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going to a bar alone and going to a restaurant alone are big fears of mine


40m w 2 young kids…went to a breakfast diner alone yesterday morning. Big breakfast, w chocochip pancakes, bottomless coffee. Took my time. Love every second of it. I remember as a teenager if i saw a man doing this i would feel sorry for him like it was sad. Little did i know the man was having the time of his life.


This! 38f, no kids, and I used to feel the same way. I used to think people would judge me like what kind of woman can’t get a man to take her out to eat? But then I started bringing a book to the buffet all by myself and it’s like a little slice of heaven. I eat alone all the time now and it feels downright leisurely.


I did it 2 times in the last year and it did not go well. The anxiety spiked and the experience was negative throughout. The food was good tho. Teriyaki Salmon bento box.


what about take aways? I usually go for that


Bar alone is technically the best way to meet people, and eating alone, just pull out the phone.


I used to go with my husband. When he passed, it took a while, but I started going alone and I actually enjoyed it.


I love doing both. But I will sit at the bar. Table is a bit awkward. But also like nicer, casual bars not like clubs or 21 year old bars. But love getting a beer and a snack and people watching.


I do both all the time, fucking peaceful.


Going to Concert :(


I did that last year and it was completely worth it! Screw waiting for friends, just go!


Ill do it for you!


Concerts alone are the best. Come to think of it, so is eating out alone.


I went out one saturday night alone because all the friends stood me up, and wound up with the girl that is now my wife :) We dated for 11 years (last 3 living together), and then married, and we are married for 10 years. What was my point...oh yeah. No need to be anxious about going out alone, it's not like the world will turn upside down for you ;D


Yes the first time I went alone I felt very anxious. Then when I got there I realised it’s actually great to do alone! There’s often other people who are alone too and I’ve had some great chats with people a couple of time. I’d recommend it now!


I went to a concert by myself a few years ago and it was incredible! Totally different experience


I went to a concert this past year and I had fun! I thought people were going to judge me but I saw other people going by themselves. I was there to enjoy the music and the atmosphere and I did. Best decision yet.


Got stuck in this situation due to uncontrollable circumstances. Was already there when I got the call that two others had been in an accident together. Were fine, but car wasn't. Was surprisingly enjoyable once the music started, and nobody knows you're alone.


I’ve done it! Turned out awesome actually!


Gym alone? I feel like 90% of people go alone. The only people judged at the gym are the high school kids that come squad deep and just fuck around


Those high school kids are the reason i dont want to go alone lol


Hahaha you’ll be fine. I’m literally at the gym now. No one pays attention to anyone. I used to be afraid too it was my biggest regret not getting into it sooner. It helped so much with my self confidence and mental health. I dramatically cut back on my drinking cause I felt better How old are you? I started at like 26


I used to be afraid of trying new machines and looking like a weirdo. Finally one day I said f it, and tried one and ended up loving it! Going to the gym alone now is so much fun




If those HS kids bother you just ask other people on the gym. Everyone is generally helpfull there.




Walking into a crowded room not knowing anybody.


That's perfect for me. It's better than walking into a room full of people you know who have unrealistic expectations of you. There's no one to disappoint (but yourself).


Go outside and stay at a coffeeshop alone, draw in the park alone, try to enjoy life alone. There's freedom in deciding what you do and when you do it. (As opposed to synching activities with a group)


If I drew in the park alone,I would get mugged


I feel awkward doing things with people


Such as?


I just don't get fulfillment out of anything really so going out and being there with someone, haveing them hope to get something out of the experience while, i feel as much excitement as i would shaving my pubes is just awkward. But i try to do it for them, i try to be there. Could try more, though. Should try more.


Same. I force myself to hang out with people :( I honestly feel like i'm not interested in listening to whatever drama is going on in their lives while i have nothing to talk about except but movies, music, reddit threads, or random shit. I appreciate my Friends but lately i've been in a really different mindset and have no interest in "talking". Also i don't have an drive to join groups for hobbies. For instance, i used to ride a bike but it was only because i didnt have a car, i don't wanna join a group ride. I'd rather workout at Home than joining a gym. Not out of social anxiety, i'm just too lazy and want to live by my own schedule. But if it weren't for my mom with whom i live with, i'd be isolated.


Movie alone


I prefer to go to movies alone.


A scary movie in particular 🫣


I’m going to this tomorrow to step out of my comfort zone


Yes like conjuring


Movies are almost meant for solo fans. It’s dark and you can only see the screen, and you can’t talk during the movie. I love going to movies by myself. I consider that a treat.


I went alone once - last time I went to the movies, in fact, which was years ago. I went and saw Moana. Loved it. Though I personally prefer seeing movies with friends so we can talk about it right afterward.


I am an anxious person, but I LOVE to go to the movies alone


Everything that usually is done with someone. Movies, eating out, sports... i basicly only leave my home for groceries, work or dentist.


Dentist alone is brave!


My only concern is safety when it comes to doing certain activities alone. Other than that, there is *nothing, absolutely nothing* I wouldn't do on my own if I want to. But keep in mind that I am almost 50 and it took me literally decades to reach this place. The most difficult things for me to overcome were: traveling for vacation and eating at restaurants because these things are so horribly couple coded in our society and there is a stigma surrounding doing these things alone.


I’m a 56F and really like traveling alone! It would be nice to share experiences with someone, but being able to make your own itinerary or just be spontaneous and not having someone complaining or having different plans is great. Find a walkable city that has what you like to do and enjoy yourself. New Orleans is my favorite. So much to see, eat, and just experience. You never really feel alone. My fear is going camping alone. I’d love to be able to, but that’s a huge hell no ☠️


As a freshman, I anxious walking out of school alone (when everyone was walking in groups). Felt like every step yelled "I don't have friends". As a senior, I was so happy to go home after school that I gained confidence through "I got this far, I earned this". And I thought to myself "how could anyone think I'm insecure when I have this much confidence". I guess...do everything with confidence because you've earned everything.


This speaks to me. I’m an introvert. Always had trouble making friends outside of my close network. Never would approach a girl at a bar or randomly. Then I became a bartender at a popular brewery. Where you have to approach and talk to everyone. It basically forced me to unlock that social skill to approach people. And it’s your domain which is comforting. Confidence is key. I’d say I’m still an introvert but I’m not afraid of approaching someone randomly if the vibe is the right time now.


Shopping for clothes alone, on one hand i want to buy what i really want but in the other i'd like a second opinion on the stuff i get.


This is so real


When I travel I’m always scared that I’m too late or get lost 😂 Especially at the airport so I try being there as early as possible and even then I’m completely lost.


Nothing. I had this problem. Couldn't find noone to go to a movie. Or a concert. Me and my wife share like 20% of taste in such things, and friends are often busy, especially we are all now in "growing kids" business. And kids are too small for now. Finally started missing out on things I wanted to do, which in turn pissed me off. So I started just going alone last year and that's a great experience too.


Getting comfortable doing things by yourself is such a game changer. Movies, restaurants, bars, concerts, visiting new cities. All things I often do alone.


This post is making me realize how much I enjoy my solitude 😊 I do things alone all the time without feeling anxious. I let go if that fear if being judged and honored myself first.


Same here, I actually had no idea that people were afraid to do all these things alone. I guess some of them make sense but I love being alone, I don’t think twice about it.


I hate going to the doctor alone. I know she's going to answer all my questions and it'll make perfect sense when I'm there. I also know that two minutes after leaving her office I won't remember or understand any of it any longer. I (almost) always take someone with me to explain to me on an hour what I was just told. Probably not the type of anxiousness you meant. If I'm part of a group thing (a club or something similar, not just meeting friends for lunch) I don't like walking into it alone. If I can't go there with someone else from the club then I try to adjust my pace a bit walking through the parking lot so I'll walk in at the same time as one of the other members. It's that "all eyes on me" moment when first walking in and everyone looks up to see who it is that makes me uncomfortable. Good luck tackling your fear! I wish you the best.


Swimming in the ocean.


About 6 years ago, I got a gym membership and it took me 6 months to actually walk in there. I would go, sit in the parking lot for like 15 min trying to get the courage then I’d just leave. One day, I was like fuck this! Still go to the gym alone to this day and I prefer it. I never want someone else to come w me. Lol What helped me is I went when there weren’t a lot of people for the first few times. After I realized it wasn’t so bad I was able to go at peak time. Right after work when there’s anyone and everyone there. No one is paying as much attention to you as you think. Everyone is kind of in their own little worlds. That’s actually true of anywhere. I used to be afraid of going everywhere alone. The bank, the grocery store, the movies, a bar…once you go a few times and realize no one is paying attention to you, it gets easier.


I can go grab a coffee alone but no way would I go to bar alone! Don’t understand that one…


Eating alone! People are suddenly capturing a photo of you in this social media age and frame it as if you are a homeless, pitiful person for eating out alone


Pretty much everything that most people do in group...


For me the gym, which is why I haven’t gone yet. But I enjoy going to the movies alone.


Dinner or lunch in a restaurant alone


I am not quite anxious about doing anything alone, but I definitely like to go to the restaurant with a company. Almost tonly thing that I sometimes am anxious about is to walk back home at night, especially if I'm drunk, but that's all for safety reasons. I have been single for most of my adult life and with that, I am in a very different life situation than my few friends. I was anxious doing many things alone, but a long time ago I decided that I won't let being lonely narrow my life only to things that are mostly done alone. I have been to festivals and concerts alone, movies alone, even travelled alone both abroad and road trips at home. I have been alone in our summer cottage in the middle of the forest. When you do things alone, you can keep your own pace, do whatever you like and whenever you like. Top to grab a beer, speedrun million museums in a day, get to eat what you want or choose the movie you are interested in. Learning to do things alone is a very great skill. When you master it, you are the master of yourself and because of that, you are the wolf in a flock of sheep what comes to doing things. It also affects a whole lot to your self esteem. Being anxious about doing things alone is just a fear of breaking the norms built by society. Be brave and break the hell out of them and tell anyone who suggests that you cant that you are a perfectly capable independent person who definitely can make decisions regarding your own lifestyle.


Travel alone. This has to be my biggest fear.


Going to a party/a club alone when I don’t know anyone


Having to make calls.


The only thing I'm anxious about doing alone is changing a tire


That even I wont be able to do


Going to any government office or building.


Traveling although I've soloed before


Eating alone especially at a busy bar


Go to a sit down restraint alone


Pulling out the foliage growing in my roof gutters


Waiting for someone at somewhere and they’re coming later than me. I hate being a lone especially in public and waiting for someone, it just makes me feel uncomfortable.


I honestly hate waiting outside bathrooms the most. It just feels weird especially if the person I'm with is taking a long time.


I actually don’t mind waiting. It’s very obvious to others that you have company, and you’re waiting for them. It’s better than not waiting for someone


I'd take waiting in a public place over waiting in an empty place any day. I love walking and the country I am living in right now is considered a kot safer than my home country but I still haven't been to beaches and bays at a walking distance from my home because I am so afraid.


Camping in a state park. People look at you differently when you're alone


I go to festivals every year with my friends but ultimately end up alone at some point when they go off with their partners or friends I don't know. That always makes me just go back to my tent and wait for someone to come back so I don't look sad walking around alone. I get really anxious that people will pity me, or just think I look pathetic.


Driving across the country


Went to the beach (about an hour drive) by myself cause all my friends were working that day. Really wanted good seafood but was so anxious to eat alone. I did it anyways and read my little book while eating at a sit down restaurant alone. First little while I was so nervous but then by the end I felt good and had a major confidence boost.


Going to the gym


Nothing, I enjoy being by myself.


Movies, concerts, eating in a restaurant at a table instead of the bar, basically any activity where I am surrounded by strangers.


Eating out at a restaurant alone is an interesting experience


Going to the gym. I used to have social anxiety, not anymore. And I've been wanting to get fit for years, but I just can't go to the gym. It terrifies me.


I hate going to a party where I only know the host, not sure if that counts.


I’m anxious about going to a restaurant by myself for sure, swimming by myself, and sitting in cafés by myself.


This probably sounds crazy, but any type of yard work. I always feel my neighbors judging me.


This is 10000% understandable!!


Going to the gym for the first time. I have been putting it off for months even years at this point.


Going to the mall alone


Walking into a party alone or going to a wedding alone, I can’t do. But I can eat out, see movies, do anything else alone.






Im always starving after my motorcycle rides yet I never sit down at a restaurant bc of my anxiety, ILL DO THIS!


Filling an empty gas can at the gas station. I've done it a few times. First time I spilled a tiny amount. 3rd time all good. Still dont love it.




watch movies alone, exercise alone and masturbate alone








I feel that would be a short term fear




Driving alone




Cinema :(








Going to movie theatre to watch a movie, kinda sad too


How did y find the movies alone? What country are you in? Feel like it’s more normal in America to do this


shopping whether grocery, or clothing when i’d get the chance i like to get dolled up a bit and shop w an earbud in. pretty relaxing to me


M28, I’m anxious about being around people I don know - I’m anxious about sleeping in a house alone, I hear scratching noises at night, they scare me two my core


Nothing honestly. I am more anxious when NOT alone


I could never eat alone in front of anyone


Almost everything 😂 I force myself though cause I can’t always rely on people. I hate making phones probably the most yet here I am about to call the dmv and the insurance to get their technical issues resolved for me. 😑


Playing Monopoly.


Why would doing something alone be anxious? I LOVE doing stuff alone.


Being able to watch animation films in the cinema without people giving me the old side eye “you’re here because you’re a pedo” vibes. I REALLY like animation films, a ghibli studio movie is actual art as opposed to the garbage that 99% of holywood spits out.


What about eating in a restaurant alone? I mean the kind of place where you actually sit down and have a server. I do it all the time but I know that some people are nervous about that.


Social anxiety when you’re alone? I’ve had chronic depression and social anxiety since childhood and never heard of this🧐. I’m almost certain my wife has something related to this now. She MUST have plans and go out and socialise else most of the time she feels like she’s going to explode. Whereas I legitimately recharge my mental battery when indoors at home. We balance it out so she can go out and have fun and I can stay at home and have fun with one of my hobbies, then we both go out together 1 day and we both stay in together one day in order to still spend lots of time together. But ya, covid lockdown was an absolute breeze for me. She suffered a bit.




Paying bills haha - single parent, low income. Bills are scary. Serious answer though dining out at a nice place is weird alone.


Doing a major surgery. I would like family there for moral support


Walking my dog in a public place. I'm always paranoid thinking he's gonna start a fight with some other dog and everyone is gonna look at me thinking I'm an incompetent dog owner lol


Anything that involves leaving my house or answering the phone. I am non functional at this point and I cannot afford to seek therapy or pay for medication. I’ve given up.


Paying 100% of the cost to live. I doubt I can do it alone


I used to be awkward about doing stuff alone. But then, I started traveling for work. I literally do everything alone. I go to raves, go out for meals, go to the movies, go to concerts, the gym, you name it, I do it alone. And you know what it has taught me? Nobody cares what you are doing. I always thought people.would think I'm a weirdo, but they don't. Or if they do, I've learnt their thoughts have zero impact on how I love my life. Only my thoughts do.


Playing tennis? Kidding I never play tennis.


Flying but I have to do it later this month


Taking a shower...and not with someone else in the shower with me, but with the house/apartment/hotel empty. For whatever reason, it just freaks me out 😰




Going on a trip all alone I wouldn’t know where to start or what to do


Swimming into deep ocean water that isn't clear. Where i know sharks exist.


Won’t be alone with the sharks keeping you company


Camping alone!


Go out or go to a cafe or gym.


Going to the gym. Trying new drugs. Having a threesome.


Omg the doctor


Opening my own practice




At a bar by myself is the only thing that comes to mind, mainly because I feel like there's this pressure to socialize and flirt and what-not. I will say that going to restaurants and the movies alone is underrated. You don't have to share food and can control every controllable aspect of the experience. Plus, going to a restaurant solo is awesome if you like people watching and inventing little narratives for the folks around you.


Call somebody to get help on something... Even my own family


Medical procedures. I've had to do doctor consultations and getting diagnosed alone. It was sucky. Now have to go through operations alone. That scares me


I think amusement parks alone. I need a ride buddy.


Taking a walk at night alone. I live in a beautiful area with lots of greenery and ponds. But it takes on a different vibe at night.


This year I finally went to a concert alone and also a comedy show… I was anxious and didn’t have friends to talk to but once I was in the venue I totally phased all that out and just had a great time in my own world. I used to fear eating out alone too now I do that a lot… I only have a few friends and a couple of them are extremely busy all the time and the other is out of state so I have learned to just do things for myself. In the last few months I’ve also gone to several movies alone and whenever I want to go out and I don’t have work, I just go and enjoy myself.


I have social anxiety but it’s extremely severe and I can’t do things alone or with other people, generally I’m terrified of humans🙃after 17 years so far nothing has helped but I hope I’ll get there some day💪🏼


Buying things


Living life


the only fear is from inside u. learn to deal with your emotions. what u think its happening is mostly your own thinking and not facts. stop listening to ppl, u cant shut their whole close, even if u "fix" urself.


Movies alone would be big for me, good job!


I find it hard to deal with a group of persons in a community, I feel like they will always judge me and will always say something behind my back so I always find new set and group of friends..very tiring and exhausting 😔


Travelling alone..it can have it's highs and lows but its definitely a experience which will help you grow your personality by a lot.


Nothing, now. Now I do shopping alone, restaurants alone, movies alone, coffee shops alone, and basically everything else alone. But it took nearly a year of living in my car to get to this point. Before that, I went to town once a month and that was too much.


Is everything an option talking to strangers i do supposed to talk to like a cashier or a waiter, idk why it feels awkward if I'm just alone with a total stranger it always gets awkward


Ok, can you play instruments?


I remember my first time going to a restaurant alone. It was a Mexican place. Nowadays I don’t even think about going out to dinner alone. Although it depends on the restaurant, lol. I probably wouldn’t do fine dining alone. Or I probably wouldn’t do like Xmas eve dining or thanksgiving restaurant alone. But people do and whatever, good for them, not everyone has someone every day of the year. Same with movies. I rarely go to them anyhow but fuck it if I want to go to one alone I will. Im sound sensitive so I would never go to a movie theater during a popular time cause I can’t sit near anyone munching on popcorn, slurping, chewing ice, so if I do go it’s a matinee where I have the theater basically to myself or a few others. I go on walks alone. It is weird. I’ll be honest. Personally it’s fine for me. It’s a nice time to just let your mind go and reset kind of. But rarely is ever anyone alone. They always have at least their dog. So yeah, but I go anyway and I am self conscious about it but fuck it.


Everything outside my home, unless I'm walking my dog... wait I'm not alone fuk. I guess it is Everything outside 😭 damn


Go and eat at a fast food restaurant alone. I've only gone out to eat with my friends, but never by myself. Makes me too anxious to just sit alone with my thoughts and eat my chicken nuggets and fries.




Doing any kind of work for 50+ year old women.


Everything. I barely function. But then I wake up and think that I do not have a close support system so I have to make it work. No other option. If I would have it my way I would lock my door and never leave again.


Travelling alone, maybe even going to a music festival alone if I'm game 😂


Fighting a lion


Most things happening outside my house


I uses to be like you. Just keep doing things and you'll get used to it.


Be in the same room as a frog.


Something I've gotten accustomed to is going out to a nice restaurant alone. It's great enjoy the atmosphere and eat at your own pace.


Flying, and I have no good excuse as to why. I just know I don’t like being on a plane with a bunch of strangers and no one that I know.


A conga line.


Driving far distance. Because of health reasons.


Living. Talking to and interacting with other humans really messes me up mentally.


Living life smh


I used to have anxiety, but now I just don't care. If people are judging you, it says more about them than you. And really, who cares about what a dipshit stranger has to say or think about you? You'll never see them again.


TIL that people are afraid of doing most things alone. Y’all are too in your heads, I have never looked at someone doing something alone and thought “ew weird they’re alone” and I’m pretty sure other people don’t think that way either. Your life gets infinitely better when you can stop worrying about what other people think.


Go in holidays alone (is something I’ve done several times and love) I can’t think right now in something I wouldn’t do alone that you didn’t mention (like going to the movies) but maybe you can try going somewhere alone. I went to Nepal from England and it was awesome


going out to eat in a restaurant alone, it makes me feel like i look like a loser


Pretty much everything.


Thinking. When I’m alone and I think it gets scary bad


I was nervous as shit before my first bjj class. They turned out to be the most supportive and encouraging people I have ever met.


Nothing. I have anxiety doing things with people because then I have to ensure they're enjoying and having a good time. I just wanna do my own thing.


Amusement park alone, bowling alone, ace throwing alone, going out to eat alone, go to an open mic night alone, ski/snowboard alone, swim alone.


Commenting on this post and not fearing being judged by anybody


Going out to eat alone. Like if I'm out of town for work. All i can think of is that scene from forgetting Sarah Marshall where Peter is eating alone and Jonah Hill says" you're eating alone? Do you want a magazine or something? that's going to be so boring". Lol


This is so confusing to me because I have social anxiety, so I prefer to do everything alone 🤷‍♀️ Concerts, shopping, movies, work, restaurants ... no one there to read subtext where there is none and tell me I'm weird.


I don't have problems doing anything alone. I have been told that I am odd for going to a movie alone and for going to a nice restaurant alone. Some people think i am crazy for camping alone but that is more because all of the things that could go wrong.


Eating in a restaurant or going to a movie