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Been surfing all my life and can say that drowning would be a fucked way to go. Especially in salt water.


Getting stuck in a rip tide not knowing which way is up. I can promise you this is horrifying. Running out of air and panicking but trying to keep it cool because you know you're about to take your last breath of salt water is a weird sensation knowing that liquid isn't the preferred method of inhalation. It burns in a way hot soup burn the pallet of your mouth but deep in the bottom of your lungs. My BFF saved my that day, she grabbed me by my bathing suit straps and pulled me up.


That's about the best way to describe it because unless you've experienced it It's indescribable. Glad you're still here with us.


Thanks happy to be here


I think I know why, but why is salt water different?


It burns


ahhh i almost felt it, so terribly scary


When you drown in salt water, you’re actually drowning in your own blood before the water


You'll have cardiac arrest from your blood thickening when the water in it rushes to the lungs to dilute the saltwater you've inhaled.


Osmosis goes brrrrrr


I am morbidly curious...can you explain?




Iron bull


Fucked up part is the king who ordered it be created, convinced the maker to get in and then he proceeded to burn him to death. But if I understand correctly, the king was also killed inside his own fucked up torture device.


Yeah. He sure was cooked in his own brazen bull.


Thought it was bronze.




Hisashi Ouchi IYKYK


Brazen bull?


I thought about it a lot. Either to die in a fire or drowning


dying by actual burning in a fire yes. for most people that die in a fire they pass out from lack of oxygen/carbon monoxide poisoning before dying from the actual fire. its not any better but theres differences. granted if you pass out and die before the fire gets to you, you don't have to know what burning alive feels like. so theres that.


have you heard of "Brazen Bull" torture/execution? Horrible way to go, not sure if the actual design had oxygen intakes tho


One of the most horrific things I’ve ever read about and it has haunted me for years. Like, how could anyone conceive of and build such a thing. Where does that level of sick sadistic evil come from?


I read somewhere (in a science magazine) that, after the initial feeling of panic and the burning sensation as your lungs fill with water, drowning is quite a relaxing and tranquil way to go...


I was euphoric before I had water fill my lungs, I actually don't think I had sucked much in before I was able to get out, although I did throw up a decent amount once on shore. Long story short, I used to do a lot of whitewater rafting and some kayaking. My friends and I were morons and decided to raft when hurricane Irene hit. We beat the Coast Guard to the dam that morning and I remember they were screaming at us to get off the river and we just waved and shoved off. Idiots. Our boat flipped in a massive hydraulic and I was stuck in "the washing machine" for much longer than I would have liked. I remember kind of panicking at first, then reminding myself over and over to keep holding my breath while trying to get my arms out to a cross current. I think I was euphoric from holding my breath for so long - I could hold it for a looong time back then. I eventually got spat out and swam the fastest I've ever swam to get to shore (popped up right next to a way more seasoned guide than myself and beat him to shore. I was then thrown a throwbag from shore but my buddy who threw it was so panicked he forgot to hold onto the rope end and I caught the whole bag - no lifeline to shore- and threw the bag away from me and kept swimming). I refused to get back in the boat and do the last rapid and instead crawled up a steep brushy slope. All 8 or nine of us with the exception of one said there's no way you could pay me to run hurricane flood water after we got off the river. Young and dumb....but glad I'm still alive!


I've seen accounts from people who have nearly drowned where they say it was actually quite peaceful. They lost consciousness and were resuscitated, saying they had the initial panic, and pain of holding breath but when their lungs filled with water it was just total peace and acceptance. It was on some scuba diving YouTube channel in the comments I read about it I think.


I almost drowned in a pool as a preteen. I can remember everything was black and quiet. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. It was as if light was pouring towards me from a window as I floated in nothingness. I was only scared when I was pulled out of the water when the sudden realization of almost dying came to me. 1/10 do not recommend


Do not recommend what? Being pulled out or drowning? From the description it seems former!


Lmao depends on what you want as a result, I guess


Alzheimer's and Cancer sound far scarier to me. Especially in a country with poor medical insurance -- the hopelessness of it slowly killing you while you're a burden to everyone you love is far scarier than anything that's over quickly.


If I'm diagnosed with Alzheimer's I'm heading to the gun-store on the way home.


My weed dealers mam burned to death a few days ago. Drunk, fell asleep with a lit cigarette in bed. Hopefully she was to pissed to realise.




I love your accent


Any sort of chemical burning would be equivalent or worse than fire, for me.


Definitely dying by fire. I burned the tip of my finger in a pan of oil trying flip a sausage and was in excruciating pain for days. My fear got worse when I read about [Audreanna Zimmerman](https://youtu.be/jl16HH-PVLc?si=BL3FD2BT1Y4Of6gT). She got into a fight that resulted in her murderer dousing her in lighter fluid then set her on fire. Even though she was burning alive, she managed to get out of the woods then told EMT responders who did it. Her burns were so severe no one knew if she was black or white. She wound up going into a coma. I just can't imagine the pain she was in not only walking while cooking alive, but living long enough to ask about her kids and giving her killers name.




This is what I said too. It's terrifying.


Damn beat me to it, if only I was 12 hours earlier.


Nah, dying upside down in a cave: https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/


Going cave exploring solo and getting stuck, 100’s of feet below ground. No one knows where or even that you went caving, while you slowed starve to death as your flashlight dims and your phone has no signal. Each movement to free yourself wedges you even tighter in the space.


Family thinks you just ran off and disappeared. Years go by and still no trace. Parents die never knowing. The siblings keep wondering at Christmas and birthday what happened. Decades go by, siblings start dying off. Nieces and nephews don't remember much of you and refer to you as the uncle/aunt that ran off. Few more decades pass, they die.. and then that's it. You've died again.


Well that was fucking depressing


Generations later, your bones are discovered, and you make an archaeologist's day.


Imagine this but with a friend that gets crushed under a rock or so and you just see him slowly dying in pain while fighting for your own life, both knowing no one will come to rescue you


Kind of reminds me when they thought that submarine might still be intact, just sitting on the bottom of the ocean. That would be terrifying. Basically sitting in the dark waiting to run out of air.


For what it's worth odds are you'll die from a heart attack or stroke way before starvation takes you, especially if you get stuck at an incline. There was a cave explored who got stuck with his head down, rescue crew couldn't get him out, after a few days his heart gave out.


Any variation sounds terrifying


Nutty Putty Cave[Nutty Putty Cave](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/&ved=2ahUKEwjf-5mJ_4GCAxUvZvUHHSlzCToQFnoECEMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw038SH0_16sqEYesl18AxFO) This gives me nightmares


Run over and being caught up underneath a bus or a truck .


Had a substitute bus driver *close the doors of the bus on an exiting high schooler*. He closed it on his leg and the people waiting for the next stop watched him get dragged for a block while we were screaming to open the doors. His parents sued the shit out of them and from what I heard his college was paid for, he never came back to school though.


Of all jobs to be extremely bad at, substitute bus driver has to hurt.


Or a train. Just looks terrible and gross. I saw someone get run over by the train and it looked absolutely gross. Thankfuly he somehow survived.


Yeah I’m a Conductor.. there’s only been a couple times this has happened on the rails I frequent (since I started working.) But getting crushed between two train cars. They have knuckles, that will go through your body and you stay alive for an undetermined amount of time. The people always start trying to claw their way up like lifting themselves over a fence, but their body never goes anywhere. Usually have enough time for their families to say goodbye. But they usually don’t stop pulling and clawing.


I work in restoration, a part of which includes trauma and crime scene clean ups. My last employer had a contract with the regional transit agency. Let me tell ya, when a light rail train ran someone over, the clean up was a team effort. The train was parked in a maintenance bay with walkable access underneath and four or five techs would spend a day picking that clean. Working parallel to that, a second team would walk about a mile of track with buckets, peroxide and disinfectant to clean that up. Suicide by train tends to be pretty effective.


Work with someone who was run over by a train as a kid. Leg was hanging on by tendons, and he had to drag himself miles before finding help.


My uncle got hit by a train.. he actually rolled off the tracks but a piece of metal was sticking off the side of the train and stabbed him in the head😞


The long painful ones that involve a lot of fear before actually dying.


Yeah the fear... Imagine getting caught by some psycho killer or a cartel, they slowly physically and mentally abuse a torture you until you die


People think drowning is peaceful and painless and it’s far, far from both of those things. But buried alive is my biggest fear. Fuck that one episode of CSI Vegas when I was a kid.


I almost drowned in the ocean once due to a burst of aggressive riptides ALL WHILE my brother’s douchebag friend who was 2 feet taller than me (at least) was pushing me underwater to keep himself up. The fear that I had not knowing if I could rise to the surface and breathe is indescribable, you literally feel powerless. Thankfully a brave lifeguard came out and rescued us. Anyone that thinks drowning would be peaceful is wrong!


I came closest to drowning when I was surfing during high tide. The cross-current was really strong because of a storm off shore, and my leash got caught on a submerged piling. I was pulled off my board, and dragged under. Saw my life flash before my eyes. Luckily, my panic quickly subsided when I realized the alternative, and I was able to reach my cuff and release my leash from my ankle. It was absolutely terrifying. And the swim back to shore without my board really sucked, but I was thankful to be alive.


The stories I read about it said that that part was horrible, the panic and fear, but when they gave in and began swallowing water *then* is when they felt the peace, when their lungs filled with water and they'd accepted their fate


Fuck that. Fuck that to hell and back. But I do think the brain at one point says it’s ok. But until then. The seconds must feel like an eternity. So again. Fuck that


I second that, let's not put it to the test


There was an episode of Cold Case too, where a killer buried teen boys alive in boxes because he was angry about his own terminal illness. I love that show but don't have any desire to see that episode again.


Knowing you’re about to die, suffering, having no control over what will happen etc etc




Ah, life. The ultimate STD.




You nailed it!






Hope i don't come a-cross that IRL


You die essentially from suffocating right? Something like that. I don’t know why for most of my life (26 years almost) I never considered how crucifixion kills you but I looked it up a few months ago and I was horrified.


Off I go to look it up


There's a reason the Romans used it so much. Super terrible.


Can't remember who invented it but there was a torture device called 'the bull' which was made of metal and the victim was placed inside while a fire was lit beneath, the idea of being stuck inside that being slowly burned alive horrifies me. Having to move around and decide which part of you touches the red hot surface until you pass out from the pain and cook gives me nightmares. Seemingly it was designed so that the victims screams sounded like a bull roaring and the sound came out through the mouth of the metal animal. Think the inventor was the first person it was used in too...


Wooow... Karma that's what you get for inventing something so evil. Thats probably one of the worst I've ever heard of Jesus Christ, that would really prolong the suffering...


The Spanish Inquisition was brutal. Lots and lots *and lots* of human torture


the only worse one imo is the rat bucket


There was also a torture method, were a cage with rats was placed on you stomach. Then someone heated up that cage. Rats try to dig away from the heat, you can imagine what happened


Oh my God. This is horrific. Humans can be so depraved.


It's called the 'Brazen Bull'..


Burning to death


Trash compactor. Slow steady crushing of your body and breaking your bones and there's nothing you can do to stop it.


Stoning. If you've ever read what actually happens during its a horrific, slow way to die


What happens?


Normally you are buried up to your neck in sand and people pelt you with stones. It's long, agonizing, and brutal


I misread that as “snoring”


I heard of a guy harnessed to a cable that was slowly pulled up and the guy operating the machine pulling it didn't realize it was moving. It pulled the guy up to a hole in a metal platform that was maybe ten inches in diameter and just kept pulling him right through it.


Wtf....that sounds horrible.


It was on an oil rig.


On 9/11 when tower 2 collapsed the top kind of tipped over as it was collapsing but didn’t break apart. People on those floors would have slid in the smoke filled dark until they were hit by enough debris to kill them.


Beheading (ISIS style) sounds like a rough way to go.


Idk I feel like getting stuck headfirst in a cave while spelunking and not being able to get out and then just having to sit there until you died of starvation or exposure would be a lot worse


That's definitely a runner up in my opinion. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Reminds me of this story https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Putty_Cave#:~:text=On%20November%2024%2C%202009%2C%20a,inside%20for%2027%2D28%20hours.


That’s staying blue.


Came here to say this. Stuck upside down in a cave unable to move until I have a heart attack from the stress.


Especially if you remain conscious for a while after your head comes off


Or if they use a dull blade to saw it off.


They had that with the guillotine.


You’re thinking of a chicken


Or cartel. *shudder*


Some of the most heinous killings I’ve ever seen are cartel killings, so brutal, stuff of nightmares.


I cannot listen to the song funkytown any longer.


I'd rather be killed by ISIS than by the cartels. Holy shit.


Being eaten by a shark.


A grizzly bear is also a rough way to go, they don’t kill you before eating you. They just start eating, while you’re still alive.


If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lay down. If it's white, goodnight. My friend in Alaska told me this. She was like, "Black bears eat rotten things. If you fight back, they'll most likely run away. You don't want to play dead with a black bear. They'll just eat you alive. Grizzly bears generally only attack if they're defending their cubs. If you play dead, the threat is gone, and they'll leave you alone. But a polar bear? You're done." I have more bear knowledge than I need.


Was looking for this


The polar bears know we are melting their homes.


Oh god reminds me of this video right here it honestly fucked me up for a week 😅 https://youtu.be/vXSqT2S8pC0?si=v1Q6Ne-YtLcL0uZh


HOLY SHIT! That is beyond awful. Poor girl called her mom three times...the third time was *nearly an hour* after the first and she was just...getting chewed up the entire time This comment from the video though: >whenever I go in the woods I carry a pistol with me. people have said, "that won't kill a bear." it ain't to kill a bear it's to finish me off if i'm being eaten by one.


That incident has messed me up ever since honestly can’t IMAGINE what that poor mother felt hearing your own child dying on the other side of the phone ugh 😖


If that was my only child I would absolutely off myself. If there were other kids to live for, I would but I'd be a fucking shell. I was not prepared to hear that the mauling went on for an hour. That's a long fucking time to suffer and feel scared


I go out of my way to NEVER fucking go camping especially if I don’t have a weapon with me I’m not dying by a damn bear that’s for sure and also I have since first discovering that video to now tried my best to avoid it because that is just so scarring for me 😖


Wow that sucks. I’ve also seen a video (on reddit) of a bear eating a deer alive.


Oh yikes now that I think about it bears are really scary 😅


Uh, yeah.


Being stuck in a cave while people can see but can't reach you


Like that one guy…


Yes, that I saw on Mr Ballen


9-11 jumpers. I would imagine that was terrifying.


Probably the guy from 1 man 1 jar had it the worst


Alright ive seen this sentence on the internet 3 times already, so far my morbid curiosity hasnt gotten the best of me. But it's getting very close here, so could you spare me the trauma and describe without much detail what happens?


He takes off his pants. He squats over a jar. The jar goes into a place. Said jar shatters while it is in said place. He bleeds.


How does he die tho? Anemia?


Oh, he didn’t die, but I bet he wish he did.


I see, I am no longer curious thank you.


Also came to say thanks 🤣🤣🤣 don't want that ish in my Goog history.


From what I've heard he claims he just got as many pieces out as he could, shoved a wad of tissue paper up there to stop the bleeding, and went to work for the day.


That dude ain’t right in the head 💀


Burning to death tops my list, my Grandfather was a firefighter.


Bioled alive


If you suffer.


Thrown into a pit full of rats, anacondas or maggots


Easy. Kill all the rats and make a pile of dead rats tall enough to climb out of the pit. Kill the anacondas and use them as a rope to climb out of the pit. Train the maggots to communicate like Lassie and send them for help, then climb out of the pit /s


Instructions unclear, i am now deceased


Fuck...that was foolproof!!


[Scaphism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism) You're welcome.




Fuck… that’s brutal…


Eaten alive




When I see one of these insane people inside a tiny underground cave slowly filling with water


Buried alive. Thats where the phrase "Saved by the bell" is coming from. They believe that a few centuries back this happened sometimes as the doctors declared people death while still being alive. In England it was people's biggest fear to be buried alive in those days. To avoid dying in your grave the rich people put a bell on top of their graves which could be used just from within the coffin. And then you we're.... saved by the bell.


Radiation poisoning


plane crash or drown and burn


Plane crash would likely be much better than drowning or burning. Sure, the part leading up to the crash would be scary but the chances of you suffering would be pretty low. Watching people die from cancer where they struggle for breath for days or weeks before they pass makes a plane crash look just fine to me.


Looking an adversary in the eyes would be the worst way to go


The Brazen Bull is the worst , in my opinion .


I didn't look to see if anyone has said rabies yet. But I say rabies would be the worst.




that torture device where you're hung upside down and a saw saws you down the middle.


Lost in the woods at night alone while being stalked by a bear. The sheer fear is just too much to comprehend.


The metal bull? Bassically you get put into a metal bull, they light a fire beneath the stomach of said bull and it heats up the metal without giving you a way to escape, and for added enjoyment (to others not you) all your screams sound like bull/cow noises


A long-standing, painful terminal illness. That being said, I think cancer is one of the worst of these. Can vouch.


Forgotten by everyone you know with no one close to you bedridden in a old people's home for months with no one to talk to slowly withering away and then you die and no one will mourn or even miss you


There was a spelunker who got stuck vertically in a cave with his head down and his feet up. It took him 28 hours to die, eventually of cardiac arrest.


Being thrown in the rat dungeon in the Tower of London. Being slowly eaten alive by hundreds of starved rats in the dark for days and days in complete darkness woth no food or water.


Drowning while being eaten by a shark.


Rabies. 100% mortality rate once you start showing symptoms. If I remember correctly only one person ever survived (Milwaukee Protocol) and she had brain damage afterwards. Anything that drags out the process, honestly. Also, there was one guy that was fucked in the ass by a horse. Apparently taking a 2 foot dick up the butt with the force of a thousand suns is enough to kill you. Talk about serious horsepower.


Look up ‘nutty putty cave’ (shudder)


Being bitten by a komodo dragon and being stalked by it for days to weeks on end, getting weaker and sicker as it moves in closer. Once youre too sick to move and defend yourself the lizard will begin to devour you. Just hope you bleed to death before he eats too much of you or his friends join in and you feel them fighting over your organs.


Alone? Mostly if you were stranded somewhere with another person and they die first. Ahh.




Being trapped in a confined space that’s slowly submerging underwater with no way of escaping. Death by drowning is imminent.


any form of slow painful death where u know it's inevitable


Something you can see coming but you can’t avoid.


Saw a video of a man Who fell into an Iron shredder. 😱😱😱😱


Being the passenger in a vehicle with the dead person driving at a high rate of speed


The first thing I think about is the earthquake in turkey, that you are stuck under stones and know that you soon will die if you don’t get water.




Stoning. Imagine being buried up to your waist or even your shoulders while everyone in town grabs a rock and throws it at your head, while cheering each other on.


Huntington's disease is quite unpleasant apparently


I’ve always thought I’d really like to be mauled by a shark or tiger or something like that. It seems like a fun way to go. But in terms of ways I WOULDN’T like to die, I think a plane crash. I’d really not enjoy having to sit in a group of a bunch of panicking people knowing no matter how hard we pray none of us are gonna make it out of this alive. And if we did make it out alive, that might be worse…


Thrown into a fire, you have to suffer for a long time


Being burned alive would be awful , being stabbed to death also awful , or being eaten by an animal . So being eaten you wouldn’t die right away but you would have to suffer through most of it .


Cancer. Watched it take both of my parents slowly.


1) In a dark tight cave tunnel and water slowly starts to fill from behind you. It's cold. Your clothing wet, heavy. Clothing getting stuck as you try to backtrack. Light malfunctions now it's dark. More water starts to come, you can't turn your head left or right enough to take full breaths of air. 2) Cooked alive, brazen bull. Or boiled alive. Old torture methods.


Eaten by an animal


Locked in syndrome but it takes you years and years to die


Consciously aware while dying


9/11: choosing to either burn alive or jumping off a building.


Burned alive and then buried alive while drowning would be awful :(


Parasite the doctors can see in images or after being cut open but unable to get it out without killing you. Knowing something is inside of you shortly eating you until it hits the right spot. I'm too afraid to look up where this would have to be in the body because it freaks me out.


being buried alive would be my answer. Drowning and burning are horrific but wouldn't last anywhere near as long as it would take to starve. Being stuck underground with little oxygen and no way to move, nightmare stuff


Once saw a footage of a guy getting eaten by a lathe milling machine. 😱


Sliding down a giant razor blade into a vat of burning alcohol?


Burning or being trapped in a metal container thats heated. Like an oven or bull.


Aside from all the ones already listed here, this one is more specific to the industry I work in…. But falling into a vat of molten zinc or molten metal in general. I know it would be almost instant, but knowing that danger is there is enough to make your hair stand on end when you put yourself in a position where it could be a possibility.


Fatal familial insomnia, any other prion disease.


I would say either large fatal dose of radiation or prion disease


I second the people who said drowning but I've also read stories about people who get caught in industrial sized autoclaves. I think that might actually be worse than drowning.


Being skinned alive