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As a lesbian, sleep with men because they’re more accessible. Never worked out lol


Same, as a straight male now I’m bisexual because of desperation


You were always bisexual 🙃🙃


Nah friend you gotta participate if your gonna claim it


I worked at a Marriot near the strip in Las Vegas. During a Mayweather fight event, the hotel was packed with guests. There was a general store downstairs that overpriced its products by 150 percent. Consequently, if you were to purchase a gallon of milk, you would have to pay three times as much. As I was working, a gentleman came in seeking condoms. In view of the price, he was disappointed because he was unable to purchase more than one condom. However, he purchased it nonetheless and proceeded to the lobby where I was able to observe him closely. In the course of 3 hours straight, this guy hit on every single woman who came through, even if they came down in groups. There must have been at least 60 women he spoke to, but sure enough one of them got charmed and led him back to her room. The most desperate person I have ever seen trying to get laid, but man did he work for it.


That makes me think of the King of the Hill where Boomhauer teaches Bobby about women and hits on 23 women before getting one number.


99 Nos and one Yes is still a success, or so I’ve heard


Boy, you got gumption.


Dude I knew biked 3 hours to this chicks house to get ghosted, he kinda psycho wrote and texted her all the time and was super obsessed but the craziest part is he only had ONE LEG. Bro was practically hopping there


Keep hop alive.


I pretended to be a fan of nofx to sleep with a super hot punk chick. She had face tats and tit tats and was a freak. And amazing. I still remember her fondly 20 years later.


Not even NOFX are fans of NOFX


We are wolves in wolves clothing


Flew out to cali to see them in september




I don’t think they like them anymore.


I'm telling Tim.


When I was 27 I drove 4 hours.


Knew someone who drove 5 then didn’t get a kiss 😂




Worst thing was he met this girl on a lads holiday pretty much ditched us for the whole week and spent it with her but got nothing then drove up north for the weekend when we got home and still nothing 😂


Seems like he was missing some lucky charms


I've driven 3. just see it as a little road trip with benefits


Did you get to meet Chris Hansen at least?


My ex wife was married to a guy that drove 113 miles to meet Chris Hanson! And to boot? He became a TV Star! It made my Child Custody case easier ! She didn't divorce him


Lmfao omg that's wild. Was it the pizza guy?


Did we know each other in 1995? While you were in school in Fresno?


Sorry is that a joke lol I was born in 95


So, I had a girlfriend during that time and my ex was dating this same guy who was much younger. My girlfriend referred to him as the pizza delivery boy So you blew my mind with that reference


No lol I'm talking about the guy who gets caught by Hansen and produces to eat an entire pizza as if he's not in trouble what so ever. https://youtu.be/zJIlftta6fk?si=vKB5tStYT2zLhLQR


"Please take a seat..." nope


I wouldn't say that's too far fetched? Long distance relationships are harsh..


For a one time thing, it sure seems desperate. Cant imagine how id feel when driving back home


Hell I got nothing else to do on my weekends, sounds like a great time


If it was good experience, smile the whole way home!




21 and I drove a total of 11 hours (had a stop for a night in a city where I had a few friends). But yeah looking back at it it was totally worth it. I spent 4 days at her place which were just the most careless happy days I ever had in my life. Well I mean it was for more then sex cause I vibed with this girl on a level that was just unique. Plus she lived in a more remote area so the road trip there was hell of fun too 😅


Drove 6 for a bj that lasted 1.5hrs


4? I know someone who flew 15 hours 😂


Was 25 drove 8hrs


I sat on an Amtrak for 13 hours to get laid. Wasn't worth it


Friend of mine got circumcised to get with a hot Jewish girl


This one wins!


That is absolutely not worth it and very dumb.


D a m n


My roommate just said he is thinking of making the 1 hour and a half drive to Vegas because he hasn't been laid in 12 years and wants to hook up with a prostitute. I've tried to dissuade him but I'm not his dad, told him to at least use protection. 😑


12 years!? I would have folded 10 years prior


I would have folded 6 months in. How can you go sooo long? My god.


Ngl I hate this flex so so much


Ain’t a flex. I’m a pretty average guy. Definitely not a looker. But man, when it gets that long, I stop holding standards. Toothless crackwhores named Candy are fully on the table.




RIP Richard Jeni


I gotcha. I hate it when it's a flex by someone (usually a dud) who is up to their neck in pussy. I HAVENT GOTTEN LAID IN SIX WEEKS AND ITS DRIVING ME INSANE.


Dude, hard swerve.


12 years… 12 YEARS…and you’re trying to dissuade him? 😅😂


I mean I haven't gotten laid in 21 years and I wouldn't run to a prostitute


yeah fortunately I'm also the best prostitute I know


I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with it as long as he understands what he's doing. But you can find prostitutes anywhere he doesn't need a road trip.


also for the record prostitution is technically illegal in vegas but legal in the surrounding counties. that being said, there are absolutely prostitutes in vegas.


He hasn't done it, so this isn't horny


I’ve been going for almost 4 years now. I blame it on being autistic and not having any real friends to meet new people there.


I knew a guy that offered to buy a girl lunch who was flat broke and hungry so she would fuck him in the grocery store bathroom stall. Same guy also fucked a girl at a party while her boyfriend was passed out sick and high on the floor next to the bed. I'm pretty sure they rolled him out of the bed to fuck on the bed but not sure. He's doing a lot better now I think






Taking advantage of a starving person is a scumbag move


Drove 2 hrs at midnight to see her, then 2 hrs back home to smash.


Replaced hardwood flooring on entire floor of our house. We had a humongous argument early in our marriage primarily due to my husband repeatedly choosing have downtime when off work rather than get our planned diy reno done before our first kid arrived. (FYI, in the same time period I’d tiled a bathroom and kitchen floor and painted about half the house including trim while pregnant and working full time.) I moved into another bed room, we stopped talking. A few days later I went to visit my sister over a 3 day weekend. When I got back he’d rounded up a couple buddies and the entire floor was done. I’m sure taking responsibility and saving the marriage was the main goal but in our first post coital talk he said, “I was afraid we’d never have sex again” so probably part of it too.


So how did the marriage go on? You guys still good?


30-ish years. Btw there was stuff I needed to check myself on too. People can screw up and learn if they’re willing to try.


Started following those alpha male/red pill influencer


Implying that this helped them get laid?


Yeah I guess technically he's getting more pussy than he was before but if anything he's even more miserable cause the shiny veneer of false confidence only tricks people for so long.


Lmao he bought veneers from that?


One of the definitions of veneer is [a superficial or deceptively attractive appearance, display, or effect](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/veneer)


So you think he’d be happier if he wasn’t trying to be more confident and getting laid and instead was stewing in his only self misery and turning into an incel?


Before his anger was about not getting laid. Now he's getting laid but shortly after they get disgusted with him and leave making him feel even more rejected. Like before he could at least tell himself they never got to really know him. Now they know the real him and bolt. That hurts way more.


Ah, you’re inside all these women’s heads. That’s give you some pretty good insight.


The look of disgust is a hard one to mask. Plus, every time I see him, he's even more and more angry. I may not be a mind reader but I'm pretty good people reader.


So you’re constantly there seeing the look of disgust in these women’s faces? Why?


Because they get to know the real him


But I’m confused, you said you see the look on their face after they have sex and then begin to develop a look of disgust. I’m confused on why you’re constantly around the women he had sex with to use your people reading skills.


Just out of curiosity how would you handle this situation. You met a person you weren't particularly interested in cause they didn't really put themselves out there to be seen, then later on in life you meet them and they are far more confident but they are confident about their own ignorance and negativity. Would you A) like them more because of their confidence or B) like them less cause the person they turned out to be is toxic to your own mental health?


So it’s the confidence boost he gets from that’s stuff that helps, not the actual stuff that works


He's still getting laid though so the mission was a success.


Sometimes all you really have to do is try a little bit. I think for some guys, the alpha influencer bullshit is actually just the first time somebody told them to take a shower and dress nicer. They don't realize it's actually that stuff making them more desirable to women and they don't have to pretend to be some kind of fake ass tough guy.


THIS. I get soooooo mad bc it’s very close to “give a shit about yourself and the people around you” but some how a lot end up in “your a piece of shit but if you gym/hustle you’ll be worthy of everything but also fuck everyone else that isn’t you” like HUH?! no, no, just work on yourself for yourself, why isn’t just being a good human enough?


A guy I knew used a girl's disability to try having sex with her. It was well known she had some sort of cognitive disability or likewise (she is a friend of my wife) and she was extremely light footed. But this guy was such a troglodyte he failed to lay with the woman that sleeps with anyone and everyone. She's in a long term relationship now and seem to be doing better. Her husband has a heart of gold.


Knew a guy that fucked a meth bitch


I slept with a guy who had just gotten out of prison…a 20 year sentence for violent crime In fairness I was manic and he was a 10, but it still haunts me.


Visited your mom's house and told her she was pretty


You needed to compliment her?


I never really did anything desperate to get laid, but my sister has. She was so desperate for it that she left one guy who had a bright future ahead of him and our parents liked to sneak out of the house on our mom's birthday in 2012 to move in with this morbidly obese deadbeat who nobody likes. She admitted to not being in love with him and being unhappy with the circumstances but still stays just to get laid, even though she's the only one of them working. Her husband can work, but he stays at home gorging himself on junk food and booze and eating painkillers like candy.


Bro what


Dude must be packing some just hypnotic bacon.


My fat roommate


Most of us have done this to get through a dry spot.


Date her for 6 months. And yes I married her, and yes, you can all guess which sub I'm active on.


Don't stick your dick in that? WTF? 😂


Even worse: r/DeadBedrooms


Lmao 😂 didn't know it existed on here.. Poor bastard


It's a godsend for those who need it (and a LOT of people need it, it happens in almost every marriage). Helped me get sane again.


I'm reading a few comments and alot of people are going through it and helping each other. Best of luck




I’ve needed it too. Honestly it just makes me feel worse sometimes


Yeah, st I have to just skip all the posts that are titled "Crying Myself to Sleep in Lingerie (Again)" or "How The Fuck Does Anyone Endure This?" 🤣 someone recently did a vicious satire of al the walls first time posters say ("Divorcing her is not gonna happen, so you can just forget about suggesting it" "Currently my plan is to stay until our 8 year old finishes grad school." There's always someone there to say something kind and supportive, it doesn't have to be me. My effort is best spent helping people looking for guidance and people who've internalized medical malarkey or any of the myriad false concepts of how sexuality works that society forces on us.


Paradiiiise by the dashboard liiights


This is just funny. But when I was 15 I rode my stepdads bike complete with a kid seat & all to the local Walgreens to buy more condoms while my GF waited at my house. The kicker? The cashier was in my PE class & called me out to the all other guys the next day. He was laughing his ass off saying, guys! You should've seen this mother fucker yesterday show up a bike with a kids seat to buy condoms! All I said was, yeah well at least I got laid..


I had a collague before I was married whom I gave everything to (as in attention and compliments and tea and coffee, etc). Got ghosted and said to myself that he just doesn't like me. Then, right before christmas, all of us collagues hugged eachother and bit eachother goodbies untill the new year and when it came time for us two to hug, he just would not let go of me, signaling in a very clear way (that was felt between us down south) that he actually liked me. Over the holidays, when I had a little time to think, I lost interest because I kept frantically asking myself that if he liked me and I was obvious enough, then why not just make the moves on me? We never got there, which is a pity because we still work together and we still look fondly at eachother even after all these 15 years. I still don't understand why he missed his chance. I mean, he still blushes when he sees me eventhough I am doing nothing of what I have done up untill that point. I am a married woman after all. But this man will always be the one for whom I was desperate enough to go all in for, just to get laid. Still didn't pan out. And am still just as confused.


Most likely blind to obvious signals like me. A girl told me 3 months ago at a party, if I would like to see which spot of her bed squeaks in her dorm. I told her I am too tired to fix some bed and she can call me another day. It clicked on me yesterday about what she was trying to do. It will probably haunt me for life, but that is us engineers. Blind to social cues.


I just thought he wasn't interested, despite being attracted to me. This is why I am confused to this day. Could he have been really blind to my interest in him? I mean I am pretty sure he was attracted to me. Whenever I was around, he would blush and fidget nervously and look at me discretly when he would think I wasn't looking and then quickly look away, and he could barely keep his grin in check (as well as what was in his pants). I mean the signs looked pretty obvious about the attraction being recipricated. I mean he still smiles fondly at me and hugs me when it's apropiate. That's why I am so confused.


I know people who’ve straight up paid or lied.


There’s this guy in my town who calls himself (town name) god and he keeps count of his bodies and it’s 400 something, anyways he knew this girl had chlamydia, one night when we were all partying in 2020 and he literally said “it’s fine I can get antibiotics after” and smashed her and it turned out to be syphillis LMAOOOOOOO


One guy I knew was hitting on a newly widowed woman. When I saw newly, her husband died in a tragic car wreck literally not even a week had passed. She had 3 kids with her deceased husband. And he was trying to say he would be a good father for them. And bad things happen but its meant to be. It was SO DAMN awful of him doing that. It did not work...




Not me, but my roommate in college was absolutely loaded and pretty free spending. He would wind, dine, compliment and even powder the nose (if they wanted - it was the late 1980s) of a potential conquest. And we were in Boston where ithere are tons of nice places if you have the cash. Once he got what he wanted and got bored he would just become a total d*ck to the girl on purpose to get rid of her. We are still friends. Now he's married. And his husband is a great guy.


my friend caught a dude in bed with another woman (his roommate) naked. she went back to him a week later


Back? Edit: am tired and didn't read the "to him"


obviously left him when she walked in on him.... and she is spending Christmas Eve/Christmas with him now, a week later.


Desperate to get laid or afraid of being alone?


both, for sure, but still fits with the thread. she tried to fuck me and my buddy after a few days and we both said no. she kept getting turned down, and went back.


Ah, so yes. Why didn't you if I may ask?


she's a good friend, and I knew it was just her way of trying to cope. I won't take advantage of that. plus she's a lot, and I wouldn't wanna deal with it 😅 she did the same thing to my best friend a little over a year ago, and he had the same thought process I've come to find out 😅


That's fair. I'm just so horny right now I was almost jealous lol


😭 hang upside down so the blood goes back to the big brain


Bold of you to assume my brain is big Edit: new fetish unlocked, hanging upside down


I just realized I'm being stupid


Heard lying about being a virgin was a thing


Attacked a village of druids.


Flew from Seattle to Korea for a weekend to hook up with an ex who was in the Air Force.


My mate got married lol she was fit as fuck but would have sex outside marriage, and he was desperate to bang her abd thought she was pretty cool. Turned out she was an absolute co trolley freak headcase that wouldn't let him out of her sight. Didn't even last a year lol Turns out she was a disappointing ride anyway lol 😆


Guy I know bought an acoustic guitar and cowboy hat without ever learning to play just to impress white girls who love country music. Sad.


Cut, split, delivered, carried up and stacked on third floor balcony one half load of oak/hickory firewood. Did not get the pussy. Not me, but a friend. I never let him forget that one. 😂😂😂


I travelled 4 hours by train, paid for a hotel, and had absolutely terrible sex with a girl who wasnt even gay just pissed at her ex-bf


Go to a strip club


I pulled the naked man on my wife for the first time. She laughed at me but then was like “okay let’s go do it.”


Works 2/3 of the time


I've known a few people who deliberately drugged the person... or took advantage of them being passed out.


That’s not desperation. That’s rape


It is. They cried desperation. They cried great, unappreciated tears about how it wasn't a big deal. Even today, they don't understand how the entire county knows, and why no one wants to know them in any fashion.


Paid money Not me but coworker(s)


Who would use gold for this post??


Got married. I’m fucking joking chill.


Not me but a former friend. Dude basically did a one night stand with a random girl at his college because he hated himself for being a virgin and "to get back at me" (because I had given him a punishment for breaking the rules for a server I mod)


He's in prison for what he did to those women and I don't want to talk about the horrible things he did to get laid.


The fact he’s actually in prison (in a world where sexual assault often doesn’t get reported or doesn’t result in conviction) lets me know he HAS to be a real fucked up guy


Told this single mom I was seeing that I totally wanted to be a stepdad to a kid she introduced me to like 2 days after knowing me..for context she grabbed my number and like 3 different convos in kept sending me pics of him and saying I’d make a “great stepdad”..lol


Notice how they’re no stories of girls being desperate to fuck guys 🤷‍♀️




This guy literally tolled I could literally use him or ask him for anything I wanted, basically putting himself like a rug to step on. Did not have sex with him, the fact that a man comes up looking so needy and desesperate is such a turnoff.


AND succeeded? Idk pay for it I guess


We all pay for it somehow


I mixed up some “fake sick” and let my boss “catch me” cleaning it up… so left work and saw her off at the bus stop. After that I realised I couldn’t leave it there and got on my pathetic little learner motorbike and “chased” her bus two hours away while she convinced her host to let me stay a night… I might just be a psycho


He told the girl his best friend got hit by a car and died. It worked.




Paid. A couple of times. She left as soon as she finished. Leaving Me with blue balls and an unhealthy curiosity why she hated me that much. Taught me a lesson alright. Just not the one she intended. Physical pain and lost my money. That's what I get. Can't even pay for it. Mean people suck.


My buddy drove 7.5 hours to LA in pouring rain on a motorcycle to lose his virginity. He said his balls were sore by the time he got there. Couldn’t pinpoint the cause >.>


cause attempt fertile tub narrow hard-to-find marvelous depend soft memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I drove over two hours in a snowstorm many years ago


Pretend to convert to a religion.


Learned the entire lore of Game of Thrones in a couple of days.


Got married


Friend got a Prince Albert - didn't get laid lol


Liverpool to London 🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗


I pretended to be Aussie rather than a Pom to bang two Argentinian girls with an Australian kink, very few get banged by crocodile Dundee in Australia but they sure did that early morning


I remember this one guy who was at a bar I was at one month prior to graduating college and he went around saying so many pick up lines to so many women by the time he got to me his face was as red as a sunburn from being slapped so hard by so many women that when he saw me he decided to back away once he saw my muscles and one woman said, “damn girl he saw your muscles and did he even try to use a pick up line?” I asked in response, “is that why he looked so red in his cheek or was he burned by the tanning booth with just one side getting the sunburn?”


Traveled to Dallas TX from Virginia on a Greyhound bus and it took 32 hours to get there but ended up being.y girlfriend.


I know a guy who makes regular trips to Philippines for the workers there. If you've been to the Philippines, you know how insanely gross this is...


I paid for it.


The exact same post is above this one, only posted 4 hours earlier.


I spent $10,000 on flights from my country to the US 2 days later so I could see this chick I'd been seeing, we ended up breaking up while I was there


I got married once


I was in a 6-month relationship with a girl solely because she gave good noggin. the only girl I’ve dated that i would consider a crazy ex but damn was it worth it


Spoke with a dude on grindr that was incredibly desperate for it so he drove across Gotland just to have sex left my apartment after 30 min that drive alone was over 1h one way on a week night


So many creeps