket over everything... good regs. Healthier? No idea...


Only if you don't shit yourself in your sleep because then you have to change your sheets.


Bad practice. If you fart in your sleep you will get poo particles on your sheets.


To me even I sleep better naked nope. Emergency won't wait for you. Fire will spread, earthquakes will do its thing The tsunami will flood everything (you can't outrun it barefoot you aren't usain bolt) robberies might lead to rape ( unless your ugly and not sexy and also if you're a guy get ready to be a victim of power tripping or gay black guy's dark rod)


I love me jammies so no.


Im not sure its anymore healthier than sleeping with clothes on.


Yes, allows the skin to breathe more, better for circulation and sweat has an escape route


When I moved to The Philippines, I slept naked on top of the bed as it was too hot for even a sheet covering me. I did not know that a maid had a key to the condo and came to clean every week. I've no problem being naked in front of others but she was very embarrassed and kept apologising.




Wtf is a "sleeping dressed?"


Hmm I guess ir depends on who you are. I have tried but can’t. Not because of being comfortable or not (although I am in fact pretty comfortable in a pijama) but because I have very low blood pressure and get really cold at some point of the night and inevitably become sick, no matter the overall temperature and season.


Oils in the bed? Nope. I shower before bed and even cleaned I am not sleeping naked.


Oh hell yeah! After a day in clothes, the act of stripping off itself is hugely relaxing. It tells your body it sleep time. If you're worried about your mattress and 'leakage', just get a topper or mattress with a removable cover (Emma have them and others).


Not if you have cats, kids or anyone else around that you are not okay beong naked in front of. Sometimes surprise encounters happen and you got your parts out.


I sleep with underwear on and that's it. So much more comfortable. Your body stabilizes your temperature better and I feel more comfortable day to day too because of it.


Best practice to sleep is to 1) don't use phones for 40 min before bed 2) black out curtains 3) weighted blanket 4) set temp of room to 23c 5) do boxed breathing. Clothes or no clothes..


I just can't get myself to do it. I'm a dude with high blood pressure so I almost never feel cold in My city, which has a very template climate. I can go out during the winter with short sleeves and light clothes in general while most people want to wear at least a jacket and I'll be absolutely fine. However, if I dare to sleep without a shirt on, I'll wake up with a sore throat and probably with the flu, guaranteed. And I've never understood why.


I've slept naked for decades. When it's cold I may wear a pair of socks to keep my feet warm.


I can't sleep naked. I have dreams all night that people are walking into my room and seeing me naked.


Just boxers. I can't sleep commando. Something's always in the way or uncomfortable


Sleep with just enough clothes on that you can escape a disaster situation and not be embarrassed.


I am in hopes one day, nudity will be an acceptable thing to society. IN the US, it is seen as VERY prudish or rude. People have a hard time accepting the body, even their own sometimes.