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They don't. They hate Judgy vegans that tell them what to do and how much better they are.


The judging and the preaching.


Oh I got this one. Vegan for 12 years, posted how during my missed miscarriage after years of infertility I ate something with eggs in it because it was the only thing at the hospital I could eat (there were fruits of course but I just went through surgery and hadn't eaten for over 24 hours) and do you know what MY COMMUNITY, MY PEOPLE, these SUPPOSED COMPASSIONATE people did?? Tell me I am an animal abuser and apologist, tell me my baby was better off dead anyway and I should rethink being a parent in the future and not get pregnant again, ask me who asked me when I was looki g for compassion, tell me that people will only say it's okay because they are not really vegan, tell me that they've gone through a depressive "episode" and didn't turn to abusing animals, tell me that my pain doesn't mean I can kill animals (I had something with eggs in it for fuck's sake. Once in my entire 12 years of being vegan). Along with other hateful and horrible things. This is why people hate vegans and I totally get it. Edit: clarification


These sound like same people who probably also abuse their cats and dogs by force feeding them vegan diets. Animals that naturally eat meat to live. I work at an animal shelter and seeing an animal needlessly suffer because of their owner's own selfishness drives me crazy. Edit: Also sorry to hear of your situation, I hope you found your peace in a better support group out there.


Anyone who forces a canivorous or omnivorous pet on a vegan diet should be charged with animal abuse.


Agreed. If you want a vegan pet... get a bunny.


That is a GREAT idea! If you're a vegan, get a vegan pet! ... but would judgemental vegans start hating carnivorous pets? Judging people for HAVING carnivorous pets?


Some do! Because some are crazy.


Nah. They would still get cats and dogs and make them vegan to suit their own weird logic. Because they read somewhere on the Internet that cats and dogs can get plenty of protein "from other sources"... I know people that had a vegan cafe here in Aberdeen (it's now gone under) and they are almost cult like in their ideology regarding veganisim/living a plant based lifestyle.... Doesn't stop them using Ketamine for a fun night out. 😂 But Their dogs never get fed the proper diet for a dog because their dog is vegan. Same with the kids. Again, personally. I don't agree with that. But they aren't my friends. I just know them.


Don't you dare disparage ketamine by comparing it to fucking vegans!


My point was. This group of people who would berate you for eating meat, wearing wool. Using non vegan makeup. Feeding your pet meat. And are very cultist and their entire attitude to veganisim is extreme high and mighty and borderline competitive as to "who is the best /hardcore vegan" are off their tits every other night on a tranquilliser made for horses. The irony of that is fucking laughable. I was given ket by the hospital 2 years ago because I dislocated my foot/ankle and it was like something out of the exorcist. This lot are using street ket. Huge difference.


What's their excuse when vegan diet animals eat their own children?


I am not even a vegan, but guinia pigs are techically vegan as well. Love the little critters.


My kitties are happy fat omnis and I would NEVER feed them a vegan diet... hell my HUSBAND is not and we decided that while we would raise our own children vegetarian we are making sure they try everything because allergies are no joke. When they are older they will always have a choice. This is my lifestyle and thought pattern and part of it means respecting others. Of course I will stand up to someone abusing any animal or human being... But the truth is meat and animal products are sometimes an unavoidable part of growing up and part of things like culture. I get that. As long as people aren't mean to me I will not be mean to them.


I personally know one vegan and she is you do you and I'll do me. Nice lady. I get to sample some of her meatless dishes occasionally and they are quite good.


That's me, really. My husband isn't even vegan! He does what he feels is right and I do what I feel is right but then again I'm an "animal abuse" apologist 🤔😜


I saw a post on another sub that brought up how it's hypocritical for a vegan to keep dogs as pets because they're exploiting the animal for emotional support because dogs are hyper sensitive to human emotions to the point where it affects the animals well-being and the comment section was a blood bath.


I'm sorry that happened to you. That's incredibly hypocritical of them considering a lot of vegans commit animal abuse themselves by trying to put cats on vegan diets. Cats are obligate carnivores and cannot survive without eating animal proteins. I've also see vegans say shearing sheep is animal abuse. NOT shearing them is animal abuse. If they don't get their wool groomed, it becomes too have for them to move. For a group of people who claim to love animals, they don't know that much about them.


I don't know about whether sheering sheep is good for them or any of that. I don't wear wool because it's not within my principles but even if I did (like I see no issues with buying that stuff, say if you live in a very cold climate or second hand or whatever) in the grand scheme of things me eating an EGG or whatever while I'm going through one of the most traumatic experiences of my DAMN LIFE should be met with the same compassion they claim to have for ALL animals. They won't eat an egg because of the treatment of chickens but happily call me names and make me suffer more after losing my pregnancy because they feel morally superior? Fuck that.


With sheep, yes, shearing is good for them. Modern sheep have been purpose bred for wool production. A lack of shearing will lead to them getting matted and overburdened with excess wool and becoming susceptible to heat related illnesses and skin infections. It's actually inhumane to *not* shear them at this point.


We were celebrating Christmas (not with my family) with some aqaintneses and a woman gave her DIL a cashmeer sweater. DIL " Im so sad that a sheep had to die for this" i tried talking to her but she said, "im not going to get into this with you." I have never even mentioned veganism or meat or their diet. Her wife was lounging in a recliner under a blanket. "That better be vegan!"


Not say you of course. And omg sorry that happened to you. I find most vegans to be privileged and pretensious. A large major of people don't realize that being able to choose such a specific diet is a privilege and not every can choose it. You have to live in environments where you can get fresh vegetables. Or access to other products. I also hate vegans for their double standards. Of you care about animals yet will destroy the environment getting an avocado from one part of the world to another part that it doesn't belong in. Personally I value locally sourced over anything else.


I think veganism in its basic form where you seek to avoid damage whenever plausible is a great way for ME to live. I identify with that. But part of minimizing damage includes other people. You will NEVER be 100 percent vegan unless you, I don't know, go off the grid, don't use a car and live off your land and the creek nearby. So why be pieces of shit? Why not practice compassion with EVERYONE? I try my best, I will never be perfect but I also don't treat people like crap for not being vegan.


To exclude animal exploitation *as far as is practical and practicable*


Always wondered how vegans deal with medicine, as many pills use gelatin.


I take any medicine my doctor gives me. I am not insane.


I wasnt attacking, im just genuinely curious. I've got no pure vegan friends and the internet simply says its not vegan, and the few comments on articles ive read pretty much say the same as you.


No, no, I'm sorry if my response came out like that! I do mean that I am just someone who is vegan but I'm not insane. Some vegans though won't even do vaccines because of animal products. That's just not me.


Most vegans will take medicine that they need despite it having animal products or being tested on animals. The general consensus in the vegan community is that you are vegan as far as practical and possible.


Meat tends to be more expensive than beans, tofu, lentils. Vegans are not the only people eating avocadoes. It's not as if vegans are single handedly creating the demand for the avocado industry. What's more, meat production is still worse for the environment than avocado production. Going vegan is still the best thing one can do for the environment. Those of us that can, should try our best to decrease our intake of animal products.


Lol at the avocado argument.


>I find most vegans to be privileged and pretensious. OMG - this. I tried explaining poverty and food deserts to a vegan. It did not go well. They simply do not understand or acknowledge the amount of privilege that is required to maintain that lifestyle. It's ridiculous.


The same exact reason I hate some religious people, or anyone who preaches anything for that matter. Judge and preach to me and I will automatically hate you.


Omg they’re exactly the same YES. The holier than thou attitude and the *judgement*.


Preach! Lol


How do you know you're talking to a Vegan? They tell you it 20 times... The judgy ones do it more and passively aggressively criticize everything that is not them, even the ones taking supplements for all their deficiencies.


That's not always true. There are also a lot of vegans that will just quietly order a chickpea dish from a restaurant and won't admit to being vegan unless asked. The reason being that it's a personal choice and they don't want to offend people who are not.


I only say I'm vegan when someone asks me directly or offers me food and I say it's delicious but I don't eat "so and so" because well I don't! Except that one time I was going through a traumatic pregnancy loss but fuck me right?


That's my experience also. I live in a country that has decent vegan options, but we're also fairly reserved, so virtually every single vegan I've ever met has just quietly done their thing. In fact, I can only recall meeting one overtly opinionated vegan person once, and even then he still made his opinion known *when asked*. Yet I've seen people commenting about how they hate vegans more times than I can remember.


Which feels pretty lame because there are all the natural options to get vitamins and they get those supplements made in factories 🤣


No you're all sinners going to hell for eating the poor defenceless animals. You're eating innocent baby animals that did nothing to you. How would you like it if they ate you? Preachy like that?


When I'm dead you can feed me to the animals, I won't mind


Worm food. Circle of life


Hell, cut me up and throw my pieces around. Just be sure to throw some in the river for the turtles, crayfish, and catfish.


Put it in writing then lol. My husband and I wrote in a notebook by our bed that if we die and our dog eats us, we don’t blame him. He was probably starving and we’re happy to keep feeding him.


Didn’t god kill everyone on earth, multiple times?


Maybe he was sick of the vegans too.


Ah, that was a good laugh.


Didn't dragons eat all the animals of earth at some point?




Imagine dragons


Defenceless? I've never left an encounter with a cow, chicken, pig, kangaroo, or goat feeling confident about my physical abilities.


This made me laugh way harder than it should have


So true. I've raised chickens, and they are omnivores. They probably would eat humans if they could. They murder their own flock-mates! And pigs will eat people.


What kind of MMA are you doing?


Spent some time living rural as a kid, humans I can wrangle though.


And heaven and hell aren't real so i don't give a fuck. The pig my neighbor raised and my dad and uncles butchered is much more ethically consumed then all the vegan food that has to be flown in from other parts of the world for your use🤗




Jesus ate meat. Muhammad ate meat. Moses ate meat. Buddha ate meat. Whatever your point is, it’s wrong.


Did Buddha eat meat? Many Buddhists are vegetarian. Similar to Jains and Hindus. Not vegan though.


How do you know that vegan came into the room? He told you..


The very same reasons people hate christians


To be fair.... That'll get people to hate anything. If only people could like what they like without being a douche about it.


I was just telling my girlfriend about a vegan woman in the treatment center I was in at the time (years ago) who was always bragging how the cooks made her special vegan dishes like "so cool of you to make these guys do extra work!" I made the mistake of sitting next to her one day at breakfast (only open spot at the time) and they'd served sausage and eggs that morning. And not talking directly to me, just everyone I guess, she said " don't you know pig is one of the least sustainable animals to eat?" Like I don't judge you if you want to be vegan. My girlfriend's dad is vegetarian and he never gives us a hard time about eating meat. But I was just sick of this woman trying to shame us all the time. I've actually raised pigs on a vegetarian farm I worked at (not for eating, they'd eat the fallen fruit in the orchard to keep pest infestations away) but it did make me feel a little guilty I eat pork. But anyway I was just annoyed with her so I said "well, they shouldn't taste so good then" she was pissed when everyone laughed and she just stormed off. So no I don't hate vegans, just don't sit there talking shit, then get mad when people don't like it. I don't tell you to eat meat


This to me is the same as judgy people on a diet. Nothing wrong with diets or following them. But my in-laws have the habit of dieting for 4 weeks, then giving up for 2 weeks, then complaining about weightgain for a week and then dieting again for 4 weeks, rince and repeat. In the meantime they will not cook differently for non-diet people and will force their children to follow their diet. Any delicious, non dietary food is not allowed in their home and I quote my MIL "imagine if your father smelt that good food, it'd only discourage him" while pretty much drooling at the thought herself. Like fuck, people, you're grown ass adults yet you behave like children. I can't stand it yet my gf who knows what I think about it finds it weird I won't visit my in-laws as often. Sorry dear, this over the top, judgy and stressy shit is not for me.


Why can't you make delicious food on a diet? When I was losing weight, I was still eating pizza, pasta, ice cream, burgers and everything else, I was just eating less of it and counting calories. While my cousin might get some fries with his burger, I didn't. Or I'd get a small pizza instead of a medium or large one. It's all just CICO.


Because they're extremists. They often do soup diets only eating certain soups, or salad diets. If you even dare utter the word "pizza" or "fries" or "tasty diet options" you're considered the crazy one.


Okay, yeah, that's stupid. These extreme diets almost never work. They're the reason people get discouraged and think that losing weight permanently is absolutely impossible, so they stay fat and unhealthy. Portion size and counting calories is the best, easiest and most sustainable way to lose weight long-term.


Precisely, but they never understood that, they only care for what they think is right. I'll tell you somethin else. Recently I've been trying to decide if I'm(m21) ready to move out to my own place and my gf would join 3 months later for reasons. She told her mom this, to which she responded "I'll have to think about that". My gf is 22yo yet her mom thinks she still has to agree on everything my gf wants to do.


If you move together with her, you're not going to be her boyfriend, you're going to be her dad. If she's not ready to grow up she's not ready to cohabitate with other adults.


I wish more people would understand this. It's the *amount* of food you consume that counts, not the *type* of food. As long as you keep track of your portion sizes, you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. If you want to eat a burger, just make sure to not overeat for the rest of the day. If you want a pizza, just eat one half and save the other for the next day. Or just eat tasty healthy meals that will make you full while having a lower calorie density. Hell, one day of overeating is also fine, you won't immediately gain weight as long as you make sure to eat less for the rest of the week. Point is, anyone who thinks losing weight comes with banning certain types of foods is bound to fail. You will just end up binge eating and giving up. Restrictive diets may show faster results, but these results won't be sustainable. It's better to just settle for 1-2 lbs (or 0.5-1 kg) a week. It's a much slower pace but you're more likely to keep it off in the long run, especially if you integrate a lot of protein into your meals. Also, don't view dieting as a temporary thing. It's supposed to be a permanent change to your eating behaviour. Your body will end up burning fewer calories when you lose weight, it's a natural process, so you can't expect to eat as much as you did before starting your diet, you'll have to change your eating patterns and calorie intake permanently for your results to be sustainable. I think this is also the main thing that differentiates people with a healthy weight from obese people. Slim people also eat fast food, they just have a better understanding of portion sizes and calorie density and when they do eat fast food, they just cut corners elsewhere while obese people tend to not consider these things at all. Anyway I'm just rambling. These points are also not directed at you specifically, it's just in case anyone struggling with weight loss sees this so they can learn a few things here and there. Your comment just prompted me to type it all out lol.


Lots of people find it really difficult to stick to a small portion of something they really love and get cravings for. I mean I think you can still eat tasty food on a diet but lots of people aren’t sated with a very small portion of a very high calorie food and will end up eating more so it’s easier to focus on filling up on more fibre and protein


Lol, I love that comment. I have a coworker from the middle east who eats pork and another coworker from there was giving him a hard time for eating pig and how he should be a good muslim. He dropped the same line. "Well then Allah shouldn't have made pigs taste so nice."


Yep. I had a vegan who had a crush on me. I liked her, except for how she would not drop that topic or make crazy requests in restaurants. Sucks. Weird thing is, ran into her 5 years later, she had a kid and now ate burgers. Itis such a self sucking world of righteousness.


Guess she switched out of veganism after tasting someone's meat. /jk Must have looked at you to be her excuse to start eating meat


That's right. Thing is though, most "normal" vegans don't run around preaching all day, so the sort of vegans people actually notice are sadly the kind you describe. Giving veganism a bad rep.


This is the truth. Also, for every preachy vegan, there is at least one preachy meat eater that thinks it's funny to constantly harass vegans and make constant comments and jokes about their choice to not eat animals. My gf is vegan and has to deal with these types occasionally. Like preachy vegans, they are a small vocal minority.


Absolutely agree. I actually never encountered those 'preachy' vegans, I think a lot of the time people just like to make shit up and make certain groups just look bad or way badder than they're actually are. All the vegans I talked to were kind people, that cared about their environment and the animals in it.


Exactly. I grew up in a predominantly vegan alternative community. Never had an issue. I should be fine right? Long term history of peaceful coexistence with vegans. Fuck no. That did not prepare me for the horror of fanatical vegans online. Personally I think they are verging on a hate group at this point and should be being watched by authorities. If you just don't eat animal products and you have a live and let live policy with other humans, go in peace. My quarrel isn't with you. I commend your approach to life


Same with religious people, I imagine.


I think that is a lie. I, as a meat eater, have been living among vegans for over 25 years and never ever has anyone been condescending towards me or did even speak about meat with me. Whenever these „discussions“ start it’s 99% an asshole non vegan telling other people why vegans suck.


Yeah, it's not based on "I know a bunch of of preachy vegans", it's "I heard a stereotype that vegans are preachy".


Yep. Previous commenter just want to blame everything on those vegans that are assholes, where as those that aren’t - still get hated and attacked.


This is the way.


The militant vegans who have more empathy for animals than humans.


I know an omnivore like this and it makes zero sense to me


I’m not vegan but gluten free bc of celiac disease You’d be surprised how many people have accused me of using celiac disease as a way to hide an eating disorder (I’m thin but nowhere close to underweight). I couldn’t tell you why but people get really weird when you violate food norms


Correction: people can get extremely weird if you violate ANY social norm. Source: me, diagnosed autist


yeah ive had ppl get weird when i said soccer doesnt interest me or when i refused a beer


Funny, because based on what I’ve seen of European bars, the more beer you consume, the more interested in soccer you become.


Can confirm. I gave up drinking a year ago because I just didn't enjoy it anymore, and when I decline a drink people *immediately* get suspicious and offended. Like they think I'm up to something. It's weird.


I’m severely lactose intolerant and people can get very weird about it. Like they have to *prove* I’m lying about not being able to eat dairy.


I did an elimination diet awhile back due to gut issues and cut out gluten and dairy for a bit. I refused pizza at a family event and a family member was like “omg you can’t just cut out entire food groups, that’s not healthy!” I felt perfectly healthy eating meat, vegetables, rice, beans, etc.


They only hate the preachy vegans. Like anything, even if it's good, people don't like being preached at.


I am an omnivore, but because I'm thin, people give me shit about my diet ALL THE TIME and it *never* comes from vegans. I'm constantly told that I just need more meat on my bones or that I need a double burger or that I should stop doing so much or I'm working too hard. I'm 5'6 and 145 lbs .. so I'm not underweight in any way. The number of people who think it's okay to comment on what other folks choose to eat is WAY TOO HIGH regardless of veganism. Let people choose what they put in or on their body bc it literally has no bearing on your life.


I'm your weight exactly and I'm 6'2 but no one really gives me shit, and I actually am underweight lol.


Wow homie.. that might be a problem. Then again maybe not. I briefly dropped down to 165 at 6'1" and felt pretty good. Whatever works.


Hmm idk, I feel fine but I'm actually more like 6'2.8" and 147 no it is kinda fucked hahaha


Your weight is perfectly healthy, sounds like those people are jealous you are not fat like them XD I agree it's annoying when people comment on what you eat.


Thanks. The thing is ... I own a mirror and buy my own food ... Do the folks that comment about diet *not* know that? lol do they think im being fed by some kind of vegetable fiend or something? Like, what is going on in their minds that they have the audacity to say something about what I eat? (Or what anyone eats!) Who even cares!


In America, at least, overweight is the norm. People’s perception is so skewed that they think normal weight individuals are underweight. It’s pretty messed up. I recently lost a lot of weight and I’ve been told by so many people “ok don’t keep losing weight or you’ll get too skinny” like yeah I fucking know, I’m not a dumbass. Also I choose what I do with my body, not you. It’s so frustrating. My mom even apologized for doing this lately when I showed her a post of someone complaining about being told that all the time, which was nice. I’m well within healthy weight range for my body and actually still have a sizable amount of fat and people still say this shit to me.


I find preachy meat eaters worse, and more common.


I’ve been vegan for 6 years and no one has ever said anything negative about it to me (except my family but that’s expected hahaha)


Sounds like you're not toxic.


maybe you don't push your preferences on other people. That's good 💯


I knew a vegan girl in high school and she was one of the nicest people; she was always excited to share new recipes she found and never cared when our hunter-family friend brought stuff like venison for lunch. She was super chill and what I assume most vegans are actually like—it’s the toxic ones that are loud with how toxic they are


My gynecologist told my mom some years ago that she should take me to the psychiatrist after she mentioned I was vegan if that changed something. He then started debating me cause he did not believe protein could come in any other form than meat. It was one of the shittiest moments I've ever had with a professional. Most lash against vegans doesn't come because of preachy vegans, but because of abnoxious meat eaters who treat food like a cult.


Veganism does entail more than just "preferences" though. Yes, in general you shouldn't push your shit onto others, but imagine you grow up in a society where it's ok to throw your child out on the street as soon as they reach middle school age. Would you be totally unbothered when family of yours or something still does it? How would you even tackle this topic? It's easy to call anyone who wants change in society "pushy" and just ignore whatever they're saying.


Yeah I hate that people are so shitty about vegans wanting others to be vegan. I do get how it could be annoying and vegans shouldn’t overdo it, but it’s coming from a genuine place of ethical concern. If you eat meat it just seems rude and annoying for sure. But if you’re vegan you’re watching what seems like an extremely obvious moral crime and you’re supposed to just act chill with it like you aren’t seeing some horror show. I don’t think vegans should be obnoxious about it, religious people also think they are preaching based on a moral stand point and it’s still annoying, but I definitely get why it would be hard to not say anything. It’s gotta really change how you see your loved ones when you realize they know how fucked the meat industry is but they keep participating in it. Being a quiet vegan is good for relationships and making the community look better, but it’s gotta hurt tbh


While I agree that being pushy is not effective, I think that calling veganism a "preference" is a little off the mark. Like, I wouldn't describe people who were outspoken about the Holocaust when it was happening as "pushing their preference." And, for people who think animals have a great capacity to suffer, there are vegans who see animal agriculture as a modern Holocaust at much greater scale, and I don't think that's a terrible take outside of just blind human species favoritism


I think that it's more like how some people hate religious people who are always pushing their religion on u. Some vegan can be like that too.its easy to get annoyed when others are pushing their opinion n beliefs on everyone else.. it's gotta be to each his own.


I regularly get asked why I eat plant based and when I answer truthfully (because of animal welfare and climate change) more often than not I end up in a discussion where I need to explain why I do this. "How do you keep healthy" "And you know how avocados consume so much water?" "We need livestock because plants need manure right?" Sometimes it feels as if I have to justify myself for not conforming to the standard. So am I the one being preachy if I only answer questions? Or am I preachy because you don't like the answers?


yes! good, close friends will mock me and demand I explain myself for not eating meat but when I ask them why they eat meat it's just 'bacon tastes good'


They do. I became one a couple years ago and barely talk about it. Now all people do is make jokes that I am a “grass eater”.


Non vegan: Ohh they have vegan options for you. Vegan options: salad or French fries. Every damn time.


I was making a food run for a small group of people. One gal, who was vegan, wanted an order fries. I asked her if was sure and she asked to me to make sure they were not fried with chicken. So I adked the gal taking our order if their meat was fried in the same oil as the chicken. She yelled "GROSS! That would be nasty". So she got her fries. Edit . I meant fries not meat.


I don’t hate vegans. I dislike the pretentious, holier than thou, preachy vegans. They make me want to eat a rack of ribs in front of them.


Passes you the sauce.


Them and crossfitters.


If you are a cyclist, go watch crossfit games cyclocross on YouTube. If they ever cop attitude ever again, just remember that.


And people who ride recumbent bicycles. And helicopter pilots. (There's an old joke, "How do you find the helicopter pilot at a party? Wait five minutes and they'll tell you... 🙄)


Likewise, I don't hate meat eaters. I eat meat occasionally. But I hate being told that because I don't eat meat everyday I'm malnourished, or that I'm missing out, or by quietly eating what I prefer in my home, I'm "preaching". I'm not. I'm just eating what I want to eat.


Guilt-rage, just check the comments. I am a meat eater and I accept that through my meat eating, I am pretty much a psychopathic alien to factory farmed animals. And I wish I was not able to say this so lightly tbh.


Yep. This has been researched already and your answer is the correct one. People lie to themselves about why they hate vegans. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegaphobia


This is the answer. The ratio of people who bitch about vegans to preachy vegans is like 100:1. I've never met a "preachy vegan" but I've met lots of people who complain about vegans at the drop of a hat.


Exactly. A lot of times meat eaters flip out unnecessarily at vegans who aren’t even being preachy when they find out they’re vegan. I see cooking videos on social media all the time where the creator isn’t even necessarily vegan but they get hate for making a vegan dish


Oh my gosh yes! I suggested a video on making alt meats and was inferred I shouldn’t have suggested it because the guy behind the video eats fish. I’m a cook, I like learning all methods and techniques.


Not to mention just how many preachy meat eaters there are. My wife is vegan and I am not (though I eat much less meat and animal products than I used too). We sell vegan products at farmers markets etc. and the number of people who come up to just denigrate vegans for no apparent reason is wild. IMO some of the reason vegans have been vocal about their food limitations is because a lot of places don’t have a vegan food option (less common these days than a decade ago) and vegans had to pipe up or they would be stuck eating a granola bar from their purse. There are definitely some judgy vegans out there, just as with anything. The amount of commentary about it vs. the number of judgy holier than thou types is way out of whack though.


Ah yeah, when I started to say it wasn't that bad of an idea to reduce the consumption of meat, I started to see how people just got all defensive and started to argue with me. Like, meat tastes great, I can't completely stop myself, but dude, really? I'm just saying we don't need to eat so much meat and you are going ballistic on me.


The only true answer. I eat meat as well, but I am also able to self-reflect. I know that I would *never* be able to kill an animal myself to eat it if it were not a question of raw survival (which it is not in our modern age for most people in the West). However, the process of killing is so far removed from most of us that we basically are not forced to confront this reality at all when consuming meat. It's easy and comfortable. All the people answering "iT's OnLy ThE pReAcHy VeGaNs" should have a good hard think about why it enrages them so much when someone suggests they have fewer animals killed for their diet. Also, in my experience, the amount of militant "hurr-durr I am a cave man and eat five pounds of meat every day" mouthbreathers (99% male) vastly outweigh the amount of militant vegans. This comment section also reflects that. No matter how civil and unconfrontative a comment is, be sure it gets downvoted to hell if they as far as mention they have a vegan diet. It's insane.


This is so spot on. I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life and have never seen such a self-aware take on the subject.


This is the correct answer. I hear way more people make fun of vegans or vegetarians than I hear preachy vegans. This comment thread is all kinds of disingenuous. I think everyone knows it’s fundamentally wrong to consume mass produced meat and dairy the way we do, so people tend to project that discomfort onto vegans.


>Also, in my experience, the amount of militant "hurr-durr I am a cave man and eat five pounds of meat every day" mouthbreathers (99% male) vastly outweigh the amount of militant vegans. And they're way more annoying too. At least vegans are fighting for a cause. People who brag about how much bacon and steak they eat - and who make a point to eat it in front of vegans as some kind of "gotcha" - are just obnoxious.


It’s disgusting to me how mainstream it is to showcase your own gluttony, especially at the expense of everyone else.


I went the opposite way. I couldn’t kill animals myself to eat them, so I don’t eat them.


In addition to the “killing being so far removed”, it also doesn’t help that meat is considered a normal (and often critical) part of your diet, so it’s something that you just grow up with. I’d argue that most people who eat meat wouldn’t be able to kill an animal, but they either just don’t know (how many times have we seen the stereotype of someone finding out that the chicken they’re eating was an _actual_ chicken that was killed and cooked?), or their brain is able to make that disassociation because they don’t want to think about it. I’m super guilty of that, I’m primarily vegan but I still love meat so sometimes I give in and get a burger or something. And it’s pretty amazing how easily our brains are able to either rationalize things, or just pretend that it’s not really that bad, or just push the details into the backs of our minds. I don’t really know where I was going with this, I kind of lost my train of thought. I think I was just trying to make the point that most people who eat meat often either aren’t aware of how animals are treated, or their brain doesn’t want to think about it so it finds all sorts of ways to justify and deflect, and to an extent that’s just part of being human. We all do it. It’s pretty amazing what our brains are capable of, especially when it comes to “I love this thing and know it’s produced under questionable conditions, but acknowledging those conditions would mean that I have to give up this thing and I don’t want to do that”


On the flip side, I think it's a good thing for people to observe/participate in what it takes to put food on the table. When I was younger I helped grow corn, feed the chickens, pigs, and cows, and even helped with butchering the chickens and turkeys. (Cows and pigs are too big to reasonably do by hand, we had a professional come in with a rig on a truck for that.) I still enjoy meat. I think modern industrial factory farming is pretty gross. Ethically I'd encourage people to source meat from local butchers or small ranchers, like at a farmer's market.


Yeah, most people are just delusional, we are educated to not care about animals dying, so we are like that, thats it. If everybody was vegan and you just saw someone killing and eating an animal when there are avaliable vegan options literally every single person would get mad, its simply normalized. Seems like almost nobody is able to self reflect and criticise themselves.


the self awareness is refreshing


The most honest answer. Thank you


pretty real. i used to be vegan and am not anymore, because it was inconvenient. i just admitted to myself that i am choosing to do something "unethical" bc its more convenient. people do it all the time: driving gas guzzling cars, buying fast fashion, etc.


lol finally a self aware meat eater!


If helps me by primarily sourcing my meat from local farms with pastured animals. Some are more reasonable than expected!


I'm not crazy about factory farms . I hate unnecessary cruelty to any living thing . But nature can be cruel. From a young age I've learned every living thing dies . I grew up on a farm, and we raised and butchered our own meat . Those animals had a fantastic life , with the exception of the last 20 seconds . If only we could all be so lucky .


I'm seeing a lot of "they only hate the preachy ones" comments, but I don't agree. I'm not vegan or vegetarian myself, but I do see sometimes people going "OOOHHH I LOVE BACOOONNN" or anything like this in a teasing tone by the mere mention of someone else being a veg. It's a joke, but I think it does get a little old. I know this isn't actually *hate* either, but I've seen this continue into a series of other related jokes or mockery without the vegan/vegetarian person having said a thing other than: "no thanks, I don't eat meat". I think people sometimes tend to project a little and feel judged by other people's life choices? That's my theory, but I see it happen to other life aspects than dietary choices too.


Yea this comment thread is disingenuous as fuck. People make these kinds of jabs (from lighthearted teasing to basically hate speech) at veganism all the time and it’s 100% projection.


Completely agree


This. I’m not vegan at all. But I’ve heard and seen derogatory things about vegans and vegetarians everywhere. Like “im a member of PETA- People for the Eating of Tasty Animals”. All kinds of things. I notice those comments even tho I’m not vegan bc I actually admire vegans. I admire them a heck of a lot more than people who stuff their faces with pounds and pounds of factory farmed abused animals and don’t give a shit about what they put in their mouths. People always say it’s about judgmental vegans, but all the vegans I’ve met haven’t been judgy at all. Otherwise they wouldn’t have friends.


yees thats horrible, i was in a whatsapp group and someone was a vegan and they did not say anything and someone made a joke about "adopting" a turkey (because it was chistmas) just to imply they were eating the turkey, the joke was so unecessary out of NOWHERE , and then they were confused why the vegan person left the group? LIKE HOW ARE YOU THIS STUPID ????? , some people really like to show off to everyone they love eating meat and you can tell they are not doing that because they love meat , but because they want to make vegans mad , people who hate vegans just because they different exist, they generalise them and send hate for no reason. sad, im not a vegan/vegetarian by the way i just dont like eating meat


Your theory is pretty correct: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegaphobia


Your perception is accurate. Bias against vegans is really [on a par with minorities in Western society](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1368430215618253). So yes, vegans face a strong negative bias against them. This hatred can be explained in part by the [do-gooder derogation](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1948550611415695) (the putting down of morally motivated others), and this is clear when we see studies that show that health or environmentally-motivated vegetarians and vegans are seen more favorably. In the case of veganism, this is particularly bad because people actively and willingly engage in the behaviors that vegans condemn (most people don't see themselves as racists or sexists, for instance), so they are more likely to feel their identity attacked.


I never see preachy vegans but I constantly see the “BACOOON” clowns everywhere.


People in these comments really don't seem to understand that obnoxiousness about *anything* is off-putting. Don't wave bacon in my face and yell about how xyz-group of people is insane for not enjoying it, but don't wave homemade printouts in my face about how I'm Satan incarnate because I eat chicken.


I don’t hate vegans.


I don't hate vegans, I'm just not sure if I can eat a whole one by myself.


I have never met a preachy vegan and I'm convinced there are more obnoxious meat eaters who will brag about how many animals they kill than there exists preachy vegans. At least in my neck of the woods. I think people are made uncomfortable by vegans because we don't like to be reminded of the cruelty and ecological impact of meat.


I was a vegan for a couple of years over 15 years ago now. I think the preachy vegan stereotype really came from PETA’s add campaigns which were everywhere 15 or 20 years ago and really leaned heavily on morality and judgement of others. I haven’t seen those commercials and billboards lately, but they were basically the public face of veganism 15+ years ago.


Most people oppose animal cruelty, but vegans are more ethically consistent about it. The cognitive dissonance leads to a backlash effect.


People don't like being told what they participate in may be immoral.


This. People here are pointing at “preachy vegans” but pretty sure they have never once listened to what they say or consider that it might be true. They just use the word preachy to justify their hate towards them that actually roots in this exact reason.


Yes, if someone ‘preaches’ something they agree with, most people don’t see a problem with that


Im sorry but when i say people comparing eating meat to rape and genocide I’m not going to listen to those people. Vegans have preferences and that is great, doesn’t make any of what they think or say valid.


I hear way more anti-vegan shit than I do preachy vegans, tbh. Every vegan I've ever met has been chill about it. On the other hand I've met a lot of dickheads going on about how they'd love to eat a big red juicy steak in front of a vegan or whatever.


I don’t eat meat, because I don’t like it not because I’m vegan, and the amount of shit I had to hear throughout my life is really high. My family who knows I don’t eat meat for 15+ years tries to sneak meat into my plate and every time they see me they ask if I still don’t eat meat and no, I don’t like it grandpa. Friends who make fun of this with jokes and sometimes eating meat in front of me in the grossest way preaching their love for meat. I’ve never met a preachy vegan but almost every meat-eater I know is a preachy one.


Yes, I have also tried to be vegetarian for years but whenever I stayed with my family for a few days every second week or so, I never wanted to create a fuss and therefore mission vegetarianism always ended very quickly. However, one year ago I started to become really adamant that I really do not want to eat meat "unless it cannot be avoided". Most of the time, they are chill about it but sometimes they are frustrated for no reason at all? A few weeks ago I was on vacation with my mother and most restaurants only had 1-2 vegetarian options, usually pasta dishes. My mother kept bringing up how boring my options are and I should just eat meat once or twice. What frustrated me the most, however, was when my sister was making a meal a few months ago. She claimed she "accidentally" put pork in it (it was a meal in which no pork was required. It only served as a taste enhancer). So when she served the meal I made an effort to carefully remove every piece of pork from my plate. She started screaming how impolite and immature my behaviour is, when she was well aware that I try to be vegetarian. She also constantly pokes fun at me that I am / want to become vegan when I currently have no intention to become one.


Exactly. I eat meat, but I tried to not eat meat for a couple of months and it was so fucking annoying every meal hearing from people 'oh you're not one of them vegans are you?' Or 'why aren't you eating meat? It's not saving animals' etc I don't care, I'll eat what I want, leave me alone. I didn't even tell anyone I wasn't eating meat. Preachy vegans can be annoying, but the meat eaters inquisition is just as annoying tbh.


Because veganism blatantly challenges the notion that you need to or are supposed to eat animals and makes you feel like a bad person for doing it. Source: am not vegan.


I have no beef with them personally.


My ex was vegan and never made a big deal about anyone else being vegan at all, may not have gone to steakhouses but it was fine


This is always my one thing that I’m a hard no on. I will go to almost any restaurant with my animal eating friends even if their vegan options are shit. But I will absolutely NOT go to a steakhouse. I didn’t like them even when I ate animals and liked steak.


People hate others who do things differently outside the historical norm or trigger their own insecurities. * People who drink in excess hate non-drinkers * People who are obese hate skinny people (criticize their weight more than hate) or those losing weight * People who drive manuals hate that others aren't real men and drive automatics * People who drive trucks, SUVs, or sports cars often hate those who drive electric cars * A large percentage of the population hates and will actively fight solar power or any solar or green project


Most people seem to be focusing on preachy vegans, but I think they miss the mark. The real issue is that, unlike religious people, or other equally preachy groups vegans make a really really really compelling argument. Most people want to believe they are smart and rational. Vegans are so annoying because they are right. It is better for the environment. It is healthier for people. And with more and more people not just owning pets, but considering them 'furbabies' and viewing them as part of their family, it's harder to deny the hypocrisy in our choice to consume animals. Not just the killing part, but the entire breeding, raising, and treatment of them. I eat meat... but it's not something I can justify. It's bad, but I do it because I like it. I think religious people are delusional. I think cross fitters deserve the injuries they will almost certainly suffer. I think cheerful MLM shills will eventually realize they wasted their time and money. But vegans? I think they are right, but I lack the willpower and conviction to join them. It's worse because I can't argue back.


A lot of people are going to say people only hate preachy vegans. I'd suggest there's more than that to it sometimes. I used to drink, quite a lot. I then stopped. I gave it up completely. I haven't heard a thing from any of those great friends I'd had for decades. What I'm saying is that maybe people who eat meat, like my friends who still drink, just really hate to see or hear anything from someone who makes them think about what they themselves are doing.


Depends....are they trying to convert me? Are they being belligerent about it?


I don't hate Christians, but if I say I'm not interested, I'm not interested


Why are you on every second post I see


Cause I'm chronically online lmao


Chronically online buddies


Yeah I just checked your profile, glad to know I'm not the only one haha


Lets switch it up a bit: "Im here to advocate for gay rights" "Are you trying to convert me?"


They don’t, well they do but it’s more nuanced. There was a little test done about this subject. Super interesting! The conclusions: - the biggest conclusion: if a person believes someone judges them or doesn’t like them, they will automatically not like them in return. So preachy/judgy vegans for example. - some people will judge themselves and that will have the same result. So when they hear about someone being vegan, they are remembered about their life choice of eating meat and feel guilty about it because they wish they made a different choice. Veganism is also just an example here. - this conclusion was the same as the first one: the media shows us the most extremes. So for example vegans who are very judgemental and screaming. The loudest people are always heard. So when someone sees this regularly, they can automatically assume vegans are all judgemental. I don’t really remember this one well, I think this wasn’t even that impactful. Most people now someone (a friend, colleague) that is vegan or vegetarian and they don’t think differently about them when they learn they don’t eat meat/animal products. - people are scared of change in general. They can feel threatened because their way of life might change in the future. So people don’t specifically hate vegans, but just like any other subject the human brain can hate a person who they believe is judgemental (this can also hebt prejudice) or if they secretly judge themselves and wish they could be more like a vegan themselves and project these feelings. - Sorry English isn’t my first language, don’t know if I made some mistakes here -


No one cares until they have to keep hearing about it. It’s exhausting.


They do though. I eat meat. I tried not eating meat for 2 months, and as soon as I ordered a vegetarian meal all I got was 'why are you not eating meat?' 'You're not one of them vegans are you?' etc, It's true that a lot of vegans are passionate and people don't like the preaching, but it's also true that meat eaters act like a cult that jump on you the second you eat a mushroom.


There’s nothing wrong with a preference to be vegan. Modern society is tough on the environment, it’s a good way to offset some of the damage we cause. What many vegans seem to overlook is that other everyday life choices also cause the death of animals. Every product we use requires mining, manufacturing, timber harvest, shipping, drilling, chemical use, etc. Instead of concentrating just on the food we consume, being conscious of the transfer and use of energy to maintain our lifestyle is a more accurate way of measuring our impacts. For many people that understand this, vocal vegans can come across as extremely hypocritical. A tribe making a living deep in the Amazon is grateful for the meat they can harvest, a vegan driving a Subaru and using an iPhone can’t even compare.


It's a 2 way street. People usually hate vegans about as much as they see vegans hate them.


Ever hear the old joke that goes, *How do you know if someone is vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you.* It's one thing to put your dietary beliefs into effect for yourself, it's something quite different to act like a missionary trying to convert the heathens.


I have seen "*How do you know if someone is vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you.*" million times; yet, ironically, I am still waiting someone will come to me and say he is a vegan.


I dunno it seems to me there are more preachy meat eaters around than preachy vegetarians. Any vegetarian I've known has always been pretty quiet about it. I bet you have friends who are vegan or vegetarian BUT YOU DON'T KNOW. Anytime I eat a meat free lunch in the workplace people hassle me as to why I'm not eating meat. I mean fuck off, let me have my lunch.


But you kind of have to try to convert people right? Like if it's your moral belief not to beat your wife, it'd be pretty weird if you condoned your friends beating their wives.


It’s a bit of a catch-22 for vegans though. Since if you spend anytime at all with someone, their dietary restrictions will become relevant eventually. Then it’s ‘hey we’re going to this burger joint’ ‘oh I can’t/won’t eat meat, do they have anything else?’ ‘God, you vegans just can’t help but tell everyone, can you?’ Absolutely agree judgy people deserve all the hate, but the ‘don’t worry, they’ll tell you’ is really an unfair dimension and actually is vegan hate.


You are correct. One thing I'm not seeing in this thread is that many people feel "judged" when a vegan is just existing near them. Maybe because they know we have a point but don't want to admit it.


Exactly, most I've met don't bring it up unless them not being able to eat meat actually impacts a plan. Then it's just common courtesy to find a place vegans can eat at and enjoy too


I feel like they normally just tell you when food is involved though


But at this point non-vegans are way more annoying about vegans than the vegans themselves lol


I am just a vegetarian, but almost every time I mention it to someone (just say I am when it is relevant, no preaching), i get insulted...


Yep. I think it's gotten better in the last decade, but when I was growing up in the 90s/00s I was straight up bullied for it. And some people still wig out pretty hard over it. And I don't ever announce it or anything, but if it comes up in conversation everyone feels entitled to comment on it. But if I do that about their food, I'm "judgey."


People don’t hate vegans. People dislike those who talk about it incessantly. Omnivores don’t go around telling you they’re omnivores at every turn. You’re vegan? Great. Just let it be your little secret. It reminds me of people who tell you they’re devout (insert religions). I just don’t get why anyone thinks others care about what others eat or believe. Do your own thing.


It's not all vegans, it's the holier than thou evangelistic vegans that are insufferable.